When asked if she would leave earth as a “never-married” woman, Oprah made her feelings very clear. “Yes,” she told Access Hollywood. “Yeah, I think that’s my final answer.”
News, Events, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty, Inspiration and yes... Gossip! *Wink*
“I think that it’s interesting that you would ask it because I thought about it again at Tina Turner’s wedding. Because Tina was like, ‘Oprah, you need to do this. You need to do it.’ I was just thinking, ‘Well, OK, would things really be different?’ And no, I don’t think so. If you ever interviewed him (Stedman), he would tell you that had we married, we would not be together today, because he’s a traditional man and this is a very untraditional relationship.”Oprah also explained that she couldn’t be a wife because the word holds responsibilities she doesn’t feel capable of handling.
Bad decision
Woah wat a decision.nwaiz oprah its left to u nobdy will force u
Bcos she dont want to belong to the list of divorced marriages or what?...27years of dating is as good as being married to the person bcos you do what married couples do!!
Good for her
I TOTALLY agree with all she said.
"Never Wed Your Lady For Marriage Is Love's Greatest Enemy".
Onukwu, wiv all the money you could have arranged a child for yourself even if you don't want to be married. Instead you are busy raising dogs.
Its all upto both of dem. They wear d shoes
linda i can see ur mentor is encouraging u
Who cares? Another misleading example from adults who should no better. Very selfish indeed.
Come out Madam.
Aint nobody bizness! Its her life nd her choice! She can't av kids anymore b4, so wahs d point? ¯\..(•͡.̮ •͡ )../¯
Like seriously?...
How to be a First Commentator to a Post on LIB
I have noticed the way that some people tag themselves "first to comment" on LIB and decided that this issue deserves a closer scrutiny. Some of those who leave this comment have no clue that there were other comments awaiting Linda's approval before theirs. Trust Linda, she must chop life before approving comments. So, these folks show their ignorance by commending themselves as "first to comment."
In view of the embarrassment that this brings, I have decided to offer potential first time commentators these "Tips to Be the First to Comment on LIB post."
1. Open a gmail account. Send a mail to Linda on lindaikejia@gmailcom. Do not worry because she will not respond to the mail. The mail is just to get her listed on the left panel of your gmail account.
2. Type a "first to comment message" and keep it handy on your browser.
3. Watch out when Linda comes online at gmail- the black dot beside her name turns green.
4. Immediately she makes a post, do not read the post. Jam your comment and click post.
If it works, be the first to comment on the next post. Linda might decide to give an award to the first commentator to her post on her birthday.
Who knows.
Whatever rocks her boat.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Well she's being sincere.Bt hey woman"U re not d 1st woman to remain unmarried"andd again,WE DON'T GIVE A HOOT!!
Am behind u
For her pocket
who frikn fuckn cares. THE ONLY HAUSA MAN DAT BLOGS
she wouldn't be the first
True talk oprah.....marriage is not easy...involve a lot of stress....inlaw wahala....d man will not treat d wife like shit cos he has paid d bride price...d only beauty is d children.....I wish I have so much money,- cud prefer to b single than married....tired of my marriage already...
Whatever granny. Get a child
hahaha,sum pple jst 1 die with living a mark for dis world
So why complainig then. Die unmarried, that's your choice. At we were young, girls choose. Now we are older, men choose. Ladies be prayful, honest and loving, so we men will choose to put you as a wife, not a girl friend. Cheers. Engr Emy
Erm over to her
dats oprah......
Marriage is not compulsory naa, let her rest....
Too bad.Though she can still change her mind.
Gud fr u coz na btw u nd ur God
Marriage ιѕ a great deal of job. â„“̊ do not blame her though.
Linda, she is your 'role model' abi? Anyway Oprah, what u have not experienced u don't miss.
Never expecting her to get married.... Live as so pleases u.. Great woman
Hmmmmm! Dese women, wen they get $Æ¡̴̴͡ wild they cant cope wt marriage responsibilities
did Oprah get a nose job??? Madam Linda post ma comment ooo
We have heard.
Hmmmn... I see...
Women like Oprah know that marriage is not for them not because of the responsibilites and problems that eventually lead to Divorce, but because she knows herself very well. She will cheat on him ( that's if she hasn't already started). The only reason he's still hanging on to her is because she's one of the most powerful woman in the World. No reasonable man will waste his years without an issue if she's not considerate. Its the God's honest truth.
an she help oder ppl marriages....dats pathetic...
