118 confirmed dead from Jos blast today, there may be more - NEMA | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday 20 May 2014

118 confirmed dead from Jos blast today, there may be more - NEMA

According to a report by AFP, the National Emergency Management Agency, NEMA told them that 118 people have been confirmed dead from today's bomb blast in Jos, with several others still under the debris
"The exact figure of the dead bodies recovered as of now is 118 and more bodies may be in the debris of buildings which collapsed due to the intensity of the blasts.” Mohammed Abdulsalam told AFP. He also revealed that 56 people were injured in the twin blasts.
Plateau state Police commissioner Chris Olakpe had earlier told reporters that only 46 people were killed and 45 others were injured. He later said "We are saying 46. That’s the number we have in the morgues. But we are not ruling out more bodies.”

Well, eye-witnesses insists there are way more bodies. At least 200. Many have not been recovered.


Alloy Chikezie said...

And this is the terrorists that northern elders want the government to negotiate with? What happen to this innocent lifes that was lost today? This is appalling

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Anonymous said...

Heal our land oh Lord!


Anonymous said...

I weep for my country.

Anonymous said...

I weep for my country.

Dicey_Derrick said...

When we heard of Hamas and Hezbollah suicide bombers in the past, we wondered what kind of animals would do that? Now we know. May there be confusion and disunity in the camp of the enemy. R.I.P to the lost souls.

bbm 7439955a said...

Lay a child on the bed, the child turns him self to a position that will make him comfortable.... This what the govt and the boko harams are doing. Now this boys chose the worst position.. ENGR Emy

Anonymous said...

We need to stop praying and start working hard in preventing this things from happening again. America did not catch osama by praying, they went out to search and worked hard to catch him. Nigerians wake up.

Anonymous said...

Nigerians pls stop sitting at home and praying, stand up and fight, educate the public about security etc.

Anonymous said...

Terrorism level go jst dey escalate daily... Lord have Mercy. Of course the president rules the nation and shd be accountable of the events surrounding his leadership. So steve take a chill! ~D great anonymous!

U can also see more pic Here Here Here

So steve take a chill! ~D great anonymous!

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Anonymous said...

It's is totally wrong to use 'only' for number of dead people. Even if it is one person. Bad journalism. Check good writers around the world. No body makes such a heinous mistake

Anonymous said...

God help us.

Anonymous said...

Cnt sleep coz i knw it's likely iv lost sm1 coz i neva go to d@ mkt without meeting ppl i knwm,@least my family n friends i cld reach r fine. Godddddddd...... What is this? Worse thing eva. When we were enjoying peace

Unknown said...

118 is a large numba........ wen will all dis evil end...........

Unknown said...

We are not interested in the number of people who are dead...We need a way to stop this madness...Bokok Haram bombing and we are looking counting...this shit must stop....#nigeriaisnot1

Unknown said...

may their souls rest in peace............. Amen

Urbane Hanger said...

If only these authorities will stop telling us the "figures" of the dead people and do more to make this country more secure for citizens to live without insecurity.


DOBY DOBY said...

God pls save our nation.. Rip.. may d good lord strengthen deir lovd ones nd family. Soo sad

Anonymous said...

That place can neva remain dsame to me knowing that people's blood was shed there.pics keep playing in my head.terrible


May their souls rest in peace


Anonymous said...

How has our beloved country disintegrated so bad that it has gone to this. I shed a tear for all the lost soul's and also pray that justice is brought very soon.
See videos on kicotv.com.
To all the bereaved families our heart and prayers goes out to you all.

Editor said...

OMG sad

get your business ideas @ Bisthouts

Bony bony said...

Jos again!!!!!

PAVOUR said...

Make naija separate I beg. This is too much shit.

adebayo oluwatobi said...

Which way nija?? Jonathan pls step down asap.. Even small ghana nw mocks us in class.. sobs.. r.I.p to d inocent..

Anonymous said...


APPLE said...

Hmm. R.I.P

Anonymous said...

God, pls what is the way forward?

Truthfulness pays!

Unknown said...

OMG, when are we going to stop read or hear all this kind of news in 9ja? God pls help us o. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

Anonymous said...

Nigeria have become iraq...bomb here and there...i wish this country could be divided lets see who dis basterds wil bomb next...imbecils

Anonymous said...

This boko haram thing is just pure wickedness.

Anonymous said...

