Everytime you see a society wedding, it's one rich man's son marrying another rich man's daughter. Why can't an Otudeko or an Akiolu marry an Ikeji for instance? LMAO!
No, but seriously, why is it like that in this country? I mean, Prince William married a commoner, so kini big deal?
Let's discuss this abeg...I want to read what you think.
Lol. Many of those marriages are marriages of convinience to ally both families commercial interests.
Alas, after the wedding, both parties go their seperate ways in their personal lives. The men keep on whoring around, and the women, well, that's a different story.
Be grateful you don't have such in your life.
BTW Ikeji, you can marry a Bruno from Germany.
Lol. It's like that all over the world.
well because they shallow idiots...who believe more in image than love...Seriously i would hate to marry into a rich family...
Babe, where dem go jam you na. When they sit in first u dry cargo class. When dem dey shop for Harrods u dye primani.....the chances are too slim ma love.
i guess it s becos they have a common meeting point... like a 'nobody' cant go to a place like Harvard (well expt on scholarship)or boat cruise just for enjoyment... so they meet there and become frds...
Anon @ 9.23Pm....calm the he'll down before olugbala passes u by o!
coz they mostly associate with themselves and usually don't go out of that circle. hence they marry themselves
As Yorubas say 'Egbe eye leye ba fo' I.e birds of the same feather flock together .Period
Oliver Twist mentality... They want more wealth!
But really, some rich in Nigeria marry average.
yea, the rich marry the rich becos the marriage is an arrangee. the girl's father needs the boy's father to sign his contract n continue sharing all other stolen nigerian's billions with him hence the sealing of the deal/loyalty in partnership by "marrying his daughter to his co-thief's son or vice versa."
Linda who be ur papa? who know ikeji????lol. if u wan marry big man, turn to aristo chiq n better go prepare ur jazz well well otherwise, come n marry my brother.
Coz basically,its not all about love bt riches here in naija,rich marry themselves to kip political or biz relatnship intact
Nja like forming fake class crap!! ..which nuff don't seem to have..and none are real royalty..some do it out of paranoia..fears over in-laws grabbing the wealth..dependency..nuff of us come from good homes but don't mean I need look down at the next man/woman..personally can't stand prejudice in any form..now this mofos get an eye opener when they travel out and get treated like mere mortals...next thing they would say Oyinbo dey prejudiced..isn't this much worse??
You want us to mix our blood with ritualists abi.Linda as an Igbo girl can you marry Osu?????
maybe because they share similar tastes and values.
it's simply bcos their brain is unplugged, so they can't think straight and if at all they think, it's the wrong way always, that's why they keep divorcing.
why do poor nigerians marry themselves....how many whites marry black in Nigeria.. sit down in your lane!.. and u know what.. I never noticed..
Well, Kate Middleton might be a commoner but she is from a upper middle class family. She is still not a good example.
kate middleton was only called a commoner because her father had no title but by all standards she was a wealthy man's daughter with an estate to inherit in her own right so technically its still the rich marrying the rich in their case
well kate was still a rich kid, i mean d young lady went to malborough college (boarding), i guess they shared similar values, prince william wud def not marry a girl from peckham, depending on her values sha! and i dont think its just about d rich marrying d rich, i think most of them just have alot in common. and i think its best dat way. trust me i am talking from experience i know couples that come from different ends and it just cant work. while some work. some rich people dont have good values atall and cant pair up with the rich too. i just think it depends on a background rather than d bank account. and yes there are some that just marry cus their of their parents and commercial interest.
most of those marriages are glorified business mergers......
The following are the reasons :
1. The 2 are parallel lines that can never meet. The children of the rich cruise around in their cars while the children of the poor rush MOLUE, so how will they meet?.
The Children of the rich attend exclusive primary, post primary and higher institution while the children of the poor attend public schools, so how and where will they meet?
2. The rich see the poor as gold diggers, so they don't want their off-springs to mix with the poor, except for the poor to be their drivers, their gatemen, their housemaid,cook etc.
3. They don't marry the poor but after marrying themselves it the poor that 'service' them because they don't have time for themselves. The Driver or the gateman 'service' madam while the housemaid service oga.
Linda would you marry a bus conductor, laborer or maiguard even though you are Ikeji....there is just a barrier that only romance novel can overcome.
Jameel Disu who married Bella Adenuga is a nobody. I knew him very well in Yankee before he moved back home. That dude hit the jackpot big time.
Well, It happens because we are a class society and families will not let their rich son or daughter marry a commoner who will come and take over their hard earned wealth.
So, Linda you are still stuck with me so you need to stop dreaming of Tinubu son or Adenuga son.
Linda will you marry me??Let's break the jinx.
Usman Dangote..xxxxx
Because no rich person wants to feel like they are being married because the poorer person wants to gain their wealth. They marry those in that are as rich as they are because they don't have to worry about giving money to the poorer person's family, rather they gain more money if a rich person marries another rich person.
