Adam also killed 12 girls, 8 boys - all first graders - all aged 6 and 7 years old. See the full list of victims and first photos of the tragic children after the cut...
6 year old Emilie Parker was killed |
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7 year old Ana Marquez-Greene was also killed |
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Jesse Lewis, six, pictured with his father was also killed. |
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Adam Lanza's mother, Nancy Lanza, was also killed |
Full list of victims
Charlotte Bacon, 6
Daniel Barden, 7
Olivia Engel, 6
Josephine Gay, 7
Ana Marquez-Greene, 6
Dylan Hockley, 6
Madeleine Hsu, 6
Catherine Hubbard, 6
Chase Kowalski, 7
Jesse Lewis, 6
James Mattioli, 6
Grace McDonnell, 7
Emilie Parker, 6
Jack Pinto, 6
Noah Pozner, 6
Caroline Previdi, 6
Jessica Rekos, 6
Avielle Richman, 6
Benjamin Wheeler, 6
Allison N. Wyatt, 6
Rachel Davino, 29
Dawn Hochsprung, 47
Anne Marie Murphy, 52
Lauren Russeau, 20
Mary Sherlach, 56
Victoria Soto, 27
Charlotte Bacon, 6
Daniel Barden, 7
Olivia Engel, 6
Josephine Gay, 7
Ana Marquez-Greene, 6
Dylan Hockley, 6
Madeleine Hsu, 6
Catherine Hubbard, 6
Chase Kowalski, 7
Jesse Lewis, 6
James Mattioli, 6
Grace McDonnell, 7
Emilie Parker, 6
Jack Pinto, 6
Noah Pozner, 6
Caroline Previdi, 6
Jessica Rekos, 6
Avielle Richman, 6
Benjamin Wheeler, 6
Allison N. Wyatt, 6
Rachel Davino, 29
Dawn Hochsprung, 47
Anne Marie Murphy, 52
Lauren Russeau, 20
Mary Sherlach, 56
Victoria Soto, 27
May their beautiful souls RIP! Wow! Short of words! (Barbie)
God!! God!! Where are you?
My heart bleeds...Sweet sweet rest!
GOD4BID..JESUS CHRIST..WHICH kind tin be dis.
Seeing these pics of these adorable kids makes me wanna shed a tear. They all had a future, future birthdays, getting their own future kids and all but were terminated by a sick psychopath. How sad! May they continue to R.I.P
this life eh..kill 26 people then kill urself wetin dat mad boy gain.wetin dose small children do naaa *tears*..God help us..
Heart breaking, is high time they talked about gun control here in the united states. may God heal the hearts of those affected.
Oyibo people are crazy sha!!!
Omgggg *tearssss*
Wow, so so sad but what impressed me the most is when one of the Dad's of the murdered children spoke and mentioned that he's heart goes out to the family of the shooter also. Wow, talk about real Christian love. How many of us would be able to do the same? Rather we would curse even 5 of their generations. Really Christianity is loving even those who are hard to love. I really learnt something vital from that man today and he's only 30yrs old.
What could have been the motive behind this massacre? This is totally unacceptable and calls for a review on the possession of fire arms by citizens of the US.Something needs to be done very fast before another ugly bastard pulls the trigger on innocent souls. May the souls of the departed rest in peace.Amen
I saw some tweets complaining dat d coverage of dis shooting disturbed d airing of ellen degeneres......rily???cos she was to host justin bieber..we live ina sick world..some people ave no compassion..
........When they need to search and do things to put guns in check, they wont...........
........They will be busy pulling up cars looking for black and arab terrorist and end up catching none. Colorado, Virginia Tech and now this!!!!!!!!! DAMN...............
Fuck the shooter, Fuck the school authorities, Fuck the people who passed those stupid gun laws and if you are getting down with gun for self defence then FUCK YOU TOO!!!
May the Kiddie's soul rest in peace. I think that absent woman knows something about this!!! She should be grilled well!!!
psycho pple una too much in a negative way, coffee wey i dey drink hia comot my nose as i read this!
Oh my!!! I can't hold these tears. They are so adorable. How can anyone do this; RIP little angels. God loves u all.
I feel so so Sad right now,Words can't express how I feel,my heart goes out to the parents of those kids.....Dat psychopath should be given d worst position in Hell...RIP to those Beautiful ones.
