Kolade Arowolo was in court yesterday May 22nd and told the court that Titi actually attacked him with the knife and eventually turned the knife on herself. He said: "I'm not that kind of person. I loved her so much".
Explaining what happened on June 24th 2011, Kolade said he and his wife had sex on that day. He said they'd agreed to stay indoors throughout the day since it was his birthday, adding that he, however, went out to withdraw money which they would use in celebrating his birthday. Continue..
He said on returning home, an argument ensued, causing his wife to slap him. He said, “On June 24, 2011, after we had sex, we made some commitments one of which included that she (Titilayo) would no longer be running off to her parents’ home whenever we fought and we decided that we would do everything possible to make the marriage work. We decided that we would stay indoors till evening.
“I went out around 10am to withdraw money from the bank and I bought some items. On the way, I picked up my mechanic because he needed to repair my car. On getting home, about an hour later, the security guard and the mechanic helped me to take the items to my apartment and he (mechanic) drove the car away.
"On getting home, I realised my wife was completely dressed and she said she was going out. As I pleaded with her, she started shouting, saying that Aunty Toun (Stepmother) and Aunty Labisi told her to leave the house. She was very angry and she slapped me.”
Akolade said he ran to the house of his next door neighbour and told his neighbour’s mother, Mrs. Hannah Alaka, to intervene.
He said Mrs. Alaka called Titilayo and spoke to her by the corridor leading to the staircase and convinced her not to go out.
Akolade said he and his wife returned into their apartment and he proceeded to fuel the generator when he received a phone call from his sister-in-law, Folake Oyakhire.He said he and Folake shared the same birthday.
Akolade said, “After speaking with Folake, she asked to speak with her sister so I started looking for my wife all over the place. I called out her name but she did not answer. On getting to the entrance to our room, I slipped and almost fell. As I attempted to hand over the phone to my wife, she stabbed me in the arm with a kitchen knife.
“She stabbed me again this time on the left side of my chest. I tried to wrest the knife from her and she started screaming, ‘I will kill you and kill myself.’ In the struggle, she stabbed me in the navel.“Later. I asked my wife why she did this and she started apologising. I then decided to get help for her but I could not find the key to the main door to the house.”Akolade said he scattered the wardrobe, where his wife said she had kept the keys but still could not find them.
He said, “After attempting to force open the door of the house with no success, I decided to jump from the balcony and I met the security guard and mechanic there. I jumped into my car and drove towards the Aswani Police Division.
“On my way to the station, I met some traffic policemen and I explained to them that my wife needed help. They were telling me to take care of myself first since I was covered in blood. While I was still explaining to them, an oncoming vehicle knocked me over and I fell unconscious.
"When I regained consciousness, I found myself in a strange environment and was told that it was a Good Samaritan that had rescued me. I later made a telephone call to my mother. It was the person who picked up the phone that told me that my wife was dead.”
While being cross-examined by the Director of Public Prosecutions, Mrs. Olabisi Ogungbesan, Akolade told the court that his wife was alive the last time he saw her.He said he sustained more injuries than her and even debunked the report of the pathologist, Prof. John Obafunwa, who had asserted in his testimony that Titilayo was stabbed 76 times, saying it was not possible for a human being to inflict such wounds on oneself.
Ogungbesan, who debunked Akolade’s testimony, said, “Akolade, why did you not inform the mechanic, neighbours or even your security guard that your wife was bleeding instead of going to the police station? Why did you not use your mobile phone to call for help?
“If you did not stab your wife to death; then who did? You said your wife was mentally unstable, are you a certified psychiatrist? Since it has been established that you were the last person to see her alive I put it to you that you stabbed your wife to death.”Akolade answered that his wife had taken alcohol that morning.
He said, “If you had seen her that day, she was even more powerful than me. She overpowered me. I was not thinking clearly that day. That was why I ran straight to the police station without telling neighbours. It was possible that she stabbed herself to death but it was not 76 times.”
I'm sorry but his explanation makes no sense to me. Besides, Titi's family confirmed back in 2011 that he frequently battered her.Justice Lateefa Okunnu, adjourned the matter till September 17, 2013, for the final address of counsel. (Punch)
Only God knew how it happened. If man frees u, God's judgment awaits.
Can the naija court hurry up and fry this bastard at the bar beach already!!! Not normally in support of the death penalty but it sure fits with him running his mouth like that! Oloshi oloriburuku eda!
