Human Ken Doll Rodrigo Alves speaks on the horror of having his drink spiked, says he is having eye implants next | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Human Ken Doll Rodrigo Alves speaks on the horror of having his drink spiked, says he is having eye implants next

Rodrigo Alves who is famous for his many cosmetic surgeries in a bid to transform himself into a human version of popular toy, Ken Doll was rushed to emergencies after his drink was spiked in New York. The 33yr old said:
'I had been out for dinner at Catch with my friend Diane, who is a socialite, and we headed to the Boom Boom lounge on top of a hotel, before going to a place called Marquee.
'People were being very friendly and asking for selfies and offering me drinks. We bumped into lots of different faces and I was turning down shots because I only drink champagne or prosecco when I am out. I had been working really hard all week and so I didn't want to drink too much, but I felt like letting my hair down as a treat to myself.
'When we went to the Marquee club, we met another group of people and by then, I was cautious but still had my wits about me.  It really wasn't my scene there as everyone was in jeans and trainers, with baseball caps and I had a red velvet Dolce and Gabbana suit with glitter running through it.
But he claims that something suddenly felt wrong, saying: ' I started feeling a little strange and dizzy, so I started sipping on some iced water.
'I remember someone bought some Dom Perignon, but I wasn't really drinking, and all of a sudden I collapsed by the DJ booth and woke up in the emergency room.
'Diane was holding my hand and doctors told me I had my drink spiked. They said if I had carried on drinking, my body could have gone into shock. 
'They also said that because I've had so much surgery and had general anaesthetic so many times, I am more fragile if something like this happens.'
'I questioned why someone would do this to me. I'm sure they didn't want any funny business, if you know what I mean. 
'But maybe they wanted to rob me, or beat me up, kidnap me, or throw me in the Hudson River.
'I'm feeling much better now, but it's so embarrassing and my suit is ruined. It's so dirty from when I fell down. My bones ache. It's very unpleasant.'

He revealed he'll be flying out to India soon for yet another cosmetic procedure to have his eye colour permanently changed. He said:
'I'm having eye implants so I don't have to keep wearing expensive hand-painted lenses. I'm not scared at all. I can't wait to have it done.'


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

And to think people die from genuine surgery while dis one is doing useless surgeries and coming out alive. He sounds like Bobrisky but a refined version, I guess dis is his mentor.

Hrm paul said...

Carry on u go soon Die death is beckoning on u shey ur second human doll don die ur next

Unknown said...

This guy needs brain implant asap

Unknown said...

Onye ara

Unknown said...

He's looking like a graven image..

Unknown said...

Will he b able to lay with a woman with all dz surgeries been carry out on him??dz oyinbo Nd dir foolish taste for surgeries

Anonymous said...

The elder brother of Bobby Risky

Anonymous said...

What a mess. See his frozen face

Anonymous said...

This babe sha, I swear u get bad mouth. Ur name calling Is always accurate asf. I look up to u in that area

Anonymous said...

Ashawo kobo kobo that's d first thing u thot of. His ugly face no bother u, na how he will lay with a woman. Choi

Unknown said...

His life, his body, his business. For those of you attacking him, is it ur body, is it your money? Nigerians should learn to reduce their level of bitterness and hate.

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