Elijah Soneye is not only the father of 17-year-old Eunice Soneye, but also her feared tormentor. The 53-year-old was on 21 October dragged before Mr. A Adenariwo of Ota Magistrate Court, Ogun State, on a two-count charge of maltreating and inflicting grievous bodily injuries on Eunice as well committing indecent molestation and abuse on her.
The court was alarmed to see a frail Eunice with grosteque swellings and deep cuts all over her arms and body. The adolescent girl was helped into the courtroom by her mother, Rebecca, and older sister, Sarah. The looks on their faces spoke of their trauma. Few minutes after, the crowded court room was stricken with fear when Eunice, drained of strength and unable to stand the rigour of the proceedings, simply fainted.
Elijah was alleged to have sexually assaulted Eunice on several occasions, by fondling and sucking her breasts and asking her to massage his genitals. The scruffy looking Elijah pleaded not guilty to the charge and was asked by the magistrate to be remanded in police custody while the case was adjourned till 17 November.
When NEWS magazine visited Eunice in Ota, she lamented her ordeal in the hands of her father. Though she initially claimed that her father only molested but didn’t have sex with her, she later confessed that she said so for fear of stigmatization. She described Elijah, a purported prophet and founder of a Cherubim and Seraphim church called New World Covenant Embassy, as cruel and wicked.
She said her sexual enslavement in the hands of her father started when she and her sister, Rebecca left their mother three years ago, to live with their father, a former banker with defunct Savannah Bank. She said the inability of their mother, who is estranged from the father, to cater for them, compelled them to live with their father.
Unknown to them, it was a journey into seclusion, want and cruelty. Eunice, who had just completed her Junior Secondary School examination at the time, dropped out of school on the instruction of her father. She claimed Elijah told her God asked him to stop her schooling.
First to detect their father’s evil intention was Sarah, who suddenly showed up at their mother’s place. Sarah’s reason for leaving was her father’s alleged pestering for sex. She refused him. Soon after Rebecca left, Elijah deflowered Eunice and ensured that she was kept in the house as his ready sex doll.
“He started having sex with me in January and he did so repeatedly. He threatened me that I would die if I told anyone and that he was the only one God had directed to have sex with me,” she explained amid sobs.
Eunice told NEWS that when the situation became unbearable, she ran away from his house to put up with a woman called Iya Osun, hiding in the place for 15 days before her father found her out and forcefully took her back home.
At home, Elijah tied Eunice up for two days without food, constantly whipping her. On the pretext of going to ease herself, Eunice escaped from her father’s hell-hole and trekked several miles, from Sango Ota to Ifo.
Without any money or relative, Eunice sought refuge in a church after narrating her ordeal to them. Few days after, the church asked her to leave for fear of being accused of kidnapping her. She took refuge in another church, but was also asked to leave after seven days. With the help of a good Samaritan, Eunice returned to her mother, who she narrated her predicament to.
Speaking with the magazine, Eunice mother, Rebecca, said she left Elijah because he was cruel to her. “I dared not ask questions or hold any contrary opinion to his, he would beat me up mercilessly. None of my family members could visit me because he said he didnt want to see them and once threw out my mother around 10p.m,” she recalled.
Eunice’s sister, Sarah, corroborated her mother’s remarks, adding that their father was the devil’s incarnate. Rebecca cursed and wailed, wishing that her violated daughter gets justice. Rebecca bore Sarah, Eunice and a boy named Michael for Elijah.
Eunice’s sister, Sarah, corroborated her mother’s remarks, adding that their father was the devil’s incarnate. Rebecca cursed and wailed, wishing that her violated daughter gets justice. Rebecca bore Sarah, Eunice and a boy named Michael for Elijah.
Source: News Magazine
mere looking @ this doom prophet shows he's a sadist...may God deliver this girl from d poison he has being ejaculating n her body
Very interesting story... But has forensic evidence been conducted to show her allegation has merit?
He looks so demonic....
I am very sure there are many more like him. pls GOD expose and destroy these agents of satan
that right arm and hand definitely needs antibiotics, I hope she is covered for tetanus, hepatitis b and c
fucking pedophile piece of shit! the father i mean
we need to bring the death penalty back to Nigeria quick- prison is too good for him!!!
Hand work of the devil---Gbenga
Scary but what could this man be at Savannah Bank, a support staff I presume.
