A gay Nigerian man's tale... | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday 23 November 2011

A gay Nigerian man's tale...

In this, Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2011 photo, Rashidi Williams, a gay man, works on his laptop in Lagos, Nigeria. When a gang of men beat him up earlier this year, the 25-year-old gay Nigerian was too afraid to report the attack to police or even his family. Doing so would only create more problems, he says, in this country where legislators are now seeking to criminalize gay marriage. Here in the megacity of Africa's most populous nation, Williams says he doesn't even know of any gays or lesbians who would want to get married given the added safety risks it would bring.

Via - (AP Photo/Sunday Alamba).


Atobatele said...

Stupid boy. He would go ahead and report that he was beaten....shameless pig. Man fuck man...tufiakwa

devour said...

fool,go hug transfomer cos you are not normal

Anonymous said...

A very intelligent gay man. Let's be real, the marriage one, we don't agree oh.

But please, STOP HARMING GAYS. It is evil and unfair!!! They are people too!!! They are not hurting you so PLEASE LEAVE THE GAYS ALONE!!!!!

chillysauce said...

I think he should keep his 'gayness' to himself. he doesnt need the publicity. I don't come out and shout "im heterosexual". it's his choice, but it shldnt be rubbed in our faces. How did they know he was gay? who knows my preference??
That said, those men need to be punished! why beat him? Are they better than him? they r probably bellends that r angry at d world.

Knight said...

With all due respect for everyone that has commented on this blog, i think we put too much emphasis on gay people. What about people that marry 5-8 yr olds? Why have we not prosecuted Gov Yerima? What about people that pay small university chics for 3ree or 4our somes? A 19 yr old told me she was paid 3k dollars each with 4 of her friends for a quardriplesome!!!!!! I asked her if the guy likes guys. I am not gay at all but we are consumed by other social ills that we place too much emphasis on gay or lesbian people.
Another point worthy of note is that in our life time our senate will approve gay/lesbian marriages because of pressure from the western world. The British PM issued a statement that aids to african countries that do not support gay marriages might stop unless they adopt and implement a law to allow same sex marriages.
Do not hate on the guy, at least this one came out. There are married men that are gay that have kids beat that.
I pray and hope it does not happen in Nigeria but it will surely happen. Secondly all the politicians and wealthy men that are men lovers are vindicated abi, because you do not have access to them (sic).
I am sure a lot of people will say what is your point. My point is that if a man is gay let him be because you might be in the same house, building, church, group etc with a gay guy but accept him as normal cos you do not know. I do not support beating up people because they are gay. Afterall some people that read this blog will pay over the top to sit and watch two chics make love to themselves before they join the party.
Linda you never ever publish my comments.

Loudmouthed said...

Everything sha, 9ja people would copy. Out of curiousity, was there anything like being gay in the days of our forefathers?

Shadaybrity said...

You need Jesus,c'est fini!

Anonymous said...

No one should hurt anyone regardless of ther sexual preferences or orientation/....


Anonymous said...

na wa

Anonymous said...

So Linda,what's your take?Trying to give them more publicity or what?

Unknown said...

The guy is on Facebook and everything about him oozes gay! Shameful!

Anonymous said...

mmh wat a loss

Anonymous said...

hmm......straight to hell fire, no gallop for road. kmt

Nkay said...

dude should shut the fuck up,his mama should hv postinor2 his ugly ass.
he is a waste of sperm,anuofia

gene said...

are you sure this guy na gay for real, they should hand over to correct tall Hausa man, make he show am what gay man go see in future.........lol

Anonymous said...

gosh, in a country with far more important problems, here we are worrying about the safety of homosexuals when homosexuality itself is not even right.

melody said...

Aunty linda,what connects being gay with the robbing issue

methinks said...

on to better things....

dat nnamdi guy (Area!) has done the part 2 of his hilarious Oliver Twist interpretation (Baba suwe in NDLEA cell etc). wo, o badt gan!!

wini syno is speaking said...

They no even beat am well, stupid idiot why not go get a life because u are an abnormal creature. U must be a shame to d womb that brought u forth

Anonymous said...

God punish all gays and lesbians..He needs deliverance from this perversion.....

Anonymous said...

