Speaking to reporters, 24 year old retail assistant Mike Amess from Exeter said he breaks out in a cold sweat whenever he sees or hears any member of the Kardashians on his TV.
'Just hearing the sound of the Kardashians' nasal voices or catching a glimpse of them on screen makes me feel nauseous and shaky. My hands get clammy, my breathing gets heavier and I start sweating. Sometimes, I get teary and want to retch.'Mike, who is gay, says his fear of the Kardashians started when he watched Kim's sex tape with Ray J when he was only seventeen. Continue...

"I was raised Catholic and growing up, I tried to repress my sexuality and deny that I was gay. Loads of the boys at school were going on about how good Kim Kardashian's sex tape was. I thought I'd give it a watch in the hope it would turn me on. I downloaded the video and watched it secretly in my bedroom. But the sight of Kim writhing around with her huge bum and the sound of her horrible high-pitched wailing repulsed me. I really wanted to be aroused by her so I kept watching it but she made me feel more and more upset.
"By the end of the tape, I had burst into tears. The experience left me terrified and I never wanted to see Kim's face again. I have come to terms with my homosexuality now but my dread towards her has never left.'
'Kim and her sisters look and sound so similar - they're a mess. They make my stomach churn, I hate it.I dislike everything about them, especially their physical appearance. I don't understand how anyone could find them attractive.I can't stand their voices either. They're so whiny and shrill - it really gets under my skin.'
'It's impossible to get away from Kim, let alone her whole family. Every website or magazine you read has them plastered all over. I really enjoy reading the news but if I see Kim on the cover of a newspaper or a big picture of her across a website, I won't go near it. It makes life really difficult. Sometimes, I miss out on a lot of important news or celebrity gossip because I have to avoid anything which features the Kardashians.'
Abeg he shud go siddon for pit toilet! Pervert! Bet he'll rape kim if left in a room alone wit her! Dreamer! Dream on but I advice u wake up and receive my hot peppered slap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That Guy Na FOOL oooo.. Ekparode Like Him!! The more petrified he gets, the more money and fame the kardashians make.. Abeg Vomit the more ok??
That Guy Na FOOL oooo.. Ekparode Like Him!! The more petrified he gets, the more money and fame the kardashians make.. Abeg Vomit the more ok?? EKPA!!
Stay there and be vomiting while d kardashians are busy making money.
LMAO,this one don kolo.
I thought it was only me, hearing them speak makes me want to blow my ears out.
But it's not mortifying to announce it to the whole world abi? U Berra run and hide. The kardashians followers will come at you. Learner.
I dis like them as well #bright bravo#
OYA ugly fat miserable obese bleached nigerians,start insulting gay people
Go and sleep!
I'm a guy and the sight of TOTO make me want to vomit,the last time I saw one was when I came out from my mother's and I swore to my self I will never ever see or touch one again.
They disgute me,especially the mother. So greedy.always wants to make money from her kids
The sight of bonarios comments make me vomit. So stupid
A quest for fame indeed. He looks so much like macklemore.
We gay men have taste, we love classy women not trashy whores like the kardashians.
.the way I so want to throw up at how reddish yellow his skin is makes me believe it's possible to have that kind of phobia.ewww! I'm sure he'll be smelly too
What??? I don't understand
Don't just know wat to make of this...a homosexual afraid of a near harlot? Aren't u both one of a kind? Go for deliverance dude, get delivered of homosexuality first, then we can tackle Kim
Mad man! Go get help.
He is fucking fuy
Enuf of this kardashian stories abeg, linda abeg prepare food go give the abuja bomb blast victims O°˚˚˚
Go get a life Mr 24yo...yansh fucker #next#
gay ass
Who gives a rat ass what this faggot thinks, says, feels or act. You should be more concerned about taking it up your rear end. You dumb-ass, stupid ass, cock loving faggot.
Who gives a rat ass what this faggot thinks, says, feels or act. You should be more concerned about taking it up your rear end. You dumb-ass, stupid ass, cock loving faggot.
