In a statement titled “Kachikwu needs to know that respect and good performance will do what magic cannot.” which he released and personally signed yesterday March 26th, Tinuby condemned Kachikwu's comment. The statement reads in part ;
“Much public ire has been drawn to the statement made by Minister of State Ibe Kachikwu that he was not trained as a magician and that basically Nigerians should count themselves fortunate that the NNPC under his stewardship has been able to bring in the amount of petrol fuel it is currently doing. Perhaps, the statement by Kachikwu was made in a moment of unguarded frustration or was an awkward attempt at a joke. Whatever the motive, it was untimely and off-putting. The remark did not sit well with the Nigerian people; they were as right to feel insulted as the minister was wrong to have said such a thing. The fuel shortage is severely biting for the average person. They are forced to remain in lines far too long, for too much time, to pay too much money for too little fuel. This is no joking matter. Livelihoods and people’s welfare are at stake. With so much on the line, Kachikwu’s flippancy was out-of-line. He was basically telling Nigerians that they should be lucky that they are getting the inadequate supply they now suffer and that they should just be quiet and endure the shortage for several weeks more". Continuing, Tinubu stated that Kachikwu's comments were insulting and was not a good representation of APC and was more of the statements likened to PDP members who were voted out of government last year “It insulted the people by its tonality. He spoke with the imperious nature of a member of the elitist government the people voted out last year and not the progressive one they voted in. Kachikwu must be reminded that he was not coerced to take this job. He accepted the job and its responsibilities knowingly. He also must remember that he does not own NNPC. This also is not a private company that owes nothing to the public except the duty of fair dealing. He is a public servant. The seat he sits upon is owned by Nigerians not by him. The company he runs is owned by Nigerians not by him. They are his boss. He is not theirs. Power is vested in the people. He is a mere custodian or agent of their will. In talking to us in such a manner, he committed an act of insubordination. If he had talked so cavalierly to his boss in the private sector, he would have been reprimanded or worse. If wise, the man should refrain from such interjections in the future. As his ultimate bosses, the people have a right to demand the requisite performance and respect from him. He should apologise for treating them so lightly in this instance. His portfolio being a strategically important one, he needs to re-establish the correct relationship with the public. They no longer feel he is working for their optimal benefit as their servant. Instead, he seems to be standing above them, telling them to take it or leave it. For his policies and stint in office to be successful and a help to this government, he must have the support and belief of the people at this tough time. He must talk to them in a way that they believe he seeks their best interest and understands the hardship weighing upon them. He must ask them to work with him and, perhaps, to endure a bit longer but with the knowledge that he is working to resolve this matter as fast as he can and as permanently as possible. That he is dedicated to the position that once these current lines are gone that never again shall they reappear as long as he has any influence in the matter.”
Confused set of people.
Tinubu should stop being a control freak and allow these people do their work.
Their headache
I found his speech disturbing and should not be made by a leader seeing that after the statement, fuel scarcity has gotten worse amd marketers are hoarding the product.
Kachikwu be acting like we're in a military regime
Yea that's true but on the contrary,I and you know that you don't like the ibos
Most beautiful gal on linda ikeji's blog
Jagaban, you said it all! Linda take note!
Rightly said Jagaban!
Speaking to much grammar.... Well this is just d beginning... 419ners pple... All am sayin Dix present administration shld just do and pack their bags... Sincerely am tired 😫 if hearing same bulk stories without a concrete solution....
Wateva. Dey shuld do evrythin possible to put an end to al dis fuel scarcity
Sorry for what APC God will help pls call on jesus for help he is the only one that can help u people
All I want is for dem to take dis hardship away from us
...merited happiness
Well said
Lol their problem
Kachiku needs help. I think he's over worked already. He needs people of like minds and drive. It counter-productive for one man - by himself to handle the positions of minister, minister of state and GMD of the NNPC.
Does apologising change the present situation that we are in? I don't think so...so rather than apologise let him do what he was employed for and let us have fuel...ProudlyDeltan
Tinubu shut ap biko
Humm!! This Tinubu statement baffles me. If that's the way he sees governance then Tinubu is my next presidential candidate.
Great article and true talk..but where is the walk?
Good one, 4 once
I was beginning to think if he was joking or really serious
All several solutions proffered by Kachukwu to the Buhari administration on the management of petroleum products and it's avaliability has failed the country. What the president promised Nigerians on man hour loss in fuel cues is being sabotaged by Kachukwu. The president know how to deal with such people,like he did to those who padded his budget. Jagaban is correct and patriotic
The minister is right,do u want him to lie,or shift the blame to jana,like u guys always do,which u have started already
Hmmmmm what a hypocrites, what is the difference between what he has said and what APC kept telling us about BUHARI not being a magician. sebi una say it is better to tell the truth than to lie, who is lying to who?