Ewu 10k!!!!! Dem for disfigure dat wowo mouth wen e dey take tok sef. Perv!!! Mmmmchewwww. Next tin na pedophiles go full everywhere. God forbid bad tin!

Kanyinulia said...

Cheap Publicity....I guess he wants more beating cos pple who didnt know him b4 now know him.

Anonymous said...

@anonymous 9.15am
I guess you are a batty boy too.Did you say this man is intellegent? yet did not know the pleasure of a woman.he must now relocate to san francisco.

Anonymous said...

Hi linda, , my view on this is we know nothing could be hidden from the media, but if we try to minimize the publicity about gays especially in nigeria, it would go a long way. We know very well its not our culture, why talk about this too often , last month , the bill was talked about in the senate, all moved against it. My view, my view linda, there are things not worth talking about, we know it exists. We pray for normalty and a better nigeria. The more we talk about this, the more it becomes a case. Every one Keep your sexualty to yourself if it provokes the society you live in. Thanks and Good Job for the blog.

Anonymous said...

@Chillysauce, I'm sure people don't harass you on a daily basis for being heterosexual.

We have very real problems in Nigeria, we shouldn't have the time to concern ourselves with other people's sexuality.

Live and let live.

Anonymous said...

All in favour of cutting off his dick say I...I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I...all opposed say Nay....nay nay nay... The I's have. This mans dick will be cut and hung on a tree in the village square to serve as a deterent to all other gay arse mofos. That is my judgement. I rise. Courrrrrrrrrrt!!!

Anonymous said...

Fuck Gayssssssss......... why shld u fuck a fellow man's ass. animals.

as myself said...

please there is no justification on this earth for gay pple. d should jump over th moon

Anonymous said...

Gays r humanbeings too. Its their choice n I don't think anybody should judge them. We should learn to accept people for who dey are. Its rili unfair dis attack on them.

Anonymous said...

See my frnd don enta Linda Ikeji blog ooo.... Nice guy... Met him in ghana though I lost his contacts!

Atobatele said...

The guy needs more beaten

Anonymous said...

nigerias are very fake ppl i am sure that half of all this comments made here most of it all is just ppl talking as if they r so holy....every body in this world have a right to do what they want with they lifes as long as u not hurting any one..

Anonymous said...

I dont think gay marriage should be legalized and yes i think homosexuality is unhealthy for the gay individual and the society at large. however i am strongly against violence against homosexuals. I mean do we beat up adulterers, fornicators etc?

and Linda, you're becoming a tad obsessed about this gay/ lesbian thing. oga o

Anonymous said...

I dont think gay marriage should be legalized and yes i think homosexuality is unhealthy for the gay individual and the society at large. however i am strongly against violence against homosexuals. I mean do we beat up adulterers, fornicators etc?

and Linda, you're becoming a tad obsessed about this gay/ lesbian thing. oga o

TWE ����(Thé White Enchantress) said...

thanks knight....... i knew this story was going to spark incentives. one thing i have noticed on this drop your comment blogs is that bpeople just sit behind their systems and pass judgment(its interesting reading some of the judgments) but they seem to not know that their bestie,brother,sister or any relative is in one way or the other in the same position.
whatever you choose to do with your life is your business. am not supporting anyone but i believe in freedom of right. now those youngmen have beat him up and some are congartulating dem but they were made no JUDGE to preside over matters.

i think we should just hope and pray that we will neva fynd ourselves in positions or situations that would warrant anyone of us do drastic things which on a normal day we cant think of doing........ am just saying.(point a finger @ me and d rest r pointing back @ you).

tatafo said...

Lemme just say, that in my experience, the most homophobic men are those with higher tendencies to actually enjoy the act. They fantasize about it, but unlike their various fantasies involving women, they do not act these ones out and that is why they are soooo petrfied of the thought.
I'm a babe and I definitely wouldn't want my son to be gay. Not just because it is unnatural but because of jerks like y'all who will make his life harder!

Risky said...

The song has changed

Anonymous said...

God 4give me am not judging but even the gay guys know and feel sumtin insyd of dem dat wat dey do is indeed rung, HABA! why now go ahead with it, pls my bible does does not approve of homosexuals i want to bliv the quran does not as well, so why do dis pple go ahead with doing dis rubbish.Even the african or sud i say Nigerian culture does not approve of it.dey are all bunch of idiots possessed by the devil.HELL awaits dem all.

