Read a message from Lola below...
Thanks to everyone who’s called, emailed, or otherwise commented and shown their concern and outrage at my ordeal in the hands of CBD agents.
I spent the better part of yesterday Tuesday, August 23, at the office of Ms. Derin Disu, the Special Adviser, Central Business District. I appreciate that she did meet with me, last minute and without an appointment. I did iterate my ordeal in the hands of CBD agents last week, submitted an official complaints letter, and photocopies of both the complaints letter and all receipts involved were promptly taken by Ms. Disu’s office and signed by her in my presence. She called in a man referred to as DFA. I don’t know what DFA stands for but I assume he is an assistant to her in these matters.
After listening to my story, the DFA spoke up to say that the fee tendered to me (N20,000) plus N10,000 for towing was in order, and that in fact it is to the discretion of the CBD agents to charge anywhere between N5,000 and N50,000 for what I presume is any infraction. This in of itself is an issue. Essentially any CBD agent can charge you with an unpublished offence and based entirely on his judgment on any given day, decide to give you a fine of anything between N5,000 and N50,000. This obviously does not promote transparency or accountability. Lagos citizens should know exactly what constitutes an offence and how much exactly they can expect to pay if they commit a traffic offence.
Be that as it may, Ms. Disu did seem genuinely outraged by the behavior of the CBD agents, called the H.O.D to her office right in my presence, apologize for any and all harassment and embarrassment they might have caused, and promised to thoroughly investigate the matter. She and the “DFA” took my phone number and promised to update me on matters. At this point I’m waiting until Friday to hear from either party. I’m still wondering though, should an issue of assault be treated through this process?
Until then I’m open to any suggestions on how to use this horrible incident to ensure that these public traffic officials are brought to book and made to understand that Lagos residents have a reasonable expectation to be treated with dignity and respect.
Good on you! I salute your courage. It certainly is NOT enough for the HOD or DFA and the special adviser to apologise for the trauma you went through. That CBD guy who hit you should be stripped of his uniform because what he did is criminal. We must also ensure that things like this do not happen in Lagos anymore. The next person might not survive to post the story on Linda's blog.
Assault is a criminal not a civil matter.
Re-it is to the discretion of the CBD agents to charge anywhere between N5,000 and N50,000
This is such a grey area and how do they decide who is fined what? Is it based on your looks or your car?
Still, push for the guy who assaulted you to be reprimanded. MRS. Disu is quite a nice and eloquent lady. Good luck.
Pele Lola, I suggest you proceed to Court. This is criminality showcased by ingrates we pay their salaries through our tax. Besides you should go to court and sue the stupid wife beater,Rapist!!, Sex offender, Sue the office of the CBD for impounding your car without intent to release, Sue each one of them for defamation of character. Am sure the Judge will like to hear and see that rapist that said I just hit her in the chest or breast (Let him explain in court).
Linda have u seem the shameful interview mercy Johnson's parents gave..I am sooo disappointed... see elderly parents telling lies and running their mouths like water..... poor lovely the lord is your strength, the lord will you and Odi's 2children, you train your kids. Sit back and see what the lord will do in your life. Also remember that not only mercy will reap what she has done but all her family and all those who support her and associate with her. As for Odi.. you and you alone open you mouth and deny you son.... ahhhh.... you will reap the wrath of the Almighty God God regarding this IJN. so her mother and father can proudly say lovely lost her legal wedded husband to their prostitute daughter.... what a shame
Ms Disu is bullshitting you. She and her lawless and thieving employees are all in it together. You ought to have reported the assault to the police and the man arrested. As someone rightly pointed out, the physical assault is a criminal offence. People such as Ms Disu can never swear on their life that they ate unaware of the corruption that her employees are involved in. She and her deputy are part of it. Lagos State govt or Nigerian govt would never pass a law that allows those men to charge motorist any amount they feel like. It would encourage abuse of position and corruption. I say it again, Ms Disu is a bullshitter and covering up for her employees cos she profits from whatever they make. She ought to be kicked out of her job. You need to petition those above her and take your complaint to those, including the office of Lagos state governor.
Those men on the street are rotten and corrupt because their bosses are rotten and corrupt, too. Start an online petition or Facebook and with enough support, action can be taken against shit talking Ms Disu and her bribe taking and thieving employees. You have the power to get justice. Be strong and give 'em HELL.
you should file a police report for the assault. that should be handled separately.
Good one.......Good one.......
If you have enough evidence. SUE THE BASTARD !! if not take it as it is coming......ask a competent lawyer for advice.......Keyamo types
- Naijahood
I will advice that you do not wait for them to handle it. They will definitely handle it their way if you know what I mean. Maybe you should carry it further and make a report to the Human Rights Commission. Do not take it lightly I tell you, they will not call you and the culprit will never be brought to book. They are only using it as a measure to make the case die down:you will keep calling and they will tell you they are working on it...time will elapse and the passion people have for it would have died and slowed down so you better look for another option. Know that we are behind you in this and whatever support you need, people are ready to give you.
Nah men. U still need a higher authority involved. Looks to me like this is about to be swept under the rug.
this is absolute madness. this isnt how it should be. If they wont do anything about it, then you should sue them.
Good job and sorry for what happened to you.