Can the naija court hurry up and fry this bastard at the bar beach already!!! With him running his mouth like that it's the only prize he deserves!
Is dis guy serious with all dis gibberish? It doesn't add up one bit. He must really thnk he's telling dumb-asses tales by moonlight. If all he said was used as a nollywood script d script writer will be sued fr lack of creative storytelling SMH
D new Ambassador
On thing with a man hitting his woman is that such a man does it again and again, and it gets worse, so for that singular reason, I wouldn't rule out the glaring possibility that he killed her.
If you can't smash you blackberry phone on the floor out of anger when it hangs then why lay your hands on your woman when you guys have an issue?
Well, let the court have the final say.
What a story!!infact I'm confused!what kind of psycho relationship is this?Slaps,stabs,pleads.save me those trash!!!Are u 007 or wat?Only God knows wat really happened.
Let Justice take its course.
Lindiway its not in your place or mine to decide if he's guilty or not,let the experts whose duty it is do that.
Coz many people are wrongly suffering in jail out of sentimental prejudice.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Stabbed 76times. The lady wouldn't ve done that to herself. He killed her. Let him say the truth.
Big lie. His a very bad story teller.
Yeah and I still insist my mom's a virgin. Oh wait...
Big lie!!! Dis man is an animal.there is no way anybody woulds stab his/her self 76 times.
Only GOD knows what really went wrong. Justice must prevail.
This guy is an idiot. My husband who is also a chronic wife beater is also and idiot! Wife beaters never blame themselves for their lack of self control.
This is over obvious lies LIE. i HATE "law" it protect criminals. he is living his life appearing in court. Just like those two muslims that killed the soldier they will even be taken care of and given fair hearing whereas the victim is gone, and set free after few years nonosense. OH JUNGLE JUSTICE WHERE IS THY STING
This is absolute nonsense.no one falls for this kinda lies nowadays
I'm more confused than the accused,people should learn to control their emotions. Control your Anger because it is just one letter away from Danger.
Lies,all because the dead cannot talk again..God dey!
liar liar . She will come and hunt you like nollywood. ekwensu see how black he is
i dont buy his story. i thought the mechanic drove the car away so how come he(mechanic) was still with the security guard when he jumped off his balcony? considering the time difference between when he(kolade) got back and then the quarel and then d jumping off.
His story sounds like a Nollywood thriller, lies that are well packaged, intrigues, action, fantasy, illusion and the judge ended it with suspense. Before you stab yourself 30 times, you would have been dead not to talk of 76 times.
the xplanation dsnt connect
Mr Pinnochio needs to stop lying! Her spirit will continue to hound him if he continues to lie. Enough of tarnishing her name, Mr Mr!
God sees all things o!
like seriosly, dis guy must think he is in a superstory movie, so u and ur wife had an arguement and u cud run to ur nextdoor neighbour to help u talk to ur wife but u cdnt run to her when ur wife started acting all crazy like seriosslyyy. Is this guy foolish or smthing,its so obvious that he is lying, ode oshi. He stabbed his wife 76 times, He wont escape the wrath of God.
are they still going back and forth with this wife beater/killer? I followed this story from the start and from all indications he killed her.
she is dead and gone and cant defend herself reasons his coming up with different cock and bull stories.
he should be hanged. rubbish!
Akuko Mike ejeagha. rubbish!! He murdered her as far as i'm concerned. i pray he gets what he deserves.
His explanation just spoils the whole thing. This is a cock and bull story if I ever heard one.
Naija is turnin into sumfin I jst cant undastnd,wats wif al dis killinz of wife nd gfz.END TYM
i dont trust dis story
God is d perfect judge!but smhow I feel there re elements of truth from wot d guy is saying
He's senile, how can Omo stab herself 76 times?? Its a pity sha, Omo didn't deserve to die like that. Funny it was this story that made me a Lib reader in 2011.. I remember some people believe she deserves to die. Hmmmm, so sad sha..
Well, i hope she not asleep in heaven.
He is a vry bik fool to tink dat anyone can buy dis crab.
But don't we have forensic detectives on this country that can at least read finger prints on the knife to know who was holding the knife?. Relying on his story for truth won't lead to any where cos the wife is not even alive to defend herself. Sad though
I don't know y d case its bin prolonged, he shud be sentence to death by hanging... Useless idiot....