There's nothing wrong with finding both money and love in one package. It's quite desirable. But the ultimate is to find godliness, love and money. God owns the whole universe, so godliness and love can well be combined with wealth.
Because they can only understand themselves
Reason: because they all mingle in the circle! lets analyse it; they go to posh primary schools and secondary schools with fellow children of 'rich' nigerians, they go to jand or yankee for undergraduate or post graduate degrees........there they also meet fellow children of 'rich' nigerians....they go for parties birthdays, social events etc with their friends ( fellow children of rich nigerians), what do you except???? Its only normal if they marry within that class.
And of course they wld meet people from 'average' homes from time to time but not how many 'average' guys (for instance) would have the 'balls' to toast an 'Adenuga' pikin???.... or keep up with the responsibilities of dating a babe from a rich home?
It's funny how poor Nigerians hate on rich people. They will fabricate all kinds of falsehood about them; how they are not happy (like you are happy being broke), how they cheat (like poor people don't cheat more) and how they all marry for money.
Rich people marry their pees cos that's what they are exposed to. ( you'll fall for people you meet in your ivy league class, first class flights or expensive clubs). you don't go out on the road to look for a poor person to marry. And when you marry your rich peer you dont have to worry about gold digging.
Is Jameel Disu rich?
Linda, you talk like you're not famous. The Ikeji's are sitting on money because of you. In fact, I'll love to marry you. You're famous and lovable. Hope you're godly too, we both can make a pair. I hope to hear from you. Please respond, okay? I love you! Mmuaa!
Looks like anon 9:23 is madly in love with poverty. Carry go. Me I wan marry from rich family o! I wan help my people. So help me God!
some of them really marry for love, however most are for convenience. can also be attributed to the circle they move in, u meet mostly pple of ur class since u all attend almost same function and all..
Immediately i saw dis post,i was just laughing.Na so we dey see am o.
I beg to differ from the opinions here so fasr. You tend to marry from the kind of family you have same upbring. These kids go to same kind of schools, meet at same type of social events, works in same kind of places etc...so its only natural for them to marry one another.
Most of these kids you mention go to same Universities in England and US and that is the age one tends to start looking for life partner...hence you marry from places you are familiar with. Its basic sociology
Dont hate...try to work hard so you can afford to send your own kids to the best of schools
I agree with Anonymous 9:17pm...Linda DOES NOT HAVE TO MARRY NIGERIAN.
Linda can marry Bruno from Germany. I am from one of these families, these are your child hood friends... they are people you went to primary, secondary school, O'levels, Uni and such....they are the people you have been socializing with since you were little.... so you are not just all of a sudden start socializing with a poor person so that you can marry them.
Kate Middleton's parents were millionaire, Pre - Williams connections so she's not exactly a commoner ... because she wasn't poor.
If you want to marry rich, go into their circles and be sure you are not sleeping around so that you can be seen as wifey material.... otherwise, marry whom you socialize with and stay within your level.
Plus, back then when rich Nigerian men married 4, 5 wives legally .... light-skinned poor Nigerian women used it to move up the social ladder but these days, Nigerian men marry ONE wife with several concubines.... things don change....
Ikeji, why not date Banky W... He is not soo bad. LOL! and like one of your commentators claims, he's certainly not an impotent man. haha!
Surprise is too funny.... hahaha!
3. They don't marry the poor but after marrying themselves it the poor that 'service' them because they don't have time for themselves. The Driver or the gateman 'service' madam while the housemaid service oga.
ahahhahaha! Funny comment.
I am from a popular and rich family. 90% of my folks married from average homes!
I think its everywhere, only in a select few cases does it happen differently.A commoner is anyone who is not royalty, rich or poor.
Make no mistake, Kate Middleton is
in no shape or form from a poor family. Her parents are self made millionaires. That xplains why they were able to send her to St Andrews' Colege where the tuition is about $250,000 per session
and that was where she met William.
simple.class distinction mami.
Because they belong in the same social class/group. That means they are more likely to meet at the same events, party, work place, gym, restuarants and other places that are not necessarily accessible to the poor. For the most part, they have more in common with each other. Their parents know each other, so they more likely to come into close contact with each other and spent time with each other. Of course there is always that element of superiority in some cases.
Jameel Disu was a somebody before he married Bella!
Her parents may not be famous, but hey they are big time Egyptian millionaires.
I went to a posh primary school (at least it was back then), prestigious secondary school, and a private uni stateside.
Most of my friends come from affluent homes, the who is who of Nigeria, kids of past Heads of state and ministers, so was I supposed to go down to Ojuelegba to date women whose mothers were selling puff puff or what?
You date in your circle, plain and simple.