Anonymous said...

If gays are human beings dey sud be told d truth.Kilode we will run from the truth decieving ourselves wen its cos of dis fools dere is a disease called HIV 2dy.I cannot pity dem and i will neva eva do.

Risky said...

Boring!!!!!!!!!! Don't get the point of this article.

Temidayoshalom said...

forget abt d beatin,its nt changin matters,al he nids his counsel,d evil in wat he is doing,and let him know the way out:Na Christ he nid for his lyf.

Lanre said...

Linda !! pls whats your stand?? I hope ur not in anyway advocating or supporting same sex relationshoips?? The bottom line is that it is wrong and unnatural Period. Same sex marriage should not be encouraged let alone legislated.
I dont also support violence against gay people and anyone who attacks a person for being gay should be tried and sentenced according to the laws of the land on assault. That said and done what should be legislated is laws the provide and maybe compels gay people to be helped through phsycological or spiritual means

Lanre (lagos Nigeria)

Anonymous said...

hmmmmmmmmmmmmm I no fit shout!!

@UgoChime1 said...

my own is, homosexuality was a lot more tolerable a few years ago. pple knew pple were sleeping with pple of same sex, but u no dey see this amount of hatred heaped on them. what changed? that they shld have the audacity of demand their right? that they shld be so bold-faced as to identify themselves as gay, when it was perfectly okay (or at least, tolerable) when they kept it secret?

i personally do not support gay marriage, but i am TOTALLY AGAINST this violence and hatred against them. they r humans too.

Anonymous said...

Well said chillysauce (cool name too).

Anonymous said...

IF you're not gay or don't have a gay friend or whatever i don't think you have any bussiness saying trash about gays, since you're ignorant about it. Beleive it or not, if gays could, they would sleep with every girl just as straight men do to, in fact it is their dream but they can't just help but not feel attracted towards them. talk all you want, i am 100 percent sure the male haters that are commenting here have had a gay moment in their lives and they enjoyed. stab me if I'm wrong you hypocrites, do not deny it and don't blame alcohol because you knew what was happening

Anonymous said...

at toyin nomoreloss, you're picture speaks gay all over. a local gay man at that. that being said, i really dont think this guy should have made a public nuisance of himself, things will never change, gays will always be persecuted so guy behave.

grace said...

lool nawa sha :P they shouldn't have beaten him what ever happened to showing love? where is the love? pray for him, talk to him but dont beat him up! nawa sha

grace said...

by the way that Gay marriage law would not hold in nigeria, i would keep praying against it like i have been doing for the sharia one.

Anonymous said...

So lemme get this straight (no pun intended)...a gang of men BEAT a man, and everyone is cool with it because he's gay?

It's so funny how you'll ll burn with him when judgement comes for your wicked hearts.

Anonymous said...

May God not allow this evil called homosexuality to prosper in Nigeria. Upon all the problems the country has, they want to add this form of madness? May God not wipe us out as he did sodom and gomorah.

Anonymous said...

My God dislikes homosexuality but then he asked me not to be the judge, thus i'd shut up nd think about the future. i'd think about the future in the sense that, i'll keep my kids away from people with such orientation, cause many people say they were molested or something, thats why they chose that way of life. But in all, dont let your background put your back on the ground. help someone u know out of it today, and please do it with love.

Anonymous said...

Those saying 'live and let live' have no morals whatsoever!. Being gay is a form of operversion as bad as being a paedophile. They're all on their way to hell fire!

Anonymous said...

anonymous 11.23am. laugh wan quench me...thanks

Anonymous said...

people should stop worrying about where another human being chooses to get butt pumped or not. When will folks learn that this shit is not their business? truly someone elses personal life is not urs. dont pass judgement unless the person includes u.

mark said...

fuckin prick ...God i hate dem gay news, people and all dat ..he shud go chop chicken ..were sweet pu**y dey the retard dey look for d**k.#bastard

Omole said...

Why do we hate gays so much?

1.Its a sin against God
2.Our culture and society does not permit it.

Is premarital sex not sin against God?
Does our culture permit us to to meet our partner before marriage.

