Dr. Ejiro Beulah Izeze remarried four years after the death of her husband and father of her two children. Ejiro and Godwin Onoro tied the knot on June 7th, at Oginibo Town in Ughelli-South LGA of Delta State.
Her brother, Comrade Reuben Rume Izeze, Member representing
Ughelli-South State Constituency in the Delta State House of Assembly,
posted the photos thanking their first in-laws, the Orseers for looking
after their daughter and sister "all these years of locust"
Read the post and see more photos below...
"Indeed, no matter how long the "wahala" lasts, JOY is gonna come in the morning" he wrote.Her friend, Nkechi Ika Bianca shared her story to inspire Nigerian single mothers, widows and divorcees. Read below:"Let me tell you a short story about my friend.
Dr. Ejiro Beulah Orseer
was married, but she became widowed some years ago. She had two
daughters with her late husband, who died 4 years ago, while they were
still married.
She recently got married again to a man whom I don't know personally, but looks to me like a good and gentleman.
Some days ago, she told us how she's having butterflies in her tummy. You know that feeling of true love.
Some days ago, she told us how she's having butterflies in her tummy. You know that feeling of true love.
Why am I writing this?
Firstly, I want to say a big congratulations to my
sweetheart and Facebook friend, Dr. Ejiro Beulah Orseer. A woman whom I
met on Facebook but have come to love and admire.
I hope your happiness increases in your new home. I hope you never stop being happy.
I hope your happiness increases in your new home. I hope you never stop being happy.
I sought Ejiro's permission to make this post.
To all ye single mothers, most especially the ones who
still want to get married and/or find lifetime committed companions,
this is for you.
Ours is a society where single parents, most especially
single mothers are made to seem like "rejected goods". And I'm trying in
my own little way to change such narrative.
You have been told that single mothers do not deserve great men, if at all they deserve to have male companions.
This belief even makes some men think they are doing single mothers a favour by dating or marrying them.
This belief even makes some men think they are doing single mothers a favour by dating or marrying them.
Listen my dear sisters, and get these into your heads.
No man, and I repeat that NO MAN is doing you a favour by
dating or marrying you. Do NOT date or marry any man who gives you the
impression that he is doing you a favour by being with you.
There are several great men out there who will love you GENUINELY even as a single mother in your 20s, 30s, 40s, and older.
Many single mothers that I know got remarried to VERY RESPONSIBLE MEN.
Earlier this year, I wrote about my aunty who got married
in the late 80s, fled from her abusive husband in the early 90s, and got
remarried in the early 2000.
Her first daughter (only child from first marriage) is a doctor currently doing her NYSC, the second is currently a student at Unilag, and the other two are still in secondary school.
Her first daughter (only child from first marriage) is a doctor currently doing her NYSC, the second is currently a student at Unilag, and the other two are still in secondary school.
Nora Oma Patrick got married this year, a while after she
left her abusive first marriage. She has two children from her first
Gillian Chikaodi Nwangumah who also has two children from her previous marriage remarried last year to a cute dude.
I can go on naming them.
Never lose your self-esteem due to loss of spouse or divorce or even because you are approaching 35 years of age.
Never lose your self-esteem due to loss of spouse or divorce or even because you are approaching 35 years of age.
Never remain in an abusive relationship because you don't want to be termed divorcee and single parent.
Don't settle for ass holes just because you think no man will love you again.
Save up some money. Buy nice clothes, buy a makeup kit,
have a makeover from head to toe, get your grove back, set your
standards and BE VERY SELECTIVE.... yes, you heard me, I said be
The chances of second time love for women are very much higher than the Nigerian society make you believe.
This post is specifically to inspire Nigerian single mothers, widows and divorcees.
I will find time tomorrow to write for single women who are in their 30s and older
she is so so happy...am happy for her
She deserve to be happy again. God bless their union.
Congratulations to my Oga of Life( Godwin Onoro), you deserve the best.
Congratulation to the couple, also Godwin is a widower with 5 children and an ED with PAL pension. WOW its a big family now. I am so happy for them
Awww! God is not dead
Linda, the article you posted was not written by her brother but Nkechi Bianze on her Facebook page. I guess the brother just shared Nkechi's post. Note where the celebrant was referred to as a Facebook friend in the write up and not sister. Please credit appropriately.
Happy married life to them
I am crying as am reading this. It gives me hope. I love my kids so much but I am lonely. It's not easy to be a widow. I ve tried finding love but was taken advantage of a couple of times.I have made mistakes which I take responsibility of. I have been celebrate for 2 years now. I dont trust men. I am hoping on God for love. Just turned 43 this year. Have been a widow for almost 14 years. Now. Sometimes I want to give up on love.
Its well my dear.
don't giv up ma,luv is knocking on ur door soonest
Awwwwwwww...ds is soo lovely,God bless ha new home. Bt if I catch d make up artist eh..
Dnt gv up my love.Ur a Catch.treat urslf as such n dnt settle.lov wld cm
Nice one. Congrat
Love stories like this! My son will be 8 soon, I think it's time to give love a chance so help me God!
That's great. But was it really necessary to put his entire family and work life out here for everyone to know about? You obviously know him up close, and you're really not doing him any favours by being this brazen with your display of knowledge of his family life. I implore you to edit if you can. God bless you.
Please, don't. There's light at the end of the tunnel. I imagine it can't be easy on you but I trust God to sort you out beautifully like He did for these two. And please, don't beat yourself up for making the mistakes you made. You're only human and prone to mistakes but it doesn't make you any less than what God says you are. Stay hopeful and let God bring you your very own man. God bless you.
God is faithful. Never loose hope. Yours is on the way sooner than you think. Stand my sister you are not alone. God bless and keep you.
Lydia John pls do God will help u
God will grant you your desire of a good man. Don't give up
ok o
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
This is Nkechi Ika Bianze's post. Linda learn to acknowledge properly
Am also a widower, lost my husband two years ago, and there family is just been unfair to me... Have a son and I pray to find real love and peace of mind... God help me and send me a good man who Wil make forget all I ve passed tru in these past years... Amen
Linda, that Nk got Ejiro's permission to post this doesn't mean you also have one to share it.
Next time ask permission, not everyone is looking for their stories to trend. Some people just want to celebrate quiet Aunty.
Enter your comment...Congratulations ma! May ur union be blessed.
Wow.....congrats Dr Ejiro , happy for you
God will grant u a second and pure unconditional love from a man..never give up as long as u have God..
congrats on d couple
Love will find you at the right time madam,you need not give up. I understand quite well what it feels like, etc to be lonely especially when the kids are grown and need to have their own life too. Just be happy, package your self and trust me,love will find you when and where you least expect.
Please do. Don't be hard on yourself. May God be with you.
Don't mind that bomb writing n she don't tellbus about her own story ,fool like her forgetting that Children's of broken house ar Bombs .she de celebrate nonsense .
SO happy for this woman; God bless your new home.
If there is life there is hope.
she try if nah men na d next month you go hear say e they marry again.tufia for men hunger for sex
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