Well thats her way, and a lot of people will subscribe to it... She has gotten to a level where she feels submission is not useful to her, but she has a soul-mate. I think if the soul-mate moved on in search of a traditional life, her perspective will be changed.. But I guess the problem is the soul-mate, who is sulking up to her, and acting a fool in this relationship.
Like someone said, for every relationship to work, someone has to act a fool. That is what Oprah's partner is anyway.. a fool, dimming his own wishes and desire for an apparently choleric and strong willed woman who doesn't send him one bit.
Linda, you still got enough time. Your husband is on the way.
Hmmmm oma shee o,d devil is a deceiver o, wen she no b norms.
My dear if its the best for you then no p....its better as u are married to your job than 1 useless man.....2916d807
Being in a r/ship dat Long also count as being married so I don't c d diff and I don't really care if she eventually get married,as long as she's happy wit him dats all dat matas.
Hmnnn....but they do everything married couples do right??
Each to his/her own. On the last day every man go give I'm on account before God.
Why and why they did this and did nor do that. Everyone will be answerable
Here's hoping Linda isnt having any ideas!
Oshi o da n'le pako.......make she no marry NA she God go blame...........iranu of d highest order
Oprah would have gotten married. The only reason she is not married is because she does not want to get married to her kind (color). Remember when she was growing up she lived with a white man and thought he would marry her but the man dumped her and got married to a white woman. Then she opted for steadman and steadman is .... you know.
And yet she and Stedman were once engaged to be married. They've never explained why they broke the engagement but remained together.
Oprah would have gotten married. The only reason she is not married is because she thought all Black men are below her. She does not want to get married to a Black man. At a time she lived with a white man whom she thought would marry her but the white man dumped her and got married to a white woman. Then she hooked up to Steadman and you know Steadman is ....you know.
Such a handsome man when he was young and Oprah has a nose job.well that's her own cup of tea beside it is not a history so many have ended up that way.marriage is a good thing one need to give it a shot her choice anyways
Different strokes for different folks
Good 4 her.
Good for Her. Crazy about Recipes? Then checkout chichiscuisine.blogspot.com
It's her life nd she is living it. Don't luv her any less............ my role model of life.
ehhn she should leave naa, dem dey beg shit make e smell? she ain't even that relevant no more.
Nawah o
Dats her own business btw, evryone has got issues! But ds oyinbo pple ar nt well sha, so dat black pet dog is her baby? Atleast she shld have tried 2 hav a child, evn if its one.
Who Crares........abeg linda unto d next
ok, we don hear
She is surely not the first,,so whatever she does is none of my biz,,,its her life anyway!
Oprah is not about what u can handle for there is no word like impossible. If u believe & have faith surely u will prosper. God said go into the world & multiply & subdue the earth, if u really do not want to get married then why sticking with a man in a relationship for this long? I don't have the right to judge u but get to legalize this relationship before u die in fornication.
I support. :)
I really just want her to have a baby. or adopt (though not the same). Who is gonna inherit all that money….Gail's daughter?
Mumu woman.
K oh...... Good for her
wish her well, if she thinks thats best for her. Goodluck
I totally feel her. We need to be honest with ourselves in life, not pandering to society's or people's ideas of how we should live
She is not serious, she just want to make headlines.
So technically dey r fuck mates...dts gud
Linda, BIKO NU. I hope u r not following Oprah's footsteps??
Wow. I actually taught she should be having grand kids at this time
Bether for u ma darling so long as u are hgappy with ur self nd ur life, nd u dont feel lonly in anyway wats there in marriage anyways.
Marriage is not a must is ur choice if u r free 4rm burnin passion so be it no marriage in heaven everitin end here but hope u r not havin sexual relationship wit dis man if yes u r in big soup wit God biscos sex is 4 married pple not boy friend & girl friend
I like her 4that.she always speak her peace whether pipo accept it or not...oooih well!!!
Am in my 20s and i feel like marriage is not for me....kids yesLord, marriage...eeeeehhhhh i nid mo time.lol
Hmmmm. Well datz ur life. First to comment. Linda my creditooo
Why I love Oprah?
She's downright down-to-earth and honest..
No playing to the gallery for her...
Many know they are not cut out for marriage..