First to comment"winks"
Lmfao.....i dnt blame this guy biko......
We gays are afraid of that thing called pussy AKA vagina, is so watery and irritating GROSSSS. You know when a piece of bread falls inside a cup fo tea and you use ur spoon to remove it,the bread becomes wet and disguting,that's how I feel about vagina.
Linda, 103 of those kidnapped girls have been rescued! Yay!
LOL at the "Kardashians' nasal voices"! Lmao, classic!
This guy is a pig and should be taken to the zoo,,, just his face irritates me but I can't help it but still read the news.... I think this guy should be sent to one jungle in Asia,,,, that is where fit his kind..... Rubbish and retard mike....
This guy is a pig and should be taken to the zoo,,, just his face irritates me but I can't help it but still read the news.... I think this guy should be sent to one jungle in Asia,,,, that is where fit his kind.....
This guy is a pig and should be taken to the zoo,,, just his face irritates me but I can't help it but still read the news.... I think this guy should be sent to one jungle in Asia,,,, that is where fit his kind.....
He doesn't have a problem in life if this is what is troubling him.
I will advise you to drink poison or better still commit suicide because you will continue to see them everyday of your life till you die....miserable pig... Gush you really stink Mike
I feel 4 him but I agree
I will advise you to drink poison or better still commit suicide because you will continue to see them everyday of your life till you die....miserable pig... Gush you really stink Mike
This guy is sick *long hisssss*
Kardashiaphobia! The fear of Kardashians
This guy brain the shake,no everybody likes the kadashian fam,but 4u to be feeling this weird abt them,then u certainly aint well,probably u need a brain transplant cus being gay isn't even normal..
Oh well! I think he's taking this too far...... He sshld go solve his problems
He is cursed!
Petrified of someone? It'd send fear / shivers down your spine / solar plexus. Disgusted by the physical appearance of a person or (unpleasant looking) object? It'd most likely make you feel sick or actually vomit. With his stupid / juvenile / upsetting hairstyle that looks like an overused mop, Mike Amess, 24, trailer trash and retail assistant from a rundown drug infested council estate somewhere in Exeter, is looking for his 15 minutes of "fame." Pathetic.
This guy is just a big fool, she's there making her money without doing anything tidious and he is here ranting.. Mumu if you kom vomit nko Wetin you want make we do? Dindinrin
Story, that ɪ̣̝̇È™ bcause he ɪ̣̝̇È™ Ç¡ gay
Hmmm nawoa... 15mins fame indeed. But it happens tho .. Lol but its funny "phobia for the almighty kardashians" that's crazy *Nkey*
This guy is stupid. As for me, Kim gives me hard on each time I see her. Whenever I watch her sex tape, I get wet instantly. Am a fan of team Kim for sex always.
who d hell is dis guy? I tink he's judt seeking 4 fame.
Lolz...i believe U because i have pals who their names alone turns them off In advance...they hate d kardarshians so much..buh wanna av a quikie wit beyonce, rihanna..U knw? Dey tinks D kardarshians are dirty and desperate and bad news! Whatever..i dont hate them, i dont like them...infact i dnt knw dem and dnt wanna ..i believe mike! Buh mike..being gay alone , U re doomed! Ijiot
Guy,you gats problem...big one
Onye ala
Linda will not be happy about this.
Hahaha..I feel for u brov. I tink I av such disgust abt Kim mainly cos 〇Æ’ her constant nakedness but urs is worse sha.
Mike i have the solution to your problem..Go hug a wet transformer and your problem will be solved! When i imagine gays having sex i throw up also.
Bloody attention seeker!!!! U must be high on some cheap stuff. U re hating while they are in ur face making a lot of money, I mean cool cash. U really need to visit a mental specialist real fast..........i mean ASAP. mtchewwwww!
Stupid attention seeking faggot
Stupid attention seeking faggot
The good thing about it is that the feeling might be mutual.
Are we supposed to comment? Cos I think this lame story is making me nauseou! Attention seeking indeed. Like d Kardashians know u exist! Goatie
Maybe is ur d**k that has been. Doing the Threwing up.
