On Sunday night, Chris Brown and Rihanna showed up together at the Qubeey social network launch party in Beverly Hills. (pictured left)
A day later, that's yesterday, Karrueche Tran's car was spotted parked
outside Chris Brown's house all night, and later seen following him to
the studio (pictured right). Hours later, Rihanna Tweets what you see below...

Linda do we really care about these 3 and also with The Kardashians . It appears you want to force their gist down our throats by force by fire . ENOUGH ALREADY NA.......
Aint affecting the price of my crayfish. Biko free us small with them .
everyone deserves to be loved. Riri i wish u da best, though u found love in a hopeless place.
I am sure everyone on this blog is tired of these 3. He cant make up his mind so he is stringing them both. All i can say is both girls are mumu . They both need to kick him to the curb.
Ms Ikeji why update us daily on their love life , they dont need our advice . so Yawn !!!!!
what a confused bunch
there is no greater feeling than knowing that 2 people: male or female cant live without u and they show it always....
it just makes u act like an asshole. karuchi and riri have both shown that they love chris more than their self esteem and thus giving chris the opportunity to shag them both...
Awwww i really do feel 4 her,poor Riri
Wait so who's the side chick??(like there isn't enough drama going on already)
These 3 again .... These 3 again ....These 3 again ....These 3 again ....These 3 again ....These 3 again ....These 3 again ....These 3 again ....These 3 again ....NEXT !! NEXT !! NEXT !! NEXT !! NEXT !! NEXT !! NEXT !! NEXT !! NEXT !! NEXT !! NEXT !!
A drugist like chris brown wnt knw d value of Love.. In Oda words rihanna is deserves beta.. Alot of us go thru dis same Shit! all for d name of being in Love wit d wrong person.. I pray she finds som1 way beta dat wl show her wat real Love is..~Bebe!
lmfao, drama things, same reason it didnt work, how then will it now............series movie, ok naa
life is simple we make it complicated u never go bak to ur x coz wat made it not work d first time will hurt u wen u go bak
That tweet so fits d lyrics for we found love remix. Chris brown is just Tony Tetuila American version,he's inlove with two women.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Probably,they r just friends.Linda plsssssss post ♍Æ” comment.
this love triangle is crazy!!! they should all make up their minds esp Chris.*rme*
Same here Lin... Riri pls let go cos u sound just as sad as I am....
life is simple we make it complicated u never go bak to ur x coz wat made it not work d first time will hurt u wen u go bak
Rihanna is an ashewo...she doesn't care as long as she's gettin dick...CB must fuck the hell out of am b4 she go taya..its obvious he luvs karruche more...and linda as long as its not stories about peter okoye of p square...we are ok...your infatuation with him was too much...maybe lola omotayo buzz u for bbm
LOL...Riri neva see!
choi am loving this series
Urm maybe she is returning the car?
KAI , d media can cus wahala ehh, d girl dey pack her load comot no b wetin dat nigga tins talk. so cos dey broke up dey shud see .
Enuf of dis chris brown and his gals.we need something relevant pls!
Lol. Poor riri. He's not dating any of them sha. He's a free guy.
Be informed, visit iQube
Dese ppl r just confused! #smh
Awwww! Poor Rihanna. She's hopelessly in love with a guy who feels little or nothing for her. As far as I'm concerned, she is alone in that 'relationship'. She needs to shake Chris off, move on with her life & soon she just might find someone who will truly love her.
Ghen Ghen...... I tak say we neva see d end of this story! Chris is a ?out of adjective to qualify him; Rhi, should prepare for anything from him. wat is it abt him sef, his dick or wat ?
It's truly a love triangle. Must have a golden dick.
Dz children shod kip deceiving demselves.. i̶̲̥̅̊ wonda wer der parents are if @ all they have
I guess it's true then, they are sharing him! Lmao. Why are you feeling sorry for her? Her life, her decisions!
Riri stop stalking CB he didn't love u.
They both need serious spiritual cleansing...
why would you be sad for a stupid person Linda?
Looooooooool! After gettinh a posh pad? Naaaa
So he shouldnt be spotted wif karauche cos rihana iz in d picture?...itz no big dealio jor
Lolz..u be badt boy..wot sort of advice is dat?