Please if a man ever slaps or pushes you run for your dear life cos you might not be alive to tell the story next time
I hate d way dis lawyers prolong issues!sept is 2 far plss,soon it will enter 2014!n as 4 dis bloodsucker dat lift his mechanic,security n neigbhours 2 head 2 a police station!u will die a more shameful n painful death!fooooool
bullshit and crap!!! who will listen to this lowlife talk shit!!
Post my comment pls. The guy is a pathological liar. I think he is the one that his mentally deranged
He's a big liar! why did he run away if he was innocent and why didnt he prevent his wife from stabbing herself...kmt
Something tells me he killed his wife n ran away in shock.he did not want 2 kill his wife but due to the violence it happened. If he didn't he could have even called neigbours n passer bys to help him.
76 stab wounds?? This story deserves to be on CI or Investigation Discovery. Paula Zahn where are you ooo??? Problem is our NPF aren't so smart to find clues and match 'em up to make up a story or even relive the events that led to her death. I pray justice is served at the end on the day. RIP dear.
Why is this case even still on? He should have been comvicted long ago. No justice in nigeria. Only God can provide it on judgement day
so much lies in this story biko! he shud be dead already. nonsense
Hmm! Dis man is a bloddy liar
bloody lair how wld a human stab her self 76 times when she would have been dead before reaching 76? abeg this court pple shld sentence him to death jor they just dey waste time for this matter mshewww
story that touch, who come kill the wife?
No dna on the knife...wats all this
The defendant's testimony doesn't add up. Apparently this is case of domestic violence. I tried getting my head around his statement but it did my head in. The part he said she over-powered him cos she had been drinking...this huge man? Seems he didn't alert the security guard and the mechanic because he didn't want witnesses. He didn't even say why she decided to leave on his birthday or why her aunts had told her to leave the house...it seems she had been battered previously. Why would he have told her to stop running to her parent's house whenever they had 'an argument'. She was apparently running for her life. She probably got the knife and stabbed him in self defence. I guess he hid the house key so she wouldn't leave. What reason would she have had to hide the keys. I think this man stabbed his late wife while trying to get the knife from her. By the time he realised that she was down he came tp his senses, panicked amd ran off with the car he claimed the mechanic was fixing. Otherwise, the first help he would have gotten should have been neighbours, security and the mechanic, to break down the door and help take the dying woman to the nearest hospital, rather than running off in guilt.
i agree Linda. it just sounds like a story being told by a child; so many things just don't add up.. i hope the Nigerian judicial system can see through this facade...
Not buying this script@all.He's Told too many Lies and its so obvious...this mo'Fu killed his wife and should face the Law..women need to stop tolerating domestic violence,it just never stops #Say NO to domestic Violence
No person in his/her right frame of mind can believe this,however In this era of gross mediocrity and below par reasoning(no thanks to unintelligent home-videos),I won't be suprised if some people fall for this bullshit he poured out of his guttered mouth.Filled with inconsistencies even a 5-year old can detect..
Kolade is a pathological liar that has contradicted himself in his statement.he guilty.hmmmmm.
Well his story's got K-legs but that not-withstanding there's a thin margin between battery and murder. They might have had a fight and she probably hit him first and he got violent and hit her too. Maybe she took a knife in defense, stabbed him to prove a point and he over powered her and lacerated her witout d intent to kil. His mistake was running out instead of getting help for her. She mustve bled to death in d long run... Its just a chicken and egg story, we'd neva know who did wat. But two wrongs neva make a right. Just saying.
Dis guy have been saying it. D dead can't talk. Only God knows what happened dat day. His life will never be d same again. It boils down on "guys think before acting" now e beats d wife every day,ever if d wife's mouth be like kinfe. God help us.
Dear Linda it is quite unprofessional for you to give ur opinion on a sensitive legal case dat s still ongoing. Let us allow justice take it's full course, like they say in law, it is better to free 100 criminals than condem one innocent man. Though the dead cannot defend themselves, the truth always have a way of coming out.
His story sumhow seems true cuz wen u are in such situation u'll b soo confused that u'll hardly fink straight as to call on his neighbours for help but she bin stabbed 76times is definitely a murder not suicide
Dear Linda it is quite unprofessional for you to give ur opinion on a sensitive legal case dat s still ongoing. Let us allow justice take it's full course, like they say in law, it is better to free 100 criminals than condem one innocent man. Though the dead cannot defend themselves, the truth always have a way of coming out.
Ok, this is the part where forensic experts come in. DNA samples, shoe, foot & finger prints should('ve) be(been) obtained from the crime scene.
