Muslim women and scholars have reacted to the pageant. Some feel the pageant violated the Islamic rule on women, while others say it's a welcome development. See their reactions after the cut...
Islamic activist, Professor Lakin Akintola released a press statement commending the organizers of the pageant as well as felicitating with the winner. Professor Akintola said:
"We align with the contest in view of the fact that the criteria were not indecent exposure and provocative postures. The contestants were tested in the areas of recitation of the Glorious Qur'an, Islamic biography, Islamic jurisprudence and current affairs. The event has also proved beyond reasonable doubt that Islam doesn't repress its women neither does it push them to the background. The event has added another feather to the cap of Nigeria and the African continent as a whole.However some other scholars have expressed their opinions against the pageant saying "Muslimah beauty is for the husband to see not the world."
Faraq Musadiq, the president of the Muslim Student Society of Nigeria, UNILAG chapter said:
Regardless of the goodness the organizers claim they are trying to achieve with it, the means is totally unlawful and both the end and the means must be justifiable by Islam. finally the prophet made it clear when he said "Whoever copies a group is part of them"Also speaking against the pageant, the President of the Muslim Students's Society of Nigeria (MSSN), Lagos Area Unit, Alhaji Qasim Badrudeen said
"We cant commend such act because it is not part of our religion. Our niqab (veil) is not for beauty contest. It is for modesty. Hijab is our epitome of honor and should be treated as such. It should not be used for a dog-to-play thing and we must know that because some people are doing it doesn't mean we should do it. Remember what our prophet said, anyone that behaves like them is one of them.Aboo aamir al-Atharee, a popular Ede, Osun state Muslim Scholar said the Paegent is madness, foolishness, craziness, corruption of land calling to lewdness and obscenity. He said
A scholar for the pageant said:"May Allah help Eka Ashanti, the Indonesian chief organizer of the contest to quick repentance".
"It is a good initiative but I don't support the word 'beauty contest' because there's nothing like that in Islam. They should have tagged it 'The World Quranic Competition or something else instead of pageant"Aisha Zarumi described the pageant as a sinful act in the sight of Allah. She said
"It is madness of the highest order. Innovation is spreading everywhere. End time is near and the future of our kids is at stake. It is a horrible act, very shameful"Abiodun Subair said
"It is not what you contest for, simply because others are doing it. Do we really have to follow Christians in everything they do, even when it leads to doom? This is un-Islamic. We are described as the best ummah, so we are meant to be imitated, not imitating or copying people ignorantly."
1 – 200 of 217 Newer› Newest»Yay. First to comment. Dancing skelewu
Na then sabi.
Na them sabi.
okay whatever... the most peaceful and conflict-free sect of people on earth!
Na una sabi jare..next please...BTW y re dy nt condemning terrorist acts na pageant dem dy condemn...
problem there's, nat mine.
Linda plz post mine
okay... whatever. The most peaceful and conflict free sect on Earth!
Na all of you know just stop the voilence you are causing around anyway congrat to u.
I knew it! I knew this was gonna generate mixed reactions....a topic for debate cos Muslim women and pageantry? Two opposite!
This pple shuld just shut up already,what else do they want????linda abeg post my comment
I knew it! I knew this was gonna generate mixed reactions....a topic for debate cos Muslim women and pageantry? Two opposite!
Very well said,islam is a religion of peace and doesnt accept any form of indecency. May Allah guide us aright.
All of you should shut the fuck up. Some1 is trying to do something positive here and the best you ppl could do is either appreciate it or hold your peace. How many of you has ever raised a finger to help or remover 1 prostitute from the street? How many of u has made a press release concerning boko haram and their madness? How many of u so called muslims has ever given γφυr 1cent to charity??? God, ℓ̊ just don't understand this ppl and their religion.
I saw that coming,anyway its their cup of coffee.
*recites my Catena*
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Lots of complexities! Well, Islam is a school of thought on its own as much as its a religion, about the "copying" issue, they should slate themselves!
It's OK!
Y'all can burn in hell wit ur dirty religion, beauty isn't part of ur religion bt brutal n forcefully taking away lives u dont give or create is part of it.... Stroll 2 hell jare.
