Uloma could receive life in prison without parole for the November 2013 murder of her late William Walker, whom she had married just four months prior.
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William Walker |
Prosecutors said Uloma was way over her head after running up tens of thousands of dollars in debt when she asked her then-17-year-old daughter and her daughter's boyfriend to find someone to kill her husband so she could collect the insurance money.
According to court testimony, Uloma gave the boyfriend, Chad Padgett, a $1,000 down payment to carry out the murder. Padgett then contacted his cousin Chris Hein, who initially failed in his attempt to kill Walker. Hein then turned to Ryan Dorty to carry out the murder.
Prosecutors said Dorty ambushed Walker and shot him four times as he returned home from getting fast food that Uloma had ordered.
She and her husband were packing the night he was killed for a move to a house they had purchased outside Cleveland.
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Chad Padgett
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Chris Hein |
'No one would believe I would hire a bunch of kids to kill someone when I know people that could.' Uloma wrote a confession the day she surrendered to police that said she killed her husband because he was abusive.
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Ryan Dorty |
Sentencing for Uloma is scheduled for Aug. 8.
Source: Cleveland.com
She can't outrun the long arm of the law.
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Biafra people
After killing her husband she still did not get anything in return. That is very good. Go and rot in jail.
cant wait to watch this on ID xtra ...How terrible
Owigbo lol
Hehehehe......Any man who marries a wrong woman is done for.....Even the devil will leave the man jejely, ....no need for him 2 be around...the bad wife is more than enough to finish the mission.
Chaii....and the dude was just returning from buying fast food that the woman sent him to buy??? Dayuuummm braaaaah!!! That hurt ..lol No chill!
You now wonder whether the guy never saw any signs that he was marrying someone who could kill him?? ...he prolly saw it and ignored or ............was too love/lust blinded to even see it...
The book of proverbs 22 vs 3 says " A prudent man Forseeth the EVIL(bad wife) and Avoideth her, the Simple man(not too smart) Continues on and is punished"
RIP to the Unwise man....
On 2 the Next!
Na wa oo.. End time folks
How did you leap to the conclusion, as per your headline, that the Cleveland, Ohio woman, Uloma Walker nee Curry, is a Nigerian?
Hmmmmm!!! Wickedness..
Uloma is an igbo woman to be precise.
Mumu cnt u see d name Uloma is ibo?
Greed. Period
Do u need to be told that...wat tribe in the world bears uloma
Americans and Non-Americans living in the USA need to understand that they can only escape the wrath of law by whiskers. Causes of most homicides and other crimes are easily unravelled in the USA because of advancement in technology. In addition, the murderers end the life of their families when they commit the crimes for monetary gains because the victim will die and they will spend the rest of their lives in jail.
Greediness, who knowns the part of Nigeria she came from, weather she is Evans relations.
Ibo women pretend alot
I really don't know what is happening to some diaspora Nigerians of recent, they are always giving our beloved country bad names.
Uloma is an Nigerian name now come on guy, from the east precisely igbo
Why are some of u so stupid..Must everything be about gender? Do u know how many men have killed their wives cos of insurance? Start watching Investigation channel. A bad person is a bad person..has nothing to do with gender..Some even kill their kids cos of insurance..
Wonders shall never end ,Men shine your eyes.
It takes alot of guts to fack a igbo woman but to marry one.....mbanu because I don't want to die young.
Horrible world,she should be sentenced to life imprisonment.period. And for the conspirators let them serve 30 yrs jail term each,so that by the time they are released they are useless to themselves that will serve as deterrent to others.
This is unbelievably sad.uloma is a igbo name right ? The evil for the love of money its so pathetic.
Well igbo people are known for killing their husband so they can inherit wealth. What a cursed and God forsaken tribe. Nothing good can come out of them only fake product, drug, crime and rituals. Their soul has long been damned so may the devil have mercy on their soul
Igbo kwenu alws on d news evryday
Some do adopt African names. She could be an American.
Not everyone who has a Nigerian name is Nigerian ooo! We have fam friends who are Americans who named their kids Chike, Nnamdi etc to celebrate black pride. Black American folks o!!
Not sure how one jumped to the conclusion.
Gud news... Foolish swine....
wickedness everywia....see face
What goes around,comes around.
Let her enjoy her stay in prison
How wicked?! You killed an innocent man! May God judge you!
Men, pls pray to God to guide and lead you in choosing a life partner before marrying. It is so very important. Same thing for women before marrying the man. May God not let us marry our enemies in Jesus name!Amen!
It is possible she is an Igbo; it is also possible she is a full African-American woman. The name of my former boss is Ngozi; a typical Igbo name; but she is a full African-American; she interviewed and offered me my for my first employment here in DC. There are millions of Afro-centric Afro-Americans that bears African names; actually, it is quite common; now that doesn't mean that they are from Africa mainland. It is a way of identifying with their African root!
Nigerians eh! Everywhere una go.
OMG!!! [ Photos / Video] Man Slaps Opponent To Coma In Slapping Competition.
OMG!!! [ Photos / Video] Man Slaps Opponent To Coma In Slapping Competition.
U see Ibo waman, Ibos will do anything for money. Useless tribe. Let them go to their nonsense biafra with their crimes. Tribe of criminals.
NAwo oo
OMG!!! [ Photos / Video] Man Slaps Opponent To Coma In Slapping Competition.
OMG!!! [ Photos / Video] Man Slaps Opponent To Coma In Slapping Competition.
The woman doesn't look Nigerian besides you don't have to be Igbo to bear Uloma. A lady in my school bears Chinasa and when I asked she said her dad just googled African names and the name came up. Her dad wanted her to bear an African name. So you never know with these people
I hope her jail sentence does not carry the possibility of parole. Let her rot in jail for life. Greedy bitch.
All dis ulomas, evans and co should go and start dia biafra country
You people should focus on the terrible act of this greedy woman, because bad people are in HOUSA, IGBO and YORUBA. Taking away innocent soul's.
Should focus on the terrible act of this greedy and ungrateful woman. Becouse all of you are Nigerians HOUSA, IGBO & YORUBA. stop killing innocent souls everywhere becouse they are human beings like you.
I hope everyone from your tribe don't do bad stuff at all and will all make it to heaven...
Judgemental piece of shit!
You do not sound like a person anything good can come out of.
Your country is in ruins right now but it ain't run by the Ibos...
If or when the Ibos go their way, shit will still stay the same or even get worse in Nigeria.
People do anything for money. This has everything to do with who the person is, and nothing to do with where the person comes from. I suggest you start using the little education you've got(that's if there really is), and the brain within your skull(that's if there's one present in there)!
They evil that people do lives with them. The evil gotten money, I'll wealth, blood money is always useless.. Now this stupid wicked beach will enjoy her own in prison for life..indeed what goes around comes around. He got attached to the man only to kill him and collect his money. Where will she enjoy such blood money? Anyway, like Judas she already bought a filled with the money which is life sentence in prison. Serves her right, greedy ASS...!!!what a SHAME..!!!
Na waaa for them lol desperados
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