Photos: Nigerian national, one other arrested with 12gm of cocaine in India | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 10 July 2017

Photos: Nigerian national, one other arrested with 12gm of cocaine in India


Alloy Chikezie said...

Na wah!

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Unknown said...

bad reputation

Anonymous said...

Nigerian national and one other national.Why not disclose his partners Country of origin instead of using one other national.There's God oh!

bomiangel said...

as usual.. our biafraud brothers in the thick of it all

B€£ said...

Naija pigkin should keep disgracing their selves

Lanre Onward said...

If it is Nigeria they will say media trial.

Admin said...

Nawa ooo...

This guys don go.

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Unknown said...

But d news was publish in india... Linda just copied it ... so dey av to refer to d guy as local or national...

Anonymous said...

He is not a biafran, Mumu ofe Mmanu like you.

Anonymous said...

When India starts deporting these people. Some of you would start making noise.

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