Xovar lounge, an up scale executive
lounge in lekki will play host to major artists, leaders of the new
school music movement every Friday in December. Fans will also have access to sign autographs and take snap shots with the man called "Mmall but Mighty" . Continue...
Also performing is the Engima live band, and lots of supporting acts.
Also there will be karaoke competitions, lots of fantastic prizes to be won.
Show is FREE
Door opens 5pm
Event starts 7pm.
Live in xovarlounge
Lekki epe express way, 4th roundabout behind the bespoke center lekki lagos.
Join the conversation on twitter and win fantastic prizes.
Follow @xovarlounge
Use the hashtag
Na hin time
happy for you wale, na so e dey start o!!! all the best
Nice one! hope to b there too..
Really small but #Mighty
Wish him luck nd Godspeed in d music industry
Linda u go show? LoL
Did you know that The Roman Emperor Caligula made his horse a Senator?
Wale free show is not ur portion in Jesus name ... Amen..but good for stingy people to go and have fun
linda post my comment ooo
Nice,thks 4 d info
Niceeeee...luv u olawale
I luv dis guy to bits mehn
evrytin is in lagos,nawaoo. Linda pls am still hopin on d 20k,tnx
evrytin is in lagos,nawaoo. Linda pls am still hopin on d 20k,tnx
Khloe Kardashian
Filing for Divorce ... TODAY!!!!!
I've never really followed up MTN Project fame but next year i will----C21
Linda seems you are in a hurry to post your comments with all the typographical errors,anyway the guy be like rabbit
Hmmm fun
Dat wil b gd,.....Olawale welcum 2 d world of a celeb....congratulation.....d sky is just ur startin point...thumb up.
Anty Linda pls help me out. Network is just so wicked. i saw ur post but was unable to comment untill now. pls am a final year student of UNIZIK. pls I need d money to complete my project. i need to do proximate analysis of my experimental diets. pls i have sent u several email. my mum is a widow & she is currently sick. i dont have any place to source d money from. we have been asked to submit d project on or before 20th of dec. pls i dont hav any hope again. i dont want to carry it over to next year bcos of money. i pray u hear my cry. thanks. 08062370521
Small but mighty u mean, thank God for ASU strike, if not for ASU strike am sure dis guy wouldn't hv even think of going for audition talkless of winning. congrat wish u all d bst in ur new carrier
HIAN! Mz ikeji ibiakwa ozo! which one is Mmall but mighty again? Na new sayin? Lol
Lindodo it is "small but mighty". Thank me now.
Here we go...Wale thumb up
Ok ooo also noted!
Am a student,i wanna give it to my mum a small scale trader to put in her business.
Noted, heading to my twitter @jenyking right naw!
Sound like its going to be a fun filled night.....hhhhmmmmm....
Linda...I won't say my issues are the worst or its a dead end for me...but the truth is that I am just a young man hustling for a family of seven 5 siblings + parent..so if I am chosen by your kind heart to be one of the beneficiaries it will go a long way to help me and my family this yuletide...thanks....Steve...07062637706
Sorry but who is this Olawale guy, phewww, dont know him, i mean i roll with the likes of Jay-Z, Riri, i even gave crazy cyrus, i mean Miley cyrus all these idea abt being famously crazy. i knw... iknw.. am just too much and high profile.
I gat 2 be there.
Nice one
Ok, tanx anty linda 4ur info...
Olawale..Dude wıth a great voıce! Wısh ah wud be dere.
Ok, tanx anty linda 4ur info....
linda typo don dey your mmall oo. i am sure you meant to write small
fist to coment again.....:)
i dont knw if i can do wit out cumi to dis blog for a day!
â„“̊ like Olawale, Απϑ knew he would win then. Enjoy γφυrself tonite, 'can't come tho
Olawale! Awa fans e hail o. Hope u'l get to sing solo makinde. I personally love ds guy's style. He'l def go far. XovarLounge... Leggooooooooooo
hey anty linda kudos!!!!!!my wish dis christmas is to see u in person,and tanks for sharin ur story....it kinda similar to mine and it gave me HOPE!I LUV U....UR BIGEST FAN,pls can i leave my my no 08167340883,i will b happy if my request is granted.luv
great talent...... he is definitely going to make the show great
That's my niccar...greatest ladokite,LAUTECH to the fullest. I bet it's gonna be a great show. Much love and goodluck
Wow...olawale am so happy 4, u rock!!
hey linda...you totally inspired me to start up my own blog... i'm hoping to be the future linda ikeji...lol buh true tho...it's really difficult combining school with blogging(i'm an engineering student,4L)..sometimes i feel like jes quiting but it's somefing i totally enjoy doing...so in summary, i'm in desperate need of a mentor and you are like the best mentor anyone could ask for....it'll be so awesome if you could check out my blog---> myrahhassan.blogspot.com ...i'll really appreciate feedback and positive criticism.... amirahhassan93@gmail.com ....fanks BIG....