They should read the 'Amanda Knox Meredith Kercher murder case' & other high profile murder cases & see how useful forensic methods are in murder investigations.
Was in court too...while giving his evidence he was all sorrowful, acting like he was down but during cross examination he suddenly became overly defensive and started contradicting himself. Hopely the truth would come out
You got home and the mechanic drove your car away, after helping you together with the gateman to pack your stuff into your house
then you entered your apartment to find her ready to go out, she slaps you and you promptly ran for assistance .
She stab you as you made to hand her the phone. ..With a stab to your navel you still had the time to extract apologise from her.
Then the door through which you, gateman and mechanic had previously used became locked .
Then, as Jackie change, you jumped down, saw the car that had been driven away still packed there, you jumped in, without, telling either of them what was amiss or your neighbour's mother that had been handy, initially.
Brother, fall down and die. Your story is too far from being true
bloody liar
This guy is so confused that he doesn't even know how to complete his lies.
He's lying. He stabbed her 76x n still claims dat she killed herself. She's under d influence of alcohol wic means she's too weak to fight. Man, just say d truth now or else......
Dis Titi gal is my close friend cuz.....Lili D husband in question is a chronic womanizier n pathetic liar...wonda y d judiciary are still dragging dis case pls dey shd pass dia verdict...D guy statement are jus scrap aw on earth would someone inflict painz on herself ova n ova again.pls is not possible no truth in dat.Bia linda post ma comment cos datz ur style.
Let us 2jump into conclusion we av heard & seen so many cases dat look alike where by @ d end of d day d accuse was innocent. We all remembered d oj simpson trial we all ain't dere wen it took place she might av took her own life we can neva tell.
He's lying. He stabbed her 76x n still claims dat she killed herself. She's under d influence of alcohol wic means she's too weak to fight. Man, just say d truth now or else......
Pls linda don't fail to update us wit d full story leta . Too much lies in his speech.he should av told his mechanic and his security instead of going to d police super story how will fall 4 dis bullshit
Why do nigerian families continue to force battered women to stay with their partenrrs. The family has some blood on their hands now that she is dead. Africans stop living for public perception and be true to urselves
Rly I dnt knw if wat dis guy has said was d truth or not,u cnt be too sure titilayo might be possessed,my step bro who I loved someone had a similar probl,anytime his attacked he wld hit his head on d wall times witout no,and no one cld stoped him he wld be too strong to hold.Now his late.let God be d judge btw titilayo and her hubbby,as fr titi may your soul rest in peace
The story here is simple to understand! He is lieing. He stabbed d wife, then panicked and in order to save d situation and look not guilty he then ran to the police station. Besides there is a saying that "na who 1st reach police station dey win" but its a pity it won't be his case "F**king Snake"
this man is such a liar. i am NOT buying this bull-crap story. its a load of bull. i mean, u jumped down from the balcony, got into your car but didn't remember to go back and break down the door if you truly wanted to "help" your wife? u had to go ALL the way to a far police station? a car knocked u down? COME ON! your lies makes absolutely no sense. i Hope the Nigerian system works for once just so that you can be put where you belong.
The Silent one
Liar he's a liar i dnt blive ds crap its so obvious he's lying
Cock and bull story!! I ain't buying what you're selling son.
This is BULL SHIT!!! like my boss would say.
It really doesn't make sense. Wats he talking about. The story isn't flowing @ all. Its kinda obvious he's lieing. Na only God knw.
Let him go explain the gibberish to the authorities in the great beyond , we mere mortals can not make any sense of it. Rest in Pieces (in anticipation of your appointment with the hangman)
That is one thing about law. You could be logical that does not mean you are telling the truth. Its all cooked up! If u ask me this Akolade is guilty and must have murdered his wife out of intense provocation. He is a wife beater so what do you expect? If he has been getting a way with his deeds unrepentant not this one!
we re always quick to judge only God knows why. If you heard him talk u ll believe his line of story bcos it was sincere n straight from d heart.
the problem is d reporter didnt report well.
He earlier on said wen he came wit d mechanic dat d mechanic drove d car away, so how come he jumped frm d balcony n stil met d mechanic n d security man? Better for him to jst say d truth, plead guilty n get a lighter sentence.(Dats if dat strategy applies in Nigeria)
hmmm.....nyc try though buh Mr. I fink u shld try sumfin else coz dis lie aint wrkn @ al
Before you know it this killer will work free!!!..Hmmm..
