Photo of the day | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Photo of the day

Somewhere in the UK...


Anonymous said...

this is unbelievable,what a shame!

res ipsa

Unknown said...

Hijabis?? Steadily disgracing Islam

Unknown said...

They even do worst than this,and still in the deceptive ojuju,height of deception!

cutestlove said...

Who are they.

gentle said...

Lol...pretenders do the worst.

Unknown said...

Which cigarette!? Na weed be that! Useless fools! Who's deceiving who? Lmao!

Pretty face said...

Wonders will never end o. Hope these are not impersonators

sanrock said...


Unknown said...

Egwu dikwa! Linda take note!

baba said...


Unknown said...

Lmao .. Why do they like fooling themselves.... You cant hide ur face from God .

Unknown said...


Jules said...

The wonders of end time! May God help us...

Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...

Funny set of ppl

Unknown said...

Hahahahahahahahahaa muslim ooooi

Unknown said...

Hun Hun! See flexing.

Unknown said...

Let dem kip deceiving dem selves

Linda don't take note!

Anonymous said...

They are tired of pretending! soon, Isis will storm there and clear the bar!

Cynhams Cakes, Abuja. Home delivery 07034794947 said...

The power of their dressing. Nice. No one will ever tell who is who.

Unknown said...

Muslims na
Trust dem..

Evil piple

Enugu's second shoe designer

Anonymous said...

why are they deceiving themselves?

Anonymous said...

its a hotel in Sydney, Australia Linda.
Stop with your misleading lines or better off don't post the picture if you're going to mislead people.

Anonymous said...

why are they deceiving themselves?

Unknown said...

That their hijab na em dey sweet for quickie pass
They f*ck anything hard

PrettyChi said...

Not surprise, I know they are full of pretence

Unknown said...

They are hypocrites

Unknown said...

Alcoholic- Hungry hypocritical religious mockers.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

How are you sure of the drinks they are drinking? Not only liquor foams.There are some drinks that foam like liquor and yet not containing liquor eg FARUZ foams like liquor ,remember.Is faruz liquor? Please verify your report before posting them,madam Linda.

Anonymous said...

Impersonation is perceived.


Awon wayray!
Mad pretenders we know them!
Mad religion!
They shouldn't b leaving space for der eyes sef, it should all b covered up so we know dey re d real ojuju calabar..

Unknown said...

Fake people, they are the worst people as you see them so, doing all kinds of mess ,killing people and still acting holy

Yetty k said...

Me I dnt bliv al d muslims dt wear burqa.dey r worse

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

They are definitely not Muslims. complete impersonation.

Unknown said...

Odikwa egwu!!lol..

Anonymous said...

They can't come and die... Lol

Anonymous said...

any sane person will know some fools dressed up this way as a stunt just to discredit islam

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

may God curse the people who dressed up this way just to make hijab look bad

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Lol See flexing no time

Makjesty said...

Work Hard.

Long live the Queen...
(Linda Ikeji)...

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Linda were you there? I'm sure you bought it for them. Fake news fake gist.

Unknown said...

I guess they are terrorist,

Anonymous said...

I don't think this picture is for real,what I mean is I don't think the people on that picture are really Muslims, my reason,how is it possible for them to smoke the cigarette and also drink the beer where the mouth dey abeg when they are all covered, damn propaganda.

Unknown said...

I am not a Muslim but I think this was staged by some mischief makers to discredit Islam! They are biting more than they can chew oh!

Vela said...


Unknown said...

May God help dem....

Jay Pius said...

These people are very likely not real muslims, otherwise they would not do this in public.

Unknown said...

Linda u of all people should know this is a propaganda, except u ar also enjoying and promoting hate against Islam.

Unknown said...

I guess those commenting negatively on the picture above were social media new-comer. this photo has been on for over a period of 4years now, and u re here spewing thrash.

Emy said...


kunta said...

They are non-muslims....they are just doing this to tarnish islam...if ur IQ is tite u will know Muslim females can't do this with hijabs..this picture is just to fool some of u and to discredit Islam...."Don't believe everything u see or read"

Unknown said...

i know u wont post my comments, continue to spread HATE message under the guise of blogging. u re nothing but mischief maker. #LindaDePropagandist

Anonymous said...

