Photos: Actress Kehinde Bankole releases lovely photos with her twin sister as they turn a year older | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 27 March 2016

Photos: Actress Kehinde Bankole releases lovely photos with her twin sister as they turn a year older

The actress and former model released beautiful photos of her and twin sister, Taiwo as they mark their birthday today. Happy birthday to them...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Didnt know she's a twin.. Lovely

Chimaeze500 said...

In d first pic, d 1 at d right looks like u.... Beautiful lady

linda Last Born(IPHY) said...

Congrats 2 dem....

NEO ZION said...


Unknown said...

HBD to em


Anonymous said...

She is a twin? They are so beautiful! God I need twins o...

Demmy said...

God bless dia new age, llnp.

Unknown said...

Beautiful girls...HBD to them

Unknown said...

Hbd to dem.

Unknown said...

She modelled? Always thought she'd b a great model!hbd

Unknown said...

They look lovely

Anonymous said...

I have a man crush on this Kehinde girl

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday K & T !

SongsOfSUSSAN said...

Wow! Beautiful ladies. They are not identical though. HBD!

Unknown said...

Hbd darlyn

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

Happy birthday to them

PrettyChi said...

Fine babes

princess said...

Beautiful un identical twins.. i love twins

Unknown said...


Most beautiful gal on linda ikeji's blog

Debbie Chelsea said...

Hbd to them

Unknown said...

Hapi birthday to Twinny...they look gorgeous

Unknown said...

HBD to dem! Linda take note!

ProudlyDeltan15 said...

Happy Birthday to them...They ain't identical😓.....ProudlyDeltan

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Wow! Happy birthday to dem

...merited happiness

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday babe's.

Daramola Ladipo, Oyo babe in sextape mess(download)

Unknown said...

Happy birtHday to tHem......stunning ladies

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

They re not identical twin,they look more like elder nd younger sister

Unknown said...

Wow pretty ladies

cutestlove said...

Happy birthday ladies

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to them

LIB ADDICT#just passing#

Thatigbobabe(Lilyflower) said...

Happy bornday

Linda's daughter aka Nwa Linda said...

Awww fraternal twins

Amanda said...

HBD Kenny and Taiwo bankole.

Anonymous said...

Her twin is pretty

Simple and Short said...

Happy Birthday beautiful women!

bukky said...

Awww cute

Dan said...

Love gaptoothed ladies

Dan said...

Gaptooth is d new sexy

chommy said...

Hbd to dem. Linda observe!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday sweeties

Unknown said...

Fine women...

Unknown said...

Happy birthday

Unknown said...

HBd darlings

Unknown said...

Is it just me or do I find her twin more attractive

Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin said...

Hbd to them.

Anonymous said...

Ejire, hbd to u cuties
cute timepiece here, check it out

Unknown said...

Happy birthday

Pearlie said...

Fraternal twins

Happy birthday to them

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Ladies..stunning ladies

Yetty k said...

Aw her twin sis is finer.happy bday 2 dem

Unknown said...

Twin what??? What a set...

kemikane said...

I love them both. Dimples and gap teeth on point.

Unknown said...

Havin' dimples can really be sexy..learned that from my sis.....beautiful nd hbd to d both!

Mayberry said...

Beautiful ladies,God bless ur new age


Unknown said...

Apy bornday

Unknown said...

Taiwo is finer
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

See better children.happy birthday twins.

Unknown said...

Sweet dimples.

STERN said...

Was she not the person I said has a yoruba face some weeks ago

Unknown said...

They dnt look like twins at all..but still beautiful

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to them

sefunmu said...

Awwww aunty taiwo happy birthday, she changed my diapers when I was in children's church🙈.Lol,happy birthday to both of them 😍😘😘

Anonymous said...

See their thin thin leg...typical Yoruba shape big up and thin down...abeg make I see road..model indeed..local Yoruba models

Anonymous said...

What does Kehinde mean to you?

Unknown said...

happy birthday dear I wish you guys many many years in return

Richard said...

HBD to them 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂


Anonymous said...

All I can say is thank God for Mary Slessor. HBD baes!


Anonymous said...

All I can say is thank God for Mary Slessor. HBD baes!


Pretty face said...

Happy birthday to them. They look really different o,non-identical twins

Lekan said...

HBD Ejire

Anonymous said...

hbd Ejire ara isokun. igba odun odun kan ni o.

OSINANL said...

She indeed has a Yoruba face😁✌

Unknown said...

Nice .. Happy birthday twins ..

Anonymous said...

Hbd angles, buh dey re nt identical.

Anonymous said...

They used to be identical, what happened

Vela said...

happy birthday to them

Anonymous said...

That can't be her twin sister. They are identical and we both attended Government College Iyana ipaja, or is it possible for an identical twins to be un-identical after some years?

Anonymous said...

That can't be her twin sister. They are identical and we both attended Government College Iyana ipaja, or is it possible for an identical twins to be un-identical after some years?

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