I love this cover, I love this cover, I love this cover! The mag is not yet in the market but it will be soon.
StyleMania Magazine would be holding an exclusive party to celebrate Funmi Iyanda at the Radisson Blu on the 25th of September 2011. For further enquires call 07058109821 or write to editor@maniamag.org
Gorgeous @ 40!
Funmi is stunning, one of my Nigerian role models
so d hotel finally opened, good things dey sele for this country o....Funmi u look good....always thought u r older than me....good we r all ageing gracefully
Nice. 40 is the new 25? lol
looking fabulous at 40.cute
Wow she looks younger than 40. Good on her.
am a big big big fan of this lady she a veteran in her field at 40 and dis hot damn, kate henshaw no be only u na, oya aba,onitsha and alaba women una see una mate sheein her field at 40 and dis hot damn, kate henshaw no be only u na, oya aba,onitsha and alaba women una see una mate shee
Dis babe hot oh...abeg hook us up nawww...kidding...loooool
she has a good body, are you saying she just turned 40?? she appeared much older to me. Could she be really only 40? quite hard to believe. I thought she was in her mid 40's and almost 50. hmmm
she looks HAWT
She's always stunnin even @ 40 she's lukn 25, mah evergreen role model always L☺♡̨̐ε̲̣̣̣̥ u....
am a little confused with *madam Do Good* on the cover page..Are we supposed to take her seriously after this????.....turning your yansh for photos is the new movement huh???
she is sure giving me COUGAR!! COUGAR!! COUGAR!!!
PS: Photoshop can do wonders hunnay!!!
I loveeeee this cover too! Kudos to the Mania magazine team! This one is fiyah! The dress is so hot! She killed it!
She makes 40 exciting again! Wowzer! What a banging body! Dress is sickkkkk! Love it
is she wearing booty pads
She looks exquisite!!.
Wowwww! This Bridget Awosika dress no be small tin at all o! See fine cutting. The dress is just wicked sick on her. Lav eeeet! I must be able wear this at 40 too!!! Funmi u rock lady!!!
If my body dey correct like this at 40 ehn! Nice one. She looks amazinggg! Killer dress on her suits her body well well :) :)
tasteless, in my opinion... not age-appropriate one bit. when are we going to stop this ghetto-pose of accentuating the backside?
Do you know uwehdin? She gather sha!
my idea of the picture is that since she covers the ghetto and so she was 'looking at ajegunle'when asked to turn and take a pix...lol
@Nairalnd, they insult, jealous and abuse.... @lindakeji, they appreciate and congratulate
hmmm what a world of confusion!
I admire this woman so much. She looks stunning!!!!
I admire this woman so much. She looks stunning!!!!
The truth is that Funmi Iyanda would have made it as a model Big time. She is naturally slim and tall. Is she size 8?
She looks absolutely amazingggg! Not every 40 year old woman can rock that kain dress so kudos to her biko!
My mom told me that whenever a woman poses like that it is either she wants to fart silently or she is remembering her favorite sexual position. I will like to believe that Funmi Iyanda is posing for fart in that picture because no man is interested in shining a 40 year old congo.
-- Gbenga
I just can't stop looking this cover! What's not to love about this I mean really! Sleek ass dress! Wicked body on funmi, amazing photography! No typos like some other magazines. I can just go on! Mania magazine always gets better by the issue! This one has to be my absolute best sha! Love love love!!!
please o linda !!!!! fummi cannot be 40yrs!!!!abeg leave am na paper age
fummi iyanda wetin be your really age it pays to tell your age
Mannnnn Funmi is looking toooo madddd in this dress! Toh badtttt gan ni! Kai tooo hot! Love u. Funmi. Keep doing us well o.
Photoshop on Point!!!
That dress is the business! Her body is another story! HOT! HOT! HOT!
She looks good,,,,,but wats it with the butts??
Its not hard to bilif, Funmi is 40, she was born in 1971, this has always bin in d public, she started quite young and very early, i think pple grew up on her, she has always bin der, hence the thout that she should be older.
funmi is painfully thin..since when did she get this backside..and why the pose showing the booty, way too suggestive and tacky
YaaaY wen am 40 i wnt 2luk as hot as dis............way 2go.
@Gbenga Sept 2,2011 12:30Am...........You are so SILLY.........wetin you don achiv for ur age.....siddon there get headache...........MUMU@Gbenga Sept 2,2011 12:30Am...........You are so SILLY.........wetin you don achiv for ur age.....siddon there get headache...........MUMU
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