The fashion blogger, who is the daughter of billionaire businessman, Femi Otedola and singer Mr Eazi, looked very much like a couple at Folarin Alakija's wedding to Naza in England yesterday. He even met her mum. Does anyone know something we don't know? See more photos after the cut...
They are DEFINATELY a couple. Cos they even travel together
Good for them.
Her mum has this botox effect face!! Cute girls by the way
Mrs Otedola always looking gracious!
Good for them
Is it me or temi did a nose job?
They might b a couple u knw
good for them
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
It's aiit.
Okay seen
And artificial. Reminds me if Kris Jenner.and she left behind a suck son to go and enjoy
Linda you are stale. its been public for while. they toured europe together. they are indeed a couple and a cute one at that
Linda, you're definitely not on point with your trending gist game anymore
Her mom is beautiful if that's what you mean.
With all the money and the kind of connections their father/family has, and the kind of life they've lived and been exposed to, and the people, and their education, these girls don't date at that level. I'm sorry to say it but one dated/is dating a footballer, now this one this Mr. Eazi (WHO? is he?). Can't they find good-looking, professional, rich men from solid pedigree backgrounds/families, wealthy families like them, or middle class families but very polished, well-educated, cultured, exposed, and are making it big, are really huge success stories in their own right in whatever they are doing, for it to make sense that they are dating an Otedola? Most of all, men who have CLASS. The footballer was/is presentable (never heard him speak though), only that he is a footballer, and not a top one (sorry), at least, not yet. Foot ball is a short term career; after his foot ball years are done, what next? As a father, as a a parent, that's what I'd be thinking. This Mr. Eazi does not even look responsible, does not look presentable. These girls are supposed to have all this money, or their family does, and they mix with all these rich people like Dangote, their parents have lunch or dinner with Bill Gates, etc but they just do things from time to time that (again, I'm so sorry) are razz/classless. And, another thing, as a father, why does Otedola let his daughters broadcast to the world that they are in intimate relationships i.e. having sex with these fellows? Posting photos from holidays in various places in the world, alone with these guys. They are women, they are young girls, the standards are not the same for men, it may be hypocritical but that's the way it is; and when you are supposedly rich, the standards are not the same for you, you should handle yourselves with a whole lot more class, decency and privacy. They make it look cheap, eazi to date an Otedola. These guys get to date these girls and they're with Otedola himself, rubbing shoulders with Dangote, and all kinds of people in photographs, at various events, functions, outings, people thyey'd never have net in a zillion years, because they are dating these girls. Dangote's daughters probably date but it's not splashed in the face of the world tastelessly; when you see their photos, thy're representing their father at a business event, or with him at a business event, because they work in the company; not photos with glasses of champagne in hand ALL the time, partying all the time, at fashion shows, clubbing, on the boat/yacht, shopping, etc. The point is with each photo, each appearance, each tidbit of information on social media, a brad is being created, a perception is being entrenched. Is it a good brand? Is it a good perception? Is it the best perception? Is it the right perception? Is it working for you? Really? Are you getting the really good, positive, results and for the long-term that are of true value and desirable or are they superficial, temporary and worthless and in the long run, actually detrimental?
Mr Peter,YOU ARE CRAZY.....Obviously crazy.Am sure there is no electricity at your place presently....WEREY
I totally get your point.
Who the fuck are they not to date mr Eaze? Do they have special tatto in their pussy reserved for billgate son? Or dont you know what love and peace of mind is? Gutter-boy. Someone like you will force your daughters into a relationship she doesn't want.. anu ofia
All this long prose.. am sure someone you paid wrote your waec. U sabi write. You no see chimamanda books
Yes she did
So the Otedola's are into plastic surgery now. wa oh.
