Quote of the day - from Funmi Iyanda | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Quote of the day - from Funmi Iyanda

Gbam! Lol..


AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Maximum love fumigation. U nailed it.

Unknown said...

Word for word..


MYS fabric bags lagos 08134794565, D60E8C4D said...


Liddy said...

And what's she on about?
Senseless tweet!

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmmmm... Sounds tasteless a bit...
* * * Linda's 1st Daughter * * *

Anonymous said...


APPLE said...

She shoud stop pretending to be smart and disciplined . Instead teach young girls how not to waste their time with married men like you did with Shegun Odegbami, in the end he didn't marry you, he wasted your youth or you wasted your youth on a married man and he ended up marring another. #FACT

Unknown said...

For real.

Anonymous said...

Social media madness....every body is tweeting and facebooking nonsensical things


***adult content***

Stupid quotes like dis can make u look stupid...

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

There is wisdom on it

Davido's driver said...


chris ikoyi said...


COLLIN said...

I dnt gt o

Martins said...

Of course.

Unknown said...

Gay can also rape you know?


Linda my sister, anything dat supports gayism you love.....take it easy ooooo, its becoming irritating.

hyrish said...

God bless Funmi Iyandafor this post and Linda for that heading #legendary

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, ododo oro

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, ododo oro

Sensational said...

To who? Thats my interest .

Anonymous said...

l have it on good authority that Funmi Iyanda swing both ways.

If you want me to spill, i will.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


henryoguadimma@gmail.com said...

is she justifying gay or wot?

Unknown said...

So incence she is supporting gays then...

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Gbam u nailed it

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, stupid pple
can make u mad! Ride on! In fact, preach on!

Diary of Dido said...

.....Female people won't make woman...? What does that even mean?
I can't see past that line neither can I comprehend it, is this a dig at Adesuwa?

Liddy said...

Thank U!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Stupid pple will always make you mad...truth

Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB......

Anonymous said...

As can straight people. Your point?

Unknown said...

Lmao.... Epic

Unknown said...

U just can't fathom it.

Anonymous said...

Gbam true talk...she was busy fucking a married man with grown up kids...later she will be preaching morals...hypocrite

Unknown said...

Why drink painkiller for her na?

Anonymous said...

Make una no vex o but i'll appreciate if someone can explain what she said or meant cause it makes absolutely no sense to me. I doubt even Soyinka can make sense of this.

knowurway.com said...

She's confuse in her life, no matter how u talk abt this bastard Gay people it'll remain barred in Nigeria becos is evil. Nd if I ever see any one clmn he is Gay his own is finish#

Anonymous said...

The post is about ur like. Stupid

Anonymous said...

Adesuwa ke? Its Funmi ooo.When you will not read thru.All you pple know is copy and paste .I advise you read again.

Anonymous said...

Nonsense talk. She's gay obviously

Anonymous said...

On point evans

NeeNeeHenshaw said...

We need more smart ladies like her!! She's so damn right!

Anonymous said...

lie. when u are surrounded by gays there is possibity u bcome gay

Unknown said...

She killed the CYPHER

Unknown said...

Linda biko show us ur bf...enough of dis gay talk jor.nor make me suspect u oooo abeg!

Anonymous said...

Would God be proud of you and all these? If you're a christian dat means you believe in the bible. The bible is clearly against this. M so burdened in my heart bcos m disappointed.. How much more Jehovah? If you approve of it or endorse it in any way as a Christian pls read 1st Timothy 1 vs 1,2,3 u can go on if u like. Aunty linda, as much as dis blog is intended to be 'hip'. U r graced with influence. Use it wisely ND be God fearing please

Unknown said...

Lol...is that the issue on ground?

I think she's just angry at someone. Do you have to vent it on social media Funmi?

Anonymous said...

Ms Adesuwa didn't say gay will make you gay... She's only trying to say it will become morally acceptable...smtng like an alternative..like variety..

Ms Air said...

Babes there is no Gbam to this, research actually shows gay people can make you gay..... It's daft that people after all, and am sorry to say actually stupid people don't find out what phycologist have said but jump to their own conclusions. Read and get enlightened, it's not a crime.

Anonymous said...

female people wont make female. did she nt hear of catryn

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

All man to him wahala abeg

Unknown said...

And so ? What's d Gbam on dis ? Abegi park well jor ... Who doesn't know that stupid people can make you mad ?

Manuel Kunmi said...

Catylin hope u read this

Anonymous said...

