Piers Morgan writes in Nigerian language to footballer Alex Iwobi | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 21 March 2016

Piers Morgan writes in Nigerian language to footballer Alex Iwobi

Biko, what language is that and what is he saying?....


Black Belle said...

At least he tried.. he got it all wron

Unknown said...

Igbo ofcus. He doesn't kn that he is an igbo person! * it's well*

Unknown said...

Mbok interpret for us

Anonymous said...

First tweet is Yoruba..

Unknown said...

Wait oooo! Linda wetin u wan tell me self? U no hear d language? Lol. * it's well*

Unknown said...

Amaghim na ibu Igbo by Igbo,mana nke ozo di kwa mixed..visit. Www.emilonews. WordPress. Com

Unknown said...

The first is Yoruba and the second is igbo. Linda take note!

Stlanre said...

Linda the first is Yoruba now“meaning save journey .I know you speak fluent Yoruba I think the second is a bad igbo phrase lol

Unknown said...

the 1st twit is in Yoruba. meaning the journey will be fine.

FRESH said...

Well,most of the second tweet is perfectly written igbo language.

Unknown said...

Hmmmm can a wise person here like freeborn explain what the guy say to me? But what is the work of this attention seeker they call Morgan please?

#sad indeed

Psalmuelle aka Samstone. said...

I just love piers Morgan sha! D first one is written in yoruba.


zoe Godfrey said...

first tweet is yoruba i guess, 2nd tweet is igbo saying "sorry i didn't know you are igbo"

john benjamin said...

lol he spoke both in yoruba and igbo

Unknown said...

hahahaha Google translator help me!

ericome said...

Sympathy,, I don't know that you are from igbo land....

Anonymous said...

It's Yoruba means "Journey will be good"

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Meaning-- I'm sad Alex iwobi,I dnt u re an igbo

Anonymous said...

It's Yoruba means "Journey will be good"
Obviously, he used google translate

Anonymous said...

That is yoruba and deep one for that matter..


Unknown said...

Posi laguage

Unknown said...

Hahahahaha. I think it was written by an IMO state man for him.. Lol

Unknown said...

Dnt know about the first, but the second one means, heartbreak(mwute), amaghim na ibu Igbo ( I never knew u were Igbo)

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

I only understand d response

...merited happiness

Victor Madu said...

Linda, You seem to be Igbo. You should understand what he said.
Its " My anger is that i never knew you were Igbo". May be am right.

Anonymous said...

The first is Yoruba which means that may your journey be fruitful. Shikena

Unknown said...

OK! goggle translation can be a disappointment most times.

Indeed a robotic tweet!

Unknown said...

Don't know about the first , but the second means mwute(pains) amaghim na I bu Igbo( never knew you were Igbo)

Anonymous said...

Irin ajo Ada o - I think that's Yoruba for 'safe journey '

Guessing other language is Igbo

Unknown said...

D first is Yoruba "ur journey will be good"

Starry_viv said...

He write in Igbo. Nice

Unknown said...

lol he's obviously using google translate. but the second one is suppose to mean 'sorry i did not know you're igbo". (mwute tho means anger) lesson for all google translate is crap.

Unknown said...

The second twit is... I didn't know you are igbo.


The last one is Igbo language Linda which means I don'tknow u are Igbo.


The last one is Igbo language Linda which means I don'tknow u are Igbo.

Kayode Odusanya said...

The first Tweet was in Yoruba...I think the second one was in Igbo. The first one says- 'Irin ajo e ada, Alex'...Translation- 'Your journey will be good, Alex.'

Do You Have Problems Lasting Long in Bed?

Anonymous said...

Yoruba. Means "the journey will be good"

Anonymous said...

Yoruba. Means "the journey will be good"

Anonymous said...

He must have used Google. Lol!!

Demmy said...

"Irin ajo Ada" is Yoruba n it means "d journey WL be good o".

Unknown said...

His translator has failed him,hahahaha! mwute ko...

Unknown said...

That's Igbo i think, maybe there is a mistake in it. Visit www.9jamasses.com for more celebrity gist

Unknown said...

The second one is in ibo

Anonymous said...

First is yoruba. Second looks like igbo

Anonymous said...