May God heal our land. This madness has to stop.the sharing of innocent blood. Chai! Diaris God oooo!

Anonymous said...

Pls why is it dat there is no peace in any country u find Muslims?

CandyQueen said...

God is on The Throne!!! So sad.

Debbie Chelsea said...

Boko Haram why dis wickedness? Not fair @ all...God will judge u people ..Amen ☹

Unknown said...

118+ innocent souls gone because of BH in Jos. Almighty God in heaven shall flush out the evil ones in our means

CandyQueen said...

God is on The Throne!!! So sad...

ary said...

Jesus! Both Christian and Muslim blood shed with impunity! This is madness!

Anonymous said...

let govt send this polytechnic student back to class they were been used by this boko haram

Anonymous said...

This is callousness and a high degree of wickedness . Why are these lesser humans making innocent Nigerian lifes appear worthless and cheap. Am beginning to consider the extension of the current emergency rule in the three northern states to Plateau state.

Amarachukwu. said...

May God see us thru...Amen.

Cessa Beauty World said...

People making jokes aren't helping matters,this nation should be in prayer becos its only GOD that can. Heal this nation!

Anonymous said...

God will surely punish whoever that is involve in this. Boko haram is purely cultism but your ends is at hand, amen.

Anonymous said...

God help us. Wen is all this tins going to stop. Father lord we beseech u o lord.

omalichaspeaks.blogspot.com said...

Oh Lord our God, please have mercy on Nigeria.
How My Marriage Ended- click my name to read more

Anonymous said...

God help us

Coco Arielle said...

OMG!!!!!! My Jtown. God help us

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ!!!

Olusola Oso said...

This is a tragedy of monumental proportion.May their souls rest in peace. Visit www.olusolaoso.blogspot.com for captivating stories on entertainment,events,politics,breaking news and sports.

yunus said...

this just need to stop..may there souls rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

NOA (national orientation agency) & Mr. Reuben Abati should quit tweeting about our Soldiers next moves towards BH's camp. All the pictures and any other graphic image has to be halted now. Don't be deceived, these shameless imbeciles called boko harams also feed on the news about them on the pages of newspapers, tv, even blogs and strategize their next heist against innocent citizens and our soldiers. So all information as regards Govt security plans for their capture must be highly concealed from any preying eye.

Anonymous said...

which way NIGERIA

Anonymous said...

My friend dis is a serious mata,u joke because ur luvd ones were not affected #insensitivefool#

Martins (GlossyMart Tech Gadgets 07037317400 or 08116202737) said...

Later they will say BH is all about western education..tell me;which school in the whole of nigeria teaches its students how to produce bullets for toy guns used by children?? But here is BH producing twin bombs..how do they get this knowledge?? Who are their sponsors?? If they aren't the ones producing the bombs;then how come they are imported?? Don't they pass custom checks?? If a lil amount of drug can be found on certain individuals at MMIA for example;then how come a bomb can't be scanned if trully they are being imported?? All these are pure facts that this BH of a thing is all about politics but the bad effect is that in their struggle for power;innocent lives are lost just for nothing..Dear Nigerian Govt;after life comes death,and after death we all will be judged..u all should remember that no matter the amount of money or power u keep making;Death still remains inevitable...may all the souls of those lost RIP..

Anonymous said...

God have mercy on our country

Anonymous said...

God pls hlp us

Unknown said...

God pls help us, save our land, dis Boko haram thing is just too much, sharing innocent blood.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm obviously this is more than political conspiracy, I think something is more to their motive than we think....

Anonymous said...

If dia is a god which I doubt,upon all d whole prayer we have pray then he shud do somtin

Unknown said...

God please listen to our cries and save us from this nightmare.

Unknown said...

Chai! Chai!... Diaries God ooooo!

Anonymous said...

Rip Ï„̅☺ those that lost their lifes

Anonymous said...

Boko na ram this bombing e don day bkom normal smtin.................................let's just pray nd fight til its our turn #Godhelpnigeria

Otush said...

God we need you now during this trying times...

Anonymous said...

Every Sin has it owN punISHMent,may God puniSH BOKO,with their KOKO,with kOBOKO for their MoLO


Ppl that woke up normally? This is madness! What is really the need of One Nigeria?

sisi events said...

Omg...lord Jesus why has thou forsaken us!...do something heavenly father!...*sad*

anonymous said...

