In the new song titled 'Fire Squad', J.Cole calls out the famous white artists. He spits;
"History repeats itself and that’s just how it goes / Same way that these rappers always bite each other’s flows / Same thing that my ni**a Elvis did with rock ‘n’ roll / Justin Timberlake, Eminem, and then Macklemore,"
"While silly ni**as argue over who gon’ snatch the crown / Look around my ni**a, white people have snatched the sound / This year I’ll probably go to the awards dappered down / Watch Iggy win a Grammy as I try to crack a smile.”
1st here
That's their own cup of lemon #onelovefromSnow#
Yeah its true
I feel his pain cos his career is closin up coz of new white rappers on da block
~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~
Oga J. Cole don vex...
Odiegwu really...
My friend stop whining and work hard.Competition is the name of the game
I love his lyrics. And yes white people are imitating black rappers. <>. <> LIVE FROM PORT NOVIA>>
Lol that's my nigger but trust Eminem to fire back
They are just competiting with us. We are the special people, we got what they don't have and they are coping from us and at the same time hating on us. Oh my Africa.
I have been discussing this with my friends. They seem to be doing more of African style and still win awards. Whereas none of these black guys could boast of any one. Dats nopt fair at all.
*Anticipate #Ugomma #Onyinyemu #Oyorima
Sigh,,,i really don't get y music is stereotyped to race!!!
He dint diss linda!!! He spoke the damn truth!!!!
Hmmmmm. He juzt signed hiz Dis warrant! #MurderEminem.
different colours 1 people!black or white we are 1!
They will just keep complaining. Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, August Alsina... Aren't they blacks? My nigger, shut the fuck up and work harder.
J cole dont mind them,they love doing black this but can defend black...one model dise Iggy about this same issue yesterday..
Lols I totally agree with d dude o...
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He splits it out Perfectly
Nice flow
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
He didn't diss anybody u dumb bitch. Hahaha (it's either u under hip-hop or u don't)... I've got luv for u Linda but u a dumb bitch sometimes lol
He has a point. The interesting thing is that J.Cole is the product of mixed race parents; his mother is white.
They all need to up their game to remain top.
No b 2day matter na E Don tee
j.cole spoke the truth,he didnt diss no one...come to think of it...IGGY???to me she says shit..eminem,i cn relate wiv....jcole hits it hard.i respect..download his album FOREST HILLS DRIVE.....thank me later
Na so life be... nwa na eme tuwari
Hummmmmmmm someone is angry
The hustle is real.
Don't get the disc in this
Not interested. Na dem sabi ooo. M i dey look for daily money to buy food. Na dey dan dey du music for demselves, dey don full deir bele pass others. mjabdulk@gmail.com
Keep dissing
Later ull say ur acct was hacked
Lol @d last line
Buh linda, how is this dissing now
He is being truthful
I dint really lyk d list of winners
Seems like they were compensating alotta pple who ordinary dnt stand a chance
So true, I feel you, bro.
And if you he doesn't win it, he will swallow his stuff. Blacks still leading fine.
Hmmm, racist tins. Na them sabi
Really?..I don't even like Iggy's rap, never felt her flow at all. so I wonder what people love abt her songs....
This isn't a diss, this is just a gospel truth! That's what's happening!
Deep and true. Never imagine Iggy winning AMA rapper/album of the year ahead Eminem. while Kendrick Lamar has been ignored.
Fakoyejo Olalekan
Umm Frankly i ship Eminem..Iggy is one big badass and cole! he can as well go fuck a dick..
Lol... I love this lyrics!!!
~Linda na me~
Yeah. Them albinos taking over the sound, just ain't right. I feel you on this one, J Cole. I really do
Eminem is the kind of diss so park well a J.Cole despite u r saying d truth.
Talk of white privilege!
Na only Eminem deserve to win award among these white rappers. Will dey ever giv a black award for doing a' white' song? Racism seems to be hidden in the fabrics of the world system. Iggy Azalea be rapping shit. Macklemore is just gay and dats all. Doznt deserve shit.
linda calm down,that wasn't a diss... u go like fight oh linda..he right about that...
Linda ooooooooo .......... That's not a diss song, he's just spitting FACT.....he was only sounding logical.. . Seriously why will iggy beat drake and eminem for an award.... That's bullshit........ Cole thumbs up... (•͡.̮ •͡ )
Lol. He's so dead, dissing eminem
Dude suck it up. No one said a particular was meant for the blacks or whites. Everyone is after what fetches them money. They can choose to sing like Flavor and Phyno if they like.
Anything for publicity.
