Nigerian man jailed for 8yrs in the UK for scamming pensioners with fake lottery | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday 3 July 2014

Nigerian man jailed for 8yrs in the UK for scamming pensioners with fake lottery

Found this report on UK's Daily Mail about a Nigerian man named Frank Onyeachonam, who has been jailed for eight years in the UK for running a lottery scam which targeted vulnerable pensioners, stole from $3,000 to $800,000 and spent the money to fund his lavish lifestyle. Full story below..
A fraudster nicknamed 'Fizzy' because of his love of champagne has been jailed for eight years for conning vulnerable pensioners out of their life savings. 
Frank Onyeachonam ran the UK end of global lottery scam that was orchestrated from his native Nigeria for seven years to fund his lavish millionaire’s lifestyle. 
It involved hundreds of perpetrators in several countries, detectives say.
In the UK, 38-year-old Onyeachonam conned pensioners out of sums from £2,000 to £600,000, deliberately targeting his victims because they were potentially vulnerable to his tactics. Continue...

While he bled them of their life savings, Onyeachonam enjoyed a life of fast cars, champagne and designer clothes.

Pictures he posted on Facebook show he spent the cash on Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Armani designer clothes, Rolex watches, Porsches and Maseratis. 

He even stuck wads of what look like £50 notes in his Buzz Lightyear toy. 
Onyeachonam, of Canning Town, east London, was found guilty at the Old Bailey of conspiracy to defraud following a three-week trial.

Lawrencia Emenyonu, 38, and Bernard Armah, 51, both of Wood Green, north London, were also found guilty of money laundering. All three denied the charges.
Emenyonu was jailed for 18 months while her partner Armah received an eight-month term. 
Judge Rebecca Poulet QC, said there had been 'some very serious outcomes' for the victims caught up in the scam.

She told married father-of-two Onyeachonam: 'I judge your culpability to be very high. This was a very well thought out operation, sophisticated in both its planning and its operation.
'Mr Onyeachonam, you targeted these individuals because they were elderly and likely to agree and be tricked by this scam.'

This was demonstrated in the fraudster’s own notes in which he described them as 'crippled, old or poor', she said.
One of the Rolex watches Onyeachonam spent his ill-gotten gains on

One of the Rolex watches Onyeachonam allegedly spent the money on
Undated handout photo issued by National Crime Agency of a property in  Nigeria belonging to fraudster Frank Onyeachonam who has been jailed for eight years at the Old Bailey, London after he conned vulnerable pensioners out of their life savings with a bogus lottery scam to fund his millionaire's lifestyle. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Thursday July 3, 2014. For seven years, Onyeachonam, nicknamed "Fizzy" because of his love of champagne ran the UK operation of a global scam which was orchestrated from his native Nigeria and involved hundreds of perpetrators in several countries, detectives suspect. See PA story COURTS Lottery. Photo credit should read: National Crime Agency /PA Wire
NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used in for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyrigh

Lavish lifestyle: A property in Nigeria belonging to fraudster Frank Onyeachonam who has been jailed for eight years at the Old Bailey

Undated handout photo issued by National Crime Agency of champagne in a fridge belonging to fraudster Frank Onyeachonam who has been jailed for eight years at the Old Bailey, London after he conned vulnerable pensioners out of their life savings with a bogus lottery scam to fund his millionaire's lifestyle. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Thursday July 3, 2014. For seven years, Onyeachonam, nicknamed "Fizzy" because of his love of champagne ran the UK operation of a global scam which was orchestrated from his native Nigeria and involved hundreds of perpetrators in several countries, detectives suspect. See PA story COURTS Lottery. Photo credit should read: National Crime Agency /PA Wire
NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used in for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright

A regular in members' clubs Onyeachonam's favourite drink was Ace of Spades champagne (pictured in the door) costing between £300 and £500 a bottle. His fridge was also stacked with Dom Pérignon (top shelf left) and Moët & Chandon (middle shelf)

The harm that was caused to these people could not just be calculated in financial terms but also on the 'dreadful impact ' on their lives, mental capacity and relationships with loved-ones.