The 2nd one is igbo, and he said heart break or disappointment (not sure which one is best in the context), they he did not know Alex is igbo

Anonymous said...

first one or the bottom one is IGBO...one on top is YORUBA

keke driver said...


Abu Hawwa said...

Irin ajo a daa means Safe Journey OR, you will have a safe (good) trip

I also wish Iwobi the best soccer can offer, esp as he agreed to play for Nigeria when others are shunning us

Unknown said...

That is Igbo Language, Alex was surprised that Morgan can speak Igbo


He first tweeted at Alex in another language, before apologizing in Igbo that he never knew Iwobi is Igbo.

. ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

Anonymous said...

Google translate is amazing.

eunymz said...

Aunty Linda help me and tell him


Anonymous said...

Linda, that's Yoruba, although it's a direct English translation of the sentence. Translating back to plain English, it means may the journey be good, or the journey will be good...okay?.. Lol

Anonymous said...

Google translate is amazing.....he said Irin is a evil daughter. Hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

That's Yoruba Linda. Means the journey will b good or safe journey

Zuka said...

He spoke Igbo naa

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Safe journey in yoruba and do other one is maybe igbo.

U.no Sabi u r language?

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Second sentence means ' Sad,@alexiwobi, I didn't know you are igbo....dont know what the fuck he was saying in the first post

Anonymous said...

The journey will be good Alex - Yoruba
The 2nd one is ibo. I don't know the meaning

Anonymous said...

@ linda, na igbo be dat. Meaning painful I didn't know you are ibo

Anonymous said...

Safe journey, Alex! What's the Igbo translation?

Bekee said...

Linda- nwute= angry or upset. The rest is 'I didn't know you are Igbo'. Let a Yoruba person translate the first.

Unknown said...

Literally it means "safe journey " and it is yoruba language.

Anonymous said...

He said safe trip. Google translator don suffer.

Anonymous said...

Its yoruba, it means safe journey.

Anonymous said...

He's simply saying journey well, but I don't understand the Igbo well. Lol! Linda, you be Igbo now, so translate it.


Unknown said...

I dont know about the first but the last is igbo language.

Anonymous said...

Mwute, @alexiwobi, amaghi m na i bu Igbo!
Unfortunately, @alexiwobi, I do not know that you are Igbo!

Unknown said...

Casted ibo

Anonymous said...

Linda you don't speak ibo ni. I don't know what he said in the first sentence though

JOHN MILES said...


Unknown said...

Don't know the 1st but the 2nd is ma tribe, Greatest tribe in Africa, Ndi Igbo Kwe nu!!!

Zikaify said...

Igbo language

Unknown said...

Urine ajo ada ooo means the journey will be good

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

Hahaha I don't understand the first but the second post he said okwute (stone) which he made a mistake..and said. I don't know you are an igbo man.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


I.K said...

I think the second phrase of the tweet makes some sense. "Amaghi m na Ibu igbo" meaning I didn't know you were igbo.

Oyin said...

The first is in Yoruba language

Onyeigbo said...

He spoke Yoruba initially and someone must have told him that Iwobi is Igbo, so he apologised and said I didn't know you were igbo

Unknown said...

Linda u too dey ask
.. Me sef I don't knw.... The first tweet sounds like yoruba while the second one is igbo for sure........

..... ... Liber maniac....

Teetylolar said...

The first comment is yoruba now, irin ajo a da means d sojourn will be fruitful or safe journey or fruitful journey. Think d second one is igbo or something buh dat Mwute is what I know not.The man tried sha

Yetty k said...

The 1stbone ia in yoruba.he said he journey would be successful

eka said...

If am correct
D last statement means- I never knew u are Igbo
As 4 d first; it must be Swahili or google version of Igbo language 😜

Labule said...

Irin ajo ẹda (The journey of mankind)

Labule said...

Irin ajo ẹda (The journey of mankind). Yoruba language

gentle said...

Mstchew. The second language is igbo. You can't speak igbo linda?

Unknown said...

Hit means,Alex iwobi,I didn't know that u are igbo

The Unofficial Cardiff Blog said...

Pierce Morgan is saying : " Sorry , I did not know that you were Igbo."

Rich said...

Google translate gone bonkers

Anonymous said...

he used google translate, haha

Unknown said...

