Woman narrates how she was headbutted by policeman in Lagos | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday 28 April 2015

Woman narrates how she was headbutted by policeman in Lagos

Ladie Bello (left) shared her story on Instagram with a picture of the policeman she alleged attacked her (right). Her story below (I found a bit of it funny tho. The part about her carrying a wheel spanner
'This policeman's name is Kasimu Abdullahi. He was deflating my tyre & because I pushed him away from my car, he headbutted me. The incident happened at NNPC filling station on Kingsway road, Ikoyi. There was a short queue & I joined the queue just after the exit gate. I saw this fool waving his arms & rolled down to speak to him, but he walked past my car & was talking to the bus driver behind me & then I heard my tyre hissing. He was deflating it, so I got down to challenge him, he ignored me so I pushed him. As soon as he straightened up he head butted me & said he will have killed me if not that I was a woman. To defend myself I picked my wheel spanner...
But when his colleagues came he changed the story to: he was defending himself... From someone he head butted? I would not let this die because people die from being assaulted by the police & they feel because they wear uniforms they can play God. Well guess what?! Kasimu Abdullahi... I was brought up by a military person & I will not rest until I get a public apology from you; in your uniform.  I have to see a dentist tomorrow because my teeth hurt, my upper lip is swollen & you think you will go free... You have messed with the wrong girl #policebrutality #policeplayinggod #kasimuabdullahi #fillingstationdrama cc  @lindaikejionline'


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Anonymous said...

Uncle Odeh James, send me a message on Instagram. I will tell you where I am; so you can come & pick me up. Maybe then you will join your partner in the guard room

Anonymous said...

Btw... Your wife is on Sanusi Fafunwa with her colleagues

Unknown said...

Kip pushing ur story to d top

Anonymous said...

Headbutting a woman dat just pushd a man is nt self defence cuz its nt commensurate with the act. so lawyer u shd consider a more suiting defence instead of trying to be noticed.

Anonymous said...

You were there?! Fabulous... Please send me your contact number on Instagram so we could go to the police with you being star witness. How was I to know he had been chasing cars away from there before I got there? Emphasis on BEFORE. If you read well, I rolled down to ask why he was waving & he never answered... Uncle star witness..brother popularity harlot. Before you start passing on stories you know nothing about; please get the facts right. Slapping anyone at all is totally wrong. I pushed the man I accept because he was damaging my property & not telling me why... Btw can you remember what car it was, so you can tell your followers how much a tyre cost.

Ruby said...

Bloody asshole.!!! ... the ordeal is hilarious abi? Wait till it's your turn.... then we ll be reading tour story and laughing too... Olodo

Unknown said...

Henry u should be in class studying...... All u do is seek for cheap attention here and finally u got one.... You r jst a big idiot for bringing religion into this... it's obvious u can't be mentality and academically sound....

Unknown said...

#Reply of the month......... You spoke my mind already!!! Dts wat u get as aresult of free MB from network service provider....

Anonymous said...

This poster lady is compelling me to comment on this blog, as much as I hate brutality of any kind, u were damn WRONG for starters. U keep insulting everyone that disagrees with u on this thread. But guess what? I don't give a damn. I'm a lady too, a road user and driver of a car just as u...so yes I understand the obnoxious attitudes of not only the police, but also that of lastma too.

First of all, u prolly entered the station from the exit side, which is wrong, cos others must have been queued on the entry side but u were trying to cut in between the line to be served? Right? Don't even feign ignorance cos we all know the deal. And I live not too far from that nnpc gas station, so I know.

The police saw this and tried to deflate ur tire for breaking the rules, the only fault he has is not asking u to move away, but instead, he took to ur tires.. when u saw this, couldn't u have used ur mouth instead of touching or pushing him at all? U actually initiated the body contact FIRST, u aggravated him first, and he retaliated accordingly.

If we all know how our police men are bad etc, why did u resort to pushing him first? Knowing he could be one of the crazy officers on the road? Here u are bringing in the feminist empathy syndrome, when u clearly broke the first rule. I am a lawyer and I would slam u if the officer decides to prosecute u. He is wrong to have head butted u, no doubt. But u triggered the attack.

He was acting on self defence and not u. Whoever attacked first cannot claim self defence in any court of law. That's plainly being DUMB. U are one of the reasons Nigerians don't get it right, always trying to cover their defaults to align with the general cliche of having things done wrongly.

Charity begins at home. Get over your arrogant self and work on ur manners. U do NOT have a case.

Linda post my comment to this unruly lady.


Anonymous said...

Don't mind her. Let her keep arguing blindly.

Anonymous said...

Oh puleaseee she just touched him indeed. Touching for what? Are they play mates? Was she rubbing his head as per fine boy concern? She pushed him outta anger and he bloody retaliated. She should deal with it and stop ranting. Come to equity with clean hands.

Anonymous said...

And u conveniently omitted where she pushed him Shey? Kontinu

Anonymous said...

U get sense jor

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Who born am? She no well. Gbam

Anonymous said...

Thank u my learned colleague. Tell her o.

Unknown said...

I want to see how this ends #messed with the wrong person#

Unknown said...

I want to see how this ends #messed with the wrong person#

Anonymous said...

the police offers are just a set of useless people. I hate them

Anonymous said...

This groundnut oil on your mouth though...

i sympathize anyway make sure you get justice

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