U sick man, go get a life. Dough i dont find kim k attractive knowing every thing is fake
He's a goat. ...an animal...pervert....gay goat
Mad dey worry him.dirty gay
Cool story bro...
Mtheew senseless goat.beffing
Idiotic faggot
Ok.we have heard you and so as the gay community.maybe you'll get chatted now.dimwit.
Rubbish talk. If u dnt like kim,dats ur problem!!! Go and die. Am not a fan of the kadarshians tho. So who cares....
Yeah you can't tell a doctor but you can tell the world ole,but honestly that Kims sextape actually repulsed me
Abeggyy hes obsessed with dem . Y must he watch dem or look , he even has a poster of kim. He can cure his stupid sef nd not stress any doc.
Funny but it could be true coz i can remember in 2008 or there about i hated the seeing Chris brown coz he made me feel like vomiting each time,i think it was just his colour and body but today,don't knw how it happened but i gat a big crush on him,luv u CB don't mind riri and karreuche,those chics aint loyal
Dont blame u gay boy, d kardashians sucks, especially Kim with her fake ass and boobs.
Attention seeking loser...
Mr joe, abeg wake up 4rm sleep? Plus D kardanshians dont even knw u exist...
shut up you gay! you're too embarassed to see a doc but you can talk rubbish on net. 15mins of fame don pass. we now know you. Gay oshi. immature mumu....thats why your bf dumped you. You dont even look 22. Next thing now you will start forming celeb. Ewu awusa
Shut up biko...lubhumie
Seriously, Mike you are sick already!!!
A.K.A Di√a₢á¿£iƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇̇ε
You are a special kind of moron
I don't really like them too but not to that extent_ kardashianphobia
Dis guy is just looking for fame, just like u said linda 15 min of fame.linda abeg give us better news
So idiots like this remain for mother earth. Msheeew. Mumu homo, now you have your seconds of fame
I guess the boy is trying to get attention,but i don't like the kardashians too.Linda post oooooooo
Bia Linda, na everytin u go post? If he like he should pee on his shorts, his business.... That doesn't increase my monthly remuneration.
Mtschewwww!ugly mofo...a lot of pple don't like the k clan,but this here,is just foolish!u re ryt Linda!!!he is a pathetic attention seeker !get a life loser!!!!!
Oh really nw, I rather hv a kardashain in any form u call dem anytym of d day dan a fag asshole lyk u anytime of d day. U fear dem coz u kw dey will mk u st8. Dump fool. Ur cheap fame won't get u paid. B rest asured.
They also make me sick. But hey am a bisexual Nigerian in Uk, I'd b*ng Kim and all her sisters anytime. TomiT
This one well? Mtcheeew my friend go n drink yoyo. *geraldopino
Abeg, this one never know wetin dey sick am
Mo fo.
Good for u, @ least u av a Gd excuse not 2 see dem!
U ve bin cursed frm d pit of Hell nd pray fr ur soul.... Evrybodi wants 2 shine wif diz family,is sad. Rubbish boi
Wallahi frofal FULL! Imagine?am nt a big fan of d Ks but..da gay nareal attension seeker.
Mike Amess, moron and a left-handed wanker, is obviously GAY, hence the Kardashians and women would make him want to vomit. Mike Amess prefers to be sodomised (btw, that means "anal copulation").
Ha !!!
Ds guy has a serious problem. D gay stuff is really in his blood n bone marrow.
You are no better than them! Stupid gay!
#pen nine#
@anonymosus, how do you know that man has anal sex, you're a fucking pervert. People like you piss me off, you don't know someone don't judge,you're a problem in nigeria
Lol. Who is sicker? The fuck face guy who pratices sodomy or the whorish attention and cosmetic surgery seeking kardashians?! Na wa o.
Hey don't blame anyone but urself cos ur ass is gay...infact I pity u and ur asshole...goat
Then he should be prepared to vomit for the rest of his life while they are making cool money,ode!.
