Mum left blushing after discovering very NSFW message on son's top | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 15 May 2017

Mum left blushing after discovering very NSFW message on son's top

A mum was left blushing after discovering a very rude message on her five-year-old son's top. The message which should read ‘play, work and build’ looks rather different on the top. Look at the photo after the cut and tell us when you spot it...


JoBriggs said...

Wank 😀
Future wankster 😜

Unknown said...

Lool... "Work" = "wank"

James said...

Fucking cringe-worthy attention seeker.

Anonymous said...

Lol wank

Agbomen said...

The very last work tool below, on the shirt looks like a penis?

Anonymous said...

Wank in place of work
Wank = bash the bishop/have a date with Rosey Palmer/ Masturbate

Unknown said...


Pablo said...

Wank meaning to masturbate instead of Work lol

Unknown said...

Anonymous said...

Lol aunty Linda. You sef yaa naughty. I can see "wank" though.

Sirmuel said...

Play, wank and build

Anonymous said...

Yeah right! Play Wank Build.

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