Oh God! Why was I born in this neck of the woods? See how low my country has sank, demeaning our value as human beings, destroying our image as greed and corruption destroys everything we hold sacred. See how it drives the youths crazily into the uncertain life of crime, dispossessing the creative and talented youths of their dreams and discrediting their imagination. Haba, God, why? As Nigerians, what are we really good for? Were we born to be haunted and taunted?"I don’t know what drives us but were we created to be a sub. Like you
create two versions of something and see which one would thrive more
in the habitat it would be placed. It seems the Africans (Nigerians)
are failing the test and soon would be wiped out from existence. Why
have we remained a consumer nation, can't even produce nothing, even
the few who can are not encouraged.
We are so backward it troubles me. Even if the western world were to
wait for us for another hundred years, at this rate we will likely not
meet up. Because as a people and as a nation, we lack focus, we are so
consumed by greed that all we know how to do is compete among
ourselves in this endless corruption that we fail to see the bigger
We are obviously operating a failed political system, educational
system and whatever comes to mind. A country where literates are so
myopic and shallow minded. We are still living in the era of people
believing more in witches and wizard and do not believe in working
towards a bright future. A kill and go system that does not really
care for its people. From our so called riffraff in leadership, we are
told to be patient and always pray for good luck. Can our country
really be run by good luck?
We are so myopic that when we are confronted with one problem we talk
about it until another problem arises; we forget the old unsolved one
and begin to rant about the new problem. It was “bring back our
girls”, now is Ebola here Ebola there. Even people with PHD were
bathing with salt water, Maggi and pepper. Lol
What is so bad is that we claim to have produced both academic and
medical doctors and yet we can’t possibly find any solution to this
bloody virus. We are begging the United States for the unapproved
serum which will not be given until 2015. We have labs that can’t
carry out experiments because the labs don’t have the required to
function well. Are our doctors even capable? On the media you hear
different stories of what’s going on while we are shielded from the
We refuse to develop ourselves so we live at the mercy of others. We
claim we are the giant of Africa but there is little or nothing we can
do for other smaller African countries. How can we, when we have not
been able to do anything for ourselves.
We always think our ignorance is an excuse to the way we live and what
happens to us, is it actually ignorance or stupidity? Our ignorance
will not deliver us and it is no excuse to whatever happens to us.
Are we not supposed to be responsible for ourselves? Are we going to
keep depending on other nations for our security and safety?
Where is our pride as a people and as individuals? We get mouth but we
no get anything. People weh get mouth na people weh get evidence of
substance. Sometimes you don’t have to speak, what you have created
speaks for you.
Until we realize that our problems are beyond rants, curses and
prayers, then can we be a step towards finding a solution.
Except we want to be proved as a failed state/race would we remain in
this pathetic state of existence. I’m sure I’m not the only one who
knows that in Africa we are just existing and not living. The world
has since evolved. Abegi.
Aunty Linda you and charly boy sef, anyway am out
See person wey dey talk. Linda pls next.
I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
Go through these Mr charly. Matt 7:5. Luke 6:42... Let start the change individually. It is well. BishopDammy#
Na my Nigeria get al dis one. Hmmm
You tried bro. But leave all this written stuff for people that has it in their blood. We know you as ã musician not.......
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
he has spoken my mind
Charly boy turned Eccetra. Issokay !!
Attention seeker,nice article though.grace b
To whoever wrote this piece, i give a loud applause and a standing ovation. I don't know thee but thy blood flows in my veins.
Nice one..
I really loved it...
Big-up to Charles "Charley Boy" Oputa.. no one said it better..
But he didn't proffer any solution,after these litany of problems.
Nice 1
ORO!WORD! GOD Direct our path. Amin
I luv dis man...
great piece.. , we are
told to be patient and always pray for good luck. Can our country
really be run by good luck?..I luv dis line..Very correct..Nigerians are backward..........................#KingOfKings
- AE
Uncle charly u have said it all, we have a critical situation at hand. Meanwhile they will use religion to console us.look at countries that are not as religious as us, they take care of their citizens , and their leaders are very responsible. God will help us!!! Who is that man that can change our system. I don tire!!!!