BTW my family is neither rich nor famous, they are just doing their thing ;)
**His parents**
its very less likely to fall for a class lower than you, you practically have nothing in common. i dont blame these people, its hard not to be loved for your money. they are also guarding themselves. if i was in their shoes, i'll most probably do the same. btw princess Kate is quite rich herself just not of blue blood. free dem biko!
@ Anon (3rd comment). May God answer your prayer that you won't marry into a rich family.
Why are you so bitter? Is it because you're broke?
Like terms attract....Simple!
rich people marry other rich people because those are the people in their social circle simple. surely u dont think they r gonna hang out with people who r not in their social class everyone sticks to their kind. and as for kate middleton even if she was a commoner , her family is bloody rich
@ anon 10.20 , wow , is it by force to belong in a conversation??! st andrews isnt a college, its a university and 250k dollars a session ? u must be on something.
lol @ all of you hating on rich people getting married to each other saying they are marriages of convenience dont be jealous u hear. just because they are rich doesnt mean they cant fall inlove . lol @the comment i would hate to get married to a rich person lair oshi. let them upgrade u abeg. money doesn't buy happiness neither does poverty.
Linda which "CULT" your papa dey ? Noooo I just say make I ask you o . Your papa no dey Cult u dey look for rich man pickin marry na weytin you want give back ? My dear you have to belong . That's why you see people sending there kids to very expensive schools dis dis for future connections. Since u didn't mingle with them when u were your u might get lucky if I take ur time and one of the rich ones can grab you since you have advertise your interest for them they will reach out to you just be ready to be part of the cult because u go get duty wey u go dey do for rich man house . Best of luck!!!
A commoner in the western world is more likely to live above the borderline and the converse is the case in third world. By default you do not measure with them in every aspect of life, also a union between is commoner and a rich Nigerian is seen as a taboo or the commoner is in it for monetary purposes which in most cases is the truth.
Linda come marry me too o!!..Terry.G.BillGates 111
a lot of theses comments just show that most of u have poor people mentality. just cos someone is rich doesn't mean they are not happy in marriage. don't b haters please . it is not a good look abeg......
better pray to God to deliver you from poor person mentality it is a sin u know
the thing is most of the time, the parents want a longer lasting relationship between both families and so these marriages are arranged. dont u think so???? i mean we cant tell if the bride or the groom have their eyes somewhere else.
Haba Linda, you should know better, read the history books of the world, rich has been marrying rich since the beginning of time, not just nigerians every race on the planet, n o be new thing.
well, my mum wud say marry from ur class and level, cos most likely u two wud ve the same view and tots towards aspects of life...marrying below u could be difficult, cos d way u view things wud b different....kate wasnt literally poor, she stil had a high class mentality towards life, not just as much as d prince. n bsides they were in d same sch, so of cos u can conclude dat their mentality towards life should b similar.this is not always d case tho....it all depends on the level of awareness u two ve.....
Kate was not a commoner in some sense of the word her parents are millionaires and the role with the upper crust of society just look at the schools she went to and where she lived. She wasn't royalty but she was rich so that argument is out the window
lmao.....Dont worry Linda,one Otudeko or Dangote is coming very soon..
i dnt believe dt rich ppl only marry demselves! it jst happens dt dey always end up in d sme place.. it all has to do wit their social cycle and the way dey carry demselves.. poor ppl like annoymous 9:23 wit closed minds and overly proud r y a rich man wouldnt marry her! we av caged ourselves wit wt society wants us to be! u want a rich man.. carry urself well and wit class and nt act loose and untidy! kate middleton rubbed shoulders wit d royals bcz she socialised wit d rich cz she was rich.. she is a commoner bcz she didnt av a royal title and nt cz she was poor.. she went to d skool d royals attended! if she went to a private skool wit average rich ppl like her den she would av missed d opportunity! dey wont come to ur house and say i want a poor girl to marry! if u knw wt u want for urself in life den u av to go for it... dnt even tink im makin sense lol bt wteva!
it's not really the kids fault but thier parents who work out the whole plans for their children to marry and also for their business in home and abroad.There are alot of quiet billionaires that get married that we don't know so no biggie!God will always establish his own, besides on a good day, they can't hustle like the real men out there but live on their parents wealth who commands their relationships and marriages.
If Kate didnt go to the same schl as prince william they may have not have met. there has to b a connection sumhw. so many rich kids marry poor/average kids mayb u just dnt knw of any but they are a hand full out there. thats why some average/poor parents make sure their kids attend very good schls so that the orientation and social identity of their kids may change for the better. in life evrytn is packaging..u can make a name for urself despite comin from a humble background nd when u hit that big bucks no one wuld knw that u culd even afford a brand new apparel in the past nd pple wuld tink ur success is mum or dad's. it is also important to note that the "rich" also feel guarded thats why they want their kids to marry oda rich kids too because they are scared of "gold-diggers" who may only feast on their already acquired wealth. rich or poor we youths of today have to make a name for ourselves nd not rely on marriage as an avenue to acquire wealth.