. it wasn't a diss ..but an observation...was what he said a lie? ..there goes the media blowing shit out of proportion...
plus..listen to the song before you conclude
Lmao. Nigga is even jewish and not american. Wants to win another man's Award
Naked truth. Dude just hit the nail on the Head. All this ish is a conspiracy by the white dominated entertainment industry. Sometimes u can't fight some power no matter how much u try.
who is jcole to Eminem.jcole is really crossing his musical jurisdiction.by the time he gets dam broke,eminem will buy his estate and give it to him back as gift just as he did to micheal jackson
the struggle between whites and blacks
*true talk* like wat dey ve takn away 4rm black ppl isnt enuf, u also wan tak away d music along wf d awards #*karlishah*
He can diss iggy nd macklemore cuz dey re nt tru hiphop artist bt eminem nd timberlake re very good nd talented tho.
Na wah ooo
Word!! It's not a diss but an advice to black people to step up on what they own
Well yeah, it use to be a black thing.. Iggy chills wit T. I, while Eminen chills wit Dr Dre and 50 cent. The black trick has been discovered. Lol
Iggy don suffer....everyone seems to have an opinion abt her lately......this is d kind of shit dat drives pple to d edge*sucide* I reject it 4 her sha.Still gat mad love 4 J.cole sha.
Well if you ever cross that line......
That's all I have to tell him
Why so much hate? You say you love Linda yet your words are hateful. BIATCH.
Best head falls in the game...
I really don't think it's a diss towards the aforementioned. I think he is not happy with the politics involve in the award academy.
White always wanna copy us
He ain't lying. They have more cross over appeal.
New beef
Chill troll ... Shit ain't a diss .. It's called rap n staying true to the art and yes he's right about iggy n Macklemore .. The EM thing was a reference EM himself made to Elvis jacking rock n roll from blacks folks ! .. Thank me later ! Ps his album drops on the 9th
wait a second isn't his mother a white woman? stop throwing shades they are trying jCole is the product an black American and a Caucasian woman and he is light skinned man but because of the one drop rule any person that has non European features is not considered Caucasian so get your life
Eminem is well grounded and talented. J.cole should work harder and stop dissing.
You're so stupid for calling her a dumb bitch. Your parents didn't bring you up in a good way. Idiotic fool.
U spoke the truth
Linda from the hind sight it's actually not a diss, he is just telling his black hip hop crew that the white people are beating them at their game. Not even close to a diss
Nice one
JT isn't even a rapper. He doesn't fit.
But that's his point. All the hard work will go unnoticed because the industry is favouring whites. Country, Rock and pop will never recognise blacks like hip hop is giving preference to people with white skin and no flava.
Without Dre who has Eminem proven to be? And it's not about the money. And errr... sorry kid but the MJ thing you said is bollocks
Exactly!! Linda, if some oyinbo girl starts a naija blog and peeps flock to her you would feel heated.
Linda o, how did J.Cole diss these white guys? He didn't diss them at all...he only was just telling Black guys to step up their games on the rap scene cos these white guys are winning a lot of the hip hop awards these days.
Linda o, how did J.Cole diss these white guys? He didn't diss them at all...he only was just telling Black guys to step up their games on the rap scene cos these white guys are winning a lot of the hip hop awards these days.
my rhymes, my lines my guns my knife my target? all you white niggas started rapping...Notorious B.I.G
Just like SIA using RI RI's voice mtcheeeew
Just as SIA uses RI RI's voice
E concern dem
Wdh linda u re soooo racist, y call them white people?? What does stating their colour gotta do with d post.. You need to write like a knowledge nd international blogger to go places, these people can sue ur ass for discrimination
The sky is bif6 enough for all birds to fly...live and let live Jcole
The sky is big enough for all birds to fly, live and let live Jcole.
Kinda of trur
But awards are won buy popularity not validity... iggy is getting all these awards b'cos pple love her. When Eminem came out he had a lot of hate, he had to fight for what he got. Macklemore is actually a good rapper (not hardcore) but good and he got that award due to the social statement he made but it all boils down to popularity. When you ask an average American on the street to name rap artists he'll name Eminem, jayz, Kanye, wizzy, Nicki, rick Ross, etc and the name Jcole won't even cross his mind you know what the people I named have in common ( apart from their incredible talent) they have controversy and people actually talk about them
"Type of music" not music
Please remove dat lord from your name douchebag.....iggy makes good music cos she's talented.....find ur talent and stop dissing dose dat hav one motherfucking flacko
is the white accent already getting boring now that they wanna switch to the black accent?
Iggy is an Australian
Must u comment, why read n talk when u know it adds no value to u....
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