Jesu...there is God indeed and he will judge boko haram and BABANGIDA who is sponsoring them. Everything God has created for the comfort of man will begin to fight against you.BABANGIDA,your generation will never know peace, the wrath of God will befall u and ur generation yet unborn and u will be utterly disgraced as you've decided to wage a war against Nigerians, it will not be well with yoU in Jesus name!!!

Anonymous said...

Can the army please come and take over. What on earth are they waiting for

Anonymous said...

There is God. Our public officials were 'chillaxing' aboard for their friends' kids graduation.... It made the whole hastag this n that, bombings here n there the sole problem of the masses.

is it ever going to get better?

Anonymous said...

Linda was just reporting what the man said, like quoting him so don't come here to blow grammar.

Steveosky 4 Real. said...

First of all you don't address God with small letters. it's God.. He hears our prayers and does answer the right time. Not sure of what you believe in..

Anonymous said...

Prayer is the key

Anonymous said...

This is all the handy work of few young retired trained, disgruntled military men, picking on "bloody civillians" as targets being sponsored by the gap tooth evil genius who quietly one day has never come out to denounce the works of insecurity. Until Nigeria gets rid of him there will be no peace. He said he stepped aside, he also said if he ever gets into power again, security will be his first check. I know this man's plans and Nigerians are looking elsewhwere.

Civilians like those aboki can never know how to manufacture bombs, only men with military training and background will get such training, take for example one of the nyanya suspects, ex-military, what of boko-haram being fed by food supplied at night by a helicopter.

The conspiracy theory is hitting soft targets as civillians, striking fear in their hearts, making them feel unsafe, which is usual and making us feel we need a ruler with a strong military background to save us.

You can take the demons and angels movie for example and get to understand how deception works. My fingers all point down to men like the gap-tooth evil genius who has never stood up for a day to condemn terrorism in the land and has a strong impression on the Nigeria military, having so many people in his payroll, even that GEJ had to speak in idioms that boko haram is in his military.

My question is, Is one man too big for this country to handle?

Ugandan Community in Abuja, Nigeria said...

The world is very tired of the endless killings in Nigeria. It is a classic example of how corruption can lead to total breakdown of institutional order. It is strange that the intelligence has failed to identify the financiers of this evil organisation. I am of the view that democracy has failed completely. Let the military take over.

Anonymous said...

When the wicked rule,the people mourn...in less than 60days,about 400 lives lost already and 200 still missing.if all this attack were directed to corrupt Govt officials rather than poor innocent citizens,by now the Govt would av been serious about it.but unfortunatly,all they are after now 2015 paying less attention to the happenings around.may God help us

ibanga said...

The earlier Nigerians and FG wake up to smell the coffee the better. Someone should quote me someday, this attack if continue this way without a complete check will not only be experience in North, but West, East, and South. But then who knows it might be just too late to do anything reasonable again. So people this is the time.

Anonymous said...

Let's all get up and watch any strange movement of d evil n our society,nd start dealing wt dem ourselves,afterall we were once all universities or poly aluta ones,govt D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ sleep o

Anonymous said...

Amen. Let the thunder of the mighty man in battle strike them down

Unknown said...

That is to say we r letting them succeed. Nigeria will come out of this nightmare stronger than she has ever been! God almighty will punish and expose the perpertrators of this act whoever they may be

Wealth B... said...

My broda, ask me o!!! You dey see life "war"? Can u imagine shettima and his gangs! Jezz! Father, xpose dis Heartless Animals IJN. D book of Revelation has truly come. Have mercy O'Lord

Unknown said...

I think this animals need to be fished out by the government and executed. All of them cos this killings are absurd

Ekele said...

Nigerians wake up! Tears for my beloved naija; now a terrorist domain.
Where do we go from here? We can't run away from our country so it's high time we defend our selves by ourselves by being security concious, reporting every suspicious movement, R.I.P to the lost souls

Anonymous said...

I cn imagine d numb of casualties wl be high! Anybdy dt knws terminus wl knw how busy dt place is. Ds is calllous!!! Ds is madness!!! Whch way 4ward? Whch way? Wen wl all Ds stop? Wen??? Ppl dying like chickens!!! How do Ds Ppl derive pleasure in killing Ppl! I dnt just get! I dnt! What do they want 4 crying out loud??? What exactly do they want??? I am tired!