O.o alias Ogbu oge, keep making bonario a celebrity
Trust me Mike, I think u are really obsessed wit d kardashians.. i haven't seen any reason why u should hate them. Dey are no different from bey or Jay. In fact I think d only difference is dat dey are becoming more popular Dan any Americans and it's getting on some pple's skin...so chill mike..suck it up and face ur work(gay activities)
D guy needs help mtcheeeeeeeew......vomit ko petrified ni he obviously z jobless n looking for 15mins fame
You are very stupid for saying that. you a fucking retarted bitch! why don't u go for deliverance first?
And you need a brain transplant too, because being you isn't normal at all. your are very retarded upstairs, you sound foolish, your lack of sound intelligence is disgusting, you've just exhibited the highest level of illiteracy. Try getting a fucking life, moron!!!!
Get a fucking life dude
2 each his own
KARDASHIANPHOBIA-----The Fear of the Kardashians. lol.
Mike shut up there, anus fucker/licker like you.instead of you to tell us that you have always dreamt of fucking all the men Kim has been with and you are extremely jealous that she has taken all the guys you have had a crush on.Idiot!!! using style style to appeal to your fellow faggots to notice and ask you out.Okay we have heard and I am definitely sure the Kardashians feel the same way, oh wait they don't know you exist and FYI kanye would never notice you, he likes pussy like the way it should be.bloody faggot , licking anus. urrrrrgggghhhh, i hate attention seekers like this.go to hell FAG!
Hate them as well. Whats in the show? Rubbish
Thank you! too damn nasal.
All dis fuckin gay fargots! Rantin nonsence here wit ur shit brains u complain of pussy while all u do is eat shit! Derz ntin sweet dan a nice warm pussy! Go get a life n strt livin! Ya all will soon die of ass flu! Ass fuckers!
This one na real attention seeker. Abegi, next story plssssssssssssssss
Lol u a gay bt u love classy women kai only the holy spirit cn deliver u frmur mumuness
Yimu, cooked up story by the kardashians to remain relevant i dont belive this story it is staged
Hard on and Wet?? Wow a shemale on lib
So he's embarrassed to talk to a doctor about it but he can boldly say it to millions of people? Next you'll hear now is that he is suing the family for destroying his life.
My guy u correct.. lmao. Oma
You just said my mind.
Almost thought it was macklemore.You must be very good wt songs to notice this.
I.feel his pain, especially about.their nasal,shrill voices. So true and disgusting
*whispering* he doesn't visit LIB
Oya useless, slim, ugly, charcoal, miserable imbecile, chinese chop stick legs gays, start prasing ur useless faggot partners. Euw gambia
Shut up and say the truth. U were fucking ur mother.
He should GET OUT....Attention Seeker. Are u been forced 2 watch dem. MUMU
i was about to say he must be gay, untill i read it, so that settles it.
Lol....this is the best news av heard so far...this news will make me laugh all day.
Oh....just that ur gay....
If americans want to be stupid, they hide under d umbrella of being gay. They can get away with anything that way
You will die a painful death. Faggot.. Mark my wordss
If you find the story cool, then u must be gay too.. Idiot
He is right coz me as a lady am tired of seeing kims naked body even though she is sexy.excess of anything is bad
The guy is soo faking the disgust can you tell?weirdo
Have never heard this type of sickness before o, choi
Dis dude just wants attention....
it is a PERSONAL issue and has nothing to do with Kim... the guy should get his head checked the issue may be mental illness
Lmao. How did u know? U watch the show. Abeg go and have several seats @ the back.
That mum that says vagina is like bread in tea, she I you will fuck Nyash? Lemme ask you please wat is inside Nyash? Is it worse than bread in tea? Shebbi after you go one round your partner will suck your dick abi? Mumu.
this dude is just a fool to start with, you been a gay doesnt make u vommit abi??? na those wey dey make money dey make u vomit!! i think he needs to be arrested for saying shit about other people to tanish there image!!! he is just a fucked up gay dude!!! go hug transformer dude!!!
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