But would rather choose to get married just to fit the norm and meet social expectations..
Sometimes this tends to spell their undoing...
Many people's prosperity is tied to their being single..
And they know it...
They know that marriage will spell the end to their financial success...
And yet they take the plunge and get burnt, of course..
Get married if you must; if you feel it is right and absolutely necessary..
And not just because you want to appear like the Joneses, even if it might not be in your best interest!
This just shows that marriage is not for Everyone , but I don't understand why she does not want kids.
Sooo Lindiway, na your mentor she be ba? See na Naija we dey o! Forget this her yarn, ur pple go finish u with yab! Lol.
*wink*......dah 1 don turn curse oh...
Ok and you? Aunty linda? Cos u like marriage talk. Cheap gossip!
That's her headache..
"If its not broken don't fix it"
is dah nuptialphobia or wat? Na una saby
Na ur problem be dat. That what u get a feminist extremist.
Dats ur business!!! KUNZA CAPS
Vanity upon vanity all are wealth will be left behind and inherited by person that never work for it
With All Due Respect I Think Oprah Winfrey Is Insane How Can You Leave This World Without Marry Not To Talk Of Having Kids Perhaps Oprah Needs A Sociology
Not everyone in US has to marry but they all have Uncle Sam. Good for her.
Ms Winfrey we thank God for you. Relationships mean a lot of different things to a lot of very different people.
Lol ur 2 old 4 marriage Oprah go n rest wif d LORD
Tanks oprah for being sincere again!
Marriage is not a do or die affair!
As long as u r happy with urself!
Good for her waiting concern fuel with bicycle see me see wahala o
Na she knw if she lik mak she no marry na her swag.. By d time she reach heaven angels go ask her where her wedding ring. Na dat time body go tel her..
Her Choice....Ur choice in life wil make or mar u. I guess her own is right 4 her.
Click my name 4 freebies.
Fair enough. She has no obligation to...she is not Christian, Muslim or compelled to. She looks better now than in the 90s picture.....Doctor or gene?
Hmmm..oprah u re mi role model..i mean ur career n financial height..*smiles* but me I wan dy happily married with children oh..
First to coment....dassol
Linda, make I be your own Steadman jor.
Whatever floats her boat...
As u like it Oprah!... Wow! 27yrs is such a long time! I wish u both love & happiness...#SuperWoman#RoleModel#ilove u
Not cool atalll
Dat is her own business if she choose nt 2marry, she prefer hvin a boyfrd so dat she can b havin sex.
Why?? What will marriage contribute to her life apart from pain? Marriage benefits men, not women. She has achieved more than most married women will ever achieve. Men destroy marriages
Nobody wants you Engr Emy so go and sit down. Nobody is praying to be your wife
TA! Sharrap dere! Whr is it written in the bible that angels will ask for wedding ring? Liar!! Na by force to marry? Even Saint Paul did not recommend marriage but said if u nor fit hold bodi, then marry. Stop lying jor!
Ur gbagaun is makin u insane as well...hahahaa, is she d first? She won't b d last either...so many old cargoes in naija r unmarried..
you are such a clown
Nna dis ur comment is mean
... lol
Nothing in life is guaranteed apart from death. What is d guarantee dt the kids wont die before her, all one owes herself is to be happy, if having kids ll mk u happy then fine, but having kids cos of inheritance is absolutely silly cos d children myt die before u or even same day u die. E.g the only son of TFC, d Ayene's dat died in d dana crash and d list is endless.
You are a big fool. Arrange a child my ass. Oprah established a school in SA that gives the best education to young girls that don't paid 10kobo for anything. They sleep on sheets that u find in only 7 star hotels. You are the talking rubbish, what have you done for anybody? What are you done for even that bingo dog on your street? Be thr judging people that are changing lives all around the world. Ode Oshi
That what her jazz man told her now...make she no marry and mke she no born pickn...rme
Are u married?? If u are not they there dey decive ursef no go find husband
Ode, sociology ke? Olodo
This woman must be an aetheist. She doesnt know God and doesnt read her bible. She can't even define her purpose of living. God commanded we shld multiply and be fruitful not only in our finances but also in our body. Arrogance and Marriage phobia dey worry dis woman. Suit urself #Spencer#
Perhaps you need an English teacher.