Hehehehehehehehe..returning car indeed
I think dis pipo are really out to play each other..... I think there is an unsettled score btw dem dat both of them r back to tek revenge for cos Rihanna has bn spotted recently passing the night in an ex-boifrnd's house claiming dat she dos not want a repeat of what happened to her to happen again, hence she wudnt put all hour eggs in one basket again.... She told Uk mail..... Now Chris Brown is also keeping up in contact with Karueche..... #WHAT ARE THEY REALLY UPTO????#
Its the latter part for her Lind, Éxtremely Sad'! I was so routing for Rih to win you know, find herself a normal loving guy and move on and with all the success God compensated her with as well. This kid Brown is just messing her about, disrespecting her and making her look real stupid and insecure, as beautiful as she is.. C'mon now!!!! Kai..! Love really is crazy! *SIGH*
The guy is having a cool game with both chics and riri would definitely cry again.
Uhm Linda Stop the madness.....There was actually a legitimate news site that said that they were at the gas station after Kae went to pick up the rest of her things from Chris house because she could catch him last week to get her remaining stuff..
I feel sorry for Riri.
My dear, I tire for Linda.
CB is confused, he is not dating any of them ,his just making them happy ... I wonder this kind of love Riri is showing.
Infact linda tell ur Riri that loving some one that doesn't love you is little waiting for a ship in an airport ... Same goes to all the single lady ... This chick should shake CB off he doesn't derserve her abeg .
3confused ppl! Like 12 prophets need to slap dier heads wif holy bibles to clear d head 4 dem! #cara_mia!
Ok y'all telling linda to stop. Giving us gist about these trio or peter Okoye should just gtfo or better still kiss an orangutan.. It is her blog, she reserves the right to post whatever she wills and if you don't like the caption please, please, please do not click on it. It annoys me that some if you will after digesting the gist still leave your f'd up comment telling her stuff like it's old gist or we're tired of these gist or she is obssessed about one person or the other like seriously y'all need to chill da eff out. Start your own blog or stop visiting and biko for those that like correcting her english or treat this her blog like it's the times magazine, for una info, it's just a social blog and she isn't beyond mistakes. All you vermins looking for who to pull down to your depressed state. Learn to reserve your comments and stop speaking for everyone. As it isn't news to you, it is news to someone else and as it isn't new to you cos u read it some place else it is new to someone else. Linda biko jisike oh ezigbo, be posting whatever you like it's your life, your world and your blog and the good thing is the ppl trying to comment saying shit makes you bigger. To Riri tho errrrrm if they do it with you, be rest assured that they'll do it to you. I have my own love life to deal with so deals with Urs Karu baby move on cos really you deserve better. Y'all deserve better. Okbye.
RiRi hasn't seen anyfing yet..sebi na she dey find love. She should just fashy chris if not her breakup wif chris will be brutal than the FIRST......ode oshi mayb den tie ur placenta join in own.
chris brown is just using these two girls as far as am concerned he will end up not settling down with any of them, i feel rihanna is loosing her dignity because of loving in a hopeless place, RIRI u will only chase the potential husband for u away, by forcing ursef on Chris Brown, trust even when u marry him, it wont change!!! u have started the relationship by alwayz forcing ursef in, it will remain that same way, just let it go, forget abt him and move on,TRUE AND GENUINE LOVE WILL FIND U!!!!!!!!!!
Hiv, herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphyllis, hepatitis tinz
@ babynwa: that was rather harsh and sarcastic! U dont talk to patrons like that...these people here are the reason this blog florishes, these same people are the reason Linda was interviewed in BBC London,Has a Bday bash in Koko Bar, they made Linda Ikeji what she has become, i hvnt been a party to bashing her but, let them, its the critisizm that make Linda better each day (abi she send you speak on her behalf?) kpachara anya gi ooo!!!
ff me on Twitter @Tweeti_Cherry *winks*
Am in love with two women and i dont know which one to choose.
Who is this mumu writing all this long story??
am sorry for d 2 gals,i feel brown is using dem SMH!!!!
Na only RIRI una see, what about the other girl??? No be persin she be?..... Riri na e GOOD for u
You guys obviously don't know that Karrueche is still packing her stuffs from Chris's house. I hope you get your facts right but Chris has cut Karrueche out of his life and isn't getting down with her. Leave Rihanna alone pple, she only pre-posted a pic someone posted on Instagram
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