Sunday Express publisher Mike Awoyinfa with Chioma and her triplets |
'I was married for many years and when the child was not forthcoming, I was worried all the time, because I know that if you don't have a child, your marriage will not be that strong. In Igboland there's a saying that, 'a woman that does not have a child, her seat is kept outside. That was bothering me, though as a believer I wasn't that desperate over it. I wouldn't have a devilish child. I strongly believed in God that at His appointed time, it will come because I know he never fails. I did not ever entertain the thought that I could be barren. As a pastor, my husband was always consoling me, telling me to leave everything to God. In my mind I said
'I hear. Tomorrow you will go and marry another person, thank you very much!' When I was pregnant I asked God for so many things; the number one thing was that if this should become a reality, I promised God I will return the children to Him and I will give a giant offering. To God be the Glory, it came to pass. My babies are two boys and a girl; Joshua, Caleb and Rose.' Chioma Ajunwa Opara to Sunday Express
waow! beautiful! Delay in life is not denial in life. This goes to show that God is not sleeping.
congrats again Chioma!
That about Igbo I say is a Myth and stereotyping . Congratulations anyways.
I celebrate you my dear sister. I came same miracle for myself too b4 Christmas IJN.they will be a source of joy all through their lives.
To God be the glory.
I celebrate with you my dear, I receive this miracle(double is ok for me......lol) for myself b4 Xmas IJN.
Dis is a lot of BS she took fertility treatments jo,if she's coming out to say d truth she shld tell it all now.Encourage other women dat were in ur shoes madam
Remain blessed my sister,you and your loving family.You are blessed and i love your kind of faith.
May God always keep you and your family in His care,God bless your family...
I thank God for you Mrs. Chioma Ajunwa may God be praised always.
Dear Linda, please match your headlines to the content of the story. SHE DID NOT TELL US HOW SHE GOT THE :((;:;))$$ BABIES!!!!!!!!!!! Was it ivf, was it prayer, was it a different position she tried? HOW DID SHE GET THE MIRACULOUS TRIPLETS???????
And what are devilish babies?
wow am happy for her,so shall d story of oda women looking for d fruit of d womb be.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Congratulations, chioma and husband
Congratulations.At HIS appointed time,it came to pass.You are highly blessed and favoured.
A female athlete, having been barren for so long and now you have 3 babies at a go, there are two school of thought here:
1, Fertility drugs[ i.e clomiphene,HMG] at work
2.She bought those babies.
I am forcing myself to believe the first option. DNA test will reveal the answer.
Be it as it may, congrats once again and may these kids bring you joy[amen].
Why not mention she was helped via a fertility doctor? By being completely honest about your story helps more than it hurts. Others in that situation can seek help, it reduces, and can decrease stress on others in her situation.
Bless be the name of the Lord. Congratulation
I wonder why she left d fertility treatment part out
Ewu dint u hear she gave birth! U dis Enemy of progress u msnt open ur shit hole if u can't wish sm1 else well!
God is Good!
I don't mind the triplet o!I claim it in Jesus name.though am not married now,I don't mind getting pregnant already jus by seeing dese lil angels.congrats chioma,God will kip them4u
God is Good!it is God who gives babies, fertility treatment or not.
I don't no for this people o. Its feRtility treatment na, why she no talk am....
And do you know that the whole fertility treatment may fail too? It's still God thst gives at least he gave man the intelligence for such science and his name should be praised.
Because you no see say na another reporter wey report am, she tell u say na she interview her?
Awww, Bonario that's such a nice prayer. Even as u wish others well may God grant you ur deepest heart desire. And for those yabbing you for being jobless may God elevate u and forgive them.
I'm sorry but Nigerian women who have fertility treatments and then drop twins and triplets shy way from telling the public the truth about their conception. I wonder why that is though...now I'm not saying that's what Golden girl Chioma did but please if you had fertility treatment or took drugs say so so that other women in your shoes who are looking for the same joy can seek medical help too. That said, congrats madam I pray the kids bring you nothing but happiness and joy.