She is raising lots of kids, though she never adopted 1 for herself. She has a school in south Africa for girls, where she is responsible for their tuition. A school for the poor ones. And she sees them all as her kids. Plus all the good stuff she has done on her show. The lives she has helped & things she has given away. I think that is fair enuf. Some even more than what some people can do for their own child. God bless her.
LMAO! U must be a student, cos u must have lots of time on ur hands to have typed the "helpful" post, and I'm sure u have done it many times and it worked.ASUU do and call off strike oooo
I love her even more NW.
ezinwa ur so funny, love the post...
Na she sabi,if she like make she marry if she like make she no marry...abeg I dey look 4 watin 2 chop
Lmfao....if only am that jobless
Wait shei wedding ring n d pass code ni. Smh 4 u
That's her decision though...God help u ma'am
Which dogs is she raisingv with all the things she went through? Do you think it is easy for her to marry? Ode!
And how is she selfish eh?
Mehn that was harsh!
If she get pikin, no wahala then.
Bull ...
So how does wedding ring take you to heaven? May God give you sense sha.
Mehn that was harsh!
And how is she selfish eh?
Which dogs is she raisingv with all the things she went through? Do you think it is easy for her to marry? Ode!
Make it work and stop complaining!!b!
Oprah said the same thing when she was interviewed by Piers Morgan and i respect her decision. Oprah has impacted the lives of more children and the world in general than millions of women would ever dream of doing. She has sacrificed her own need for the good of the world. Think about all the charitable work she has and continues to do namely the leadership academy for girls in South Africa, the generous giveaways from cash, to cars, to houses to all the guests on the oprah show, $10 millions dollar after hurricane Katrina, the oprah winfrey scholarship to more than 400 young black men at morehouse college the most prestigious school for black boys in america to mention a few.
The world needs people like this in every generation that can light the earth and leave it better than they met it. Makes me wonder if women can attain such heights in marriage.
Marriage may not be her calling but changing the world definitely is.
Really Kelly Peter? The Angels in heaven ask women for their wedding rings before they enter heaven? Cool Story!
Abeg how e take concern 9ja
Not her fault na. I blame d puppy dog of a man who followed her like a dummy for almost thirty years eating money and raising dogs. He has wasted his life and reason for existence cos his only achievement is being Oprah's lover!
Wow. So bad.
Make Naira Online
U self get time observ al des ones!!!I shuld b more concern abt bn d first In GOD's Book of Mercy nt bn d first on Linda's freakin post!!
Watin concern me if she nor marry hissssssssssssssss........................
It's her choice and people should respect that.
You go fear 'choose to put you as a wife' na... Very funny comment. Anyway, to each his own biko. If you like, don't carry your cross. Be following Oprah.
Good for you Oprah. Contentment is the Key. Marriage is not for everyone
=))º°˚˚˚°ÂºÐ½aĦaнaº°˚˚˚°Âº=)) ezigbo onye nkuzi. Idikwa funny.
U freaking f*cking care. Dats why u commented. Next time, u better not comment if u don't care.
And what makes it bad?
Ups and downs of life.
Who's gonna inherit all the billions? #eyesrolling# I don't mind being adopted thou.
Funny u! @ ezinwa
Pele o @ anon 2:39
Ode pataki
i bet yall single ladies just got an O-gasm right now.smh
So does having a husband n children makes one's life whole?
On d judgement day all man for himself!
Perhaps u need a therapy for thinking dis way.
Make she go rest,she won't be the first to leave d earth without getting married. We are reading her story cuz she's a celeb. She for no dey nack na
U r a clown! Lol.
Tnk you Ezinwa.
Seriously i'm married and i see no big deal in it.my husband who pretended to adore me b4 marriage talks down on me like i am worth nothing.honestly,i wish there was no sin like fornication and i wish i was born in a different country where marriage wasnt seen as a big deal i would have so loved to just be in a relationship but the difference is i would have kids because i love kids but not be under any man who doesnt treat me right because he feels he has married me and so can treat me like am nothing. Alot of married women in Nigeria feel this way so no need pretending.i meet women everyday at work,church,saloon,weddings,etc and it is the same old story from everyone of them.May God help us
If you have a problem with that, then kill yourself. Its that simple.
Looool"funny comments all the way . . .
Lmfaooooo.....dis is making me laugh seriously. just to be d first see struggle. lmfao
so funny! Thanks for the tip.