Linda, since u started reporting this matter, you have been making us understand that this guy is telling lies. But seriously i think this guy might be telling the truth though.Cos they is more to this stories than u bloggers report them to us....
He would av a good career in writing movie scripts instead of becoming a murderer..
*sigh* why adjourn the case to September? na wetin dey tire me for court case be that nah? let the guy hang already?
and if she was battered frequently by this beast? Why did she not leave? I am sure she received some "encouragement" from some people with a sadder sob story of how some imaginary other woman went through the same thing and the lord magnificently changed her husband, so she should be patience and suffer so she can enjoy later.
well, who is dead now? with a daughter with no mum or dad to raise her.
it is sad story, that I doubt we will experience many more, not because I am prophet of doom but it is just true, in the society we live in.
Hmmmmmmmmmmn! Dis man am not convinced wit all dis ur cooked up stories ooh, imagine u meeting two men (mechanic,gateman) who could help u pull down ur door and rush ur wife immediately to a hospital, u preffered to run straight to d police knowing fully well she is dead. Since u said u left her alive why run to police why not hospital? Mehn u killed ur wife out of anger *GBAM*
this guys sha.........
amazing stuff on my style blog when you click
But that is what his lawyers asked him to say. You see why I don't very much like lawyers?
Black and Empty Liar!!! Up till now, no remours, it shows that he really did it and if given a secound chance will do it again and again even your lawyer need to go back to law school...........
Truth is straight, if you go free here on earth, remember the judgement day in heaven
Abeg dem still dey for court since? I tink say dem go don give dis guy to lion to eat since. Lier lier, shup up joor u killed her n u will be killed too shikinah. Bcos d girl too small for ur hand u com slaughter her just like dat. U go see naa
He was still explaining to the traffic police when he was knocked down and yet a Good Samaritan rescued him. Liar! Lies from start to finish.
All these happened in one day? Huh? Where are the nollywood directors self? They could make a movie out of this one. Ha!
dont believe this crap one bit...
is possible he is telling the truth. no body should ever pray for a bad and demonic wife . i have seen where a lady told the husband that one day she will stab her self to death and put him into trouble, that he should not doubt her. imagine the kind of evil spirit in that woman. God have mercy on us. may her soul rest in peace.
Innocent till proven guilty.all d evidence shld show dat he actually murdered her.d evidence dat she was stabbed some many times shld seal d deal.cos even if she committed suicide like he said,she couldn,t have stabbed herself so many times.not just possible
Told too many lies???? Even a 5year old can detect???? Detect wat? Mtcheww!even if he committed d crime,he still has a ryt to defend himself,its a capital offence n it carries a death penalty,leave d judge to do d work,Justice okunnu ll not read d comments of LIBers to give judgement!So if he doesn't get a life sentence now or a death sentence,y'al ll say d judge was biased?
This guys testimony needs serious cross examining. The testimony he gave is so different from what he said last year. He's even contradicting himself in this tory...the mechanic brought him back home and drove his car away; he jumped off his balcony and met the mechanic. Abi no be the same day all this one happen?
Yeah right...she stabbed herself and cut off one of her breasts...and burst her eyes.
I tink dis man is mentaly disorganised,who s he tellin those lies 2, mtchwwwwwwwww
He is a fool and he will rot in jail and after dat straight to d deepest part of hell! What a lie! When she dressed up to go out u went to ur neighbours to help and beg her and when she was bleeding u couldn't call d same neighbours or even d mechanic and security man to help u rush her to d hospital? Wife killer God don catch u.. *tongueout*
Can he be sentenced to life imprisonment already, the case is dragging too long. Kolade you are a liar!!! you jumped down the rails of your house after killing her. You claimed she killed herself, can she almost carved out her heart by herself???? Also stab herself on the neck leaving the knife stuck and bent???? You killed her and you are guilty! God save us all from sociopaths.
That just too strange to explain,when you have neighbours around you including a mechanic and a security,why didn't you tell them what happened inside.you better say the truth and be free.
This guy keeps remixing and merixing the story. He will surely make a good music producer. Why didnt he call for help the moment the wife was stabbing herself? Try again.
So according to this guy, his wife stabbed herself 76 times including slashing her own breast and gouging out her own eyes. Yeah right!! We aren't buying it!