Unimaginable! Who would have thought a tale of such would be heard of in Nigeria. May God have mercy - how evil!
Kai! The badness in 9ja is way 2 much. It's depressind
g. Really
Men are generally sick sha..he only got caught. There are others still getting away with it.
@Why Kanye Changes His name: You are absolutely right. Forensic evidence should be sought before he's convicted as a sexual offender. But in Nigeria his reputation as a Prophet is already marred forever even if he's later found to be innocent (which I highly doubt).
that mad prophet deserves death............may God deliver that poor girl
What a world
Funny thing is, even after all these, people will still troop to his church!!! We dont need to search far to see that this man is as guilty as charged. I just wish that this case will be seen to its logical end and this guy looked up where he, himself, will be someone's sex doll!
Man rapes his mother, man rapes his sister,man rapes his daughter, man rapes his niece,man rapes his house help, man rapes helpless child,girl,woman,aged woman! Wats their uncontrollable dicks made of? Animals! The whole bunch of them.
wtf is wrong with is world?!!!!!!
My own is that those two churches she ran to at first that refused to help her and threw her out should be brought to book also, Haba!! Wat kind of churches are these ones that cant show mercy or investigate the matter?? They just threw her out,na wah o.
Dat prophet is a moda f**kin castrated lame ass bastard!wot kinda world is diz?our world is totaly getn corrupted&mis-interpretated!jeezzzzzz v.dirty paedophile u r man!u nid 2b thrown in2 hell&made 2burn 4life!u dnt deserve anyfin lightness!may God 4give u&i dnt fink satan wud evn accept u in hell!Dickhead!weren't dere ashawos 4u 2atlist f**k?u went 2 f**k ur own daughter,ipray those horny dudes wud rape u v.well in dat sick prison
THE MOTHER IS ALSO TO BLAME AS FAR AS I AM CONCERNED. Useless woman, how does your kid have all those marks all over them and you deem it ok for them to still leave with the person that did that to them? um ok. Useless woman.
Anon November 1, 2011 10:32 PM; there is the death penalty in Nigeria. It's been there and they have no plans of abolishing it.
my advice to woman is that if we are not with our husband we should pls and try go together with our children expecially the female may God deliver us from the evil men
This will be a sign/warning unto all ye who seek other gods (prophets, images, idols, juju & etc). Serve no other God but our Father in Heaven - the Alpha & Omega, Omnipresent & Omniscience God, Immortal God, Invisible God, I Am that I Am, the Author & Finisher of Our faith, the God of All beginnings & End, the God of Abraham, Moses & Israel, Our true God, Our God All Powerful!
Guard yourselves against deceptive doctrine through diligent study of the Word of God. God Bless U All!
The mother is evil......So she knew how evil her husband was but sent her two daughters to him. May God punish her for ruining her daughters life.
As for the man, may he rot in jail.
Who would even go to a church led by this man? He looks like a depraved, man man and his child's testimony has just confirmed the first part; he is not only depraved, he is pedophile and a pervert! There is a special place in hell for people like this!
Anon Nov 2,11:48.I can feel your venom dripping cusses from here. Pele pele o.
Christianity don suffer for being too laid back! Why de nigga no call imself imam make e see wetin go happen to am next! This complete devil worshipper na im be prophet?! Shuo!
At least she was black enough to leave. A white woman would have stayed and allowed the man to father 7 children with her before raising alarm! Smart gal.
Rubbish. This devil incarnate needs death by hanging.
Tu fia kwa! Abomination! The guy should spend the remaining days in prison with hard labour; hopefully he gets saved and forgiven before he dies sha.
Naturally speaking, he is a disgrace to fatherhood.
hey linda. i see you don't post dissenting opinions abi? You are so lame
I hope she doesn't get pregnant cuz it'd be a disaster, that man deserves to die....
Rahh man, the man looks crazy anyway from that picture! He needs to be hospitilized in a secure psychiatric hospital! Which God was directing him...more like voices in the head...onyeala!
This is horrifying!can't believe a father could did this to her daughter. we live in a terrible world where terrible things happens.
@viktor lmao....linda i luv dis ur blog mehn!
So teriffying, teribble nd incongrous. God himself shud take revenge for d litu girl, dis is too much. What an evil!
too wicked to be human.he sure shld be snencd to death.
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