I dont know how to explain the fact that no matter how much I try to be a politician.., I just dont seem to be able to do it. In Politics.., everybody is pretending. There are numerous hypocrites and psychophants. They will be looking at a black thing and will be saying it is white. Pls pray for me oooo. I don't wanna change now. I strongly believe in truth as the only means to integrity. God help Nigeria.
@Tony, as I see it, you have only two major choices. 1. If you can't beat them, join them. 2. If it's too dirty for you, get out! The latter is a preferred choice tho...:-)
Your advice to Tony would be....?

Politics is a dirty game. Wasn't he aware of this before joining? He needs to resign if he can't cope, on the other hand - stick it through and try to fulfil his vision or whatever it was that made him go into politics.
Stay there and try to change things.. Better to try and fail than not to try at all...
He's not serious oooo,,,na today u just sabi Nigeria politicians.....if u dont want to be like them,,then quit.....u cant wine and dine with them and not behave like them.....
Lae lae, he should not resign. Pls join them. You also cant tell me that you didnt tell lies during your campigns
i agree, he should get out of the kitchen, abeg. Politics is not by force, but maybe he is enjoying the money he is making from it?
Hmm...is this really supposed to be gist??? What a load of crap..He should swear that he didnt engage in any 'funny' stuff or compromise during the build-up to the elections..So we're supposed to feel 'sorry' for him now..nonsense!
He should look at his pocket then make a decision based on that. LOL!
my oga tony i know too well cos have worked with him b4 as an artiste, his honest but i gotta you can make that change we need ppl u be strong and prayerfulmy oga tony i know too well cos have worked with him b4 as an artiste, his honest but i gotta you can make that change we need ppl u be strong and prayerful we got ur back
Tony if you cant stand the heat,get out of the kitchen,in less than a week
beat them or check out! Stop whining.
Mr Tony,
Stand for the truth, it will never fail you.
And posterity will always remember you as a man of truth.
stand for something or fall for anything. If u cant beat them, beat them...don't ever join them. Quitting is not an option bcos quitters never win. Being the light when all around u is darkness is really difficult but not impossible. God is ur strenght.
You Can NOT give up, You are a beacon to others a shining light saying "I IS POSSIBLE". If you give up now you will be dashing the hopes of many people who believe in you, who look up to you as an example of integrity. Above all if you give up now you are saying Nigeria is beyond repair. Just persevere stand up for Honor and truth with integrity. WE are praying for you.
Well, he should probably try and see if he can get some people to his side so they can put heads together and see what they can do to stand for the truth. If he cannot, then the only option will be to get out b4 they snuff life out of him. cos let's not kid ourselves, one lamb cannot sit in the midst of a pack of wolves and say their snarling is irritating him. Shikena!
Igbo man that think he has sense, who is he decieving, pshewww!! He is saying this so that people would think he is honest and vote him in for governorship.. For him to get that position in the first place he is corrupt. Abeg make we hear word
If we encourage him to get out if he cannot stand the heat, what chanceis left for Nigeria? It is goodnews for a change to know that there's someone, with a bit of a conscience left; who is also able to distinguish truth from lies in a state of given facts.He needs to move on and give it his all.This is how a society grows not through quitting any time there's a challenge.
get out get out so how exactly are things supposed to change?
politics is not and easy game!! despaet the money involve NO! easy my dear
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