Doting husband refuses to leave his wife's side when she's put in isolation for cancer treatment | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday 28 April 2017

Doting husband refuses to leave his wife's side when she's put in isolation for cancer treatment

A daughter's picture of her father sitting outside her mother's room while she's in isolation has melted hearts online and caused people to refer to her father as a hero husband.

Marci Newman, 49, was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in October last year and all the while, her husband, John, has been there for her every step of the way.
Recently she had radiation treatment for cancer and was placed in isolation so John decided to improvise so his wife wouldn't be lonely. The doting husband moved his desk and chair to sit outside Marci's room, where she was isolated and from there he kept talking to her and reassuring her following a radioactive iodine treatment.

Their teenage daughter, Mackenna, captured the precious moment and shared on Twitter.
Mackenna said: "On the first day my dad sat outside in the backyard and talked to her through the window. The last two days is when he set up the little desk to stay with her."

She posted the picture on Twitter and wrote: "My mom has to stay in her room in isolation for her cancer radiation so my dad set up a desk at her door to keep her company and I’m crying".

The story quickly went viral after it was posted and people praised John and spoke about how moved they were by his action. One woman also reached out by sharing a photo of her son doing the exact same thing for her when she was in isolation for the same cancer treatment. She encouraged Mackenna to stay strong and positive.



Alloy Chikezie said...

How sweet.

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caroline said...

I am deeply touch by this news. I hope to marry a kindhearted man like him. May God grant her safe recovery.

Unknown said...

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joyous baba,LindaIkeji First cousin said...


Unknown said...

He's a good man with a good heart

Unknown said...

Real man....

Anonymous said...

Heavenly Lord please heal them IJN...

Agbomen said...

Yeah! A real man.

Agbomen said...

Yeah! A real man.

gloriah 24 said...

I know how it feels. My mum died of cancer and we were with her through her journey. It was not easy because she was in pain. It's so painful to have a loved with cancer

Anonymous said...

There are still good marriages, very good ones.

Unknown said...

-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

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