Me Peter what I see is diff from what u see. I see a down to earth and understanding father in Otedola through his children s choice of husband. He allows them free hand to choose who they ll marry rather than arranged marriage being adorned by some of our Yoruba and Housa families which after a while they all become like neighbors in the marriage. No love
Meanwhile Peter you sound like an interested party. Stop it it wount work. The girl does not want you period
The man should be more of a father. He loves them, he provides well for them, he's there for them, all that's obvious and highly commendable. He's their friend but he should be more of their FATHER especially to their male friends/toasters. they need to put some respect on that name, on their wealth (which by the way, they are by far from being the wealthiest around, even just in Nigeria but they are among the most in your face and loudest with it). They need to put respect on themselves, on their name and on their wealth and it starts, it must start with their FATHER. Then, their mom, their parents have to lead and model that before the girls and children can follow their example. As a father, as a parent, he MUST know his daughters'friends, both male and female, and especially their dates and boyfriends. He must get to know these guys, he must relate with them, ask them questions, find out their background, establish some sort of relationship with them, for his daughters'safety but he does NOT need to be giving them his hard-earned platform and that of his friends and giving them so cheaply what they have not yet come anywhere close to earning or deserving. Young men and boys that have not paid bride price, that have not brought dowry, they have not brought their elders/people, that have not dated his daughters but for a minute (and until they come to ask his permission for his daughters'hands in marriage and he gives his blessing, that's all it can ever be - dated but for a minute) and yet they can step up to him as a father? be allowed to hobnob publicly and be introduced to and take photographs to be published for all the world to see with him, and with his his friends like Aliko Dangote? Chilling with the two of them, and others? From where? As per what? How long will the relationships last? Then the next boyfriends come, and all over again? Where is the worth, the value being put on the Otedola name? On himself as a person? Where's the DIGNITY, the CLASS on them?
With all that money and expensive education abroad, they have chosen careers such as DJ-ing and fashion blogging. With such 'professions', they NEED to marry extremely well. They need to marry guys that come from serious money (so that whilst their parents are alive and when they are dead, even from their inheritance, they are still wealthy) and pedigree (because the pedigree assures the network and connections that help to keep the wealth growing from generation to generation) and who are for their own selves, bright, intelligent, well-educated, ambitious, hard-working, have a vision they are striving for/after and which drives them and are working hard to make their own name and their own wealth and multiply the family wealth and make their own nuclear family name. These girls need that to sustain the kind of lavish lifestyle they are used to and love. Other people wealthier than them do not live and spend as lavishly and as extravagantly as they and their family do. So, with their chosen career paths, they need to be realistic and marry both for love and for practicality. Daddy's money may not last forever; what happened in the recession when he's gone from billionaire to millionaire (by the grace of God, he'll make it all back again and more) should have given them a strong jolt of reality and caused them all to rethink their lives. God, in His mercy, allows things to happen for a reason, to help us.
Wealth, just like royalty, brings with it, RESPONSIBILITY. Where is the SENSE OF RESPONSIBILITY exhibited in these girls and in this family?
And, even if you are so indulged by your father and parents to 'express your individuality' and choose such career paths, what says you cannot give some years to work in, help grow, build and develop and get to know the workings and state of the family business, the business and company your father built and which sustains your lifestyle and allows you to go abroad to university to learn how to be a DJ, or a fashion blogger? What says you cannot work even in a Corporate Affairs Department/Division and channel your skills and education in that portfolio which covers Events, CSR, etc and see how you can so develop and maximise that area to build the brand and positively affect the bottomline and profit margins of the company? Before someone thought of it, ThisDay newspaper was a NEWS paper; then came ThisDay Style on Sundays, only, but yet, it has added so much in so many different ways to that brand. And there are now various copycats but only one ThisDay and ThisDay Style. How can Forte Oil perhaps, as part of its CSR, sponsor and facilitate entrepreneurship, create Nigerian entrepreneurs in the Nigerian music industry, and help diversify and grow the Nigerian economy and create jobs? How can you use your contacts with Jay Z, Roc Nation, etc to have Forte Oil sponsored Events and Conferences, Workshops and Seminars where such people, from the Quincy Jones to the Jay Zs and Sean 'P. Diddy' Combs, Audu Makoris,etc can come and teach, how can you enable knowledge transfer and netwworking and partnerships, relationships so that young, upcoming, old, mature, all ages and levels of experience can come and learn about music, entertainment as a BUSINESS, learn staying power, what it takes, learn about the workings of the industry, globally, locally, internationally, learn how to build a successful personal brand, how to successfully balance your life, personal and business, how to handle and deal with the media/paparazzi, how to handle your life and deal with crazy fans just fans, the public, so you can remain sane and grounded with your two feet still firmly planted on planet earth, and not go nuts and start calling yourself Jesus and saying you are the god of music sent to educate everybody and end up hospitalised from 'exhaustion'. Then, you get yourself i.e. your company and all its good work featured on CNNnews, and on CNN programmes, you attract good attention and notice, globally. You build up a strong and innovative and NEEDED CSR portfolio for Forte Oil. Reputabel international investors (who watch for such, among other indices) take note. And come calling. Business Development. Global Partnerships. Profit base skyrockets or builds and grows steadily. Corporate Affairs/Corporate Communications/Brand Management Department or Division. Who knew? DJing. Fashion blogging. Who knew? You put in your time. You DJ during your holidays, your weekends. Give daddy, the family, and really, yourself and your future, just a few years, get to KNOW the business so strangers are not schooling you, condescending to you, as an outsider about the business your own father built. Put in your quota, rise through the ranks, then leave and be (an Executive) Director and go do your own thing. Don't take life for granted.