My point is only people who are religious enough not to engage in premarital sex has the moral right to condemn this guy on religious ground.
Gays and Lesbians are not harming any1,in as much as they enjoy what they are doing and not harming anyone or breaking any law of the land PLEASE LET DEM BE.

NB..Am not gay

Anonymous said...

if africa is already under a curse....which we do not know for sure at the moment........

legalizing gay would eventually bring africa to its end....

Anonymous said...

trying to see the link between his gayness and the assault.
Is he just seeking cheap publicity?
He might just be sampling his goods for prospective buyers.

ucheboy said...

are you sure this guy is real or fake? well, if he is real it then means that he is one of the victims of the end time. the Bible is clear on things like this. when you see all these happening, just know that the end is near. Mr Cameron, the british PM categorically said Britain will restrain aid to countries that failed to allow same sex marriage. reason: human right abuse. Lord have mercy

Anonymous said...

Please nobody is stopping the gays from getting married as long as it is not in Nigeria. He can always claim asylum in the Uk and US.
God punish am stupid boy!!!!

Anonymous said...

@loUD-mouthes.. yes there have been gay people in Nigeria for timeeeeee.. they've just always been afraid o show it. even in boarding schools its common.

Asampokoto said...

Nigerians are evil... funny thing is those of you that are saying he will go to hell...will probably accompany him side by side. like who the fuck gave ya'll the right to judge. homeboy is gay, he isn't hitting on any of you so what's your stress. you guys lie, cheat, steal, do all sorts of things. aren't those sins too? so why would you condemn a homosexual and not condemn yourselves. half of you on this blog fornicate.. so now please tell me the difference between you and that gay guy?
"LET HE WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE" ... abeg let the gay dude be. if you wanna pick on someone, pick on the real criminals who terrorise our country.

Anonymous said...

arm robbers are human beings too, ritualist are humanbeings too, police r human being too including kidnappers, one idiot say we should leave them that gay are human being, our past leaders are human being too but u are condemning their leadership, na only gay people be human being, anybody u support this evil act will go down mysteriously one day u think we don't knw u are gay, God will punish all of u, for trying to tell God that he make mistake for creating woman fucking man ass and fucking Toto is never the same test, so to hell to all of u, who is supporting them indirectly that guy gay, never see beating na now beating go start this one na guys beat am, next one na girls go group beat am to dust bean becox is a dirty guy and also a west to his parents. Gay will continue to receive punishment natural and spiritual

Anonymous said...

arm robbers are human beings too, ritualist are humanbeings too, police r human being too including kidnappers, one idiot say we should leave them that gay are human being, our past leaders are human being too but u are condemning their leadership, na only gay people be human being, anybody u support this evil act will go down mysteriously one day u think we don't knw u are gay, God will punish all of u, for trying to tell God that he make mistake for creating woman fucking man ass and fucking Toto is never the same test, so to hell to all of u, who is supporting them indirectly that guy gay, never see beating na now beating go start this one na guys beat am, next one na girls go group beat am to dust bean becox is a dirty guy and also a west to his parents. Gay will continue to receive punishment natural and spiritual

Anonymous said...

Why must we copy Americans and Europeans? It doesn't make sense at all. I am till trying to figure that out. We dress, we eat, and we try to speak like them. Is that not enough, why should we bring lesbianism and gayness to Nigeria. We need to stand out. My fellow Nigerians pls let us stop all of these copying. U know wot the world is really coming to an end.

Anonymous said...

@ 9.32am Knight (in rusted armour) we see no rationality in ur nonsense talk. Don't tell us what we already know that other ills exist. As for homosexuality!!!!? Clloseted or not closeted, we no wan hear dat evil,see dat evil. We shall speak about that evil by Condeming it till thy kingdom come.

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 9:15
Gays are not hurting us physically but mentally and morally. We b Naija ooo, not Europeans, Americans or ..... It is said spare the rod and spoil the child, their gayness is partly because the rod was spared. Gays should be condemned, ostracised and the rod should not be spared. Linda please you got to stop giving them cheap publicity, you making it ok for them to air their view. You may give ur xcuse as human rights, compassion et all but you slowly fanning a flame you did not intend burn.

Anonymous said...

Linda, it appears you are a secret not so secret gay advocate.

look at all the countries that have succumbed to this menace, it always leads to their fall.