The judge went on: 'You contested the case in the face of powerful evidence. You demonstrated the arrogance that you must have carried with you throughout this fraud by continuing after you knew that the police had raided your premises.'
The ruse - known as an 'advance fee' fraud - saw Onyeachonam send victims emails claiming they had won millions of pounds on a non-existent Australian lottery and requesting a charge to release their winnings.
He even stuck wads of what look like £50 notes in his Buzz Lightyear toy
National News and Pictures
 A fraudster nicknamed 'Fizzy' for his love of champagne was today jailed for eight years for conning nearly £2 million out of vulnerable pensioners in a lottery scam to fund his luxury lifestyle, bubbly and fast cars. 
 Frank Onyeachonam, 38, deliberately preyed on the elderly in a lottery scam robbing some of them of their lifesavings. Detectives identified at least 14 victims but believe there may be another 61 and the total lost could be close to £30 million.
 Onyeachonam then spent the cash on Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Armani designer clothes, Rolex watches,  Porches and Maseratis and rented a luxury flat overlooking the Thames in London's Canary Wharf.
 A regular in members' clubs Onyeachonam would only drink his favourite Ace of Spades champagne costing between £300 and £500 a bottle.
 Such was his love of the fizzy stuff he also kept a fridge stocked full of it at his apartment and had so much cash he once spelled his name out in it and upl
Onyeachonam spent the cash on Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Armani designer clothes, Rolex watches, Porches and Maseratis
National News and Pictures
 A fraudster nicknamed 'Fizzy' for his love of champagne was today jailed for eight years for conning nearly £2 million out of vulnerable pensioners in a lottery scam to fund his luxury lifestyle, bubbly and fast cars. 
 Frank Onyeachonam, 38, deliberately preyed on the elderly in a lottery scam robbing some of them of their lifesavings. Detectives identified at least 14 victims but believe there may be another 61 and the total lost could be close to £30 million.
 Onyeachonam then spent the cash on Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Armani designer clothes, Rolex watches,  Porches and Maseratis and rented a luxury flat overlooking the Thames in London's Canary Wharf.
 A regular in members' clubs Onyeachonam would only drink his favourite Ace of Spades champagne costing between £300 and £500 a bottle.
 Such was his love of the fizzy stuff he also kept a fridge stocked full of it at his apartment and had so much cash he once spelled his name out in it and upl
 Onyeachonam was seen as the key figure in the UK but police suspect a criminal network was in place in several countries around the world
National News and Pictures
 A fraudster nicknamed 'Fizzy' for his love of champagne was today jailed for eight years for conning nearly £2 million out of vulnerable pensioners in a lottery scam to fund his luxury lifestyle, bubbly and fast cars. 
 Frank Onyeachonam, 38, deliberately preyed on the elderly in a lottery scam robbing some of them of their lifesavings. Detectives identified at least 14 victims but believe there may be another 61 and the total lost could be close to £30 million.
 Onyeachonam then spent the cash on Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Armani designer clothes, Rolex watches,  Porches and Maseratis and rented a luxury flat overlooking the Thames in London's Canary Wharf.
 A regular in members' clubs Onyeachonam would only drink his favourite Ace of Spades champagne costing between £300 and £500 a bottle.
 Such was his love of the fizzy stuff he also kept a fridge stocked full of it at his apartment and had so much cash he once spelled his name out in it and upl
When they raided his luxury apartment in Canary Wharf police discovered an 'Aladdin’s cave' of evidence pointing to an advanced fee scam 

Investigators traced 14 victims - mainly from the U.S. but including one from Britain - who were defrauded of a total of around £900,000.

But detectives believe this is the 'tip of the iceberg' with evidence suggesting there may have been as many as 400 victims and the sum may be as high as £30 million.

Onyeachonam was seen as the key figure in the UK but police suspect a criminal network was in place in several countries around the world. Authorities found an alleged co-conspirator abroad had an email containing the details of more than 100,000 potential victims.