I am not a lawyer but i can see lope holes in his account. You were outside fueling the generator and went inside to give her the phone
1- in the space of you going to the room to give her the phone and her stabbing you, how did she get to lock the doors after you came in and you claim to have met her in the room where she stabbed you immediately? (I will assume your generator is on the balcony so you didn't need to go downstairs)
2- Where is the so called sister in-law to testify she heard what happened because she was supposed to still be on the phone based on you account.
3- Why didn't you call that same neighbor that spoke to her not to leave to intervene again? Why didn't you shout for help? Why didn't you inform anybody, your guards or neighbors about what was going on?
4- You couldn't go to the nearest call center to call family and friends for help but you have the brain to find your way to the police station, the police station you never went to in the past to report your domestic violence.
I can go on and on but i rest my case. God will judge you.
Can somebody tell this guy to respect the dead and say the truth about them. You are giving different testimonies. Be remorse and pray for God's forgiveness. It can happen to anyone (but not me!!!) but pray God is merciful. Say the truth no matter how bad it is.
Bloody liar!!! He's fooling himself
its obvious he is using more lies to cover up lies IDIOT!
Lies Lies Lies!!!bt y do u have to kill ur wife??we re living in a wicked world indeed.may her soul rest in peace.
His story doesn't make sense. First the mechanic dropped him and home and went with the car, next thing he jumped over the balcony and the mechanic and security guard met him...hmmm interesting, yeah I don't believe this rubbish. Let's hope she (Titi) gets justice.
Scripted lies....from a murderer! t's high time men who commits domestic violence against their wife or girlfriend have their d**k chop-off and make them chew it.
This man is a coward. Own up to your crimes. Devil. (´⌣`ʃƪ)
He needs to readjust this story well if he wants people to buy it. But right now, this his story won't fly-one bit. Guilty yesoo. OZ
You were stabbed in the navel,chest,and arm,and u could still jump a balcony(not only did u jump a balcony,U jumped straight into the car).....*confused face*maybe she cut u with d knife,not stab,cos if she stabbed ur navel,trust me..........
Who this guy think say him dey talk to, small children abi?
He is not been honest with what happened...I think they should access all the evidence thou....
I'm sure he stabbed her out of anger n when he realize she was dead he came back 2his Senses n then stab himself 2 cook up dis story.y did he not tell d gate man dat d wife needs help wen he jumped down.so sad though.
When you are in a ditch and sinking, quit. Don't sink further! The only path opened to you for healing and forgiveness from God and man, is to tell the truth and stop lying against the dead. This woman who suddenly became too powerful to stab and beat you, was the same woman you violently abused serially and killed.
When you are in a ditch and sinking, quit. Don't sink further! The only path opened to you for healing and forgiveness from God and man, is to tell the truth and stop lying against the dead. This woman who suddenly became too powerful to stab and beat you, was the same woman you violently abused serially and killed.
This trial is still on? Its obvious he killed his wife. I have being there myself. I know what a deranged man like him can do. I'm glad I am alive today. May the soul of the poor lady continue to rest in peace. I pray the law helps her soul too by giving him what he deserves.
From his testimony, he said the mechanic drove the car away, how come when he jump from the balcony according to him the security and the mechanic is still there............. there is more to it.
Mad man talking. It's unfortunate what women keep getting married to in d name of husband. When u also beat her mercilessly, and even had her bandaged as a result of d beating which was constant before u eventually killed her, will u also say she was beating herself? U are simply a STANDARD B.A.S.T.A.R.D.
Dis man is heartless! Imagine stabbing his wife 4 76 tyms.his judgement shld b instant death by firing squad
His lawyer has introduced all these stories to him. He is not telling the truth. The law should take its own turn.
1. If the mechanic drove the car away how come he was downstairs when Akolade jumped?
2. If Akolade was fueling the gen when he received the phone call how come the main door to the house was locked.
3. If the wife stabbed Akolade and he was bleeding how come he had time to ask her later why she did this? First instinct as a human should be to get away from the attacker or attack back. Akolade didn't try to do either from the statement.
4. If the mechanic was there how come he let Akolade drive seeing his condition? (Stab wound to the Left Chest and Navel are Fatal Injuries)
5. After getting away why head for the police station rather than hospital?
6. If Akolade didn't inflict any injuries on the wife why get help for her?
Mr Akolade would have a case if he attested to Manslaughter on the basis of self defence... Not this story. IMO
His lies are even senseless. Its sad we don't have forensic evidence this is a no brainer. Her blood would have surely been on him. Unintelligent thing
Reading out a foolish script.