Maybe the ques should have been would/can you marry below your class??..'cos some middle class folks sure do the same..
Can't see you Linda marrying dude selling pure water!!..abi i lie??
I am anon 9:23...first of all i live in the states where people are pretty much equal. I went to a great school in Newyork and i know a lot of rich Nigerians who went to my school in the Ny. No one gives a rat ass who your parents are in the U.S. I make my own money and do not need to be upgraded by anybody. I will not want to be married into a shallow family that priotizes wealth and image over character and values. Most "rich" Nigerians are thieving and corrupt people anyways ..I'm sorry that marrying into a "rich" family is not my cup of tea #bye
a man that owns pure water plant = pure water seller. a man who owns a factory that fix cars= mechanic. a man that sells fish from his aquarium = fish seller. a man who owns herd of cattle = cattle rearer. a man who went to university to get a certificate = graduate.who do you think will take care of you & ur needs, oya! choose!All this class thing won't come up only if Our government used it's resources wisely. Nigeria is really blessed! oil, tin ore, cash crops, food crops,gold,etc.Linda, there's someone here that likes ur pic! From jamaica( not black skinned) but from jamaica.
Linda everyone here (writing from the UK) knows Kate Middleton is not a commoner. Go and do your research well and see what her parents do, they have money ( the hype is by the press but that girl is NOT a commoner, not royal does not mean commoner). She sha went to boarding school! NOT STATE school which is expensive. This is the case all around the world darling. The rich marry the rich because we have more in common with each other and a lot of poor people "especially" in Nigeria may have a complex and wont be able to handle the lifestyle change.
Prince William married a rich "commoner". Still similar circles. I met a rich lady who said she'd warned her son off "poor" girls coz she didn't want their hard earned money to go to training he girl's siblings through school/ generally being a parasite to her family. The interesting thing is that she was from a poor home and married a guy also poor but with good prospects who became extremely rich
As a married woman who married someone in a lower class than I am in terms of upbringing and wealth,it can be a bit difficult finding things in common bcos u both grew up differently and most times u have different points of view. If it is God's will that you both are to be together like in my case I challenged my husband to be successful and showed him how life could be when you work hard and plan your life well. I am often shocked at how his parents did not manage their investments and did not strive to be rich plus his childhood financial abuse (things I NEVER experienced since we were provided for), but one thing I like about them is how down to earth they are and that drew them to me. Growing up rich u tend to deal with pride and snobbery without even knowing it. I have realised wealth is something that comes with hard work, exposure and taking opportunities.I sometimes wish that I should have married someone higher in the wealth ladder than me, but I feel that I would have still remained my cocky, snob like self.Marrying someone lower made me more humble and made me a better person, and by God's grace I and my husband will be wealthy too.
@ ANON 9:58 ,Linda is famous in naija i agree but rich(and i mean RICH not just some cash in your account) errr...nahh
Linda, you are asking a question that has been asked from the beginning of time. The rich will always want to marry the rich to keep the $$$$ flowing from generation to generation. No one wants it to stop when it comes to their time to build an empire with their mate, so they have to start with someone who is on the same level.....
However that's just one side of the argument. On other hand, it really depends on the individual, if they don;t care what thier parents, society, peers or whatever think, they would go for someone that makes them happy whether they are rich or average.
I like what LADIES SHOT MAN said about building his wealth with his wife. When a person that is used to having money and getting whatever they want whenever they want, how can they really value a person, when the money is there....Money may not keep you warm at night, but it sure as hell can buy you a nice warm cashmere blanket, with 10000000000 Egyptian Thread count sheets! ;).
But hey!, lets not get in over ourselves, the rich will always marry the rich...end of story!
Nigerians and all this hate. There is a huge difference between, Rich, average and poor! Most rich people marry rich or average because of the kind of company they keep. A lot of 'average/middle class' people meet the so called rich people in their schools, social gatherings etc. They are fortunate and lucky to then marry into such families! People are so quick to make conclusions!! Even the poor marry the rich, it all just depends on your upbringing, who you are fortunate to meet and how God plans your steps! PRAY HARD and well, you too will marry rich and be happy without divorce!
Please find out why those marriage dont last, because it was forced on them by thier parents to keep a statos quo, True love dont exist in such marriages. ask me what happened to Okoya,s doughter and several others
Too scared!
pls linda let us hear word. yes he married a commoner, but she is not from a poor family...her parents are millionaires too.
secondly, birds of the same feather flock together...it is only natural for this to occur.
lastly, who wants to marry poor...poor people don`t want to marry poor either, but they are a victim of their circumstances. the chances of them meeting and marrying a rich man is slim too none...end of story, so no vex...