Detectives believe this is the 'tip of the iceberg' with evidence suggesting there may have been as many as 400 victims and the sum may be as high as £30 million

Detectives believe this is the 'tip of the iceberg' with evidence suggesting there may have been as many as 400 victims and the sum may be as high as £30 million

The defendant was thought to have started working on the scam almost immediately after he arrived in the UK from Nigeria in 2005, and was said to have carried on into 2012 while he was on bail following his arrest the year before.

His crimes were uncovered in a three-year operation led by the National Crime Agency with assistance from the Postal Inspection Service and Internal Revenue Service in the US.

When they raided his luxury apartment in Canary Wharf police discovered an 'Aladdin’s cave' of evidence pointing to an advanced fee scam.

Among 200 exhibits were notebooks containing the names, addresses, cash tallies and other personal details relating to 406 people. Police estimate that the fraud is likely to have run to at least £5 million and possibly as high as £30 million if all those in the notebooks suffered losses.

Undated handout photo issued by National Crime Agency of fraudster Frank Onyeachonam, at his London apartment, who has been jailed for eight years at the Old Bailey, London after he conned vulnerable pensioners out of their life savings with a bogus lottery scam to fund his millionaire's lifestyle. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Thursday July 3, 2014. For seven years, Onyeachonam, nicknamed "Fizzy" because of his love of champagne ran the UK operation of a global scam which was orchestrated from his native Nigeria and involved hundreds of perpetrators in several countries, detectives suspect. See PA story COURTS Lottery. Photo credit should read: National Crime Agency /PA Wire
NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used in for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder.

Onyeachonam, at his London apartment in Canary Wharf, overlooking the Millennium Dome

Undated handout photo issued by National Crime Agency of Bernard Armah and Lawrencia Emenyonu who have been jailed at the Old Bailey, Lonon for their part in a scam by fraudster Frank Onyeachonam after he conned vulnerable pensioners out of their life savings with a bogus lottery scam. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Thursday July 3, 2014. For seven years, Onyeachonam, nicknamed "Fizzy" because of his love of champagne ran the UK operation of a global scam which was orchestrated from his native Nigeria and involved hundreds of perpetrators in several countries, detectives suspect. See PA story COURTS Lottery. Photo credit should read: National Crime Agency /PA Wire
NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used in for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder.

Partners in crime: Bernard Armah and Lawrencia Emenyonu who were jailed for their part in a scam involving fraudster Frank Onyeachonam

Steve Brown, senior officer in the NCA’s cyber crime unit, said the majority of Onyeachonam’s victims were from America.
He is thought to have selected his targets from a database known among fraudsters as a 'suckers list', which includes people who are believed to be susceptible to the tactics.

Mr Brown said: 'Victims were sent an email from an alias used by Onyeachonam saying they had won an Australian lottery. They would be directed to ring him and he would say ‘if you send me money I will then release your lottery funds’.'
The lottery ‘winnings’ ranged from £2 million to £9 million and once they sent on cash victims were 'hooked' into the 'unrelenting' scam, he said.

He added: 'Once they’ve got their claws into someone they won’t stop. As long as they keep sending them money they will keep going until there’s nothing left.'

Undated handout photo issued by National Crime Agency of fraudster Frank Onyeachonam who has been jailed for eight years at the Old Bailey, London after he conned vulnerable pensioners out of their life savings with a bogus lottery scam to fund his millionaire's lifestyle. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Thursday July 3, 2014. For seven years, Onyeachonam, nicknamed "Fizzy" because of his love of champagne ran the UK operation of a global scam which was orchestrated from his native Nigeria and involved hundreds of perpetrators in several countries, detectives suspect. See PA story COURTS Lottery. Photo credit should read: National Crime Agency /PA Wire
NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used in for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder.
Onyeachonam, 38, of Canning Town, east London, was found guilty at the Old Bailey of conspiracy to defraud

Using the alias Dr Jeff Lloyds, Onyeachonam built up a rapport with his victims and continued extracting money from some for as long as seven years.

In order to make the required payments several victims took out high interest loans, forcing them to come out of retirement to repay the debts.