These are all lies,he can't even say anything reasonable.wat a pity on Titi,please ladies learn ur lessons from dating cos its will stiLl continue I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ marriage.
Linda, his stories makes no sense to you then why put it up here in the first place. The case been adjourned shows investigation is still going on, why you so quick to judge?. If its that easy to say he killed his wife then he should be serving a jail sentence by now.
No proper investigation? No autopsy ?
The neighbours didn't testify if he truly called on them to talk to his wife?
Was she mentally derail truly? (Ask people, friends and family)
Is Kolade mentally Ok?. Because its hard to believe a guy could stab his wife 76 times oh wow Why 76 times? (Just to kill).
Why didn't he inform the mechanic, neighbour bla blah, We all make errors and even do stupid things during emergency.
BTW I don't support or encourage woman battering and I hope he rots in jail if he's found guilty as charged.
He's talkin bullshit. He was quick to run to his neighbour to intervene earlier in d day. Bt wasn't quick to run to d same neighbour when she stabbed him 3 times abi?
September 17th is even too far. What home videos lawyers can play?
Scripted lies from a murderer....think it's high time to have men who commits domestic violence to their wives of girlfriend have their d***k chop-off and make them chew it.
I thought he said the mechanic drove the car away? Abi na two cars e get? Me I no understand,d story dey give me headache abeg.
This case ought to hinge on 2 material questions, to be answered ONLY by medical professionals - 1. Is it possible for a person to self-inflict 76 knife wounds? 2. Was there one specific stab wound that most likely caused death, and at what point in the 76 wounds did that occur?
See a person cannot continue to stab themselves after they are dead or significantly weakened, right? Focus on material facts, not state of mind!
LOL sarcastic nigga
Those that followed this story from the beginning will be surprised at Kolade's new found voice.
At first he wanted to kill himself out of guilt but now he's willing to enjoy being alive. At first he blamed armed robbers for his wife's death, now Titi killed herself.
I'm sure Titilayo's mutilated body's pictures are still all over the internet, with all her internal organs hanging out. His story is too stupid.
Let God judge!!! Godknowsbest
Really, once a husband starts beating the wife, it goes on and on. I strongly believe ladies should think of their lives first in such marriages.
The only reasonable comment I have ever read from u...
And yes funny too
The truth is no one would actually know what happened except the man, his wife and God.. Do not pass judgement on this.. Cos if actually he's telling the truth, you'd be among those who convicted an innocent man.. #TruthBeTole
He said he was stabbed in the chest,arm n navel and he still had the strenght to drive.HOW? If dat guy wan lie mek him lie well
He deinitely killed her....How was he so sure that the stabs were not 76 times if he wasnt the one who stabbed her. "He said, his wife stabbed herself but it wasnt 76 times" Meaning he didnt stab her 76 times probably 50 times. He is so damn guilty.
Luski n kwansa,OLORIBURUKU wife beaters ni eyin mejeeji,especially dt luski shows dts how u batter ur wives no wonder u're defending him,mtcheeeew like fathers like sons
I can not tell yall a 100% he killed his wife cos im not God who is all seeing neither was i there, BUT kolade also known as lukmon for those that went to secondary school with him (he went to fed got college lagos, ijanikin briefly ie jss before he left)that i know, i will place 99.9% wager that he did and this is my reason.
this guy was caught STEALING in 'JSS 1' WHILE WE WERE ALL STILL KIDS. Being lil kids , we ridiculed him and some people beat him. lukmon as we called him then was a couple of hours later narrowly stopped from killing himself as a classmate quickly knocked down a bottle of parazone bleach he was drinking. At this point he had drank some already and was rushed to the sick bay and later rushed home. He claimed he couldnt take the humiliation. He never returned to ijanikin and we didnt hear from him till he started sending random facebook friend requests way after secondary school and even university with his wall full of hypocritical preaching. THIS GUY IS SUICIDAL !!!! AND IF AT 9-11yrs , HE COULD CONSIDER OR EVEN THINK TO TAKE HIS LIFE AND KNOW A POTENTIAL WAY TO DO SO, I TELL YOU, HE IS NUTS.
This is no case at all......i saw d pictures of d lady's remains,,,,,if she stabbed herself,,,did she also pop out her own eyes?????did she cut off her own breasts too????dis guy is mad......i think d pictures of her remains should be brought to d court again,,,its a big evidence.....
My point Exactly!!