There are some slight exceptions, but like the popular saying goes, birds of a feather flock together. It is normal to see these things happen. Lets not forget alegbra, where you must collect like terms. Its one thing marrying and individual its another thing to manage the person based on the persons experience. Just imagine a man who did his primary education in Nigeria, secondary education in Europe, first degree in America, Second degree in Austria and currently working in Asia. This is already an individual with with an experience and mindset formed from different continents around the globe. Just imagine this individual marrying whose experience and mindset has been shaped from a particular region in Nigeria. It would take alot from them to manage themselves. You see why at times its best to marry your kind.
this happens mostly among the yorubas..they are very shallow, it is not about any stupid merger..they just have a complex and have a follow follow mentality...all their marriages are shams filled with sadness and woes...so pls don't envy them..is it not Gboyega that beats up ngozi odogwu?? it is all a big facade ha na acho onwe ha acho...
Lol @ all these replies. Fact is people move in the same social circles and grow up together according to their economic status, so it makes sense that one would end up with someone close to their social status..
Although, if you have at least one foot in the upper class you increase your chances of meeting and marrying someone from the upper class.
You marry rich, you marry poor, upper class, lower class....blah blah blah...all of this is nonsense. It's good to have money, but money will not take you to heaven, neither will it go with you to your grave. All of this is just vanity upon vanity.
It has always been vanity from the beginning, and will always be vanity till the end. I just wish people would look past all these craziness and come to realize what life is really about. When the rich and poor die, they both decay the same way...People, just go to the bible and read about the story of the rich and poor man.
If you are blessed with riches and wealth, good for you, but are you helping the poor. The number one billionaire in this world does not go about rambling on and on about his money, he helps people all over the world, yet the one that has a couple of million Naira will not let us hear word.
Its sometimes because of the sake of politics.... to keep both families united but could be love as well.... Ikeji, u might wanna associate yourself more with the rich and prominent in society (Dont ask me how?...Figure it out urself!) and who knows ur luck might shine from there.... as long as you will be prepared for all the insults that come with marrying from a rich family...thats if you end up in a terrible one.
Wish everyone the best!... just pray you will be happy in your own marriage and that you and ur hubby are okay... 4get who dey marry who! The right question should be...Are all of them happy?... Not that its any of my busy though!!!!!
Ok Linda
Why dont You and the status you are in now go marry someone 10 levels below you - you lives in the ghetto.
We gotta start somewhere - so you go first
if you poor and u wanna marry a rich man u best be ready to be an ashi..or a model that is ready to open her legs,cos thats the only way u can ever meet them,u cant be a poor born again deeper life church girl and expect to marry a Dangote,u not even on fb or twitter and u wanna marry an Okoya,u dont go out at nite,no clubbing no nofin,ow then will u meet em?the rich marry the rich cos they hang in the same places..chikena..chuks slam
Linda, this is a little tacky sha. you could have asked the same question without :
1. naming names
2. using those photos - especally Bella's wedding photo. have some respect linda. if you like delete my comment.
Linda, I think u already know the answer to this question. Y can't u marry an Okoro? Or Iya Wale's son? Kini big deal? We are all guilty of this, including you, so don't blame them for marrying people of their class.
But in the meantime, a word of advice for u Linda....Marrying a rich guy isn't all we imagine it to be. I for one was from a middle class family, my dad had a really good job, I went to gud skools. even though we weren't rich, as per travelling out of the country on holiday, and stuff, basically I had a gud life pretty much. Then I married into a rich family and my life changed....though not for the better. Trust me if I could do it all again, I would choose to marry a poor, and struggling guy, who has a bright future, than a guy who is from a family of billionaires....yes billionaires. Linda, i've seen hell, and am still seeing hell. Although I thot I luved my hubby when I married him, but now that I think of it, I guess I was just blinded by d gud life. I've been to Paris, London, South Africa, etc, and I currently live in the states, but i'll give anything to go back and do it all again. I hate my life, I hate the person I've become, and I hate the family I married into.
So my dear Linda, its not all about marrying into a rich family, dont be blinded by the glamour and shine of it all. Its a lot more than u know. Trust me.
This makes me lol. You Linda.
Like they say... Big man talks to big man. So apparently, Poor man will always talk to Poor man. Abi?
@LINDA ur head too Correct........LWKMDFH........I tire ooo..........Make dem go siddon jarree,,,,who wan marry their blood money..........But seriously,,a Guy from a Rich home can still go ahead and marry the Middle class......But guys aabeg if u neva hold Money wella,,No go Marry girl wen rich oo,,,,Am serious,,ur wife family go turn you to House boy,,,
First of all...Kate Middleton is NOT a commoner. Her father is LOADED!! And is a very wealthy business man. U think the Queen will let her grandson marry the daughter of a man in the pub?
how that one concern u?
u want marry cos of money? abeg go make ur own money
Harry Akande's son married Dakore Egbuson. How did they meet? Love has no boundary folks
I swear that Nigerians have serious issues. WTF???? Its a damn post. This is a blog where you come and discuss on issues and topics. Linda is just saying a question. And some ignorant illiterate people are asking her if her parents are in a cult???? Like wtf??????? Dumb as hell.