Tanx u!

Anonymous said...

Wen u guys are grown, den will u undastnd. Dats tweet for matured pple

Leisurely disbursing diverse information. said...

Love wins

Dr David Chux.O. said...

This is the silliest comment I have ever heard from the cursed Lesbian woman. I will take Adesuwas piece one million times over this foolishness. Gay people can influence young impressionable minds and can actually make them gay in the long run. Funmi Iyanda is gradually becoming an open sore that will need urgent treatment.

WeALTHY ChIC said...

Very tasteless indeed.

judyy said...

Her opinion....E'no Concern me

Linda's Husband said...

No matter what they do. This gay activists can NEVER intimidate us into feeling we are backward in thinking or primitive for not accepting homosexuality. We refuse to accept it. We deserve the right to refuse to accept it. We are not stupid because we refuse to accept it!!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh pls madam, just state your position clearly and stop twisting words

Karlsson said...

Wonder sense can be found in what she said before Linda said Gbam. I know Linda is quietly supporting homosexuals buh I ain't got time for that


Dreezy the quidnunc said...

U are one of those stupid people that makes one mad .. Are u hating or what? Abi u dey bad mood?

Dreezy the quidnunc said...

Liddy u again?

Dreezy the quidnunc said...

Sigh .. Something z wrong with your IQ..

Dreezy the quidnunc said...

Stupidity in pyramid form?

flimgee said...


Anonymous said...

How did this senseless talk enter media gist again ?like what is d brain here now ????? Asshole

flimgee said...

Hmmmm.....,no comment

flimgee said...


Anonymous said...

Funmi inyanda pls stay out of this gay shit. Maybe you should tell the colonial masters to approve polygamy instead, since it's consensual to. Fear God.

Anonymous said...

Things people DO NOT choose

Sexual orientation
Mental illness
Place of birth
Date of birth

Things people DO choose

Being an arsehole to people for things they DO NOT choose.

Sue Fitzmaurice / Author

Anonymous said...

So do straight people.

Anonymous said...

Because you associate with women, you don't suddenly become one if you are a man... It's not rocket science.

Anonymous said...

Please do cos must of them have been doing it since and pretent to be holy Mama and papa. #confused mad people.

adetomiwa said...

My o My... We are gradually embracing this ungodly act down here just as our Mumu nollywood embraced Halloween. no hard feelings ooo... BUT BEING GAY AIN'T RIGHT. #STAYSTRAIGHT

Anonymous said...

Rosie Said @ Diary of Dido, my thoughts exactly !!!!!!!.This old and haggard Auntie Fumi should carry this her stupid activisim somewhere else.All these straight people shouting louder than gay people, i guess when that her only daughter with Segun Odegbami comes out of the closet she will shout Hallleuya!!!!!!

Liddy said...

Please SPILL sweetie! :D

No way said...

Funmi you and linda ikeji with oynx godwyn will all account to our heavenly father on the last day. Keep supporting rubbish o

Anonymous said...

Sick puppy. Supporting trash. Hope ur asylum was granted. I hope your eyes are open someday funmi

Anonymous said...

We can start by leavin everyone to their twisted opinion who cares anyway

Anonymous said...

If u like watch her program or not,na u sabi.U believe in homosexual ,then pedophiles ,bestiality etc.
This is matter of morals and doing what's right.anus is not meant to be fucked.No wonder ll havin many diseases springing up everyday.Nonsense.

Anonymous said...