Naubiko!! Well said. Hence we believe a PHD prof in Lagos that told us Ewedu can cure Ebola. Me! am trying to get Egusi to heal AiDS..
Naubiko!! Well said. Hence we believe a PHD prof in Lagos that told us Ewedu can cure Ebola. Me! am trying to get Egusi to heal AiDS..
God save Nigeria!
Seriously i no go read this thing......
Truth talk
We av more of educated illiterates in naija. Another thing is religion.
I may not like your lifestyle man. But this sure is a masterpiece from the heart. #InsanityInNigeriaAndAfrica. Doing something the same way yet expecting a different result. ..... Uncle D is my name
I may not like your lifestyle man. But this sure is a masterpiece from the heart. #InsanityInNigeriaAndAfrica. Doing something the same way yet expecting a different result. ..... Uncle D is my name
SO TRUE.... till we stop putting sentiments in our actions, what we do, what we say.. then the better for this country.
Charly boy don talk but funny enough there seems to b nothing dat we can do about it. Our name don become siddon look.
If Charley Boy wrote this... Then this is first realist , sensible thing that has come out of his brain, He speaks for all reasonable Nigerians both home and abroad.
Charlie dear, u r myopic & will soon be wiped out from existence. What have u personally produced other than turning urself into a woman? Pervert! No wonder u don't know that president's name should start with capital letter cos it's a noun. Am I sure u didn't bath with salt water as well, hence angry with urself. Is there a medical doctor that didn't go through with academics? Develop urself first before thinking about others. I see y u are a transvestite - cos u r not living. No future. Sorry and call on God to help u.
Good write up he spoke my mind.Giant of failures not Giant of Africa, the earlier we stop depending on other ppl or country to solve our problems the better for us.let us train our own and stop blabbing all the time.
Baba gay, how market? I wish you more dicks to your anus. * WIDE GRIN *
He didn't have to. Do you see our leaders taking anybody's recommendation on the way forward?
How about providing the solutions Mr ITK? Can you in your myopic way of thinking write that piece? Our problem- we don't want to know the truth. Always too eager to jump to the next thing. Can you solve a problem when you don't know the problem is actually???
If u cant find solutions in
See who is talking, u regretted coming me from this country, am sure God regretted creating u cos u re animal in human form
See who is talking, u regretted coming me from this country, am sure God regretted creating u cos u re animal in human form
Even if he did proffered a solution, which of these greedy and corrupt govt would tk to his advice. All he said isn't new to dm, they jt wouldn't bulge. Ask4kreesto
when i read some of the comments here, my heart was broken because a lot of the comments actually reflected what he was saying only a few agreed with what he said some were busy talking about his lifestyle choices which really is not relevant, is that really the issue here and how does his lifestyle affect the progress of this nation
we should all stop take a minute and really digest what he has written as it makes a lot of sense
we are here critiquing the way he chose to live but let me remind you that the nations we are begging for ZMAPP does not crticise anyone's life choice
we should really take a moment as a nation and think of the way forward instead
Charly boy as usual well done as your articles are always factual,topical and point on
I can't believe I read the whole article hoping to see something that is not there...
D article sef tooo long ni Oo, didn't read all shaa...
Religion is never a problem of Nigeria, hypocrisy is!
If truly u wrote dis,den dia's hop for naija...#blacksaint..
So musicians don't write?, how den do dey come up with sme of their lyrics???
If only u read to comprehend, den u ll know d solutions r not obviously stated but re quite clear
Charley,you have to remove all those rings from your fingers,and stop applying lipstick+discharge those your virgins first,so we can find solution to your isimgbaka
Ur just really stupid, pple like u r dose eating up this country, filled with sentiment n hate, a fellow Nigerian is trying to reach out n all u can do is judge him instead of reading n thinking bout wat he has actually said, u r also a disgrace for not knowing dat in writing, words don't always mean wat u think, good luck maybe d literal meaning of d word n not necessarily our president. Brainless bat just shut up wen u ve nothing reasonable to say.