Keep promoting nonsense, when thing go awry, don't complain.

Just being biased, review world history stating from Rome, Sodom and Gomorrah, UK etc. The empire always fails right after.

Keep promoting nonsense

Anonymous said...

Well mow his family knows about his sexuality.

So much for his little secret. Don't believe they should be harmed, but we really don't need to know who they want or like to sleep with.

Heterosexual people don't go disturbing people about their sexuality.......keep ya mess to yourself

Linda, are you what are you promoting?

lulu king said...


ULtraBEEMBoBitchie said...

the heart of nigerians is soooo damn wicked....Geez!!!

your favorite designers that you will lose a tooth for are GAY and open with it, yet you still buy their clothes....hisss (Loubotin, Prada, Marc Jacobs, Tom Ford, Dolce/Gabanna, etc)

why patronize an openly Gay man, if you feel your religion forbids what he partakes in???? hypocrites oshi.....God's law is to Love and leave judgement for him.

Linda!linda! Linda!!! you are such a schit starter sha....geez!!! you are obsessed with Gay men i believe, the gay men in your circle need to dettach from ya

Anonymous said...

Afraid to report to the police and/or his family yet courageous enough to report to the internet. I don't believe he was beaten. I think he's looking for assylum as visa no gree work but na Lybia e go end up

Mena UkodoisReady said...


More on Africa and being gay: http://efemenaoreoluwa.blogspot.com/2010/09/dispatches-africas-last-taboo.html


Anonymous said...

If he had gone to the police station they probably wld've beat him more or even locked him up for being gay sef. But we r Nigerians o, that gay thing is crap here it doesn't make any sense half of the gay pple in Nigeria end up marrying girls ande being unfaithful jst save urself the stress and an innocent girl the heartbreak. And gayness is disgusting anyways!

Anonymous said...

I think he's cute in his own gay way...all the Nigerian haters, get a life.

Anonymous said...

Which kin nonsense be dis. Me I wan hear real story.
Gay marriage ko, gay marriage ni...in his(abi na girl he be now) her dreams.
Let all the gays come here to America, the land of freedom. But, there will be no such nonsense in my country.

Anonymous said...

He better keep it to himself. I'm against bullying of any kind, but I'm so done with gay people making it seem like they are treated badly all the time. Oh, poor me. There are many heterosexuals who are treated worse because that's life. We don't go around declaring our sexuality. So, SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Let him carry his laptop and hug a transformer as fas as I'm concerned in Lagos.

dee1 said...

This is strange, guys!! people are so confused that their choice of words is supporting that a man should do that which is unholy with another man. This is the spirit of Sodom @work. Hen young folks ve been given over to reprobate minds. I pray God will set them free. For us, as a community we disapprove and must not allow non encourage young men sink into this self deception and lie from the pit of hell that "It's a sexuality preference".

dee1 said...

This is strange, guys!! people are so confused that their choice of words is supporting that a man should do that which is unholy with another man. This is the spirit of Sodom @work. Hen young folks ve been given over to reprobate minds. I pray God will set them free. For us, as a community we disapprove and must not allow non encourage young men sink into this self deception and lie from the pit of hell that "It's a sexuality preference".

Anonymous said...

This man should come for deliverance, Gaysm is a sodomic spirit that can be cast out.God does not create gays.

Charlie said...

linda plz stop givin all dis lesbo and gay ppl audience.ur blog is inspirational and we get good gist and rumours from it ..my nephew is a fan of ur blog , he is 14 for crying out loud ..if he sees all dis shit abt gay ppl and all , i knw wat he will call u.like he will always say, uncle, this Gay ppl are stinks..plz set a good pace for ur blog not this plzz.....

Anonymous said...

Bwoy..see Batty Bwoy Mafia dem ah flood Linda blog!!...We are ready to go to war over this..heard the British PM talking some crap about not giving their miserly relief aid to countries that refuse to accept Gay rights!!..they tried that shit with the Anglican Church..they got a bloody nose...word of advice just keep low and carry on but don't try to bring to Africa that rubbish they do in Europe/USA..a word for the wise

Okechukwu Ofili said...

Life is complex...better not to judge than be judged.

myopinion said...

