Leave my Bee alone...:-)
Just a few hours after Beyonce's video for new single, '1+1' was released, áwón áyé have started again...:-). They are claiming Beyonce stole the concept for the video from a film clip from French director Henri-Georges Clouzot's film, 'Inferno'.
The two videos when you continue...
You see any similarities?
Clearly this is one of her illuminati vids...
n so what if she steals d concept? at least it will give d film more viewership. abi?
I see what they mean, there were little shot similarities Linda, but that is not my problem. My problem is the baphomet face that forms in the video, making me believe that beyonce is a high witch for true.
Linda pls pull down this video. Can't you see the baphomet face in it. She flashed the illuminati signs so many times in the video and formed baphomet face in many shots. I now believe this bitch is a high witch.
My dear, its not the similarity that matters, it is how many time the face of baphomet was formed in the video and the illuminati signs. She is becoming more daring now with lingeries in all her new videos now. Linda this bitch is a witch. Becareful how you fight for her.
Ehen soo....concepts are jacked all the time by artistes...its not like its the first time a music video is being based on a movie scene therre are lots of instances like
Madonna's "Living in the Material World" video which is an homage to Marilyn Monroe singing "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" in d movie Gentlemen Prefer Blondes or Dr. Dre and Tupac's 'California Love' = Mad Max Beyond The Thunderdome to mention jst a few so pple shuld jst STFU.
I dont quite see the connection btwn both videos .The concepts r very different in my opinion .
anon 12:55, its clearly bcos of gullible idiots like u dat dis girl is successful today. its reali pathetic the extent to which she has brainwashed u guys.
Of cos she steals a lot. NOTHING she puts out is original. she has no creativity whatsoever, yet she claims to come up wit all these ideas..and her stans eat it all up n praise her as if she were golden. She steals a lot of old skul stuff so its hard for ppl of this generation to kno. Anyway, u gullible fans go ahead.. hopefully one day she will be honest wit u guys. lol
anon 12:55, its clearly bcos of gullible idiots like u dat dis girl is successful today. its reali pathetic the extent to which she has brainwashed u guys.
Of cos she steals a lot. NOTHING she puts out is original. she has no creativity whatsoever, yet she claims to come up wit all these ideas..and her stans eat it all up n praise her as if she were golden. She steals a lot of old skul stuff so its hard for ppl of this generation to kno. Anyway, u gullible fans go ahead.. hopefully one day she will be honest wit u guys. lol
I see much more than similarities. This girl is highly demonised. i feel sorry for her. Like, really. towards the end of the video there is actually the image of a demon. What ppl do for power.
Looks like she jacked it o! Let's call a spade a spade.
I think she did, but so? White people have stolen more from black than black have stolen from White people. Their ancestors stole loads of ideas from Africa and Egypt. FACT.
i see no similarities oh, like can they let this gwarl breathe. Rihannas vid came on the same day u don't see people accusing her of jacking Nicki minaji's did it on em vid. NA WA OH
i'm sorry i don't see any similarities...
the concepts are very different. maybe i'm just blind,lool
so if beyonce wears fur in a music video they'll claim she jacked the concept from Garfield ( the movie with the cat).. cuz i don;t see how this clips relate.
so if beyonce wears fur in a music video they'll claim she jacked the concept from Garfield ( the movie with the cat).. cuz i don;t see how this clips relate.
@anonymous 3.03pm u are taking this too seriously ohh, lmao hmmm erm maybe the begining ..MAYBE
hmm i see no similaritie. something i've noticed with beyonce is that, due to the lack of scandals in her personal life, the media makes up for it with all this acquisitions. imo
lmao @ all of u screaming bout illuminati...did anyone force u to watch it???...mehn if u know she is demonic then stop watching her videos!..shikena!
beyonce is not original, she just has people thinking that most times. you cant tell her followers that though, especially her annoying gay followers. MTCHEWWW.
You better wake up Linda than support your 'pop idol.' She is a copycat and illuminati cult member. She promotes illuminati.
If you support her then good luck to you. Illuminati is the new cult of rich people in the US. It is like the masons.
JayZ has denied being a member but Beyonce has never denied it. Maybe she introduced JayZ to it. If Beyonce is illuminati then her parents got her there. No wonder she made it overnight.
Tupac abused Illuminati with hot raps and died shortly after. He refused to join them.
No similarities but beyonce sef. Today make love to me. Tomorrow I'm independent.
i wonder where the similarities are. is it where she puffed smoke or the shiny face? there are similarities whatsoever, free the girl jor
where are the similarities? is it the shiny face or the smoke puffing? there are no similarities whatsoever. abeg free the girl jor
so where is the similarity there o, now i officially believe some nigerians can be gullible. you people are so paranoid about this illuminati shit or whatever you call it, what is your problem exactly. if you think she's evil then ignore her work, cos any move like this, illumina this illumina that, you must always find something to weird there. abegii, go and do something worthwhile jare
Linda, i didnt watch either of d videos cos i dont want to see satanism being promoted all in d name of singin music
not judgin jst wonderin: i learnt of d ways beyonce & her pals promote evil & i now wonder wat ever hapnd to "i'm not gon compromise my christianity" she sang in survivor & all d "thank u Lord Hallelujah" of doz days.
take some time to check vigilantcitizen.com
like d Bible advices 7 i paraphrase, he who has eyes, let him see, he who has ears, let him hear, he who has sense, let him apply wisdom.
@mojirade, hp u know a gd %age of nigerians dont evn know bout d illuminati wateva & not evry 1 who drops a comment here is a nigerian (lol) beware of wat u believe & free odas 2 believe deir own ;)
Check out this link
----> http://vigilantcitizen.com/musicbusiness/beyonce-to-sasha-fierce-symolic-occult-rebirth/
who cares?!
Linda, Beyonce don get belle o! It showing sef, go view pics from VMAs...
beyonce is finally pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yay!!congrats to her
Beyonce is preggers...shame on all of yall saying she can't have babies...yeeeehaaawaawwww! Peep her at the VMAs
Nobody should stress my girl out in her pregnancy oo!Lol
haven't u guys heard of demons masquerading as angels of light? i dont know if she's illuminati but i believe there are cults in these advanced countries. and she prob may be one of them. this vid has something abt it which makes it weird.
anyway there r similarities o. esp in the beginning. the shiny faces or sthing. dunno how to describe it
i just heard that she's pregnant....happy for u gal
oh plssss leave bee alone! nicki minaj has been stealing concepts all her life! her whole career is fake!
na wa o.... people sha. all i see is hair and computer tricks. SMH
this video is disturbing, there's something totally demonic about it. The same feeling i get watching Rihanna's Disturbia, is the exact same feeling and vibe i got watching this video. And yes there are similiarities in the two videos, the only difference is that the first/original vid is tastefully done.
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