“An eye-opener”, “Educative”, “Wow! So much fun”. These are
some of the words that have been used to describe the radio program called
We all know
how very important The Woman is in the family and in the society at large. We
also know how quite complex The Woman can be to those who do not really
understand her. We know how women love to express themselves and give their
thoughts on various issues.
All these put
together, birth Wivesroundtable Radio Show; to give, regular everyday women an
opportunity to speak their minds on issues while learning and teaching others –
all in a relaxed very informal atmosphere.
Radio Show’s sole objective is to create a better woman, a better family circle
and a better society (by extension). We achieve this by discussing topics that
will educate, inspire and encourage The Woman and also help the men understand
the woman better.
Listening to
Wivesroundtable Radio Show, you hear women let down their hair, be themselves
and just gist. No airs, no ‘formings’, nothing!
Many women
have testified to how listening to Wivesroundtable and hearing the sound
suggestions, advise and admonishing from most of our reputable guests, have
made them better people.
Lots of
husbands have also testified to how the show has helped them better understand
women, in general and their wives, specifically.
Wivesroundtable currently airs on
Inspiration FM 92.3 Lagos every Thursday from 8.05pm and is proudly powered by
Golden Penny Pasta and Golden Penny Noodles.
Please tune in!
Wivesroundtable Online –
We, at
Wivesroundtable, also know that it’s not all issues women face that they speak
about. Sometimes they feel talking about a certain issue will tarnish the
‘perfect’ picture they have painted for themselves and their families. Or that
people will start looking at them ‘somehow’ when they know what they are going
through. And so they just keep quiet and bottle things up. We realize this. But
we also know the dangers of bottled up emotions! Gory tales we hear these days
of seeming calm, collected women killing and maiming their spouses could be
traced to emotions bottled up. And that’s why we have http://forum.wivesroundtable. net/ - a forum within our website www.wivesroundtable.net.
This Forum
allows all women to share their stories, their questions, and their thoughts on
anything, without fear of being judged or labelled while getting
suggestions/advise from fellow women. This is achieved by registering with a
Username of one’s choice. Registration is free and very straightforward and
will give you an opportunity to post topics in the Forum and reply to posted topics.
Knowing you
can talk about anything freely gives a sense of freedom and liberty and getting
sound advice in the process makes it all the more better!
The website, www.wivesroundtable.net, also gives information on so many other aspects of
womanhood – Beauty & Lifestyle, Pregnancy, Children, General Health and
News/Entertainment. So check it out today and you will be glad you did!
You could
also check us out on
Facebook – www.facebook.com/ wivesroundtable.net
– Giving the everyday Nigerian woman a voice!
1st here Linda take note
Alright! Radio talks are interesting anyways #onelovefromSnow#
good move
good move
Wow! I'm a huge of fan of WivesRound table,although I don't stay at Lagos,I always stay connected via twitter.
Good job they're doing,wishing them the best.
good move
ok oh, I hope the show stands the test of time.
Great idea.
*Anticipate new songs #Ugomma #Onyinyemu #Oyorima
Very interesting. I have to tune in biko.
I trust it would make sense...but there is something about Coolfm that do not allow me listen to other radio station.
Please click on my name for Fashion/Fitness/Beauty tips
Lady stuff
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
so when would mens round table start?
Nice 1.
Ok o. Keeping finger crossed
I think this will be cool, nice one
Women where una oya let's go there!
this is really a good start...the program will make a lot of sense
Ok. Noted.
Women are our mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, aunts, among others. They deserve every respect and dignity for their role being women beings because they are recognised religiously, nationally, internationally and traditionally. Let not maltreat them, they are the nations, without women who will give birth to another generations to come? I guess not me as a man, not u as a man, not us as men, not u as men, but WOMEN. I RESPECT YOU. mjabdulk@gmail.com
Nice concept,sounds interesting
It sure will be educative.
We need this. Cuz some wives sef, dem dey over do.
That's a good one, women will be able to share their good and bad times without fear of been back stabbed. esebeauty21@yahoo.com
That's a good one, women will be able to share their good and bad times without fear of been back stabbed. esebeauty21@yahoo.com
They should share their experiences and opinions weh weh oh.
Will be part of it,cos it sounds educative
Women issues
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