Eminem And Justin Timberlake help raise over $2.3 Million for Manchester bomb victims | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 29 May 2017

Eminem And Justin Timberlake help raise over $2.3 Million for Manchester bomb victims

With more than 80 million collective social media followers, platinum selling artists Eminem and Justin Timberlake helped raise just under $2.3 million in the last few days. A crowd funding effort started by the Manchester Evening News set a 24-day deadline to raise $2 million for the British Red Cross, both artists read about it and shared the link on their social media pages, encouraging fans to join them in donating to the victims of the attack.

Their fans responded by donating to the crowdfunding page.

Within 2 days the crowdfunding page met and surpassed their goal.

Manchester Evening News and British Red Cross responded by showing their appreciation on Twitter.


NaijaDeltaBabe said...


... Merited happiness

Blog tourist said...

Awwww...so nice of them

Unknown said...

dats cool

Unknown said...

This is how the world works-white vs blacks. They only hit UK once and d donation is enuf to rebuild Nigeria. Buh they hear of the one happening in Africa, what contribution have dey made. Unfortunately this monies can't bring the dead bak and those in d hosp r being taken care of so why not channel this monies to African countries experiencing similar pain idiots period.

princessjosepho.blogspot.com said...

@Esther Norah. Ever heard of the word 'patriotism'?
Well that's what these dudes displayed. That alongside compassion.
If we Africans can't do this for ourselves, who then do we expect to do it for us? Outsiders?... Don't be a dreamer. By the way, how many times have you supported a cause such as this?

Unknown said...

U are insane. Totally insane. Is it your African money?

oiza said...

u said my mind

PrimebazeMedia said...

Nice one

Anonymous said...

Thousands died in Nigeria... They didn't say a word, talkless of raising money.. Black lives don't matter to the world,, 😭😭😭

Anonymous said...

Thousands died in Nigeria... They didn't say a word, talkless of raising money.. Black lives don't matter to the world,, 😭😭😭

Anonymous said...

....so your looting polithiefcians can loot it all abi?

Anonymous said...

My exact reaction...its disgusting!!!! D crisis in Africa doesn't bother or concern them...Senor

Anonymous said...

Go to the north east and see for ur self.only foreign aids (dnt forget even the army bombed them by mistake)..The question is what have the rich Nigerians done.

Unknown said...

-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Timozel said...

God bless you all that is involved

Larry said...

I think you guys should check your stats well before typing whatever you like. Do you know how much foreign aid we receive annually from US and the UK. We receive aid for everything we go through. Aid to fight aids, malaria, polio, insurgency. It's a really long list. What aid has the senators and the politicians that people keep fighting and killing theirselves every election done to their immediate community. Why una no just go collect their economy. Ungrateful people

Naija News said...

Thanks for the support!!

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