On it? So d wisdom is climbing on top of it? #deepsigh #smh @ d senseless tweet


Funmi's argument is to the effect that just as people are born male or female so people are born gay...
And just as the gender barrier can hardly be crossed or breached, so the sexuality barrier is impregnable...
Or while some are born or created by God to be homosexual; others are born or created by God to be heterosexual...
In other words, homosexuals were born homosexuals. Period. Final. That should not be controverted.
Put differently, God created homosexuality (what blasphemy)!!!!
Or, homosexuality is universally genetic, according to the lying scientists, who also proposed that God did not create the world but a Big Bang!!!!
Thus, Funmi is ruling out environmental conditioning or factors entirely from the equation...
She is also ruling out "CHoiCE" (that is, some people deliberately chose the homosexual lifestyle following some experimentation and a decision in favour of homosexuality because it was either more pleasurable or suitable for whatever reason) from the equation...
Thus, for her, homosexuality is strictly and squarely a function of genetics...
Funmi, rather than going straight to saying you are talking nonsense, I would rather start by saying you're thriving in obfuscation because I guess you know the truth but choose to be partisan to your time-honored pro-gay views..
The account of many who are lost to homosexuality is that they were victims of their environment (i.e. human orchestration)...
For example, some who were first initiated into sex by homosexual violation, have recounted that ever since they'd been locked in homosexuality...
And many more such cases, mutatis mutandis, abound...
In fact, some even caught the bug by incomprehensible metaphysical intervention, such as in strange dream encounters following which an enchantment...
Here, the story of the man delivered in SCOAN is exemplary...
Others from occult dalliances...
Others by sheer inclination to perversion, adventurism, hedonism...as in the case of bisexuals...
Please, were the men who came for Lot's visitors in the Biblical account all genetically predisposed to homosexuality???
What about men and women caught up in bestiality, were they genetically predisposed???
And the incestuous lot, are they also genetically predisposed?
I mean, were they all born that way or created by God to be incestuous or bestial, etc?
Why are idiots making homosexuality look special????
Why the labour to yank it off from the ranks of gross abnormality???
What could be worse a subterfuge than the lame claim that homosexuality is strictly and squarely a function of the genes, hence beyond moral evaluation...
Funmi Iyanda, you are talking nonsense!!!!!

Unknown said...

Nonsense talk

Anonymous said...

so the quote is inspiring to you linda,i know that anything that supports gay movement excites you, go in loving them,i serve JEHOVAH and I will always and till I die follow JEHOVAH teachings without doubt,i don't like and will never like or support the "act" of homosexuality,but I won't hate of harm the individuals engaged in it act because I am not JEHOVAH, but I will always warn the individuals not to ever try to want to convince me that their disgusting act is good.if bisi alimi,funmi iyanda and all those gay proponents are your heroes, so be it,but I write to you today that it is this your gay love that will bring you down,JEHOVAH that brought you up above all other Nigerian bloggers will use you "linda " as an example to all other Nigerian bloggers by bringing you totally down,you are trying to use this ur blog as a mouthpiece for the gay movement so go on worshipping the gays,because u will regret it.

ary said...

LOL very true.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering who the stupid people are. I sincerely hope she's not talking about God who the Creator who forbids same set marriage(Romans 1). A word of advice to you Linda, don't cross the line by promoting the things that God abhors.
By the way only fools talk without considering the implications.

Unknown said...

Rotf* Loool. Meanie!

Anonymous said...

She made no sense to me, Adesuwa still made more sense to me.

Anonymous said...

Mybe she's one? No1 knows.

Anonymous said...

What fact? That she left Segun Odegbami when the man refused to work and fend for himself? That he went to her father's house to ask for her hand in marriage and was rejected? That Odegbami till today shares his wife with Atiku? That the new wife feeds him and he lives with the woman that beats him senseless every time in her house in Ibidun? We are all so ashamed of him. Am closer to him than Funmi and I know all that go on. Stop writing what u know nothing about. Odegbami till tomorrow doesn't know how his daughter with Funmi lives. Egbon agbaya.

Anonymous said...

I u don't u are a bastard. Name her supposed partners. She has never liked and done women. She loves prick more Dan dat. As I said u are a bloody bastard if u don't spill.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What are you on? These are straight facts, Mankind has no idea how to run his affairs. If u leave the the way God has set our use of selves and direction for life the outcome is sure - we will suffer !!! and for certain.. "time will tell". God is NEVER wrong whether is 1431 BCE or 2015 C.E. #FACT

Anonymous said...

Not just funmi, see her IG page and all the people who rush to like her posts. Especially Nigerian celebs in London, most of who are gays.

Anonymous said...

Lmao, you are so stupid it's unbelievable. Did you actually read the tweet? Nigerians, I can't deal with y'all!

Jasmine Joseph said...

Abeg this shamless useless woman shld shat d hellup stop forceing ur messed up beliefs down our throat that's y ur career in Nigeria is ruined


Weird quote

Anonymous said...

Senseless quote

Unknown said...

Rubbish talk..

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Gay is not a gender dear Funmi and Linda. It's a way of life such as prostitution, stealing, raping, smoking etc and yes it is highly contagious and influences the younger ones. Is it not curious all these pro-gay lgbt ladies are still single? Are y'all gay? oya kukuma relocate to US and stop trying to make 9ja accept you cos it's never going to happen.

Anonymous said...

You must be high on some cheap drugs.

Anonymous said...

