Would you believe this person used to be this person? What drugs will do to you! (sad photos) | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 9 July 2017

Would you believe this person used to be this person? What drugs will do to you! (sad photos)

90s actress Maia Campbell who played the role of Tiffany in popular sitcom In The House with LL Cool J (1995-1999) was spotted recently toothless and strung out. Maia has been battling with drugs for years now.

A video went viral this weekend showing her pumping gas and begging/twerking for crack in Atlanta. Friends tried to help her a few years ago but I guess she went back to her demon. See the very sad video after the cut..


NaijaDeltaBabe said...


... Merited happiness

Unknown said...

Pathetic. I don't even know what they gain from drugs and alcohol etc. Y decide to harm yourself?

Peter said...

that is what drugs like crack cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin and opium can do to a person.

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you literally become a walking corpse with no sense of reasoning and responsibility living for the next day. there is no justification for taking these kinds of drugs they just turn the individuals life around.

Unknown said...

What a pity!

Unknown said...

Its finished for her

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Omg! She's even wearing tore bra sad! Say no to drug abuse.

Manuel Kunmi said...

choice! !

Anonymous said...

She used to be very beautiful. Crack is whack.

Anonymous said...

its not drugs She has bipolar disorder. Just do your research

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

Je suis

Vivienne B said...

How do you know? Are you GOD?

Vivienne B said...

I hope she recovers

Vivienne B said...

I hope she recovers
When there's life there's hope!

hrm paul said...

Crack fucks u up go ask dMX

Unknown said...

It's a pity!!!

. said...

Man, This thing has me shook... This is not just a mental problem, this is a spiritual problem. There's something awfully dark about what she's going through... We're not fighting against flex and blood but principalities. My heart goes out to her, such a beautiful girl. She needs to go to Prophet TB Joshua for deliverance. So Sad.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This must be from a scene or something

Ogwologwo said...

This is how all my haters on Lindaikejiblog will end up, hers is even better she is the US, yours will be in your village stack naked

donduke said...

To him that is joined to the living there is hope!

Unknown said...

In few years to come addicts will be on every nook and corner of nija. From codiene,tramadol,skunk etc they will surely graduate to cocaine,crack,estacy,flaker,heroin, meath etc

charlesdegaulle said...

i am stunned!!!
Had a crush on this girl from way back. she even featured in the video of ladies night with Queen latifah, Missy elliot , da brat etc. Sad

Unknown said...

Onuku! Ogwonsi...

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

She is bi-polar linda research well nd gve good news she did nt just start abusing drugs

Anonymous said...

Paddle your canoe

CHERYL (aka FROM GLORY to GLORY) said...

So sad. ...young stars r usually the most affected

Long live LIB

Unknown said...

WHAT!!!!!!!!!! I cant believe this post .i.am a television sitcom addict not a no type of drug addict.i know this show infact i know 100% sitcom shows .i remember her on in the house in the mid 90s .so.sad and pathetic to see some one with such great opportu ity, talent and prospect to get destroyed by drugs and worst of all crack.almost bring tears to my eyes so sad .she was peers with brandy on moesha and tatyana m ali on the fresh prince of bel air, they are both doing so great but i guess she must have lost focus and kept the wrong crowd in hollywood .that city can eat you up.i pray for her .this is a warning to upcoming and talented people out there "stay off drugs".

Unknown said...

That crack drug is what you called a one chance bus drug .once you get on that bus you aint coming down the same or you never gonna come out na

Unknown said...

Crack, crack , crack a drug created by blacks that destroyed blacks .so sad she gat hooked on the worst,most deploring and most addictive drug ever.

Unknown said...

I reject your statement in Jesus name Amen. ogwowhatever. No one hates you but we sure hate your demonically inspired speeches, your comments are from an obviously sick mind

Anonymous said...

Stay away from anu control substance. Drugs, Food, medication, etc. Yes Food is like drugs to the obese who don't know they have high choke but look ok. Be moderate and disciplined. It shows.

Anonymous said...

It is not finished. Nothing is impossible before God

Julie Onoh said...

She needs Jesus

optimisticlady said...

My dear, nothing serious is done to control the distribution of hard drugs in this country....

Anonymous said...

mental issues are very different from drug issues. I wish her peace

Anonymous said...

Her name is. Maia Chinassa Campell. Let's pray for her. Chinassa means God Answers. Let's pray for Her and God will answer!! Thanks !!

Anonymous said...

Depression can be more harmful than any other substance... This is what pushes people to the edge of suicidal..

Unknown said...


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