That CBD guy needs to lose his job, if the lady was going to do anything, then she should have summoned him into the office in your presence and fired him. He is out there and if he isnt punished, he can do the same to someone else, and God forbid and accident happens in the process.
He is so lucky that he didnt do this to someone with military connections, cause na for inside barracks dem for don put am till right now.
There are too many unemployed people in Lagos for him to be messing up on the job. Fire him and use him as a scape goat.
Please set up a website, put his name and any information about him. Folks can contribute and buy newspaper ads and put his name and the description of what happened. If anything shame go catch am for that Lagos.
What are you still waiting for?. I expect your Lawyers to have served them summons by now.How can we leave the decision to fine in the hands of a traffic officer.There should be a clear list of fines for traffic offences known to every citizen.
Please they should give her, her money back.
DFA stands for the Director, Finance & Admin. But the issue should be address,if they want to sort this out,they should first refund the money you paid,call the illegal officers involve to apologize and also issue a public statement and if not,see a Lawyer at Maryland shopping mail(Mr Keyamo).
i hope you dont have to wait in vain sha.i dont seem to understnd d part of charging btwn 5k-50k at their discretion?shldnt der b fixed charges 4 these kind of tins?abi is it based on ur age,tribe,dressing,type of car,abi na man know man????these tins shld be stated out.but i tink d whole they did was jst 2 make u cool off and wait in vain.i dont think anything else will be done.cos they know if they allow you,you will take the matter up wit them.
Lola my dear, leave them and forget the matter NEMISIS will definitely catch up with them.
okay, I dont get how an "officer" is allowed to charge between 5k-50k for an offence. This is theproblem with nigerians we do things backwards! Fine someone a certain amount, btw discretion in that kind of situation is literary given someone power with no accountabilty. I know in the UK where u have maximum fines for some things you end the court decides that not some dude on the street with no manners and respect for citizen they serve.
Anyways..in my opinion this should make the News and let the media tear the CBD into pieces.
2.the guy should be fired instantly,that will teach everyone else a lesson...
3.FIRE anyone else wasting time on the issue. I know people are hungry,they need jobs blah blah. Nigerians need to learn how to talk,treat people with respect and value people on to another.
Please to the lady who was harassed, I am so sorry that you had to go through all this but please don't let this go until justice is served. thanks
Good job ma'am, I pray God gives you the strength to follow this through. Assault is a criminal offense and should be treated as such. Get yourself a lawyer and take him to court, enough is enough someone needs to stand up to these bullys. Goodluck
am so angry at that stupid guy that maltreated u from d busstop to thier station , if i set my eyes on him ennh, i ll shoot him.........
am so angry at that stupid guy that maltreated u from d busstop to thier station , if i set my eyes on him ennh, i ll shoot him.........
Helloooo anonymous poster @ 9.48 am. Nemesis ko, nemesis ni! Do you know Nemesis? Well, I do and he said to tell you to leave him out of it. He's on vacation till next year. Mtscheeeww
We have rights and we should demand for a very important one .......its called our right to GOOD GOVERNANCE..and it includes things like this..not allowing a tout to fix fines and not knowing what constitutes an offense!!! I'm with Jay. We should bring to light these things but not necessarily for shame to the guy (cos I doubt it will make a difference to those kind of people) but for the Governor to address issues such as this!!!!
Madam,sori about the assault but i stil think you are wasting time on this issue.Please can you go straight to the lagos state governor and let him know what the so-called inform men that are supposed to be keeping law and order in the country are doing?Please take out time and match straight to his office then the governor would be able to show you where it is in the constitution that those uniformed agberos should charge at their discretion.
@Tola..if you reading this look at what this expatriate got off with!!..yet they willing to batter a black woman for merely voicing her opinion...and u wouldn't be the first either..remember the actress..the other one beaten by the Admiral's animals..and so many others not reported..
Please take it further if you can, we need to make a scapegoat out of him. human rights commission will help u i believe...also get an NGO behind u, it may get rough and u will need them behind u. God be with you.
Linda, I saw this on Nairaland..... maybe this will start getting them in check.
LASTMA Cant impose fine on offenders -court
A Federal High Court in Lagos has voided some sections of the law establishing the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA).
Justice Okon Abang, in a judgment, declared that Sections 9, 11, 12 and 13 of the law establishing LASTMA is unconstitutional and of no effect on the grounds that it contravenes Section 36 of the Constitution, which guarantee every citizen’s right to fair hearing.
The court upheld LASTMA’s power to arrest traffic offenders, but held that it lacks the powers to impose fine on such offenders. It added that the power to impose fine on anybody who contravenes an existing law resides only with the court.
The court held that the imposition of fine on any traffic offender by LASTMA amounted to being a judge in its own cause.
“Section 9, 11, 12, and 13 of the law establishing LASTMA is unconstitutional. It is against the spirit of the Section 36 of the Constitution, which gives right of fair hearing to every Nigerian. Moreover, that would amount to being a judge in your own cause,” the court held.
It awarded N500,000 damages against LASTMA.
A Lagos resident, Jonathan Odutola, whose car was impounded in March and compelled to pay a fine instituted the suit.
He said his car developed some mechanical problems on the Third Mainland Bridge and stopped, and that in an effort to ensure that the car did not obstruct traffic, he immediately called a towing-van which towed the vehicle completely out of the road.
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