Stunning Linda Ejiofor is well known for her role as 'Bimpe' on MNET Africa’s weekly soap, Tinsel. The graduate of Sociology at the University of Port Harcort is also a model and played the role of Ejura in Rita Dominic’s first production “The Meeting”.
Hi linda,pls can u help get info on the next tinsel auditions or how i can get connected.i need that stepping stone for my acting career.thanks
looking good.is the knitwear needed in Naija?
Shez gorgeous!
Billie jean
Linda Ejiofor is a fine lady
yaaaay! my very own Ihuoma Ejiofor
cute girl! cute! cute!!
she's really so pretty
just stopped by to say hi
just stopped by to say hi
she's rily beauri4l n she's got swag.
I appreciate her acting bcos its a difficult role she's got-having2play stupid/dumb quite often. Well done keep it up....9ice pix of a pretty babe.
I love her!!!! Stunning
She is very very beautiful. Go ma lady.
Got everything a beautiful lady needs.
Miss Ikeji truly Black is beautiful Linda Ejiofor is a beauty to behold the thing i like about her is dat she is humble and she keeps away from controversy i mean this girl is more beautiful than Rhianna and tonto and she is so damn kool not as bitchy and as idiotic as the aforementioned 2
linda ikeji happy sallah
Beautiful woman!!
My favorite actress on Tinsel
i Like this photos, its not too serious, its playful and stunning as well, it shows that shes an easy-going person..nice!
Linda Ejiofor is everywhere now! She is finally getting the recognition she deserves. We thank God
Nice Photos o!
She is pretty.
Linda is pretty.
She looks stunning!
Egura. Dat's an Igala name. Yaaaaayyy!!! Promoting the Igala tribe in Kogi State. Hehehe
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Please share with friends, thanks and God bless you all... I LOVE YOU FRIENDS AND FAMILY.
I have to agree with those saying that u only/mostly feature igbo girls. Im sure most of the girls u feature as "beauty of the day" didnt ask to be featured, rather u sort them out. If u're gonna label this a naija blog then also feature other naija beauties from different ethnic groups. Stop being biased.
BTW, i am 100% Igbo.
She's the reason I watch Tinsel. Wonderful actress and too beautiful!
she is beautiful..........
Please tell your yoruba friends to send their pics oooo linda is not holding anyone!
Yaayy...linda...I love her muchos.she's so pretty.mk nobody yab her o.naija ona too get bad mouth
Oops! I meant EJura not Egura. Nerd! Hehehe
Only igbo girls r beautiful dats y dey r featured!
Only igbo girls r beautiful dats y dey r featured!
Yayyyy repping igala, its Ejura not Egura
i love this girls so pretty and kool, thumbs up to her
Lovely smile she's got
After thelema duke u get bimpe. Their two are the reasn I stick unto tinsel. Very hawt ladies.God created them inside a well equiped lab on a special saturday afternoon wit no rush at all. Dem
Beautiful and awesome personality.
*in Salewa's voice* I like Bimpe oo, she acts her role so well and acting naïve/dumb is no cake. She is refreshing to watch. Love you Bimpe.
Hey! That is my beautiful sister-in- law, beauty runs in their family. You need to see her grandmother @ 80, you will mistake her for a young lady.
Hnmmm,u say smtin gd 4 d 1stym,halleluyah!*rolling eyes*
My sister I tire o... Dt goes to show how local she is#villagegirlfeelingfunky#
They should not send their pics as we are tired of seeing black knuckles and knees and batman faces. Hahahahaha
Amebo bimpe! ℓ☺☺☺ℓ ah love d girl nd her role in tinsel...quite difficult to play! Beautiful she is!
Yeaaaaaah I c ma Libers are tinsel fans tooo chei!!! Missing tinsel for a day us like missing ma fav meal!! Goosh biome cracks me up all the time not one dulling moment she's reallly cute ds is what u called fine fresh skin WIV noo sort of bleacching!!!! Nice photos Linda am soo happy for you! your humility has began to fetch you recongnity and good roles unlike our ms damilola( Telema) that s prouding herself all about ! Keep doing the good work greater things ahead for you !! Love u bimpeeeeeee and I love your love scenes WIV soji wish it was WIV philip thoo * wink* !! btw if you don't watch tinsel Biko just take out your 7.30 pm to watch it channel 151 or the recap at 1pm on Sunday it's fun it's the only reason y I pay for that their dstv full wiv their selfish 1k increase instead of decrease! sub unless OYO for Mnetafrica!Mz ENUFF said#
Wow!! Is this really billie jane??? *eyesrolling*
Enough of all the accolades about beauty. There's nothing special about her. She's just another actress. I hope she can act. Otherwise, her career in Nollywood would be short lived.
so beautiful!!! i enjoy her role in Tinsel so much. kudos Miss Ejiofor.
so linda ejiofor we belong to the same aluminai? I never knew you were a unique product..
unique pix,
unique linda ejiofor
unique uniport
Jamess am sure uu don't watch tinsel that's y UR saying that!!! Bimpeeeeeee is a good actress u noo fit try am wht I like about her is that she just soo real you can't catch her tryna form or bite er tongue tryna form fone! She sounds Nigerian ! I love er act abeg!
She's ordinary-looking. Actually boring..!
very good actress, she and salewa are the reason i watc tinsel...oh plus phillip, kwame, iretiola, brenda, titi etc lol
beautiful bimpe, i always look forward to seeing her on Tinsel . taugt she was a yoruba girl
Nice girl n nice pix. Did Soji snap these pictures?
She played the "dumb pretty girl" so well that if she plays that role in another show anytime soon,people #I# will think she's actually just being herself!
She's pretty tho!
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