Many women attend fertility clinics buh how many get pregnant. Even if it's IVF it does fail on so many occasions & if successfull the pregnancy is managed close to preserve mother's life & dat of the baby. So i see God's hands all over dis. Congrats dear.
We need to help ourselves.
Pray and go for fertility treatments
Multiple births linked to older women are usually cases of age and/or treatment method induced.
Congrats Chioma
Several people try fertility treatments and it doesn't work. At the end of the day, na God.
All of you asking her to reveal the source of the triplets, na wa for una. It is her private life and it is alright to tell the public what she wants to. No matter how she got those beautiful babies, na still God!
If it was ivf or prayer, what is your business? Must she teLl us how she got them.
who said "if u do not have a child, ure marriage is not strong"? havent u seen ppl with children and still have a weak marriage...NIGERIANS nd their ignorant philosophies...every marriage will be strong if it's a three-fold cord; the husband and wife and then GOD...
Only on Nigerian blog sites will we call some babies devilish. To the rest of the world, its IVF and it is nothing to be ashamed of. God has several ways of doing things including working through science. My people are so brainwashed/ pretentious.
I jogged from Lagos to London last week. Only Nigerias will say it was a miracle by God, everyone else calls it travel by airplane
Linda, I understand that people have the right to say whatever they want, but c'mon now! Why cant some people rejoice with others? Must she explain how she 'got' her kids? She is not a doctor to advise other women on fertility issues.
The reason evil shit happens constantly in Nigeria is because of the mindset of its archaic-minded people. That's why people are usually ashamed to announce an adoption because people are so damn judgmental.
Don't forget that your time will come, and even if you already have children, you're not in control of their life/destiny.
Show wisdom in your speech.
Seriously people take a chill pill. Do your research women of her age her prone to having multiple births so might just not have had fertility treatment
Thnk God for u chioma, d lord is good.
God is so wonderful....happy for her! :)
But,how come they look like they were born some days apart,one looks newborn,d dark one looks 2wks older than the rest,justsaying sha,look closer people,anyway,
how does that concern u? Can't u be happy for her? Tufiakwa
tanks b to God 4 you chioma,am very happy for dis miracle.whether fertility treatment or not it is stil God workin bcos he is d originator of science.
The God dat did it for u will also bless as many dat r seeking for the fruit of the womb before dis year runs out in Jesus name AMEN 0!
Na wa for una o! fertility treatment or not, she's got her babies now. some people try all sort of ivf and fertility sturvs yet they fail. just be happy for the lady and tap the anointing instead of being negative.
And yes! devilish babies are the ones some people go to native doctors to get performing all sort of sacrifices at waterfronts and all of that.
what are u people business if she use fertility drugs,must she narrate all her life story before u will give GOD the praise.pls for once be happy with someone.chioma congratulations.GOD will protect yr babies IJN AMEN.
No one asked her not to thank God. Isn't it by his grace that the IVF implants. My issue is her not taking the opportunity to help publicize te method so other ppl are aware. Such an archaic way of thinking
Even if she took fertility treatment, and so? How do you even know? It is still God's miracle. I know a lot of people that have tried ivf to no avail. And how is it your business? Why can't u just congratulate her and move on. You and your replier how una know say na fertility treatment? Smh..
Amen ooo, So shall it be in my life. I miscarried early last year and i and my husband are believing God for our child, but it is getting a bit harder as babies are springing up every where in both our families , first my husbands brother had a baby , then three of my girl friends , two of my sisters and my brother all within this year of waiting all these people have had babies, i cried so terribly the other day pleading with God to have mercy on me if i have offended him or if my husband has offended him, it hurts so much when you are trying for a child and your closest and dearest are having children all around you, i am happy for them and i absolutely love all my nieces and nephews but i keep asking when will i experience this joy. And when people ask how come we haven't had a child you cant imagine the pain my heart feels, now even my husbands friends have become advisers on what drugs i should be taking in my quest for fruitfulness. Nonetheless, i am still trusting and hoping in God that i will carry my child soon and very soon , so people of God join me in prayers for the fruit of the womb , for i believe only God can bless me with a child , i don't think fertility treatments are what i need i feel i just need God to honour his words in our lives and in the mighty name of Jesus i receive my children.
