Space age serum: Miracle serum that can turn back the clock. Really? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 10 January 2011

Space age serum: Miracle serum that can turn back the clock. Really?

Miracle cure: Bioeffect contains a concentrated form of EGF, a molecule that occurs naturally in skin
They say this is the new must-have skincare ingredient. They say it's so effective that using just one drop, twice a day, can make your skin look hugely better within just six weeks. Since a serum containing this ingredient launched in Iceland six months ago, it has proved such a sensation that one in five women there have abandoned their normal skincare in favour of this ­miraculous stuff.

The product is called Bioeffect and its magic ingredient is EGF, or Epidermal Growth Factor, to give it its full name.



Anonymous said...

THen you have skin cancer and die "THE END"

Travel Guide said...

Is this for real. Where is it sold. I will love products that are real. I want to look 10 years younger for real

Anonymous said...

Iceland has a population of 320,000 so about 64,000 use their product. That doesn't sound like a lot of profit to me.

Anonymous said...

I think it is safe to assume that around 50% of Icelanders are women. However they are really going crazy about this stuff.

Anonymous said...

there is no miracle cream designed to make your skin look younger and aging is a natural process- you cannot turn back the clock- if you wish to have wrinkle free skin, then you should pray to be a black woman! there is no evidence either that this cream works, so don't waste your money

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