Don't get it twisted, it's a yoruba thing. A Dangote will marry a nobody likewise an Odogwu....but don't go near the yorubas.
Class concious motherfuckers.You need to see the way they famz, when a rich person is within their radius
Once my mum's friend who insisted all her children must marry family money , though they had their own money but these kids dem woorh woorh pass , nothing dem fit do with all the schooling abroad but guess who is still in their daddi's house . Though I come from a middle class but my yardstick was good education , and a job no bi contract or business , no dreaming in the house and am I thanking God , my husband is the best person that would ever happen to them , intelligent , hard working , fine guy now they wish it could have been dem those snobbish people
People just talk crap. Jide and Uche married each other out of choice. Their fathers have no bizness interactions and I am sure that Jides father was not too pleased with the union in the first place. Jameel Disu cannot be described as the child of a rich man. Before he married Bella, did you hear of his papa? Do you even know his family now? I beg. Change your pictures or remove this nonsense post.
There is safety in numbers/figures... At least if you marry from your class, you eradicate/bypass some matrimonial issues/arguments. By the way prince William married a commoner i.e not of noble blood but not a poor girl, Kate's parents have pay, they may have worked hard for it but they are rich.
Olu Akande and Dakore Egbuson..how bout that?
Dear Linda.Poor,
How do you expect me to marry?
I don't live in your area at Ikotun, I did not attend OAU to graduate at 30... name it?
The closer you can get to me is if you are my father's employee and that way, you are my errand boy/girl!
Please tell me where and how I would see your beauty when I don't know you poor.
-Deyinde Fernandez Otedola Dangote.
.Hmmmmmm....... Una don talk evrytin wey dey ma mind... 'Amebo says so..gbam!
linda dear they are all stupid that's what; only if you know what they go through by suffering and smiling in the marriage just to save face mschew
Hav ever asked urself why the rich gets richer and the poor get poorer ??? Lol,com to marry me.
@Anon 5:03 AM -- I feel you my dear. I'm in the exact same situation. I grew up in a middle class family, both my parents are doctors. I went to good schools and all, so I had lots of rich friends who traveled abroad and lived the good life (or so I thought) and I wanted to belong so bad. So I made it my mission in life to marry a rich guy.
Now, I have. Three and a half years ago, I married a guy from a very wealthy family, very well known in Lagos. Na there my life end. The things I go through...you can't even imagine. I don't want to divorce him because I'm now a practicing Christian and I know that God hates divorce. I keep praying that things will get better at least for the sake of my kids but until then, I have to carry my cross.
Trust me, it's not all it's hyped up to be, sure I get to travel to places I previously only dreamed of, I have diamonds and a fat bank account, I drive only the latest cars, but my dear, I'm MISERABLE!
Water finds its level, period. When I was growing up, my mum always said "marry from your class, not above or beneath you". I'll consider myself to be from a very comfty middle class home. My elder sister did not take her seriously and married beneath her. That mariage is over today cos her in- laws always felt that she was acting too uppity for them. Meanwhile, she was one of the nicest simplest people you could ever come across. But the differences between her husband and his family and herself were simply numerous. She couldn't get along with them. God bless her soul, she's passed on now.
My other siblings and I took a cue from that and all married from our class and our marriages are intact and as good as a good marriage should be. My mum was right after all! Water should always find its level.
Quite frankly they marry each other cos they speak the same language. The mindests are different.Broke people are annoying.
@LUFFY, You are right on point!
I think the most pitiful comments were those that mentioned PRAY..to get a Rich Partner..or be LUCKY!!..in this age??..u go get URS..the thought of sitting there..praying and hoping to get lucky..sounds well absurd!!.
As @Anon 9.23 said..we live abroad..and no one gives a toss who ur father/mom are..There's an element of truth Yorubas obsession with CLASS..I'm Yoruba and trust me I wouldn't marry a Yoruba girl and hardly dated any..for those exact reasons!!
after we don talk tire..most of this so called Nja rich..no be so so so Govt Contracts money..Oil Subsidies..and how Nja peeps look up to this parasites..
I only respect old wealth like say Ojukwu's Dad..Okoya..this were proper enterpreneurs..dare you to name those with genuinely created wealth!!..
I guess the grave does not separate amongst the rich and the poor... I think most Nigerians try to create a class distinction that does not exist...I guess if marrying within your social circle is what rocks your boat by all means do you...
For the possibility to make more wealth.
linda i guess u know the answer now, to retain the wealth. i wouldnt miss that at all coz the love wont be real.
Linda!!! Who is your father in the Army? Who is your mother in the church? Biko nodu nke gi...igbo for 'PARK WELL'!!
