In a letter written by Tupac in prison, the late rapper poured out his heart to his love interest explaining the reason for his actions, including what led him to have a change of attitude towards her.
It is easy to see from the letter that he really loved the singer but was torn between love and duty.
In the letter dated Jan 15, 1995, Tupac writes:
"For you to be seen with a black man wouldn't in any way jeopardize your career, if anything it would make you seem that much more open and exciting."
"But for me at least in my previous perception I felt due to my 'image' I would be letting down half of the people who made me what I thought I was."
He acknowledged that he hurt her, writing, "I never meant to hurt you."
The entire letter will go up for auction July 19 - 28 at Gotta Have Rock and Roll. Starting bid is $100k. The last letter written by Tupac sold for more than $170k and this particular letter is expected to fetch more than that.
See bits of the letter below.
lol now that's racist
So ? Who do I sell the letter my head mistress wrote to my dad in 1988 when he was PTA Chairman in my primary school .
... Merited happiness
Yes! but I bet u do not knw wat blacks passed thru in USA. Whites r more racist and haters
I thought that was Gifty
If you are a true leader, duty comes before love. Pac is not racist, he was a civil rights leader. Any black person raised by a single black mother in America identifies with the struggle of blacks in the US and more especially the heavy burden of black single mothers. It is messed up that a successful black man will marry a white girl, die and leave his estate for her. Marriage is politics. Even 50 cent rapped that his mother would roll over in her grave if he ever married a white girl. A leader puts his people before his desires, Nigerian (leaders) don't get this, and I don't expect you to understand if you don't know what blacks in the US go through. That is why Frederick Douglas isn't popular to African Americans. That is why Jon Snow was raised from death in GoT and Robb Stark remained dead.
But this applies to only leaders, if you dey find visa, do your thing. :D
U so funny
RIP my nigga,you always knew all along that your time was up. Death is heartless but you will live on in our hearts forever.
Amos just made my day😂😂😃
I dont know you.. But i will find you and buy you a Porsche. ����
Please who can help me with any foodstuff ,I will be resuming back to school by next week,I don't even have any hope of going back,may God touch your heart to reach out to me
Maya Angelou had a child with a WHITE guy. She was also one of them! Black People and their HYPOCRISY! Hihihihihihihihihi!
I don't think that it makes any difference marrying white or black. There're interracial couples who made their mark in the black American history. Let's keep our prejudices in the bottomless pit where it belongs. Let love live!!!!
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
I have seen u on too many comments portals dude! Please invest this energy in asking God, he is d gr8test provider, God bless
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