Some of those exploited by Onyeachonam suffered the added trauma of falling under suspicion themselves as they were used as 'pawns' in the criminal network to launder the proceeds of the fraud by sending on money from other victims or setting up business accounts.

Mr Brown said the scam had made a 'mental wreck' of victims, 'hammering' their life’s savings, forcing them to lose their homes and leaving them isolated from their friends and families.

Emails showed victims pleaded with Onyeachonam to send them money to pay for healthcare, while some died before he could be brought to justice.
The British victim was left with debts of £90,000 and was forced to sell her home, move into rented accommodation and return to work in an attempt to stave off bankruptcy.

An American victim lost her dream home and she no longer speaks to her sister or friend.

She described how the scam made her feel like she had been 'raped over and over again'.

While he left a trail of destitution and devastation in his wake, Onyeachonam enjoyed the high life from the fruits of his deception.

Mr Brown said he lived a 'cash rich' lifestyle, earning the nickname 'Fizzy' for his taste for expensive champagne. Photographs show him surrounded by cash and bubbly in nightclubs.

His car collection included Porsches and Maseratis while his Thames-side flat was full of luxury brands such as Gucci and Louis Vuitton when it was searched by police.

Onyeachonam was the key figure as far as the 'UK nexus' was concerned but detectives believe this was part of an international enterprise.

The alleged mastermind or 'chairman' of the network is based in Nigerian capital Lagos and he is currently under investigation by authorities there.

Asked how many people were working on the global scam, Mr Brown said: 'Name a country and there seems to be a connection. It’s been almost impossible for us to track everybody down. They’ve all got responsibility for their own country.'

The prosecution has moved for a confiscation hearing for Onyeachonam.

Culled from UK Daily Mail


APPLE said...

Nigerian can embarrass their own in Europe!

okiezman said...

Naija everywhere you go dem dey

Anonymous said...

ibo men out dear
plz stop disgracibg us your fellow brithers and sis here na.. biko kwanu

Unknown said...

Ol' boi

Unknown said...

He stacked his refrigerator with DON PERIGON nw en own DON PERISH...u dnt f*ck wit european police,they'll always get you

Eugenia Ekeji said...

Onyeachonam meaning No one should look 4 him. Serves him right. said...

stupid..childish and thank God he was caught.

Unknown said...

This dude na baddoo i swear..... Nna e bago one chance.....

A very stupid Nigerian

DOBY DOBY said...

Y wnt oyibo hate nigerians. . Nxt we go say na racism. . Dey ar jus too greedy.. always looking for sharp nd bad means to make money

Anonymous said...

Is this linda ikejis blog or stella dimokos?:s

Anonymous said...

Hmmm high typo error

Anonymous said...

Dis 419s kip givin naija bad name

Anonymous said...

Mheeeen nigerians!!!

Unknown said...

Imagine dis animalistic fool denting our name in diaspora. Very embarrassing. I'm out ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***

Anonymous said...

Naija for life.......


Kampala1 said...

Cool bad bizness..Linda i love d blue color letters whatever..its nice..KIU

LIB kritik.

Anonymous said...

Serves him right. That is how they will keep giving us a bad name. If you are Nigerian in the UK, nobody gives you a chance, because of people like him, doors are shut in our faces. May he rot in jail. All of them will be uncovered one after the other.

Anonymous said...

8yrs is not enuf

Anonymous said...

8yrs for all these trauma he caused people? The Brits are very daft.

dipo said...

Anything naija do, do it 4 ur hood(rep adugbo)

Unknown said...

Babaginda made a statement during his "notorious" days in Nigeria and I quote:"Nigerians are very good at two things;Big grammar and Wayo." The potency of this statement is like the sun.

Lisa said...

The same stories with some of these Nigerians in the Diaspora. Scamming, stealing all to fund a lifestyle which is not sustainable. "SMH"

Anonymous said...

You are an idiot. What have u accomplished in naija yourself other than human sacrifices. There's nothing more disgraceful than beheading your own people in naija just to make a change. Shame on you that think you are better than he that decides not to use rituals to make money

Anonymous said...

See Ur fat Yoruba ugly cheek. "Ibo men". Anuofia

Anonymous said...