This has become a regular occurrence in the American society. It's tragic on all levels.
On the other hand however, I'm glad these children never have to suffer through the disappointments and sadness life brings. They have grown their angel wings.
Rest in Peace little ones. May your angels comfort your families.
Linda, I'm glad you waited until there were concrete facts to post about this event. Some people rushed to publish the news and ended up reporting rubbish. Thank you.
Kai still in shock#sad God help us all...still tryin to figure out why dey will kill innocent children?...
The most painful tin is d idiot shot himself 2 instead of facing d law these children probably had never as much as pinched sum1 to hurt them intentionally as I heard some where shot over 11 times even adults won't tk dat and live I pray 4 strength 4 their families only God knows y RIP little angels
OMG wat kind of life is dis? Pls lord comfort dir parents.....beautiful souls...can't stp crying!
Tearful. May their beautiful souls rest in peace.
I can't help but notice his dead eyes in all the pictures I've seen of the killer.
Prayers and thoughts go out to all the victims family and friends Xx
No comment
What a wicked world we live in
Plagiarism! Copying Obama's word!
This is very pathetic
God knows why! The Pain will go but the memories will not
i feel so bad. Look at those innocent faces. Hmmm dis world is coming to an end.
Y nau dz is so sad
So so sad,RIP
This is so sad...Dat guy is sick!
Little innocent souls. There are a lot of sick people in this America. U hear about them evryday in the local news its only the bigs ones that makes it to CNN. Lonely,sick,evil people. No form of empathy for the human soul. How can anyone shot at this cute lil innocent souls.
Linda u are fast ooo cnn neva say their names
Hey LIB readers...av missed u guyz big tym.
For d lives that has bin lost i pray dey RIP!
he killed with guns his mother bought...and then turn her own guns on her......sad for the children, but what kinda woman buys guns for sport?
he killed with guns his mother bought...and then turn her own guns on her......sad for the children, but what kinda woman buys guns for sport?
this is unfathomable and a very sad day in america... and as typical of white people, when their people do EVIL they term it as mental illness. If this boy wasnt a devil reincarnate, i dont know who is. if any other race did this it will be gangstars or terrorists or mafia.
There are no words. The sadness too deep. The horror too immense.
luk how beautiful they all are especially the kids, May their souls rest in peace. America pls eliminate guns from your society. period!
God only u kno sha what exactly hapned,but dis is so gross nd sick.RIP guys
He looks like someone I'd avoid making eye contact with at the mall.
Dear lord God have mercy....
Dere must b a reason 4 this dastardly act! Too many secrets... Dat died wif him(Adam)
#Jade Said#
Deeply sadened by dis! Who hurts little kids? God pls do something! Pls heal our land. God help d families of d departed get thru dis hurt
M̶̲̥̅γ̲̣̣̥ heart bleeds! As a mother looking @ d cute faces of these kids whose lives were cut short breaks ma heart. RIP innocent and beautiful ones. May God console Ʊя̲̅ parents and loved ones, Amen
LOoking at d guys picture as it is on this post,u can tell he is not up there. They just didn't catch this one on time.White Ppl r shooting up everyone lately!
I suggest America do something abt theIr stupid gun laws.Ppl r under stress especially with a receding economy and to pick up a gun and run amock is relatively easy!
God really wants beautiful Angels this period around Him because I don't understand why so many death of Children. I pray God to visit the parents and comfort them,encourage them. May God cause His face to shine on the teachers who also left this world in the cause of mentally uplifting this kids. May He Bless Immensely those that protected the other kids from harm. It could have happened to anyone,I'm a teacher also... Pls let's all take this thing serious,Embrace God tight now because the day,hour and how,we do not know. Try to desist from sin. Its a second between life and death.
Linda I think its time u include the Gospel on your Blog. I understand that u fear suffering persecution because humans rather hear of gossip,sex,party and all that than hear the word of God outside Church but u have made ur mark already,u aren't going to loose readers if u atleast try. So pls. Thousands of people read your blog,u wouldn't know whose soul you have touched. Just help. Thanks and God Bless you all. Happy Sunday.