Lemme just assume ur really an apple n as such, a foreigner. Silly apple
Shuo! E too long abeg.
I ll just stop reading d comments here b4 I comment cuz all these annoying comments just diverts my mind n I start to wonder wat is really wrong wit sme pple, n y a human being wud be dropping comments like a glorified monkey. Gosh, wrote smtn similar bout this failed country n am so tired of complaining, am just gonna sit bak n watch where these greedy dogs called leaders r leading our country to.
"Even people with PHD were
bathing with salt water, Maggie and pepper".that got me rolling on the floor I can't stop laughing, I see some "DUMB"folks here condemning the messenger,pointing out his cross dressings and his bizarre outward appearances,why don't you read his message rather than condemn the messenger,he is stating the obvious facts,Nigeria is plagued with political,scientifical,mechanical problems. Nigeria needs a Revolution.
Na wa oh.
Thumbs up to you girl,these dumb folks just don't learn,all bunch of trollers.
Hey darl..pls relax and chill before these folks make you loose breath..you can't correct everybody here and they all can't reason the way you do,clearly shows how myopic and low their sense of reasoning is.
Sincerely speaking if u say he didn't profer solution u just lied. His words are strong and true to give each persons a reason to think deep and begin to be a solution provider individual in our own lil way. Our govt are indeed corrupt and won't do a thing cos dey play on our intelligence.
Mine too
Lol, abi.
I prefer to listen to charley boy than most of the hypocrites we have in 9ja. Meanwhile Linda u too fine Joo.
Food for thought ! ! !
Wat r they, d solns i mean.... i didn't see. And pls don't say d govt cos that's just insane.
We Nigerians, we like to talk, write & rant alot...
wat is d way forward? ??????
How can I, me 1 as a Nigerian contribute forget plenty talk.
Ok. Weve heard.... wat is d way forward? How can we help initiate or institute change as individuals
Long speech..no proferred solution#..im tired of ple reminding us we have problems..we all know dat..all we wana hear is SOLUTIONS#..if u aint got aint..shuff ur mouth into ur butt and whistles thru ur a++hole for all i care#
Miss Chima Ejiofor, it seems to me that U r busy all over thi blog, criticizing and analysing people's comments instead of simply airing ur own opinion and allowing others to express theirs. Please nobody made U a Judge on LindaIkeji'sblog. Get a life!
Yes, U had better do that!
Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, no matter how stupid or irrelevant it may seem to U. That is what makes the world what it is, a diverse and not-perfect place. Charly Boy's piece is designed to make sense to people who can reason and may seem senseless to people who don't even know the reason for their existence in the firstplace.
Miss Chima Ejiofor, it seems to me that U r busy all over thi blog, criticizing and analysing people's comments instead of simply airing ur own opinion and allowing others to express theirs. Please nobody made U a Judge on LindaIkeji'sblog. Get a life!
Boring as f**k
Charly Boy is sooo right! And so on point . It doesn't matter what you think of the person who is telling the truth. All that matters is that it is the truth. How can people complain about the length of the truth?!
My dear Chima, my thoughts exactly. It's a pity many Nigerians can't read. Nice article.
Didnt even read it.....its too long long...chai chai all these notes u re sharing...diaris God oo
No doubt sir Charley with much respect you show brilliance in your write up. Good to ve pointed out some hardcore problems retrogressing the country. There is a saying that goes "charity begins at home". should one with a speck in the eyes try to remove a speck in the eyes of another?. Should one whose hands are stained with palm oil try to unbutton a pure white shirt?. We all know the truth but hide under the guise of "Belief". If we talk of solving a collective problem, it all balls down to first solving and trashing our individual problems. It does not speak well if our household is on fire and you portray yourself as one complaining about a community tragedy when your home is up for destruction. Shalom to y'all.
nice write up.....but it would be better if u can do something about your dressing.. so that u can always look responsible
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