How romantic! This happened last night at TerraKulture in VI. A man pleaded with the director of a play to give him some minutes to bring his woman on stage and propose to her. So they stopped the play and the very romantic dude asked his girl to join him on stage where he asked her to be his wife. She said yes of course and the audience cheered. How nice. Congrats to the couple. See more exclusive photos after the cut...
How romantic! Next pls!!!!
Dts nice n sweet
Awww how romantic..wish them the best
Glowyshoe blog
Dis is wht is called b romantic and now I wil say unto d next level. Congrats to them.
Mine is on the way!
Awww! Congrats
You should have found out their names before going to press with this announcement.
Oh, aw romantic! Wish ds beautiful couple well.
Congrats next!!!
Awwww! That's so sweet. Congratulobia
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Congrats to her. I also propose to my baby in the public toilet yesterday I tell everybody to waits yesterday morning that I want to propose to my babe it was there my neighbor slap me from back it is fair what my neighbor did?
Awwwwwww, So sweet. Nigerian men are becoming romantic by the day.
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***adult content***
Good for them
Awwww! So sweet
Wish dem well
This is so cute....
A big congrats to dem.
A big congrats to dem.
Congrats to them
Thats nice.....
It doesnt have to be dramatic.
Enough of this clowning about!
Congrats to them.
Lord, please I dnt want a public proposal. Just d 2 of us in a quiet n serene environment enjoying every moment of it...
haba! this proposal was from weeks ago aunty linda. Hian!!!!!!!!!
Pls y do nigerian ladies alwys look like dey wnt to die wen dey gt proposed to? Well dats every nigerian lady's top priority... Marry me or i die. Congrats anyway... Team boss lady b4 marriage. My career will neva leave me evn if a man does.
Awwwwwwhhh,thats so romantic,Boo,anywhere u r,u better come n propose now,Sexirony isnt getting any younger ooo
Everybody is getting married...congrats to them!
Congrats girl
#sad indeed
Awwww, nice
Congrats to her
#it WiLL OnlY gET bETTer
#IT mUSt EnD iN pRAIse
Wow! Congratulations 2 dem
Wow! Congratulations 2 dem
Awwww, nice
Congrats to her
#it WiLL OnlY gET bETTer
#IT mUSt EnD iN pRAIse
Seems different stunts of marriage proposals have been trending. I tink am gonna do mine inside El rufai bus or BRT in Lagos. Watchout!!!
This is so lovely and romantic, I wish them the best and I also tap into the girl's blessing.
Seems different stunts of marriage proposals have been trending. I tink am gonna do mine inside El rufai bus or BRT in Lagos. Watchout!!!
C'mon Linda this happened about 6weeks ago and not last night.... I know bcos I was in the audience. Great moment though!
Pssst! I'm so bored with all these so called proposal shitt. I mean yayyy good for you and whatever but please ya'all should do that in ur private moment coz we don't really care. Linda good morning
But d man doesn't look happy ni
This us really nice! That's good for the guy for his open commitment.
Wow congrats girl
Our men are becoming more creative nowadays. Congrats to them. Linda take note!
Our men are becoming more creative nowadays. Congrats to them. Linda take note!
Our men are becoming more creative nowadays. Congrats to them. Linda take note!
my bobo hope u dey c oooo
How sweet! Big congrats to them....
This didn't happen last night, it happened several weeks ago. The guy is well known to me.
A lot of women out there are just excited about "proposal abi engagement style" and "wedding pictures" than the marriage itself which is about building a HOME.
It is unbiblical to kiss before marriage. That is why there is a part where you may kiss the bride. Our morale value don dey fall and children would be there watching. He should have just hugged her instead. Lol.
Well said
My faith looks up to thee thou lamb of calvary,saviour divine#singing
It is ok to kneel for virgin. All those ones wey several men do sotay dem become spare tyre who wan kneel for dat one?
Dumb guy
I don't know why proposals are just dramatic these days. Of course am happy for them, but what happened to a romantic dinner in a private place. Plus interrupting the play is just rude. Next thing u know, someone interrupts a movie at the cinema to propose to their Boo.
Na so so propose dis days, inside water, inside church, Linda I propose you through your blog o o, am expecting yes answer from you.
So romantic. God bless their home.
So romantic. God bless their home.
It would seem romantic till girl fall man hand for public
Awwwwww, congrats 2 them........
Wow so romantic.
Buhahahahaha,you are not serious
Biko who asked you question
congrats to them.please visit my blog
For ur information, his name is Bola Aluko he's a graduate of creative arts department class of 2001.
Linda when ur own go reach oooooo.
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