This so sad and scary. Now am so scared for my nieces and nephews in school. Geez which kind world be dis
When freedom is too much people will always misbehave. U allow free Gun policy despite having so many demented and troubled people in ur society. Statistics shows dat US has more psychos in their society dan any oda country in d world. I dnt wish such on any one bt MY GOD look at d faces of these adorable children. #Somanytears(Tupac)
This sad. Am so scared for my nieces and nephew. Geez which kind world be dis.
This world had turned into something else...nobody is safe anymorre
God sat back and watched them die. SMH
This is so heart breaking
Wicked world! He's death was way too easy! Heavens grace beautiful ones
Oh my God! Short of words!! May der soul rest in peace! God be wit der families
Did u guyz see d military grade gunz his mum bought legally?hmmm,and d boy looks like he is unstable.....america is free!!!gunz,lezbianizm,gayzzz....all vices u find in america all in d name of d free world......now d kids bear d brunt.....RIP BEAUTFUL ANGELS......
one thing am sure of is adam have got psychological problems! being aware of who adam is,the mother shoudnt have a gun in that same house with her! am so bitter right now dis is evil!
Lukin @ dz guy u know he is not normal & d mum allowd him on d street.D mum actualy knowz he was kolomental.
RIP children @ teachers.
Awwwwww! D Anna marquez gal is so so cute!!!!!! Americans ve 2 stp dis insanity! Its nt dier faults, "eshe kin pa ni, ayo lo n pa ni"!!! Poverty doesn't kill but 2 mch happiness! Its cos dey can afford life neccessities, if nt, dey wnt even tink abt owning arms! Mtscheeew
Am short of words, may their soul rest in peace, amen
Its just so, so sad!!!!!!!!!
Hmmmmm...so sad...smal tym obama we use dt his big fat mouth 2 condemn nigeria lyk if his country is peaceful nd has al d human beings livin der bn normal.....y do u.s lyk al ds sporadic nd open shootings,d oda tym it was on d road,it was also in a premiere at colorado,now is at children nd adults in skul,,,,,imagine!!.......d man who did ds is mentally retarded...imagine hw dreams nd hopes of d future ve bin cut short cuz of a psycho.....wat a world we live in....whether any1 agree or nt, u.s.a is d sodom nd gomorrah of our tym....may God spare our lives...amen....r.i.p 2 al those who lost their lives in ds un4tunate accident......*almost cryin*....
This is really sad....May deir souls rest in peace. -Jessie
So many unopened Xmas presents in Connecticut this year. Sad :( RIP sweetness.
The boy Adam looks demonic, look at the moms pics with that sign of shooting on her head......I think they are all insane in thier family. May the souls of these lovely angels and th audits RIP. signs of end time anyway.
I felt sad after seeing the people that were killed by this Monster Adam Lanza!he will continue 2 suffer in hell.may d souls of the departed RIP.
Seeing all dis pics rilli wanna make me cry....may there soul rest in peace
May there soul rest in peace...dis is so sad
So sad a story,but criously the Guy doesn't look kk frm d pic, somfin must ve gone wrong somewhere,Look @ dis pretty children, RIP to evry1 of them,Love Y'all
May their souls rest in peace..this is really sad.
The killer luks kinda mentally ill.....May God rest their beautiful souls. RIP lil angels.
No safe place in the world. On behalf of the Amalgamated African Youths Organisation(AAYO),we commiserate with the families of the victims!
Jus speechless......RIP
The photos of these mureders always make them look like killers. The Lanza person was mentally disturbed but everyone noticed but yet no help. May God grant the family of the deceased peace.
Rip beautiful ppl.
Oooooo I had2cry wen I saw the pics of those children!wat a world we liv in!this is too sad,may deir beautiful souls RIP
#crying# what is dis world turning into,barack obama#illuminati#
Prince Charming dear,am in luv wit u & ur comments. U talk gud here. This is a very sad tin dat happened,I just wish d families d fortitude to bear dis sad loss.
I am just in tears
See what these phsychopaths do to themselves? U can iMagine what black ppl go thru with them! Demons!
Rip kids. Ur parents and family members loves u but God loves u more.
So so sad,may God console their loved ones.
This clearly shows that we're living in the last days which the Bible prophecied. I'm so not happy abt these.
ema wo apayon, oloju shioshio. Mass Killer oshi.
