The National Transition Council, the rebels’ highest decision-making body, yesterday declared that a $1.3m bounty will be paid to whoever handed Gaddafi or his corpse in.
Nobody knows where Gaddafi is right now. So when are you leaving for Libya? lol
That's an insult, if i were him, i go vex! only £1.4 million for him? He's suffered mehn! they shld increase the price on his head
WTF? Am leaving for Libya today, am going to take that bounty!
Did you say 1.3million dollars? Then am going to turn to Jack Bauer and track him.
Be ready Linda. Am taking you for shopping!!! That cash is mine.
Well , no dead female member of his bodyguard has been found, so it's safe to say that he's been spirited away...
when this ruler became president .obama of usa was only 8 years old. Dont worri guys when i see him i know what to do. GEJ please sir give him asylum in 9ja na. Biko sir lolzrs old. Dont worri guys when i see him i know what to do. GEJ please sir give him amnesty in 9ja na. Biko sir lolz
Linda you dey slack o... You never hear say dem find a whole album of Condoleeza Rice for Gaddaffi house...http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2030186/Colonel-Gaddafi-kept-photos-darling-Condoleezza-Rice-lair.html
R these pretty sexy ladies for real? or is jas a pose....if they r actually going for d money d hell i am on ma way too.....no dulling
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