Fizzy 4 jail na, all follow.

Mrs DAvido + now DAvido Doll

Anonymous said...

99days for the Thief.....jus 1 day.....#its a Pity#

Anonymous said...

He's not as stupid as d naija that steals from his own country and left d country useless with bad road, no light and mosquito infested that kills millions with malaria. Only in our country. You people need to get your shit right. Yes onyeachonam did wrong but you can't attack him like that after all white steals more from naija oil as I'm speaking now. And you don't say shit. Mumu. Politians and stealing your country's money , you don't say shit but you wanna hate on onyeachonam. He don't owe you shit, fools. And a and he's not representing u either , your yeye country's bad roads and no light with people doing rituals represent you trust me

ary said...

End of yahoo! Chai!!! This guy made big cash! Unfortunately, they will all be confiscated.

ary said...

End of yahoo! Chai!!! This guy made big cash! Unfortunately, they will all be confiscated.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Toba. said...

Na wa o

Admin said...

8 years is to small this guy deserve life in jail, for duping old people for that matter!

Unknown said...

baddest guy....
only u with this.


Anonymous said...

Nonse guy, you are going down, sandy berry

TeeDayo said...

Lol.nor be small FIZZY.y nt put dis intelligence in2 something creative cos I dnt see any dull person carrying out dis kinda work.And d painful part is d luxurios lifestyle he is living on pple's hard earned money.#evil.he didn't even do anything creative with it.imagine d pain he has caused those pple.Thank God he was caught.pple like dis r d reasons y Nigerians r disregarded ova there.He tot he was playing with Nigerian Police?serves him right.

Anonymous said...

Linda abeg change dis colour. Red is cool. Dis colour aint cool @ll

Unknown said...

Bad boy in action. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

Olubukola Ozone said...

Nigerians be like MTN -Evry wr u go. Alwys in d news for one thin or d other

NaNcY DreW said...

2 bad poor pensioners deir hard earn labour na wa hrtless wicked man

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't encourage fraud. But europeans and Americans are also very greedy. Did he force them to play lottery?
Once a black man is rich, it becomes a problem for them.
But the guy too suppose lie low....

Amarachukwu. said...

Nigerian!!! Na wa oooo

Odusose Farouq said...

So white can be this stupid, they want to reap what they did not sow, how possible is that? That serves them right. He called to inform they of an Australian lottery they did not play and they believed, even me wey hunger wan kill can never believe or fall for such a thing. As for the criminal, he is a disgrace to the country when he knew he was involved in fraud why live a lavish lifestyle am sure if he had remained 'under G' he would not have been caught now he bears the risk of losing everything by returning to square zero, more to learn from him. But am happy that the white can finally accept that they have nothing upstairs and that black is above them any day any time. #amdone

Anonymous said...

U al should kip ur mouth shut! If he had approached u on d road wouldn't u ve jumped in2 d car? Al u girls prayin 2 God 2 gv u ur own rich hubby on linda's blog! Na who de catch b tif! If som of u had d chance I guess u wld ve done everything possible 2 marry ds guy

Anonymous said...

Duping old people, this one is cursed.. smh

Anonymous said...

Pls don't blame him, he z jst a bad sharp guy can u compare dis to what dey did to us, we wia bein sold as slave, dis z pay bak time

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm stupid con man.

Anonymous said...

Nawaoooo for naija.

Unknown said...

This said property u said is onyeabuchis own is nt his. I knw this ouse very well and I knw the owner is not onyeabuchis own lailai. This ouse is in Linda get ur fact right abeg.

Unknown said...

Igbos are known for Fraud. Linda you better up your game with a website o. Bellanaija is changing now and I visit that site more often than yours now. The only thing that is constant is CHANGE. get a website ASAP

Anonymous said...

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeediat rasclat eeeeediat I hpe dey throw away d key n wen he cmes out hel face reality hw quickly his "friends" will disappear. Ediats like him mess up all our hard wrk said...

Chai...diaris God ooh!..poor souls died on top dis matter..dis is yahoo on another scale oh!..smh

Anonymous said...

