Lauryn Hill's daughter is just a mini version of her (photos)
Doesn't it seem like you're almost looking at a younger Lauryn Hill? Selah, 18, is working on her acting & modeling career and going to college. She's pictured above at an event for Chanel yesterday.
damn!!! having watched Lauren hill when she was pretty young in sister act, when I saw shela,I must say she is really a vomits of Lauren hill, I hope she got that beautiful voice I mum got too..
Jst like back in da days when her Ma reps the 'Fugees'
Fine pikin but her momma fine pass her
No difference!!
pretty lady
damn!!! having watched Lauren hill when she was pretty young in sister act, when I saw shela,I must say she is really a vomits of Lauren hill, I hope she got that beautiful voice I mum got too..
Wow I thought that lauryn hill in sisters act
Good for her..
Wow...lil' Hill
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
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