When LIB questioned him on the circumstances that led to him being there, the man who gave his name as Adeniyi Akeju said he was innocent of the crimes and was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. The 38-year-old suspect said he works as a security man for a service company which provides service for NNPC and that his job designation is to guard the pipelines.
"I don't know anything about it," he said when LIB asked him about the gun that was allegedly found in his possession. "I swear. I am a security man in Ogijo. I work for Suto. My oga is Suto. He is the one that got the pipeline contract from NNPC. It is at the pipeline that I was working as a security. I work for NNPC."

Adeniyi, whose gang name is Tablet, was asked why his boss Suto and the NNPC have not come looking for him since he was arrested on the 17th of April and he replied:
"Maybe they looked for us and didn't find us."
He continued to cry for the over one hour that he was paraded alongside other criminals. According to a policeman who declined to give his name, Tablet and his colleagues are not just vandals but are also militants and murderers. He said that Tablet and his group engaged them in a fierce gunbattle before they were eventually caught.
"So you can cry?" the policeman said to Tablet. Then speaking to LIB, he said, "you should have seen this man and his group in action on the day we caught them. What they did to us before we arrested them. It was tough."
Maybe he was seen at the wrong place at the wrong time.. it's possible he's innocent. These people need to first do their investigation well before parading and embarrassing innocent people.
Why do they parade 'suspects' mere suspects?
That is not right.
He hasn't even been tried and they've labelled him guilty. Do Nigerian police know how to do their job at all?
I won't even be suprised if this man is innocent. I wonder if he's been allowed access to a phone to call his oga. What a shame
There should be a cognitive evidence that he is one of them. He might be innocent
Nigerian Police sabi lie well well o, d man maybe innocent. A lot of innocent inmates are in our prisons. God help us.
I shod believe our stupid police shod do the needful and investigate the matter before assuming everyone is a criminal. If he is found guilty, OYO for him. Period
14secs video? Well , he was arrested along side criminals and he had a gun.. And there was a fierce gun battle between them and police before police eventually overpower them... If he is not criminal what was he doing with group of criminals with a gun with him? A security man hanging out with criminals ,how comfortable is that.. Is like saying that an army officer was arrested in the group of book harrams.. And the army man will be claiming innocent, saying he is army officer ooo he is at wrong place at wrong time,.. You are army officer YES, but it's now obvious you are working with book harram, maybe as informant.... In conclusion, the man is or was security man true true but he is working with criminals too PERIOD
The police as usual just framed him up... and would use his case to make money.
innocent he may be, but these our police will always make big of the little success made. you may not believe that not even one bullet was short during the curse of the operation, now they taged it 'gun battle'. well done sir for the proper aligations. well on the other hand , criminals can pretend shall, even VAMPIRE was beging gracefully in court.
As much as I feel for him, the evidence against him is strong and valid. Lord help him sha
Long live LIB
Why do you believe what the police is saying? Nigeria police would create lies and hurt innocent ppl to show that they are working.
Na wa o see d guy name tablet.well let dem investigate properly bfor dey jail our tablet
When dey parade suspects dey put weapons on dem claiming dey got dem from d suspects... I used to believe in dt till dey did it to my frnd dt just came bk from d states... my frnd never touch hun bFor sef,he was at a bar drinkn wit his frnds wen police came n carried dem,d next Mrnin dey paraded dem n Brot out more dan 20 guns n bullets recovered from dem... if nt dt my frnds dad is rich n has a good lawyer,dey wld ve wasted my frnd jst lik dt.... if u doubt me,g2 police station live wenever dey have suspects to show to d media,u will hear d suspects sayin we don't own any gun here ooo dis is nt from us ooo we never see gun bFor oo etc... Bt media pple edit dem... if u tink am lyin may it nt happen to sum one u knw
If truely he is working for his suto oga, he should be given a phone to call suto. Suto should come and explain why his security men have suddenly converted their self into vandalls and murderers? . He was employed to safe gaurd, but ended up vandalizing
@ Saphire Muna, Are you saying that all your friends are good people? Are u always at the right place at the right time? That man is innocent but this police people will never say that. Don't ever judge someone when u are not God and u might not even be any way better than him. I pray God's mercy and grace will locate him.
Sapphire Muna abi wetin be your name? People like you learn in a hard way. Maybe when your close friends or relatives are paraded for aiding Boko haram you wl believe Nigerian police parades innocent people for the news
The guy might be saying the truth because I have heard of a case where the commissioner of police is visiting a particular station and the DPO paraded almost all does in d cell as armed robbers just to claim glory.
I don't they?e desist from this their habit of arresting innocent people and parading them as criminals....
Let there be proper investigation cos I do not trust our Nigerian police.
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