I dnt subscribe 2 ds way of lyf. Bt i do still knw dt no one holy pass. While rainin curses on hm,do u think U r better of? Weda in UK or Naija,bad thing is bad. Bt smhw,man must hustle o.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous I hail u, nice speech

Anonymous said...

I checked his fb account with the name "Frank Onyeachonam" and it's seems he posted something hours ago.....*confused*

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Halo linda, pls change d blue and white and I can't even share anymore. It's annoying. Nigerians dey scatter anyhow

Anonymous said...

U no dey shame? Pls don't give Linda ur email by tricks..the bonanza done finish.. Ewu Hausa

Anonymous said...

Look how ugly u are.. and have guts to even expose ur flat useless breast here...ashwo for life..ugly girl of life

Unknown said...

The quest for quick money and the consequence thereof. God help us o.

Unknown said...

This is great news. Wicked n evil people. Mscheww

Anonymous said...

lotto don cast,lotto don cast, and some people still dey chop lotto...mtchew,Make i try work this lotto this week self...

Anonymous said...

You are a fool if you support giving your brothers prison time like that. That shows how hateful land stupid u naija people are. Instead of u to protest against politicians stealing from naija and taking d money to London, you're upset about naija man wey dey collect money back from oyibo. I guess he shouldn't take from white people. He should come home and steal the remaining naija government money. That's what we naija pple like. To destroy our own country and be good to other pple's country. Nonsense. How many years did you or they give obasanjo and d rest that stole countless amount of money? Pple like you sit there and run your mouth about naija pple struggling to make overseas. You must not hate on your pple abroad trying to make it. They're not stealing from you or you stupid nigeria which you're suppose to be concerned about.

Anonymous said...

Lol....this guy lives in my estate in Nigeria. #sos

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmmmm..............serves him right..........

Anonymous said...

It is really sad, that you are "living" the life while an old person is pleading for his/her money to pay medical bills. And you have parents? Him and everyone who has profited from these death will definitely reap it and much more. Your punishment starts here and moves on to eternity if you dont stop. Naija babes, hope you will start opening your eyes.

Anonymous said...

The bad thing now is that most people that were worshipping him and eating this ill gotten wealth will distance themselves and start cursing him....

Unknown said...

Igbo boiz like sharp sharp moni eeh

Bony bony said...

Wat was he thinking? Knowing wat he did Nd decided to hav expensive life there?he is a big fool. I doubt if he is frm naija???

Anonymous said...

Any way Na way ,he need to make is just that he was fortunate that's all let's pray for him

skilful_ said...

Ndigbo at it again. If you like come at me, it wouldn't change the fact that you guys started 419.

Mr Truth said...

You are very right....

vincent ifeanyi said...


Unknown said...

He used to live with us in nigeria

Anonymous said...

Next thing linda will post pictures of the guy jogging in lekki with police escort and say "big boy"....linda you too are a glorify these criminals..

Anonymous said...

That's a stupid statement from you. You are obviously a scammer yourself. There is no justification whatsoever for what he did. What about the victims who were left broke for life? Did they not work hard for their money. Remember, karma is real if you don't stop and genuinely show remorse.

Unknown said...

Hmmm why won't he squander the money anyhow,he didn't work for it.

Anonymous said...

Hey you... Two wrongs don't make a right

Anonymous said...

Ur grandfather is a fraudster. Igbos are known for fraud ko. U Dont have to be tribalistic about it. After all I know ppl from other tribes that are into it, so Dont blame it on igbos alone. E na eji Karen nsi ndi Congo. Anu mpama .

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahaha lol vry funny

Unknown said...

Na wa o....n u'll prob see him out n fink hez responsible coz he'll cover up woteva hez doin wif somtin else. All dat glitter isn't gold ....God hlp us!

dharmmy said...

Ewooo... Chai, see embarrassment... dere is God oo

Anonymous said...

Shame to the wife who has encouraged him all this while in fraudulent activities.He has caused destitution,poverty,death of his victims.May God punish him for this grave wickedness.Also people should learn their lesson that you don't get things easily in life like that and should try to cut their appetite.BEWARE OF GREED.