Wale ooo Wale ooo Wale ooo omoge miii... Thumps up wale...
Olawale small buh mighty. Bigger u bro
Pls Aunty Linda what is the status of the comments u didn't upload on the give away price I didn't see my own
Linda, am still waitin for ur call. If ur not calling to ask me abt ma bank account, pls do call to wish me well. All of dem take join na call. Money matter...lol. God dey. 08068905155
I love dis guy
Dat name "Olawale" sounds somehow to me......
He shuld better be good in releasing good music
Dis guy is too dull....linda please even if its 10k.....08169787366.....ikaylee is my name
Are you interested in working with the Federal Government of Nigeria?Apply here.
I had doubts about Olawale, felt after Projectfame we wldn't hear of him again cuz of his very quite nature, BUT he might just surprise us.....
Waiting patiently.......
Hmmm @ last found somewhere to go #Yawns
Aunt Linda! Av i offended U̶̲̥̅̊? i hope my comments nd hopes ar nt waxing cold.. Bless U̶̲̥̅̊ aunt! Gudpm!
Aunt Linda! Av i offended U̶̲̥̅̊? i hope my comments nd hopes ar nt waxing cold.. Bless U̶̲̥̅̊ aunt! Gudpm!
Olawale isn't ma winner but who am i to chose.Good for him. I just wonder what happens to the other contestants. We never get to hear about them.
Watin consine Abgero wit over load
Linda this is the right email address!!!Chinonye_Christian@yahoo.com.....Its ibuo ada vivienne
My Code is Vega 26. Tnk u!
Amazing... happy nice for Olawale
Been waitin to hear abt u afta project fame,seems like u jux fade off.kip rockn n rulln
Aunt Linda,am waiting nd praying oo,i just cnt help you letting me down plssssssssssssss
Wow......olawale u are d man says tbassy via nokia1800
hello linda,
please don.t ignore my message, I actually sent in my own answer to the question u asked for the 100 naira, u want to give out as at 08:00am yesterday before travelling for an event that same yesterday, I just came back today and just checked you page and discovered to my disappointment, that it was not published. I have been following your page since 2010 and even won a ticket from you for the SMIRNOFF MIDNIGHT CIRCUS IN LAGOS AT ONIRU IN 11-11-2011, but could not make it because I was sick and also live in phc, I can't afford to lose this opportunity, so am sending it again, pls don't ignore it.
Yeah I am happy for him also
Am gonna be there.
Na wa oh! where all the people wey comment yesterday!
Olawale my guys, only you are mant vocally! I love you bro
All my support all the way!!!
This guys voice kills me!!!
U ve try*divy
Na wa oooooo person go comet linda nogo post am.
wale- steps to stardom. Love this
So happy for him, u don arrive..... Pookypie
Linda,pls i knw dis is nt d rite place 2 post dis comment,but d comment box 4 d giveaway has reachd it's max limit.I am a student,i'll use d money 4 my sch fees.I jst got admisn dis yr n my clearance n sch fee cost 116k n i'm stil tryn 2 raise d money wud ve luv 2 ve d 100k but i cnt rili gues d rite ans.*CHIKA*
Pray he gets 2 d top,as iyanyan and chidinma as. ....@duni
Congrats Man! But, Sorry I won't be there all through at all. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Olawale!!!! I dey feel that guy oh...... D guy can sing, I sing beta though......-winks-
why is my comment not added
Am happy for you olawale
small but mighty
Small bt mighty olawale.Gud 4u
""Comment undergoing approval via G-Ebony...please wait..."
Kk so dis xovar lounge r still doin diz friday tin. Wish I cn make it today. #freeshow
olawale, ur tym has com.....success knocking on ur door.
DiZ nIghT gO rOcK pIeCeS.DaJaX
DEAR LINDA, its "Small but mighty" nt Mmall but mighty.lool we understand though.you're always in a rush to give us gist.lol
Dats my boy
Good day, Ms. Linda. I was the one who sent you the email with the address, John.kalu9@gmail.com. Please, please, please, kindly reply to it. Twitter handle:@2official_John. Thank you.
Don't know olawale o.....#confused
Olawale u rock
Thumb up olawale...welcum 2 d world of celeb..
Wish him a cool musical career. 'Sergio Frankie'
i hate this imagine am d first to comment here now i cant find my post
If yφυ want her † hear yφυr cry, it means yφυ ha√ع † answer her question (5most commented post(s)) that's the rule, that is wн@† can make the 20k be yφυrs.
Congragtz Wale, God will will make it an easy success 4u.
Congrats wale d sky is ur starting point
I really would have loved to go see him perform, but I knw someday... all I want is to see him blow.. #justlovehim
Small but mighty
Na e time 2 blow b dis oooh make he utilise am well... Anyways I wish him all d bst.
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