Lose that weight forever and Get your sexy figure back | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday 30 April 2015

Lose that weight forever and Get your sexy figure back

This is an advertorial...read below..
My husband used to complain that after four kids I no longer take care of myself but I explained that it was because of the beautiful children I bore him - anyway he was adamant that his friend's wife has four kids too and yet she looks trim and sexy. I felt bitter but lowered my pride to ask her what it was and she showed me a bottle of T5 Fat burner pills.

The secret is out guys and you can buy T5 Fat burner pills by clicking here (all natural and safe) it is the strongest legal weight loss pills. All you need to do is take 1 tablet as soon as you wake up and it will curb your appetite, give you lots of energy and burn the fat off - Do not take late at night as you will have too much energy to sleep. Very simple !Get the T5 Fat burner pills today.
Not for pregnant or lactating women sha o - also donot use if you have ulcer or high blood pressure.
To order over the phonec
Last week's testimony
One Testimonial about the product says; “Coming up to exam time I knew my eating habits would not be fantastic so bought these as an aide, in hopes of decreasing my usual exam food cravings. The first week or so I had mad crazy cravings, eating everything but saw no weight gain and persisted. These urges have since resided and although I haven't seen a decrease in my usual appetite I have lost 3lbs in a month and ate absolutely lots of fast food. Just the other day I had two burgers for tea and have since lost another half a pound. I don't even take the tablets everyday.
Of course it must be said that this weight loss could be down to stress, but considering I gained a stone over my last two exam periods I'm not buying that. In my opinion this is a great product. I have recommended to my mother and will make her leave a review.”


NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Okay. Not shapeyou dis time

Unknown said...

That's good

Unknown said...

It does not work at all........waste of money..

Anonymous said...

Please let's form d habit of working out. All dese shortcuts aren't safe @ all.

Anonymous said...

Pls hw can I get it

Blog It With Olivia said...

Na wash

Unknown said...

Okiie seen. I'm fine just d way I am. Linda take note!

Anonymous said...

Ladies beware of these fat loss crazy thing going on , pls research about side effect of this product before you damage your organ in the name of looking sexy for your men.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Elodie O. Mbape said...

No real difference between both...except for the heavy clothing on the first pic ! She's the same weight on the two pics.

Unknown said...

Nt for me....all d fat babes ova to u.

pidgin mistress said...


Unknown said...

Carry on

Anonymous said...

No contact info..... tried clicking on the link but its not opening

Anonymous said...

No contact.how will I get one

Anonymous said...

Wia can i get d t5 fat burner

Unknown said...

The idea of using pills to lose
weight is not advisable.

Anonymous said...

Where can I get d drugs.

Anonymous said...

Where can I get d drugs.

Anonymous said...

Lies. I bought this product, and it didn't work.

Subomi said...

my mum needs this

goody said...

Please tell us about the side effect of this product

Unknown said...

All the fat ladies..........................

Unknown said...

Am sure it has side effect too. But u will not advertise de effect.

Unknown said...

Nice, noted

Unknown said...

Glad I'm spared the body magic and workout sweat. Naturally in shape. #ilovemybodyshapes.

anon said...

This is drastic. Size 16 @ day 1- size 10 @day 30. QI would not advise anyone to use this.

knowurway.com said...

Ok nice one, I'll tell my frnds too to buy it

Unknown said...

Yaaaaaay I just ordered for it.... can't wait to trim down this fat

nakedwire said...

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm Linda,Lindaaaa.......

Anonymous said...

These things are very dangerous they contain chemicals that are banned in Europe and America. They make ur heart beat unusually fast and it's bad for your health. You could literally die.

Unknown said...

Fad pills! Lies! Even if you are on 500 calories diet a day you can such weight in 30 days let alone bypass.... if you wanna lose pls go natural. That's healthy eating, portion control and exercise and make a lifestyle not a journey

Unknown said...

I don't understand why people will inject anything into their body in the name of wight lose. Stop and think for a minute....have u ever thought of the effects of these pills on ur kidney....and u will wonder why kidney problem are arising these days. Even if u will shrink and lose weight...is that even normal? If u don't exercise to raise ur metabolic rate and thereby melt fat as u exercise or watch ur carb intake/calorie counting? Then forget it....there is no other way to lose weight unless u took I'll. Haba, get ur lazy ass to exercise and stop being fooled by toxin pills that may or may not make u lose wight while u damage ur kidney in the long run.

Unknown said...

3 words.... I pity u.

Aunty gwegzzz.... said...

Akuko na egwu mike ejeagha! This shit does not burn any fat...eat clean and exercise.

Aunty gwegzzz.... said...

Dreamer! Either u are one of d distributor of this product and feel u can use this comment to deceive people or u just wasted ur money to buy rubbish if u really ordered.. U will be so disappointed cos it doesn't work. Eat clean and exercise!

Anonymous said...

Wow look perfect

Anonymous said...

Pls ooo hw can I get d 5t burner.

Unknown said...

Linda is not shape u again

Sherry said...


Anonymous said...

This is real legit...worked for my sister T5FatBurner

danex said...

there's no much difference in the two pics jst dat we were actually not taking proper care of ursef in d pics ofn the left and u did fix ur hair and wore a more clinging dress in d one on d right. T5 or watever u call it did not add anytin 2 u from d pics abeg. lets all b realistic.

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