Sis, i beg to disagree. Even the bible say evil communication corrupt good matter. How much more evil association. I will advise you do a rethink before you start carrying placard too.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely stupid statement, are the gay community not trying so hard to have this gay idea represented as normal as heterosexual life style, so they target young children in schools to propagate this idea and the mouthy I too know woman is say gay people would not make you gay,... Stupid lier if gay is so naturally you don't need gay pride, the strong gay representation in popular media, all the gay marriages at the Grammy award to promote this life style... Think am now, if it's not a set agenda.. There really no need to try force gay acceptance on people who do not subscribe to a same sex, life style or marriage.. Two consenting adults can be in gay relationship, just as two consenting adults can chose to go on a crime spree like Bonny and Clyde it don't make it. Right or Normal.. It may be legal in the eyes of the American law, but the American constitution is not the rule book people of their different faith subscribe to for spiritual guidance and rule. And Fumi, should just come out if she gay, this people hiding are just so disgusting.. At least be true to your fingers self Fumi.., I disagree about gayism as a normal alternative lifestyle don't mean I hate them... So gay folks stop spreading this narrative - not everyone hate you who don't accept your life style choice.. And Linda recognize that it's evident you have a strong support for gay people, there's nothing wrong in that, just be open about it stop trying to act as if you have a neutral stand on the subject. Gram! Lol... right back at you..

Unknown said...

That last comment isn't sequential to the rest. It should have been "stupid people can't make you stupid", otherwise one could also say, "gay people can make you mad"...lol just saying..

Unknown said...

Aunty Funmi you said it all. So on point. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Aunty Funmi you said it all. So on point. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Aunty Funmi you said it all. So on point. Linda take note!

Anonymous said...

But where is the sense in this???

Anonymous said...

Absolutely stupid statement, are the gay community not trying so hard to have this gay idea represented as normal as heterosexual life style,? So what did Adesuwa say that's so wrong and Fumi statement is so right ? Are they not legislation targeting young children in schools in the UK to propagate the idea that a child can be gay if they want to? and mouthy( I too know) Fumi is "saying gay people would not make you gay" , yet they go this length. And by the way if gay is so naturally then you don't need the gay pride, the strong gay representation in popular media, all the gay marriages at the Grammy awards, etc to promote this life style. Think am now, if it's not a set agenda. Why all the fussing and arm twisting in western nation for people to accept this,because there's really no need to try force gay acceptance on people who do not subscribe to a same sex life style or marriage it you don't want to create some level of influence or easy pathway for people to be gay. So Adesuwa has all the right to her opinion and am glad and couldn't be prouder she was bold enough to speak her mind. Gay people must accept that too, everyone has a right to their views. Two consenting adults can be in gay relationship, just as two consenting adults can chose to go on a crime spree like Bonny and Clyde it don't make it. (Right or Normal.) Gay marriages may now be legal in the eyes of the American Law, but the American constitution is not the spiritual rule book the people of their different faiths subscribe to for spiritual guidance and a way of life. If same sex relationships is a sin, that's what it will always be to people who's faith categorizes it as such. I, may hate the sin, but yet still love the sinner- the fact I disagree about gayism as a normal or even as an alternative lifestyle don't mean I hate you.. So gay folks or gay supporters stop spreading the narrative - that everyone hates you who don't accept your life style choice.. MORE POWER to SISTER ADESUWA, and fumi should just come out already if she is gay, enough of the hiding

James said...

Absolutely stupid statement, are the gay community not trying so hard to have this gay idea represented as normal as heterosexual life style,? So what did Adesuwa say that's so wrong and Fumi statement is so right ? Are they not legislation targeting young children in schools in the UK to propagate the idea that a child can be gay if they want to? and mouthy( I too know) Fumi is "saying gay people would not make you gay" , yet they go this length. And by the way if gay is so naturally then you don't need the gay pride, the strong gay representation in popular media, all the gay marriages at the Grammy awards, etc to promote this life style. Think am now, if it's not a set agenda. Why all the fussing and arm twisting in western nation for people to accept this,because there's really no need to try force gay acceptance on people who do not subscribe to a same sex life style or marriage it you don't want to create some level of influence or easy pathway for people to be gay. So Adesuwa has all the right to her opinion and am glad and couldn't be prouder she was bold enough to speak her mind. Gay people must accept that too, everyone has a right to their views. Two consenting adults can be in gay relationship, just as two consenting adults can chose to go on a crime spree like Bonny and Clyde it don't make it. (Right or Normal.) Gay marriages may now be legal in the eyes of the American Law, but the American constitution is not the spiritual rule book the people of their different faiths subscribe to for spiritual guidance and a way of life. If same sex relationships is a sin, that's what it will always be to people who's faith categorizes it as such. I, may hate the sin, but yet still love the sinner- the fact I disagree about gayism as a normal or even as an alternative lifestyle don't mean I hate you.. So gay folks or gay supporters stop spreading the narrative - that everyone hates you who don't accept your life style choice.. MORE POWER to SISTER ADESUWA, and fumi should just come out already if she is gay, enough of the hiding.. GBAM!

yourstrulyblogposts.blogspot.com said...