So linda u no fit read igbo language...' I never knew u are igbo! Dts the meaning

Model said...

Lol Piers Morgan is really pouring his mind out.
Nwute,@alexiwobi,amaghi m na I bu igbo! #afc. It means:
Sad,@alexiwobi, I didn't know you're igbo! #afc.
That's igbo language
I guess the other one should be yoruba language
Igbos are everywhere you go, born to hustle. 100%Hustlers

Linda take note of the igbo language. Ndewo(well done)

Anonymous said...

Awww I didn't know u re an ibo..lol

Anonymous said...

Irin ajo a da o. He literally said may your journey be good.
Am guessing he used Google to translate these- Newyorker ( Linda let's get married )

Anonymous said...

Irin ajo a da o. He literally said may your journey be good.
Am guessing he used Google to translate these- Newyorker ( Linda let's get married )

Ayodeji said...

It means ! Safe journey*

Unknown said...



Linda if u ask me na who I go ask

Anonymous said...

he can use google translate...congrats to him

Unknown said...

he means to write irin ajo eda, which means the journey of all human in English

Unknown said...

The punk is using Google translate. "Mwute" doesn't mean "sorry", it kinda means "regrettably".

gaa said...

Second one is "Pity, i don't know you are igbo!"

Debbie Chelsea said...

The second tweet is igbo

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

Yoruba & Igbo

Unknown said...

People tell us

Anonymous said...

the first tweet "your journey will be safe" aka safe journey

Unknown said...

The first is Yoruba, wishing him safe trip. And in the second tweet, he apologises for being ignorant that Alex was Imo. "sad Alex, I didn't know you were Ibo. "

Unknown said...

Linda of course you know the second one is Igbo. "Sadly,Alex I didn't know you were Igbo"

TWITS said...

Piers Morgan is(a)Brit!- from The UK.
Worked for/with CNN for some years,and Americans virtually asked for his deportation back to his country after a series of political remarks and commentaries.
Also, he is a hard-core Arsenal fan, doubling as Arsene Wenger's Public Enemy No.1/Chief Critic!too.
As per his writing, I think he was just trying to say welcome to Iwobi [,or was he asking him why he snubbed England for Naija?..(now am asking)lol!] The 1st language seems/looks Yoruba; whereas the 2nd is of course,Igbo!- where I happen to come from..lolss

Anonymous said...

Alex you had a great fall....literally, you ate bad fall Alex..igbo kwenu

Unknown said...

Hahaha Google translate b gvn piers rubbish
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

First is Yoruba... means ur journey would be good... second is igbo... no idea what that means


mike said...

Yoruba and igbo

Anonymous said...

Second one is Igbo,Dunn d first

Unknown said...

The second tweet is Igbo.. It means I didnt know you were igbo..

Unknown said...

I think he want to write igbo.

Unknown said...

I think he want to write igbo.

Posh Queen said...

So u r pretending that you dont know that is Igbo abi? Okuko igbo

Unknown said...

That's Yoruba, meaning "may your journey be good, Alex"

Anonymous said...

It means "He never knew he was an Igbo person" it's an ibo language

Anonymous said...

It means "he didn't know dat Alex is an ibo guy"

Anonymous said...

The first statement is in yoruba which means "safe journey"

chyyy said...

Nwanne igbo gi nwere verb #igbology#

Unknown said...

linda, are you not an ibo

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Unknown said...

He didn't know he was Igbo

Musingsofjudgejudyjudy..... said...

What really happened is that he used the Google translate to write, " Sorry, didn't realise you were igbo" ( apologising for having written in yoruba) and the translator put "Mwute" meaning "sad" for "Sorry", lol.

Unknown said...

Seen. More Instagram followers for you

Chizzy Liz said...

**************D only Igbo linda understands is Biko ********** I dey shame on ur behalf

AJ said...

Wouldn't blame him, Google translator did that for him.

Anonymous said...

Google translation is a mess. Omalicha (Beautiful) Google translates it to DESK.

Unknown said...

He tried small. "He doesn't know Alex is igbo". Am sure online translator must hv helped him

Chukwunaeme said...

"Sad", Alex Iwobi, I never knew you are Igbo"

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