This was definitely staged.

Anonymous said...

Bunch of terrorists

Unknown said...

No doubt the Muslims dress like that!first how are we sure this are not jus some other ppl jus wanting to tanish the religions image and what proove do u have that is is liqour this could be staged by anybody cos who ever too the shot,seems to be close and they look ready for the shot.cant ppl jus see the gud in Islam rather than the violence?

Anonymous said...

This can be anybody. Even men have been known to dress like this to create mischief. It could even be a movie set. Anything is possible. Thing is we all know True Muslim ladies that take the courage to dress modestly won't do this, in the public for that matter. So madam Linda, take note. And try not to misinform others.





O yehhh!am I seeing double?

idrisolakintoye said...

Do u think they are Muslims?

If I'm a Muslim n I drink (alcohol), that my religion strongly forbid, y will I dress to be easily identify as a Muslim n go to drink alcohol publicly?

If one is not mad, y will s/he want to tarnish the image of his/her religion?

I do not think those people are Muslims. They are most likely to b impersonators.

God knows all, HE will judge accordingly.

Unknown said...

Yet they claim their religion is d best. Smelling chickens

LIB ADDICT#just passing#

Unknown said...

Evil pple

Anonymous said...

You noh sense at all abi na your 2 much know know dey make u feel say you sabi????Se the strattons holtel noh fit dey uk,usa 9ja sef....u kon kom. Here dey yan opata......linda know pass u sef mumu.......Am shipCHOP..............AnonymousMarch 30, 2016 at 9:24 AM
its a hotel in Sydney, Australia Linda.
Stop with your misleading lines or better off don't post the picture if you're going to mislead people.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Strattons Hotel is located on: 4 Ash Cl, Swaffham PE37 7NH, United Kingdom

Anonymous said...

A lot of people got it all wrong on here. What makes you people think what are drinking is alcoholic? Because it's in a mug or because of the gas in it. A lot of beverages looks like that and has much gas and Islam doesn't even forbid cigarette so? Let us learn to respect it religion or traditional.

Unknown said...

I really cant see a thing that shows what they are drinking is beer

Anonymous said...

Welcome to UKnistan!

Unknown said...

So, because a group of ladies put on a veil and start doing things that are totally against the teachings of Islam, it means they are Muslims right? Have you forgetting that anybody can dress in that way, the fact that they are dressed as Muslim women does not necessarily mean they are actually Muslims...anyone can dress that way...So, ifmy friends and I put on police uniforms and behave badly outside, it means we are police officers Abi...Although it may seem that way but not "everything that glitters is gold" ...enough with all the accusations

Anonymous said...

UK should start deporting all of them because UK is a christian nation

Unknown said...

Please let's all look at this with a clear mind, notice the following : there is no smoke from the can she hold the drink and the cigarette at the same time,What hand did she use to raise her veil?
.Not all drinks that foam are beer...please notice these things
. The hotel is in The U.K. where hijabis are few in nos talkless of niqabites. So if the niqabites will go out dey will walk together and they can be easily noticed cus dey r in a top it up its a lodge hotel not a brothel...and if you look at the lady with the net gloves well and follow her gaze you will see that she is staring at something and which is most likely the gaze you give your phone when enjoying a drink,who will give a stick of cigarette that kinda look,i propose that the phone has been cleared off using her veil and replaced with a cigarette,no argument there cause its something that can be done easily thanks to technology.clear sign of PHOTO SHOP. Right now Muslims are going through a lot, don't add more false criticism to it...

Anonymous said...

I noticed in the picture The first person's hand is like he/she was pressing phone.

See the third person counting from the nearest person. Or second person from the rear

You will see that the person's shoe is like a man's shoe
The person's clothe does not seem to be a niqab.
Note the difference in colour of the clothe plus its like the is wearing a jacket

No smoke in the cigarette with them. l
Plus the first person from front looks like a. Guy. Plus I think its Photoshop
[3Or some other app
Zoom in very well. The last person standing in front of the fair guy.. Check the shoes.. Hahaha .. A man's shoe
Plus the person's outfit is not like niqab
Hence: its fake

ssiaccenture said...

Linda is not supposed to post this because if it happens to be pastors that are involved in this, she will never post it. religious bigot!

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