Another girl with no worries in the world cries for P-Square to come back (watch) | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 21 March 2016

Another girl with no worries in the world cries for P-Square to come back (watch)

This is getting hilarious! She even said she can't read for her exams. Oya, P-Square come back so she won't fail.. the video after the cut...


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Anonymous said...

The babe get bobbi sha. On a completely unrelated note, did onyx chose to be gay because he's ugly??? Guy there are girls whose spec is "ugly". You better wake up because busting arseholes and getting yours busted is a SIN. Linda abeg post it oh, I no dey understand you sometimes

Richard said...

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 my belle OoO

Anonymous said...

Joke apart. I was seriously touched while listening to the track" call heaven". After reading the details of the story I think Peter tried. He said that even senators and governors have intervened on the matter. He himself have been approaching his twin foe peace but always turned down. Just that we loved them being together

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Nigerians please allow this girls to express their emotions, i Cried listening to that Song by Paul *call heaven*, nigerians are so heartlss that they dont have feelings anymore .

Daval8 said...

You aren't serious. Did P2 die or were they in a life threatening condition that she is crying? Obviously family will have issues but will always sort themselves out. Her parents are paying for her fees n she finds it difficult to read? She must be kidding

Anonymous said...

Her boobs are very nice. Would love to sex her while she's crying. Very sexy

Anonymous said...

See buga for her nose.

Anonymous said...

Linda why do you have too many abusive followers like this? So it's a sin for the girl to express herself?

Abani said...

One day LINDA and her sister LAURA go plan break up..... Me too go set camera begin cry.....hahahahahahahaha

Unknown said...

BUHOHOHOHOHOHOOHOHOH I laff in korea the comments got me.make una free the chick nah

Unknown said...

What will you shed should one of them die, Blood? Jobless pikin.

Anonymous said...

cry hungry u cry lol

Anonymous said...

Girl i do understand you pain,i too was heart broken when all this unfolded.p-square is going through a critics that my brothers and i did when we lost our father.i cried for my father then.what i learnt over time is,some times to create peace and make progress is to step back and let time heal the wounds.

Many waters has passed under the bridge,lets pray and keep our fingers cross that the headlines would one day read the COME BACK OF P-SQUARE.keep hope alive.

Bevibez blog said...

Abasha! Iranu!! Cheers up Gurl!!!

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