It will shock most of you to find out dt most Nigerian husbands re gay so if yu re married n commenting on here abt hating gays then pls run a proper check on ur husband.I'm absolutely against gay pple bt I'm nt in support of beating them,let's leave dt to God to judge and as for yu gay pple,don't ever think dt being gay is normal...trust me theres nothing normal about it cos wen God was goin to create humans,he didn't create adam and steve,he created adam and eve.So pls seek help fast!!!

steezz.com said...

Linda i know cant resist a good gay story. So dude got beat while gay. well, he ought to have known dat majority of us here are still not very tolerant of such abnormality. but he shouldn't worry, gays are getting more convert on a daily. They'll soon be in the majority. then nobody can mess with him again.

Anonymous said...

Madam Linda are you now fighting their cause or what is the purpose of this post???? you want the guys that beat him up to be arrested??? Abeg just ask him why he was ashamed of going to the police in the first place...SIMPLE cos what he is doing is shameful in the eyes of both GOD and man.

Anonymous said...

Pls I have been reading this blog since 2009 but this is my First time of commenting just bcos of this issue. Pls tell the boy †Φ go Ąπϑ kill himself staright they shld nt bring this useless thing †Φ this country. Its been practise in the western world Wђεrε they dnt have God again
Pls tell him Ąπϑ who ever tht is into this †Φ go Ąπϑ face moving trailer bcos God is going †Φ detroy them soon.

Anonymous said...

The thing that kills me is when they actually talk about it like they were BORN that way, God doesn't and will not create a mistake. Sexual abnormality is not from God. And I choose to believe that he can come out of these a lot of people have (Donnie Mclurkin , even Me), but you can not do it on your own. It takes the grace of God. All these talk about them being human, well that is true but again I think these people need Christ to get it right. Or will we start to be concerned when we hear stories that OUR little SONS are now being RAPED??????
Let's put a HALT to all these.

Nigeria Police Sharing bribe money said...

Nevermind, was going to hate on you gayist. But it is your fcuking life.

Etisalat latest tweak said...

In Nigeria we are still fighting against this stupid group of idiot!

Buy cheap phones online said...

Next time them go bath you with acid.

Anonymous said...

Dis Linda self.. I think u r gay.. All dis ur beauty and no man tappin' it.. Mhmm?

superswag said...

I love dz ...Doja 2.0 said...
What two grown up people do behind closed doors is not my business. If gay people want to get married...not my business, I have more important non gay issues to worry about!
In a country where there is no light, water, healthcare and security, Legislators want to sit down to pass anti gay marriage laws, how does that better the life of millions of long suffering Nigerians?
The people who want to pass these laws are the same people who marry and marry off 9yr oldgirls lol.

superswag said...

I love dz bt y cut is dick..All in favour of cutting off his dick say I...I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I...all opposed say Nay....nay nay nay... The I's have. This mans dick will be cut and hung on a tree in the village square to serve as a deterent to all other gay arse mofos. That is my judgement. I rise. Courrrrrrrrrrt!!!

Lord of the Cheek said...

I will preface my comments by stating that I am a heterosexual male in his 30s.

I have struggled with whether or not to post a comment to this thread after reading what other people have had to say. I'm not sure there really is a point, but I feel obliged to speak out even if people's basic sense of decency towards their fellow man has been completely eroded by religion or whatever else it is that makes Nigerians behave in this way.

I am quite appalled at the amount of venom being expressed by so called godly people against this gay man.

Do people understand that their religious beliefs and views do not extend to other people? I fully appreciate why a person would consider homosexuality to be a sin, but you made your choice of religion without harassment, violence or intimidation. Surely other people should be able to choose the lifestyle they desire without fearing for their physical safety. If you privately feel he has made a wrong choice of lifestyle that is perfectly fine but these sort of comments are just beyond the pale. How can you wish violence and castration on a man because you dont like the choices he makes in his private sex life?

Perhaps the biggest irony is that all these comments are inspired by religious outrage. It seems that to be a good Christian or Muslim you are obliged to wish ill on those who dont agree with your faith. Your religion is your own business, please let people make their own choices and live with the consequences, if any. Such consequences cannot include being bullied, beaten and discriminated against simply because you happen to dissaprove of their conduct. If God has a problem with homosexuality then I suspect he might be fully capable of settling his own scores.