@anon 9;23....NA FAT LIE U TALK SO
People need to stay in thier lane..i attempted to date a very rich girl and i must tell you it wasnt a funny experience...i asked her what she wanted to to and she said she wanted to go to some concert..thats concerts cost us $250 each and i didnt even know what they were talking about and she was crying and shit....thats the kind of stuff she is used to..she wasnt forming or anything but that was hw she was brought up. Now the next time she said it was her treat and she took me to some fancy restuarant where u have to called in advance to get a reservation and the end of that night the young lady swiped her card for $2500 without flinching...my ppl right thier and then i knew she was not in my league. i pulled the Dissappearing act on her. Months later when we met at anoda party her boyfriend came in a masserati. SO ppl pls stay in ur lane
@Adanma may God bless you and your husbands hustle.
@Anon 5:03..its never too late for anything...i dont encourage divorce but if marrigae will make me hate my life ..I WILL ABANDON EVERYTHING AND wWALK THE f*&K OFF. If in you present circumstances you cant do dat dont forget prayer still works.
Location is everything. You think Prince William would have seen Kate to marry if she was in a low rated university? Her parents were sharp jo and she was sharper!
We know a number of these marriages are a matter of convenience and/or alliance between families but surely there are many others that have married 'common' folk as you put it, you just havent heard of them.
Linda you have the opportunity to mingle with wealthy people that attend all the events you're invited to and even the magazine spread you did, maximize this opportunity. You're not exactly a 'commoner'
It has always been like that, linda.Why are some people saying yorubas like famzing and are mostly guilty of this ish?lol.most naijas were guilty of this the last time I checked. What does famzing even mean?Like they say you are famzing on twitter if you RT some tweets. Why the fcuk am I ff you then?Only in naija.
Everything has been said.......the rich move in the same circle,,,how many news paper vendors/pure water hawker have u seen going to the cinema,Linda???
On another thought,,,it could be for more bizness friendship btw the parents......but the truth is most of these marriages have so many shortcomings and do not really last long....
@Annon Dec 15 5:03pm........it is well oooo......
Guess class begets class except we want to deceive ourselves. if you are very rich, you wont want your child to marry just any family.
Dats why you just have to work harder/hammer/loot whenever the opportunity arises so that ur children will be RICH KIDS!
@agudosi hahhhhhaa LOL infact laugh won kill me from your comment. Ebe like say you be oloju kokoro and as you said you ja quick quick before she bankrupts you oooo boy o boy.
On a serious note linda the rich would always stay in their league. Work hard to be rich so that if you eventually meet a rich guy he would not say you are after his money
In my own case i come from a middle class background but have worked my way to the top and got to the peak of my professional career and not doing badly financially as i even own my own house in jand were i reside in a leafy area. So if i meet a very rich guy he cannot tell me i am a gold digger as i am already an accomplished woman before he even met me. So linda that is what you should aim for so that his family would not say you are after their wealth.
I always take time out from my hectic schedule to read your blog everyday i always enjoy it. Keep up your good work.
Slightly off the topic Linda
It's not marry 'themselves' its 'each other'.
Sorry, jusr had to get that off my chest.
Good post though.
When people listen to too much stinky gist it always gets twisted. Gboyega is not married to Ngozi. Assuming you are referring to a Balogun-Odogwu union. And you come here and type nonsense like you know what you are talking about.
We know that gist helps people drown away their sorrows, but please GET YOUR STORIES RIGHT BEFORE YOU END UP LOOKING STUUUUUUUUPID - anon@2.41am
When Osawaru, a commoner married Igbenedions daugther, the pastor officiatring the marriage said" people will call you a gold digger" so a poor boy / girl marring from any from the rich family is looked up to as a gold digger, so follow your level and u will have peace and all other things will added onto you.
Dear Linda, I have read your blog for so long. And believe me when I tell you that a lot of us upper class ppl actually visit your blog daily and discuss it like a book club. Lol. I am a daughter of A former head of state and I have grown to be comfortable in my circle. Nothing is too expensive and everything material is within my reach. However, twice have I fallen for guys below my class, and I was fully committed in both relationships. However, it didn't work out because the guys just wanted a link to this or dt person. We would fly coach together and they would be disappointed that i didnt upgrade them or arrange for my dad's friend private jet. Ask me for money to buy what they dont need, etc. i have learnt to stay on my level but I leant a lot about the average man's life during those periods. It is what it is my dear. And to those who think rich people don't have happy homes, think again, u only speak to make your self feel better about your situation/ class.
loool... i love u linda! hahaha.... girlll u crack me up! one day we too go be the ones that others are calling rich
but i kinda agree with the birds of a feather theory sha... it makes sense
some people do it to keep existing relationships/ family ties
others use their children as collateral for deals...
but who knows?