Hahahahahahaahahha nice one


Clap for yourself woman. . . And you wished the tweet were cool? Rubbish!


Unknown said...

Who got her mad hmmm!!!

Anonymous said...

Iyanda what are you saying. please the statement you made is totally out of order.
try again

Oby said...

Big fool!! nobody is contesting that but dont force it down my throat please!!! dont force me to accept what i do no believe in because we will have a big problem if you do.shes reffering to Adesuwa.

Unknown said...

This tweet makes no sense..... dear Linda don't hype it ooo.

Unknown said...

sister are u vexing? tru talk sha


I think I know what she means.only she didn't tweet it sensibly.

Pls visit www.naijagraphy.com

Unknown said...

Na so oooo

Anonymous said...

U guys are so senseless.u don't need to comment on everything especially when u don't know the meaning.for u to have a fone that access LIB is not a reason to comment on everything u see.what she wrote is very simple and reasonable for those that understand.
There are certain things u cant choose in life. U learn how to live with it.simple

Unknown said...

Big sister Funmi,
guy ppl & female pple: aren't they the mad n stupid ppl? if everybody goes the way of the guy and female ppl way isn't the world going to go crazy? isn't the world going to go extinct? is there going to be next generation? is there going to be children to be adopted 'cause they talk of adopting kids.
You know what? If you are right and you are sincere, you are only sincerely wrong. Nature (God,if you believe in Him)didn't get it wrong when he made them male n female.

If all this liberals that wants us to live off our conscience are allowed the world will go upside down. We cannot allow them to ruin our generation. Level of morality has drastically fallen and its painful, if someone like Sister Funmi with all her social status and clout, who then sounded like a christian and morally okay is talking like this, there is a big problem, i better be wrong in my assumption that she is in support of gay-ism. Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron 1timothy 4 vs 2

OSINANL said...

no matter what, I wont accept gay people
I prefer stupid people to gay people

Etsako Pearl said...

Yea.That's cuz she is a lesbo......Tueeh!

Secretman said...

Segun odegbami is lazy
He played nigeria national team, wat did ur lazy father do?
He has a column In a national daily, yet he is lazy?
His daughter with funmi, a love child wit anoda spouse?
His wife beat him silly, or lets her? U are the type that takes a man softness for stupidity...oponu somebody

Anonymous said...

1 Romans and so God has given those people over to do the filthy things their Hearst desire and they do shameful things with each other, they exchange the truth about God for a lie, they worship and serve what God has created instead of the creator himself, who is to be praised forever! Amen
Romans 1:26 because they do this, God has given them over to shameful passions. Even the women pervert the natural use of their sex by unnatural acts. 27 in the same way men give up natural sexual relations with women and burn with passion for eachother. Men do shameful things with each other, and as a result they bring upon themselves the punishment they deserve for their wrong doings! He who has ear let him hear

Anonymous said...

I just do not understand. I hold her in high esteem until now. A male may not make me a man but moving with a criminal can make you into one. Evil communication corrupts good manners - hope she has not forgotten so soon.

Diary of Dido said...

Thank you.

Diary of Dido said...

God bless you for this comment.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I am getting tired of Linda's blog, always supports the act of homosexuality, no good news anymore. so bored. Nonsense.

Unknown said...

Linda what is gbam abt what Funmi said? She spoke stupidly without considering God's view of the matter and guess what? Its made me mad

Real Jewel said...

We know Funmi Iyanda is not a Christian and has always been a LGBT Supporter..
This isnt a surprise..
She better change and give her life to Christ, after having a baby for Segun Odegbami. She is now an LGBT crusader.. Its a shame.

Etsako Pearl said...

No mind gay ass punk!

Etsako Pearl said...


kech said...

I agree with her!!

Unknown said...

Oro agba

Quote said...

Great quote. Thanks!!!

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