You are a very jealous fool, for not posting my comment Bitch
In 2010, 500 women and children were killed in one village in jos! No one said anything ooooooo.
So so sad. May their soul RIPP.
Kai am speechless.this post is sooo touching tears r just flowin down my eyes.What a cold cold world,al I can say is the Lord knows best. Rest in Perfect peace beloved
I have cried tire as I read updates from Dailymail. Saddest story ever.
Its always amazing how America responds with Unity and love to such disaster. Obama even cried during his condolence speech to America. This reminds me how a cold Jonathan never said anything about Aluu 4. God save Nigeria
May their souls rest in peace, S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴͡ sad
I read the news on bbc yesterday, am still wondering what is the cause 20 infant 6 adult, killed by one person. who offended him the story is still inconclusive. There is no peace for the wicked. GOD by your infinite mercy lat there soul rest in peace
The shooter looks like a cannibal!! He doesn't look normal at All !!! Bastard!!
Wow.God hav mercy.May deir souls rest in peace.seriously,m jst short of words.may God grant deir families d fortitude 2 bear dis vry vry tragic loss Amen!Lily babe
This is really sad and tragic...I can't find d words enuf to express how sorrowful I am...how will someone kill small children ...ii just can't imagine why...may Deir soul RIP...Amen...see d psychopath and his devilish face he even killed his own mother I wonder what sort of reason would make him act as this...tank God he's dead self ....dis same tin happened in 2007....God bless their souls and give Deir families comfort
I have noticed that if the killer is white, his released picture will always make him look dumb and psycho. Smh...may all the souls involved in this grave incident, rest in peace. American govt do something about your gun policy and stop giving excuses that the person is mentally unstable when such crimes happen.
See cute kids,such is life. May their soul RIP.
These lil angels?what did dey do to deserve dis?dis is so painful!RIP darlings.
Well...that's what happens in a country where anyone can walk into Best Buy and purchase a firearm! I hope they learn from all these nonsense. For dat Adam dude....Smh. @ the other souls....RIP
It's really Painful..... 2 watch dis children died in pain...but i wonder what pushed dis juvenile 2 do dis.......may God be wit dia parents..R.I.P
These stupid white people..each time we kip hearing d same story...a kid gets a gun ,enters a school and terminates so many lives, dis isnt d first time..instead of changin d law on acquiring guns... how cn a school teacher hav 3guns legally acquird,..i blame dir governmnt,each time children pay wit dir lives..so sad
May deir beautiful souls R.I.P......
speechless dnt knw wat 2 say,RIP 2 dem
RIP to those who lost deir lives....wat a cruel world we live in..Am sure if d killer had a muslim name its gonna b terrorism..May God have mercy on us
With a very low spirit i say RIP to all of them
I have been in tears all morning. I ask myself why? How?. You have a child with issuses so much so that u retire to care for him n yet u collect guns...any sense in that? Each child had between 3-11 bullets..omg.. I can not understand it. I am numb wiv pain. Please all those saying illunminati n all, let it rest..what has this got to do wiv illuminati? Or the jos crisis..when it happens in our country we feel sad..doesnt stop us from feeling sad when its the US coz we are human. God the pretty kids wiv their whole life ahead of them all cut short..may their souls rest in peace. And to the teachersz..heros who lost their lives to save their pupilsz, the future of their country. Rest in the bosom of the lord. Jonathan shud take a cue from obama. He said nothing over the Aluu4 n Mubi killings. Stupid shoeless ass.
May deir soul rest in d bossom of God...2012,plzzzzzzz do nd pass/end..
Welcome back with ur gbagaun...can't say we noticed ur absence
What a tragic event...God helps us...u send ur baby to skul just to hear dt a bastard has killed ur baby....innocent babies....hmmmmm God will jugde us aCcording to our deeds.....
And i thought they said Adam turned d gun on himself...*smh
MY heart is broken....these innocent kids
Heartbroken! May their sweet souls and those of all d faithful departed RIP, amen.
This is sad! I really dnt knw what to say but I know this got to me! For whatever reason he did that, May God forgive him,RIP kiddies,I pray for the survivors, their parents and everyone who witnessed this! Its jst hurtful... Btw, who buys 3guns??? Is she a cop or a sierial killer??? ....my happiness is that those kids will jst get well sitted in heaven cos they are so pure!and they won't experince d craziness of this SICK world! All thanks to God!