A marriage without money is like a church without a choir. You can still worship God, but its just more fun with the choir singing. Same goes for marriage. Marriage is way more fun when you don't have to deal with where your next meal is coming from.
i see alot of people taking this P ....i wonder why . my question .."is it possible to marry some1 u have neva met ? "
its only natural to marry within you social circle .....school,church,work,play etc (except u r on a facebook love parol)...
The family wealth can be a factor depending on the individuals involved .
No1 wants to get married feeling the other party is only in it for the money
Sometyms the dif classes "JUST DONT' gel
Varying lifestyles is also another factor or angle to look at it . .......i can go on and on ....
classic example and please dont say this is an exception .
Kate and Wills (as he's sometimes called by the press) met while they were both attending the University of St. Andrews in Scotland
Kate is from a very rich home (Read about her). She attended expensive schools and met william for the first time in one of the schools they attended. The only difference is that she wasn't from the Royal lineage, hence the word 'Commoner'. So you see, the rich always meet themselves were they find themselves, the high class places.
People love success but hate successful people but you know what, the more you hate, the more they acquire more success and the more haters keep sipping hatred juice. Success and successful people work in hand so learn to show them love and tap into their blessing. *This is for haters haters here and beyond*. MAY I MARRY INTO A GODLY, RICH AND SUCCESSFUL FAMILY....AMEN!!!
Abeg make una leave Linda joor.....make she talk her own....besides its only normal to ask this question...anyways @Anon 9.35pm,Dec 14.....do u have to ask this question of marrying an OSU.
Linda.....please can you also ask or address this issue of OSU system in Ibo land....
Then all this people made money for their generations,please y"all go and work hard and keep money for ur children.......
it is natural
1. Linda you need to QUIT deleting peoples posts!
2. Jameel is nothing but a fraudster who was able to manipulate a naive girl.
3. 3/4ths of these marriages are based on NOTHING! ask Balogun-Alakija, Ashafa-Abiodun, Balogun-Odogwu, Williams-Shonekan...
4. Wealth is relative. Some people may seem rich but are "has beens"
5. Lol AT Fowler! Didn't they just hit jackpot with this new position?
6. Should the rich marry the poor? Do you know what an elite goes through when she falls in love with a boy that didnt grow up with much and is finally making some money? His parents esp mom are always issues.
So, everyone should follow their heart and leave when shit isn't working out!
dem believe say poor man na gold digger and dem also no want make d "thing" circulate
Lol,The the rich believe that they belong to the progressives and that poverty is an infection,They dont want to get infected b/c their believe is that povertyy is like a vicious circle,It passes from one generation to the another.even the bible says If you´re not from the house of Abraham,you shall not be saved unless you´re being indoctrinated into the Abrahamic forum.So linda Try me lets break the record!..Churry.
jay just spoke my mind...'These kids go to same kind of schools, meet at same type of social events, works in same kind of places etc...so its only natural for them to marry one another.'
Did I forget to mention that..9jas have started this rubbish VVIP..a V above VIP..lol!!
@ anon 9:23. shut up abeg
why are you guys hating though? rich people marry poor people, poor people marry poor people, rich people marry rich people. because 2 rich people get married doesnt mean they are doing it for the sake of doing it. they just happened to fall in love
Its simple.. follow your kind. its senseless going with people of a different class if it wont work.. it suits them better...let them have fun.
they have a common meeting point... like a 'nobody'
@ anon 1.19am Sorry, i won't shut up.
It's still 'marry each other' not 'marry themselves' and will remain so forever and ever and ever and ever..............................
Get over it joor and keep your COMPLEX moving. As oyibo's say in jand "jog on mate". LOL
anon, 9.23am
uche odogwu looks like a battered wife in that photo
lol.... classic
i plan to send my children to schools where they will meet kids from royal families .
u can upgrade ur situation.
Linda, you have to remember that they know themselves and run in the same social circles. it is kind of the same thing here in the US. the really rich marry the really rich. not saying that someone who is non rich cannot marry the rich, you just have to be able to penetrate their social circle, that would be the smartest way to go about it!!!
linda.. you've got to be in the same circles to marry into a rich family
Guess it's because they mix only with themselves( they live in the same neighborhood, go to school together...), moreso, there is this popular yoruba adage that says "egbe eye leye n wo to ( a bird only moves in those in the same caliber with it)...I guess it's normal to an extent, them marrying 'down' is like an average Nigerian marrying a roadside mechanic or something..But as long as they find a true and lasting love, guess it's ok.
I bet the Chikwe daughter who got married to a non rich, hustler,runs family (kachikwu) but who was dumped after 5kids after he made money of her and married a banker in the wedding of all wedding .....wished she had married her own class
For the record, I went to uni with Jameel and know for a fact that is in no shape or form from a poor background. Who it is who is hating on the guy should go mend their broken heart, he didn't marry you... He is taken! Get a life and go get yours! - Dipo
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