The minister spoke as if he was still in Exon Mobil. That's how they talk powerfully like lords. This is Nigerian public. Welcome to the public sector arena
I must say that for the very first time, I was impressed by Tinubu's standpoint. For one thing, Tinubu's comments underscore and validate some of the things a few of us have been saying by a way of criticism of this govt's policies and stance; especially as they border on the lingering fuel crisis.
If Tinubu, the national leader of APC could criticise a very strategic officer in their administration, then I strongly believe that my criticism and high expectations of this current govt has been in order. Tinubu's comments best substantiate that even if President Buhari is deviating or not been sensitive enough to the plight of the people, Nigerians can and should call him to order - because power lies with the people and its from the people that government derives its power.
I'm not a fan of Tinubu, but this time around, he simply won my heart for his comments; whether he's honest about them or he's simply playing to the gallery. I hope Nigerians will borrow a leaf from the national APC leader and not just be blinded by sentiments. We all should be primarily concerned with the survival of Nigeria and not the APC-PDP brouhaha we've had in the last ten months.
My 2Cents pls.
I must say that for the very first time, I was impressed by Tinubu's standpoint. For one thing, Tinubu's comments underscore and validate some of the things a few of us have been saying by a way of criticism of this govt's policies and stance; especially as they border on the lingering fuel crisis.
If Tinubu, the national leader of APC could criticise a very strategic officer in their administration, then I strongly believe that my criticism and high expectations of this current govt has been in order. Tinubu's comments best substantiate that even if President Buhari is deviating or not been sensitive enough to the plight of the people, Nigerians can and should call him to order - because power lies with the people and its from the people that government derives its power.
I'm not a fan of Tinubu, but this time around, he simply won my heart for his comments; whether he's honest about them or he's simply playing to the gallery. I hope Nigerians will borrow a leaf from the national APC leader and not just be blinded by sentiments. We all should be primarily concerned with the survival of Nigeria and not the APC-PDP brouhaha we've had in the last ten months.
My 2Cents pls.
APC leaders are all drunk and confused including their what every called president. God Bless Nigeria.
Why are they hounding this fella for saying the truth. Buhari is the Petroleum Minister for Christ's sake. If he goes Buhari should go too. If Tinubu has an agenda let him say. I see many Civil Society Organisations are emerging to chorus this call. Doomed nation.
Everybody is not born lier,Mr Kachikwu is honest but the APC Chieften wanted him to fabricate lies that will sweet the public. God will keep exposing all the APC lies so that the citizen will open their eyes and understand that this ruling party are just living on fabricated fallacies. May God help Nigerian because People are seriously suffering.
This is just the best advice by Asiwaju and indeed the word of wisdom devoid of personal aggrandisement.
Shebi una agreed to make am minister ni? Abeg tinubu no dey vex. Linda observe!
Tinubu no dey complain abeg. Linda observe!
Good talk, Asiwaju but I think he is only following the steps of his "boss", who has traces of a military ruler.
Tinubu please keep quiet, u r a coward, u r scared to lash @ Buhari Na Ibe Kachikwu u dey face.He wus only reiterating what Mr President has told us since assuming office.Didnt dat stupid Fashola tell us he wus equally not a magician to give us steady power.D ealier u leave with d fact dat d theme of dis administration is we r not Magicians d better for u.Never knew u could b dis weak to pick on d Minister of State petroleum to vent ur anger when d main Minister of petroleum in person Buhari and u don't ve d balls to come him. Jagaban u r fast becoming inrelevant.
Tinubu need to fucking shut up. Na today fuel dey scarse for Nigeria.
Instead of blaming the failed promises of his APC govt he's looking for a scapegoat!!!
All na change. Lol
Uncle Asiwaju the fact that you can liken his behavior to that of your political opponents means there is a problem with your APE-ISI govt.
Very good! Kachikwu should be accountable to the Nigerian people.... But how come no one is commenting? LIB readers, please take action!!!
Very good! Kachikwu should be accountable to the Nigerian people...but how come no one is commenting? LIB readers, please take action!!!
Hmmmmmmm....God pls have mercy on us......
This APC will not cease to amuse me; so just because Ibe KACHIKWU was not Tinubu's nominee and was chosen over Tinubu's candidate. This is a cheap blackmail !!!!!
And just because he choose to tell Nigerians the true situation. Now who is with the common Nigerians? Someone who is telling us the true situation of fuel crisis or Tinubu who is running him down for telling us the truth?