12 boys and 8 girls @ Linda
God plz create a SPECIAL HELL 4 Adam Lanza abeg... May dia souls rest in perfect peace AMEN.
I was in tears when the victims pix came on the net....gun control
May their souls RIP....his name sha.. ADAM.. who names his son dat name filled with nemesis in this modern age? *smdh*
May their soul rest I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ peace
How do you pull a gun on 6 and 7 year olds and shoot
them several times and want to get away with the tag
of 'psychologically insane'? That's BS, these white folks
are crazy people, the whole lot of them! They are bored
cos almost everything is handed them on a platter, if to
say them dey chop hand to mouth like Nigerians, wetin go
concern them with shooting. If you wanna get famous in
America, do something nasty! As Kim K and Paris Hilton.
The idiot is not termed a menace or a terrorist but a loner
and shy person! F**k that sh*t the idiot wanted to write
his name in the American folklore. He probably got tired of
playing PS3 and xbox and decided to go Rambo on
innocent kids and their teacher! If he wanted to commit
suicide, there billions of sky rise apartments in America or
he coulda jumped out of plane or off a bridge. How many
blacks and arabs have attacked school children before?
Adam Lanza is nothing but a bloody murderer who knew
exactly what he was doing, na only am first suffer
asperger syndrome? Him papa!!!! He is not psycho, just
another bored dumbass American
Let's face it god has killed more people than this guy. Go and read your Bible.
May their beautiful souls rest well.
Am sure we almost to the end of the existence of manking Rest in Peace.This quite really heart sadden
rip to all d victims and may adam lanza soul enternally never find peace.
May their souls rest in peace.Amen!
Too much of American action movie can turn there life's negative,Americans are living with much of fucking laws i think its time they reveal some laws....That killer look sick maybe he just watch some annoying American action film that morning or someone annoy him and he cant control himself anymore,am not surprise cos that is how Americans behave...MAY THERE SOULS REST IN PEACE.
deekay u talk stupidly deos dat mean God who created nd has promise u death is a murderer? I dont knw y u ppl shy away 4rm d truth u r all narrow minded, america is d root of terrorism bt they'l pretend like saint. Dis is 2nd or 3rd tym dis kind of mass kilin is happenin nd dats hw it has been 4 many years nw bt dey'l cal all d culprits sm kind of names u might nt able to find d meanins meanwhile if its an African or Arab they'l refer to him as a Terrorist. Let us al amend our ways nd look 4 tru God. PEACÉ...
OMG how sad and the President of my school just sent out an email about the the school psychologist she graduated from my school in 1978 she even came there last month.
These children were just looking forward to Christmas and the beautiful winter snowy weather. May their gentle souls RIP, Amen.
Very sad...All I can say is "God bless Nigeria"
Good people.....great nation!!!
I thought these things happened only on TV... reading this and seeing the pictures of those kids, brings tears from my eyes. What is this world turning into?
I thought these things happened only on TVs but seeing those kids pictures and reading what happened, makes tears comes from my eyes. OMG, What is this world turning into?
it happens every day in the us ...its just dat most times u dont get to hear.....these ppl are d saddest ppl on earth despite all their money.
Thank God for such beautiful minds!
Twas' 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38
when 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven's gate.
their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air.
they could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there.
they were filled with such joy, they didn't know what to say.
they remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day.
"where are we?" asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse.
"this is heaven." declared a small boy. "we're spending Christmas at God's house."
when what to their wondering eyes did appear,
but Jesus, their savior, the children gathered near.
He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same.
then He opened His arms and He called them by name.
and in that moment was joy, that only heaven can bring
those children all flew into the arms of their King
and as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace,
one small girl turned and looked at Jesus' face.
and as if He could read all the questions she had
He gently whispered to her, "I'll take care of mom and dad."
then He looked down on earth, the world far below
He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe
then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand,
"Let My power and presence re-enter this land!"
"may this country be delivered from the hands of fools"
"I'm taking back my nation. I'm taking back my schools!"
then He and the children stood up without a sound.
"come now my children, let me show you around."
excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran.
all displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can.
and i heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight,
"in the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT."
Written by Cameo Smith, Mt. Wolf, PA
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