Congrats again 2her, happy 4her.
Whether its by hook or crook, the important tin is yu ar now a mum of three beutiful children.The agony of childlessness is over, a big congrats.
To God be thy Glory
@jenny Jen, your words touched me so much. I know how you feel.the same thing happened to me...and guess what, when I least expected it, I was blessed with a beautiful baby girl last year. She will turn 1 in November. Keep praying, keep hope alive..... but I also advice you to seek medical advice before you get to what we call "advanced maternal age", at which point you and the baby will have more risks...
God bless you!
last 2 sunday a couple had thanksgiving for 10yrs anniversary and for their first child(3mths).... may you not look for the fruit of the womb #Amen
Hahahaha! And i'm so sure u'r one of dos who always yab him as a jobless fellow cos u'v jst reminded us here of bn called a jobless being!
Hahaha........i love ur sense of humour!
Hahahaha! And i'm so sure u'r one of dos who always yab him as a jobless fellow cos u'v jst reminded us here of bn called a jobless being!
Hahaha........i love ur sense of humour!
@Jenny i feel your pain and join you in prayers. It will be well with you . I too struggled for years (10years)and decided to do IVF . Today i have twin daughters who are healthy , 2 years and expecting another . All due to IVF... In the UK i was told that due to my condition i cannot conceive naturally so i thank God for IVF. First try i carried twins to full term. God gave these scientists the brain to discover these fertility treatment for our own good. Keep your mind open to fertility treatment .
people dont talk about it , but a lot that waited for years eventually used some aid to have children. remain blessed.
Na wa how we can talk sometimes o. I am happy for her but I am sad that an educated woman like her said something like this - "I know that if you don't have a child, your marriage will not be that strong."
I would hope that a man is marrying a woman for her love and companionship, children are an addition to that joy but if your marriage is NOT strong because you don't have children, your marriage was not strong to begin with because it came with conditions.
I know a woman who didn't have a child for her husband for 15 years, he stood behind her even when his family told him to divorce her and marry another woman. The situation actually made their marriage stronger. She eventually gave birth to a daughter but I know that even if she hadn't, the man would have remained with her.
Men cheat and dog their women even with 10 children at home so having a child is not what strengthens a marriage.
Jenny jen,you are blessed already just watch and see how God does it.He loves you so much and therefor will/would NEVER leave you childless.
congratulations to the family.our God never fails.And for all us believing God for this miracle,may He answer us before this year ends in Jesus Name.Amen
His a miracle working God.i use you as point of contact to my family.expecting dsame mirarle as yours.congratulation
Madam Observer welldone,oya clap 4ursyf nonsense! jobless ass wipe, u must hv bin d mid wive 2 no dey are some days apart abagya!
Thanks for the encouragement people as God grants me my heart desires , may you all also receive that which you are believing God for in the mighty name of Jesus !!
I dnt mind too...I claim it for myself In Jesus Mighty Time!!!
Nigerians ad their wack mentality. U no born,dem talk. U born one,dem talk. U born two,e never reash. As if they will help u train the children if katakata burst.
Congrats Aunty Chioma,God bless ur bundles of joy, you are indeed blessed.
@jenny Jen God bless u don't worry am also believing God and i knowdat it's only God dat can do it for us lets just kip believing him.kip fasting and praying and all will b well ijn amen ,b4 the end of this year we shl dancie in Jesus name Amen
Aawwwww sooo beautiful!! Very very happy for them o! Our GOD is truly an AWESOME GOD!!! And with this,i tap,tap,tap into this beautiful blessing too IJN Amen!!!
BIG CONGRATS to u guys!!!
@Annon Oct 21, 8:54pm,,,,,what if she took fertility drugs???there are so many women who take fertility drugs and it doesnt work for them.......so just thank God for her instead of the fertility drugs bla bla bla....
@Jenny Jen.....the Lord who remembered Sarah when she already lost hope will remember u IJN,,,,the Lord who heard Hannah's voice will hear yours too and make u a mother sooner than u expect IJN....it is well!!!
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