Story that touches the ass! Mtcheeeeeew
Oprah! Oya stiill born one naaa! All ur money.........Chai!
Add me up on 24C148B8 To get oprah's hair.
I think dis is self centeredness becos of money,u don't want to marry and have ur own kids,Very funny world we live in,Well let her be or do wht she wants But "But time will come money will never be every thin or buy the space of a Child in her life.....
God will heal you!
@linda,this woman case will never allowed you to marry oooooo..
na who will remember her if she one time goes?money goes,,life goes,,money go,,name in the write of those who like her can remember her birth day,,from swiss,we no bi enemy oooo
Her decision seems to fulfill her, no matter what we might think or say.
Naija women...see as they gasped in droves because someone said she will not marry. All your theories na wash, this woman fends for more children than you can physically birth.. Half of you don't even really raise your babies right, grandma, tv and nannies are doing the work for you. O and all these men here shaking their heads...Biko comot. Go and examine those women you have slavishly put in your homes, if they had the choice...they'd be free from you too.
Everyone will not marry. It is not a sin. You na hear? One minded lot.
If you were as rich as Oprah, you may not want to marry. She had a difficult childhood and decided never to have kids too. She may have hated such kids because of all the nasty things done to her.
People are very selfish and judge other people by their own culture or religion. Oprah is not an African woman who is expected to marry at all costs. She is happier the way she is.
The money she has is too much that it would not finish even after she dies. The person who said money would finish and kids would be there does not know how rich Oprah is.
Did I read some bastard on this thread bashing Oprah for declaring her independence from marriage as the best route to happiness for her?
In fact one of the assholes said Oprah doesn't know what she wants from life for taking the decision...
How big an imbecile could you ever be?
Some even say she doesn't read the Bible, that's why..
Hello...I doubt if you too have read your Bible well enough..
Let me come at you..
Oprah is rich, a billionaire at that!
But you are as broke as the melting ice cap in the Antarctica..
Oprah has been in one monogamous relationship for over 25 years...I guess yours haven't lasted 6 months...
I am even sure this arrangement will see Oprah's relationship with Stedman lasting another 30 years...
Tell me a relationship more stable, more successful as hers...
Oprah and Stedman love each other so much, looking deliciously cute their age, and smart to the hilt to know that what they share mustn't be sacrificed on the alter of marriage...it appears to me a mutual decision; so why cry more than the bereaved..
I am sure you are not that smart...
Tell you: the ultimate pursuit in live is happiness..
Not marriage..
If marriage won't give you happiness, why tolerate it?
Marriage is therefore only a means not an end...
2, You don't need marriage to have sex..
What you need to have sex is a mature genitalia, a willing partner, and perhaps love..
So, cut the crap and stop rushing into marriage thinking that's the only route to having sex...fetch your Bible and challenge me on this..I'm waiting..
All, we as saying, which Oprah is also telling you indirectly is: get married with clarity of mind and meaning...
Don't get me wrong...
Marriage is good, very good..
But get married for the right and not trifling reasons!
Stedman has been married before and has children from that relationship. Oprah had a child as a teenager that was delivered stillborn. These two aren't learners. They have the relationship and life they both want.
What makes it bad ma?
What I have read so far is funny,especially from the married women,u say u don't see anyfin in marriage and ur husband looks down on u unlike before he married u,lyk seriously were u expecting d man 2 remain the same way throught out,and what even says ur not d one causing him 2 look down on u? Woman ur husband is d head,ur d neck the neck holds d head.instead of u coming here 2 complain abt ur marriage,pray 4 ur husbands,look for dat fin which went wrong and fix it if u cnt figure it out or handle it,get a marriage counselor instead of looking @ d man waiting for him 2 stay same tru out.woman ur d person holding ur marriage d way u handle it is d way it will be so stop complaining and layin blames on d man or calling him names,fix d problem.dis is an advice from a woman not a man.
I think dis lady's decision has sometin 2 do wit a spiritual husband who may hv made her dis successfull in life...
I love u so much for dis comment. Finally i ve seen smone dat shares same reasoning as me but most Nigerian women are brainwashed abt this marriage crap, dat is y alot are living in pain and sadness in d name of marriage n thr silly parents encourage them to stay. Finally it is better to be happily single than unhappily married!
You are an ignorant imbecile. Please go to school.
Oprah dey selfish look
Very insensitive comments, from someone so ignorant!!!
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