Anonymous said...

Igbos and greediness. Rot in jail like all your fellow igbos in all over the world prisons. Shame on you lot and get your biafra fast.

Unknown said...

MAY God have mercy on him. Our lord said 'forgive them 4 they do not know what they do'

Anonymous said...

This is just one. In Italy, igbo are not as many as other Nigerian tribe but anytime a crime is committed involving Nigerian, the person must be igbo likewise in Ireland and UK. They just dont know when to stop. They are bush unintelligent people who over do everything including dressing, talking, eating etc. They dislike them even in work places all over the world. You can confirm from anyone in abroad. Very aggressive greedy bastards giving Nigerian names.

Unknown said...

Hmmmmm nigerians dey will never carry last Amryrobbers

Anonymous said...

Ok 8yrs.

Unknown said...

And dere goes my ibo brother makin naija proud

Unknown said...

Onye oshi..ur own don be! Na so una go dey spoil our name.

Anonymous said...

igbo kwenu.................

Unknown said...

It takes two to tangle. If you neither play a lottery nor ask anybody play it on your behalf and you received an anonymous email claiming that you have won a lottery and out of share 'looting' you ignorantly succumb to such a scam, i believe you should have yourself to blame for the aftermath... Although what is not good has no other name than say it's not good. so therefore Nigerians should stop embarrassing themselves especially those outside the shores of this country.

Anonymous said...

not in any way condoning what he did. but i knw for a fact that the lavish story told is false. All this has been fabricated to help the judge with sentencing time with the help of pictures seen on his fones or laptops n mind u. LET HE WITHOUT SIN BE D FIRST TO CAST A STONE

Anonymous said...

Or even ladun's blog?linda d copycat

Anonymous said...

Ur english's painful

Unknown said...

Linda dey have started ooooooo, which one is ibo pple shld keep disgracing der mother land, or abi hausa / yourba no dey do am?...... am in no mood to go into tribalism..... bt moni goooooooodddddddd oooooooooooo chai

Anonymous said...

' abroad tho?!'

Anonymous said...

All these stupid English wey you de write so... Must you comment? Stupid anonymous

Anonymous said...

Just like your father will be uncovered in his ritual plots you asshole poverty stricken fuck

Anonymous said...

No doubt Mr. Onye.. did wrong and deserves some punishment. But we must appreciate that he is not worse than our heartless politicians who after having their full in Nigeria, insatiably launders the common wealth of Nigerians into unknown foreign a/cs. Neither is he as bad as the foreign oil coys (theives) who have contributed nothing meaningful to Nigerians' well-being. So what Mr Onye.. got is just a scratch from what was stole from Nigeria in particular and Africa at large.

Anonymous said...

You are just a fool. What youve written now, does it make any sense? Bigot, fool, obor of the century mschewww

Anonymous said...

You are just a fool and bastard join.. Hediatic hegoat!!

Anonymous said...

Go and get some education. Tribalistic bastard!!

Anonymous said...

Yoruba and rituals

Anonymous said...

Ur grandmother, ur mother and ur sisters are all prostitutes and criminals.. go and kill ur father too

Anonymous said...

Sharp Sharp

Anonymous said...

That is not what we are talking about here.

BRENDA said...

its because of people like him, when person wan check out,they dont treat one nicely at immigrations...he can always manage prison p--ss er i meant..champagne

Anonymous said...

Charity begins at home! Export our lifestyle. That's how we roll.

Anonymous said...

Shame the way he made the money.
However, I hope he kept some money where no one can trace! Out in 4yrs with promise of good behaviour and on to the next one! Just joking....hehehe! But he'll come out and if he was wise, live a reasonably comfortable life with the stash that was never found.

Anonymous said...

Naija..evrywhr u go....God v mercy on hm

Anonymous said...

the nigerian government/politicians as well as their kids are all as bad as him! why would nigerians be embarrassed by him? most of you are filthy liars…including the public.

Anonymous said...

well done man you will get out soon------so much love fizzy

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