Anonymous said...

Go back to your book, av faith in Allah, all this is stated in our books, they are big signs of end of the world. Unite yourselves Allah will consider you. May there soul rest in perfect peace and may He flush out the killers from us.

Anonymous said...

This is an illustration of mans inhumanity. What a shame. Intelligence gathering has failed. DMI, SSS and NIA where are you?

Anonymous said...

Lord have mercy, This is too much...Still on Team #Bringbackourgirls# for affordable event decoration that brings the woow look, contact 2b9f4894.

Unknown said...

May their souls rest well

Unknown said...

God bless you my brother

Anonymous said...

Alloy! Alloy! It is 'lives' not lifes. Please use pidgin if English is difficult!

ibangs said...

The earlier Nigerians and FG wake up to smell the coffee the better. Someone should quote me, very soon this menace will no longer be experience in North alone, but West, East, and South will all be on the card. People, this is the time to act, else this will engulf each and every1 of us and we'll be all helpless. Just like a wrecking ship, where the sailor and passengers all helpless.

Anonymous said...

Shedding not sharing ma'am.

Anonymous said...

You insensitive moron, is this supposed to be a laughing matter? With the fake things you are wearing, ugly mofo

Nancy Botwin said...


Nancy Botwin said...


Anonymous said...

may their soul rest in peace.....so unfair, there is no such thing as one Nigeria.

29A88F38 said...

Govt shuld give the masses guns simple

Anonymous said...

Oh God heal our Land nd help us overcome this Evil in Jesus Name. The evil that BOKO haram is doing shall surely catch up with them in jesus Name.

Anonymous said...

@anon 12:37 for urmind u don say sumtin reasonable abi.... Oloshi

Anonymous said...

GOD will catch dem one by one

Josephine Ejiogu said...

I rest my case so speechless, Lets just keep praying that one day all this will be history IJN. Amen.

Anonymous said...

God help Nigeria.

Anonymous said...

My thought exactly.God has already answered our prayers by giving us brains to use and sort out our issues but what have we done we have used it to drink garri and we are now asking God to send down iightening to strike boko haram how comical.

Anonymous said...

so there are no eye witness here in this blog. who can give us full detail.

Anonymous said...

At this moment we need prayers, God should intervene. Its no longer funny.

Unknown said...

I join u weep ooo....lord av mercy on us ooo its like d endtime sighns is really startin wit us. . We spose to be wagin war on other countries accordin to d bible na.....

Anonymous said...


cubixthoughts said...

I thought to show goodwill for negotiations bombs wont go off? Oya Northern Idiots (cough elders), go and negotiate.

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Anonymous said...

Ojukwu said “It is better that we move slightly apart and survive, it is much worse that we move closer and perish in the collision.” Aburi Accord playing out.

Anonymous said...

Because Islam, a religion of peace has the truth, it is seen as a threat by other, as such they go to any extent to tarnish the image of Muslims. Period!!!

Anonymous said...

And if Babangida is not the sponsor then all the curses you rained on him will be sent back to you and your generation. Back to sender!!!

Anonymous said...

And who the f**ck told you he is responsible. God will judge between you and him on the day if judgement.

Anonymous said...

Dis BOKO HARAM issue is out of hand. Is only God dat can help us out of dis,moreover our goverment is not security concious

Wealth B... said...

Fool did I say "lifes" or "life"? If u don't understand what u read, den keep ur "F**k mouth" shout up. Duns....so far u understand my point of view. Sabi sabi, aproko

Anonymous said...

Ur Point being? I serzly didn't see any reasonable point u just made. If u hv limited knowledge abt smfin, dnt talk abt it, go gather facts b4 comin here 2 commentin.

anonymous said...

Anon 11.17 and 11.20, it is clear u are basking in the chaos going on in Nigeria. Even a blind man knows who is perpetrating all this evil. And u are wining and dining with the devil himself. Therefore u wont escape the wrath of God, u will share in the punishment and curses that have befallen BABANGIDA.

anonymous said...

Anon 11.17 and 11.20, it is clear u are basking in the chaos going on in Nigeria. Even a blind man knows who is perpetrating all this evil. And u are wining and dining with the devil himself. Therefore u wont escape the wrath of God, u will share in the punishment and curses that have befallen BABANGIDA. Even ur generation yet unborn will not escape it.

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