Okoya has built an empire. The children, especially the elder ones, are mostly all doing their own thing now, the wife runs it, but right from university days, when the rest of us were chilling and relaxing and having fun during the holidays, every single one of them was going off to work at the factory/company and returning from work every day like proper working people. They partied at night and at weekends. After Uni, of course you can guess. They got to know the business form the ground up, contributed, they know it like the back of their hands. They are doing their own thing and still, in one way or another, their entrepreneurship and businesses are connected to what they learnt in the family business. If anything happens to their dad, or if any need arises, at any time, they can easily go back in and run the business or discuss knowledgeably. No one can fool them or cheat them.
I say again, who is this Mr. Eazi? As per in that milieu? I mentioned that it doesn't have to be a guy from an extremely rich family (nevertheless, as ladies/women, rich or poor or average, it is expected, and always better, that you marry up, at the very least, equal; NOT down. A woman needs to be able to look up to her man. That's just the Divine design and the way things are and work, if we are real to ourselves. There's nothing at all bad in it. We're not talking slavery. No, a woman likes her man to be a leader and a man needs to be able to be a leader. You can't lead if she's footing the bills or the big bills.) or always a banker, lawyer, doctor, architect, etc. I mentioned middle class but well educated, cultured, intelligent. Someone who is his own man. Can stand on his own two feet. I mentioned longevity of career. And to show that this does not exclude the music or entertainment industries, I'll give two examples (they're already married though, the first has at least done his introduction/traditional marriage). Bankole Wellingtion aka Banky W. He's not from a rich family, he's family's middle class but he's well educated, he's cultured (and for those who don't know, cultured does not mean/speak of culture as in culture and tradition), he's well brought up, it shows, he's well-bred (even some rich people are not well bred), he's intelligent, well-spoken, both in diction and thought process and vocabulary, he's hard-working, he doesn't just sing, he's got his own management/record company with other artistes on his label, and he's got partners, who are good friends, old friends, with good family connections, with him as co-owners of that label. He's a boss. He's got vision. He's got a plan. He's a gentleman. Ask him if he dated this lady or that, he does not confirm; he leaves it up to the lady. He does not believe in kissing and telling. He presents (including but not only his dressing) and styles himself well. He's careful where he's seen and what he's seen doing. He understands the power of image and that it mus be carefully nurtured. Ik Osakhioduwa. Also from a middle class background. Intelligent, clean, well educated, well-spoken, advertising job stint, then entertainment, presenter, Studio 53, and on from there with Dstv, now The Voice, throughout it all, steady job on prime time radio, his own tv show, has his own production company now, boss. Happily married. Always well turned out, well presented, in dressing, image, speech. Also, careful and deliberate about his image and what he puts out there. Has a vision, a plan for longterm and he's living it. A boss. Two examples to help illustrate what I mean, outside of guys from wealthy backgrounds and with regular, professional, white collar careers. Sit either of these two guys down at a lunch that your parents are invited to with Bill Gates, and they will hold their own. They will also not look out of place. They will come looking, and being, the part.
What is that on that Mr. Eazi's head? When she gets her PR to get her seats at the swanky fashion houses and access into places like the Yves St. Laurent mansion, is that the head she intends to carry along and seat and walk beside her? Is that the expression and representation, the best image of herself that she can find to present to the world? Or, don't you know that by who you date and who you marry you are simply showing to the world who you are? Another image of yourself? You are declaring This is me! This is who I am on the inside! This is what I like! How I think! My taste! My person! This is what suits me! This is what I am attracted to! This is what I think is da bomb! This is me!
The younger one is 19, or is she 20 years old now? Must you advertise it that she is sexually active at 19? Must the world know that they are touring the world/Europe together? Alone? Unchaperoned? Have some wisdom. If you simply cannot do/live without posting photos, at least, CHOOSE what you put out there. You don't always have to be drinking alcohol, laughing with your mouth wide open at a party, or event, making funny faces, we don't have to see photos of you and your boyfriend alone on some holiday somewhere, some secluded place/island, of your bare legs entwined together. And, all with the knowledge and blessing and facilitation of your FATHER and parents. Start THINKING about these things.
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