TF? Check out this extremely creepy selfie | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 30 March 2016

TF? Check out this extremely creepy selfie

This selfie, which was shared a few days ago on social media, has a lot of people freaking out. It looks like a normal selfie of a man and woman at first until you look closely at the glass door behind them. Instead of seeing the back of the woman's head...she's freaking staring at you. TF, I ask again?


Unknown said...

HmMmmm! News, news and more news.

Unknown said...

Unknown said...

😐😐the woman is totally........

Anonymous said...

Why are you swearing upandan?

Anonymous said...

WTF...creepy mehn

Unknown said...

Ah think the man is unaware.. He should be told so he knows who he's banging

Anonymous said...

i tot when two people take a picture,it is no longer a selfie but a groupie.

res ipsa

gentle said...

So scary...jeez!

Unknown said...

Hian! Dis is really scary o! Linda take note!

Unknown said...

She's a witch

Pretty face said...

The more I look, the less I see

Anonymous said...

this is really scary. i wonder how it happened.

res ipsa

Unknown said...

She be witch?

Anonymous said...

Willie Willie things o.

Victor Kachi said...

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Unknown said...


Unknown said...

This happen when u decided to take a selfie wit an Edo girl who had trust issue .

Anonymous said...

The evil inside Islam smh

Anonymous said...

Jesus! I literally jumped out of my chair right now

Anonymous said...

Jesus! I literally jumped out of my chair right now

Unknown said...

Hehehehehehe it's a bit scary......

Jules said...

Lol. Two-faced woman...end time!

Cynhams Cakes, Abuja. Home delivery 07034794947 said...

A ghost?

moss said...

It's the ijab she s wearing n not her face. Asap


Two-faced witch!

Anonymous said...

Two different pipu jare

Unknown said...

She transparent

Unknown said...

Scary asf

Enugu's second shoe designer

Anonymous said...

She's not d one

PrettyChi said...



She is a witch

Unknown said...

How did it happen

Yetty k said...

The fuck

Unknown said...

o well, all i see are two different photos,u all should look and compare well,u will see

Unknown said...

A bit scary

Unknown said...

How is this possible

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

If it's not photoshop then the woman in not human

Unknown said...

wait and let me think how it happen

Unknown said...

Hahahahahahhaaa linda is call art work.

Unknown said...

Wow, this is scary

Unknown said...

Click on BIZARRE for more bizarre selfies. One prolific photo-shopper trying to scare the hell outta some gullible minded people.

CHERYL (aka FROM GLORY to GLORY) said...


Anonymous said...

Spiritual wife

@joeydapoet said...

pls...both women aint d same look at the attire...dey jst look alike.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

We see dead people... Runnnnnn


I hope someone comes up to clear this.if not dis is freaking creepy

Anonymous said...

Yoruba demon

Anonymous said...

Linda pls stop dis ur "Tf..Tf" pls it's annoying look for something else to use. Tnks

Unknown said...

those are two different pics. That's not a mirror reflection. If its a mirror, you wouldn't see the guy far back and the pillar.

Unknown said...

I think dats a reflection of her from a mirror in front of her showing on d back mirror .?? Obviously it Wil show d face not d back.

Anonymous said...

Just like you. I am yet to see you say anything positive about anybody. Ewu!

Anonymous said...

Idiot! What has Islam got to do with it? Uninformed retard. Always looking for a way to use religion to cause a problem.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Linda, this is nothing but a photoshopped images. They're two different pics. If u look at the pics very well, u will notice that. Check out the background and u will see two different backgrounds. Secondly, the part of the man's body captured in the inner image ought not to have been captured as it was not exposed to the window or door. It's simply a very clever photoshop.

City: Unknown

Unknown said...

Jeez she's got two faces
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Anonymous said...

The pictures are different. She s wearing a different ijab in the two pictures. Look well

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