Nigerians are tired of being decieved by APC. Isn't it obvious now that APC leaders are bunch of liars?
Nigerians will soon revolt against you guys... Continue!
Tinubu should go and rest. He's frustrated because he plays no part in this useless government which he brought into power. Without Thiefnubu there'll be no President Buhari
Wow! Interesting! Well,it's a fact that Jagaban is not biased. He's for Nigeria people.. He knows that the current hardships suck! Though APC is for "change"..but d rightful things by Kachikwu must be strategised on time..he need prayers for God to help him though..His position n that of Fashola's are strategic ones..e no no easy abeg! All d same,God bless Nigeria.. I believe we shall smile soon..Truly," Change" shall manifest!!!
Tinubu don Kolo for real. Every minister must pander to his every whims and caprices. Hell No!!
Kachikwu is an arrogant coxscomb. He is mistaken NNPC for a media house where he treats his staff with disdain.
Hmmmm...oga tinubu...u want him to hide d truth...it's beta he says d truth nd let everyone v it in mind dan paint it like most of u do....he knows d situation nd he speaks d truth abt it so Wat r u saying
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Well said sir! So long you are not all now sanctimonious just to spite the GMD for being truthful. May be cavalier, but truthful!
But wait... where is minister of petroleum in all of these? It's not just answering the name, let him work jor
Maka Why
Okoko omo Ibo, before u go say I dey marginalize u as I be Yoruba boy; I think I'll have to read Jagaban's statement as posted here all over again (if u ever did before)to know where Jagaban stands.
Thank u.
Very funny..so mr tinubu you want him to say it will end tomorrow? Like lie Muhammad? Little thing u guys will call pdp mr man i watch u calling pdp and Jonathan names calling them failur not you don't want TO take the blame...is good to seat by the corner and point finger..rubbish
Must u take a swipe at PDP Tinubu? ..u should channel ur grievances to kachikwu alone! Did I hear u say progressive govt? U branded a govt that has nothing to offer a progressive govt....this must be joke of d day
All promise cancelled-Apc, buhari is the minister of petroleum Kachikwu is speaking the mind of his Oga Tinuba leave him alone.
You and I not I and you.
Tinubu is deluded! Just cos kachikwu wont play ball with you, u now want to discredit him? How can u call a govt that have ground to a halt progressive? I just pity all those Nigerians that walked from state to state, country to country for this thieving APC govt. by the way if u hear d looting going on now?? E no get part two!
Tribalistic anonymous
How come he has not criticize Fashola. Is power situation not worse than PDP left it too? Who is fooling who? I guess he has a candidate that he is preparing for kachikwu's position...
If he makes this kind of statement about the electricity situation, then I will take him serious.
Smh!! Why must everything be along tribal lines with you sef????
Why does Tinubu keep saying 'them them'? Like he's apparently not part of the people? Egbami oh
What did u mean now,write in ur language
So telling the truth is now a crime in Nigeria??? #APC I hail thee!
Na so baba
If you check it very well, you will notice that this greedy yoruba man is already conceiving the longer throat to appoint a stooge to take over the petroleum miniter of state job, their legacy as Coward nature personified did not allow him to call Buhari's name who is the real Minister of petroleum but he is here advising total eye service rubbish their legacy, Fashola hsa siad the same thing that kachukwu said, the primary two student he brought to us as minister of finance has done worst, in fact i am yet to see what any minister has even plan to do since they have been appointed. what a failed government with no plan. stop being a coward and ask your masters Buhari to resign as petroleum minister that he does not understand what to do.
Funny u. How would u know am ibo? i guess cus u are ibo too.
The only reason why Tinubu is mad I becos he dint put this man there! He'll probably never do anything to satisfy him. Tinubu w know h badly u wante to appoint the Minister of petroleum. However the fact that his tone was off, Kachikwu didnt want to coat the truth. Enough of managing Nigerians, tell us as it is!
Tinubu is right in this matter. he shld apologize
It beats me that u guys don't get d import of Tinubu message. The attack is actually on Buhari folks. He's frustrated by d Buharia regime already. This is just the appetizer. Soon, very soon u will hear a public fall out with this regime. Watch this space. This is vintage Jagaba.
Ok...so u wld love it better if the speech was coated with sugar...
Nigerian wld NEVER stop loving lies and pretenders...
How do I join APC...I need my national cake too...
Sai Baba
Shut up, aye took a nd tifnubu... you obviously sound like you on the tifs payroll ... Now he wants to form patriotic.. Wat about the deplorable state of the power sector and the transport sector wher he has his goons stealing for him.. ( fashola and amechi )
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