You people should be ashamed of yourselves. Sadly, there is an acute scarcity of shame in Nigeria. We celebrate thieves and crooks, venerate fake, lying fraudulent pastors, acquiescence to being ruled by looters, murderers and pedophiles and yet claim the right to be morally outraged when a man decides to express what he believes is his choice to live his life.

Nigerians really are a wonderful people. The comments on this thread are irrefutable proof that religion does not foster empathy or common human decency. The idea that these sort of people will attain any sort of heaven is frankly laughable.

Please go express your barbarism and venom against the rapists, pedophiles, aristos destroying the morals of our university girls, and the politicians raping our country.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I'll give gayism a thought only if I see male dogs fucking with other male dogs.

Anonymous said...

call me.. 8027917626 or add my facebook 9rharell Yomi Folami)

Nikky said...

this is barbaric...may God help us,male animals dont sleep with each other,so why human,hun**

Anonymous said...

signs of the end time you lots should come out to yaba esp around the ecenter them plenty there o jare leave them na wetin dem sabi sodomy its just a disgusting act eww.

Nikky said...

this is barbaric...may God help us,male animals dont sleep with each other,so why human,hun**

Anonymous said...


TONIA said...

All I can see is disappoinment and fraustration on the face of the young man. I will in all seriousness recomend that he try Jesus.Jesus Christ is the medicine you need.love you brother.

babasuwe is gadhafi said...

this guy wants american assylum.he will take the print out of this Blog when he visits the visa office.lolzzz,u all ve enabled him.Mission accomplished.A round of applause!

Anonymous said...

Homosexuality is ABNORMAL and UNNATURAL that is the reason it will FOREVER be bashed on.
A man and woman interaction is natural but it becomes sin when you fornicate or commit adultery according to biblical standards BUT HOMOSEXUALITY IS WRONG EVEN ON BIOLOGICAL AND SCIENTIFIC POINT OF VIEW. for example, even atheists, muslims, buddhists don't agree with it, so it's not about being christian.


I don't care how much people want to make certain things normal, it will never be normal. Fortunately, there are still some people out there who still have morals and values that they hold on to and there is nothing absolutely wrong with it.

Let me say smth, God is LOVE BUT ALSO JUDGE. So, don't think he's smiling big when we sin against HIM. There are consequences for our actions.

Anonymous said...

???? This is News??? NEXT!!!!
But Linda is obviously bicurious; thats if she hasnt already gotten her juice box eaten by a female already! Bwahahaaa u should start tellin us stories bout u u know? True Story ;D

Galore said...

So WTF...?.....Am a Lesbian,,,,,,and its my sexuality,,if you ar nt ok wt it,,then u need to take a walk......I servie this so called married women,,cus their husbands dick is fuckin too HARD for them....i take pleasue in fuckin women....Haters Backk off,,cus i kno u wud stat waggin ur tongue.....@Linda pls i need live stories of women in love,,examples like "Ellen and portia de Rossi".

Anonymous said...

I see a lot of gay comments, hmmm. Plus i have a lounge chair for this Knight person ____/ He needs to sit.

bloglord said...

i will say ds without restraint...any gay, lesbian or an advocate is A BIG STUPID DEMONIC POSSESSED FOOL! was it not why God destroyed sodom n gomorah? wen God created ADAM he paired him with EVE and not ADAMU.
so much hate....

Anonymous said...

PS// Linda, i think Lord of the Cheeks likes Rashidi, you should hook them up pronto.....

Anonymous said...

all these sick people supporting homosexuality on this blog are definitly possesed and have one of the hottest part of hell, Are you calling God a fool! you call God stupid for creating Adam and Eve! and not Adam and Adam OR Eve and Eve, what happened to suddom and gomorrah! why was it destroyed, you definitely dont read the word of God.

the devil has so blinded you to take the part of evil and sin, we might live in a country of curruption and sin but will DEFINITLEY not allow this demonic and satanic ATTITUDE to take over our society.

Go back to the word of God and read the WORD, or you will be destroyed like Sodom and Gomorrah!

Anonymous said...

Heard there's a new strain of Gonohrea..which is drug resistant..make una dey fuck like wild animals..soon we go hear say that person died suddenly!!