He must think everyone is thinking the same way he is, she took eye out herself then cut her breast then killed herself hummmmmmmm, one thing I know is that is that his mentally very sound and very aware of what he has done. His case is pure murder . And I don,t know why this trial is longing
Your a standard bastard for dat statement... How can som1 stab herself 76times and not feel pain. Goat!
Ds guy dey lie shege sha. He said his mechanic drove his car away. Next thing he claimed he jumped down from the balcony and met his security guard and mechanic O_o. Ahhh ahhh. Oga shud be lying diye diye please oo. Lol
Oge A
Don't judge his testimony sha, these lawyers, they fire u with loadz of questions I mean loadz, and then the court reporter puts ur answers together as a narrative, so when u get the final product its all gibberish,
An average lawyer can interrogate me on the boxers am wearing an find me guilty
Na so,all lies.d mechanic took d car,n yet he still jumped in2 d car n drove off. Ok oh.
To my best knowledge Kolade & d family is well known 2 me. D 2 families knows very well dat d wife(painful dat she's late now) was very wicked, troublesome, evil doer, ogbanje all kind of evil names. I know are her 2 well she can do dat evil act, cos she has told d husband dat she will show him how powerful she was. D most painful thing is dat he was warned not 2 marry her but cos of love he never listen 2 everyone. It is only God dat can show us d truth. Even d lady family knows d truth but they don't want to say it most expecially d father of dat girl. I know one day that God will reveal the truth. I am not siding kolade. D lady family shld have it in mind dat there is only truthful & living God who can expose secret to everyone. I rest my comment.
Only God knows wat really happened.
fool.u be liar.as if we no sabi u well well. u fit do am cos u have always been violent.God will judge u
Cool story.... No beginning no end, did he even listen to himself.... Jumped balcony with stabs n no 1 saw u... U couldn't even shout out for help as u were in pain... U didn't drive pass people... Dis man must think evry1 is insane as he is.... Lyndyway next story joor....
The Nigeria Judicial system prolong cases beyond measure.How will the witnesses remember the details several months after the incidents?
This allows the counsel to teach their clients not to tell the whole truth because they want to win the case by all means.
God knows the truth and will judge this case no matter what.
The mechanic repaired in the house na. Only God saw the 2 of them that day. I'm tired of judging sef
Innocence until proven guilty and not the other way round.
The story sounds like a movie.
Kolade,s story is absolutely false.Can his wife pick a knife and stab herself in the neck too?i have been following this case since it started in 2011.it is clearly obvious he,s doing the blame game on his late wife and i pray Titilayo,s family get vindicated at the end of the day.This is a lesson to our ladies out there.''you should all look before you leap''when a man starts slapping and battering you in courtship,you really don,t need a soothsayer to tell you that when married to him, he will lead you to an early grave.
If the marriage's unbearable;simply WALK OUT..what's with the dumb fights?!
My dear, I don't know if you'll ever read this but if your husband beats you, please save yourself while you still can. I am writing from experience. I grew up watching my drunkard irresponsible father use my mother as a punching bag. She stayed in the marriage for our sake but she should have left him. Today she is not only an emotionally and mentally battered woman but she is also paying with her life suffering from a disease she got from the loser that calls himself her husband. Please, any man that beats you is not worth it. Save yourself while you can!
What a sad occurrence
This is cool!
Dat person dat called Omo evil and ogbanje, thunder fire I and ur entire generation. I know dat u know kola is evil, a wife beater and murderer but becos Omo is not alive to speak u are coming on line to say nonsense. All ur daughters will be murdered by der husbands den u will know d pain of losing a daughter like Omo dad. Omo spirit will haunt u till u run mad and all of u supporting kola. Bastard
At last justice has been served. Justice they say is sweet sserved cold. Titi may have paid the ultimate price, but this goes to show that judgment will surely be meted on the wicked. The efforts were not in vain. Thanks to the Lagos State Judicial system. There is still hope. Thanks to all Nigerians who kept the discourse alive while we kept the pressure on. Kudos to the women's right movement for not going to sleep on this matter.
Na wa o
I knew omo, grew up with her, she did not deserve this murderer. God knows best, kolade is lucky he just got death sentence, he should continue to lie n be unrepentant so he meets his final destination. ......
Thank God for justice at last,Kolade go to hell and burn.
In paragraph 2 he said d mechanic drove d car away, then in paragraph 9 he said wen he jumped down from d balcony he saw d mechanic n he entered his car n drove away. Hmmmmmmmm not coherent
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