Franklyyours said...

So it's all of a sudden way cool to be a liar than be gay, it's something to laff about when someone next to us on a bus says on the fone he's in Abuja when infact he's on his way to cms.
If only we could start beating thee kinda people up, then we could move on to people with multiple sex partners, cheating spouses, fraudulent government officials and onto Sodom and Gomorrah, cos frankly, I think Sodom and Gomorrah is a very far place from where we are now.

Anonymous said...

@ Galore , go learn how to express yourself better first.

What? Married women go to you bcos their husband's penis is too hard for them? That's the most foolish thing I've ever heard. Go get a life. Once again, I don't support the lifestyle.

Toyin said...

I'm really saddened by how much hatred is being expressed by "Christians" in these comments. It seems like every month, I hear about a gay child/ adult who commits suicide after being bullied and persecuted by his peers. The hate you all are spewing can be detrimental to people's lives...and if you're okay with that, then you really need to reflect on how "christian" you are.

Anonymous said...

kill gays fags and homos, kiiiiiiilllllll them....lol

On a serious not, is this same nija I left just a few years ago? talking about being gay openly, una don guy sha, instead of you all to ask these creeps to seek help una de give them more exposure abi? linda u de try oh

Anonymous said...

hi,people, as for me i dont think its fair to hurt them.noboby is forcing you to like them,its more devilish to start attacking them.i am indifferent to them,so far i get to work or walk peacefully. If you have good advice that can change their life,u can also give it.jugde not.
For good n helpful advice,holla me (amy)
no jokes.i might be helpful.i dont even have to knw your identity

Anonymous said...

hi,people, as for me i dont think its fair to hurt them.noboby is forcing you to like them,its more devilish to start attacking them.i am indifferent to them,so far i get to work or walk peacefully. If you have good advice that can change their life,u can also give it.jugde not.
For good n helpful advice,holla me (amy)
no jokes.i might be helpful.i dont even have to knw your identity

Anonymous said...

I geus the cause of homosexuality is the excess chromosom in women that is found in men A woman is sopose to have seven(7) chromosom and a man only(1)so if a man who is sopose to have one has (3)or a woman who is sopose to have seven has (4) they is a proberbility for that child to be gay This is because of the homonal imbalance of both the father and mother of a child that is a gay, no child comes to this world and wants or wishes to be gay,its so unfortunate that all the commenters are only saying KILLAM, JAILAM, without knowing the root of the problem, i thing knowing the problem must have done a little of the solving how about that. So let all scientist around who study human nature and behavior like me go back to the lab for more concret result. Thanks and pray for Gods deliverance on gays allover the world

AL said...

White washed hypocrites.... U lie, steal, cheat, fornicate, envy, covet nd commit adultry nd yet u point fingers, accuse nd demand dat gays nd lesbians be burnt on stakes. Remember dat if we go by d religions mst of us profess, gays nd lesbians wuldnt be d only ones occupying hell. So tink b4 u cast stones.

Anonymous said...

I am unfortunately Gay and I'm trying to see if there is a solution to this problem. This whole yady! yady!! yah! Aint helping at all. Just getting more confused.

Anonymous said...

It so happens i neither like boys and even Girls! In fact i hate them both, so what will u call that, and o b4 u think....im NoT an animal person- im a freAk! Walking in your midst and i live my life peacefully "tryin" to accomodate people.....soo!!?):/

Anonymous said...

U guys realy show dt u in a third world country that lacks education I am not gay but being gay is not a culture nor being nigerian its a sexual preference nt by choice and Nigeria has lots of gay guys so you guys can fight, die or kill each other but it won't help nd extict gay people if you are hetero sexual worry about your family growth and let other ppl live the way they want just worry about economical issiues and proper housing such hate is waste of time that is why most nigerian relocate to South Africa and arnd da world because either way there is no growth in Nigeria so wat da fock I worry abt my kids, wife and family growth nt abt gay guys because in life

Unknown said...

Nigerians are disgusting. Just reading the comments some of u wrote, I have to say that I'm ashamed of being Nigerian at this point. I find it sick that u call yourselves Christians and then hate someone so much that you'd rather have them dead than be themselves. (From now on, I'm from Toledo, Ohio)

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