World quaranic contest wil hav bin better
Evil people, if they claim that the pageant means that end time is near, I wonder wat they will say about Boko Haram killings and Al-shabab massacres...hypocrites.
Mr Abiodun subair,shutup alrealdy! Christains dont organise beauty pagents. for your information,christains also condemn indecent exposures so what's d fuss all about..must u bring in christains in b4 u make a point..'tcheewz..nw dat dey have covered dier bodies u ah still complaining.....dont know what diz religion reli wants from its followers.
Hahahahaha. ROTFLMAO. Muslims are insatiable, at 1st I laughed at d contest cos it looked weird nd unheared of nd their dressing almost made me pee on myself. But condemning it by "Muslim Scholars" is so wrong, it was a nice nd decent pageant judging frm d type of questions asked. This muslims want their girls/wives 2 remain subdued/ hidden in d shadows. Wot a pity
Smh 4 d last guy. Must u say smfin abt d christians? Abi na 2de una dey imitate us? Evn songs sef,una dey copy. Wonder y u must buttress ur point by calling christians. Mtcheeew.@least we r nt terrorists,cos we value pple's lives. *tongue out*
With this,I'm beyond convinved that Islam is a religion of fanaticsm and extremism,a religion that is not only intimidated by Christianity but one that would also go any length to rubbish,drag to mud and if possible,destroy Christianity.
No wonder the Koran refers to non-Moslems as 'Kafirs'-a very derogatory term and even encourages Moslems to kill Kafirs.
Not like Christians are doing much to better their own religion either.
Organized Religion is a facade;thank goodness I'm yet to be convicted by one.
Muslims = trouble.
Stupid idiots, u're already doomed
well....av got no much 2 say, 4 me it's ok in as much dey dnt xpose dere body.dos condemning it shd av a retink.d competition is ok.
4 their back pocket
Islam is finished! These days it is only associated with terrorism instead of the peaceful religion they claimed it was...Beauty pageant for where!
Islam is finished! These days it is only associated with terrorism instead of the peaceful religion they claimed it was...Beauty pageant for where!
My view is this:Islam is a religion of saddist.
dis muslim pple nawa for dem o to b a peagent again aisha chop ur money abeg
Foolish religion! And if any of u terrorist abuse me, may that allah u call give u 72 virgins. Virgin hunters oshi.
they should kill themselves.... we really don't care
R alll dis difference neccessary
º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º=))! Confusion in d camp.
Religion!!! Chances are dis "God" we are serving and JESUS never even existed!!! I dnt sEe anytin wrong,as long as it upholds islam law y d complaints??? *yawns*linda nxxxxxt biko! *ONYX GODWIN*
@ abiodun subair u r very stupid for dat statement!
All of them should park well jooor. Instead of addressing/condemning their terrorist brothers doing massacre everywhere na beauty pageant dem get mouth talk. mschewwww
Na now wen a Nigerian won dat d whole tin be came unholy practise na una sabi self,sabi na dem dey copy Miss World peagent. Hisssss ........ Lili post my comment 1-5 comment
Bloody shallow-minded hypocrites! *spits* ~Kween~
One good thing, and they are complaining. Continue bombing urselves. Ndi ara.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaaha..see dem..
One bomb for the last person for blaming and calling christians ingnorant..
U go fear na. Muslims sef. I tire for una.
This people have problem with everything. Look at the girl that won. She's not even pretty which means she didn't win based on looks. They just like drama. Gosh
Na una know o..who send islam to do beauty pageant,this is just a show of hypocrisy
Its surprising to hear that Muslims have their own beauty contest.
On a more serious note Its a welcome idea as the contest is more modest and it remove some of the morality question raised on the normal contest.
At the end of the day the winner of the contest is pretty and that is what the contest is looking for.
Copy_cat there is no way u people can be like christians so take note copy copy
How dis matter take affect ASUU strike? Am coming back to comment mak I book dis space first............ Dancing Skelewu as I go
"They shud not behave like Them" who are the Them? i no blame any of Them and they are all nigerians. Kim
FOH...all ye hypocrites..mschewew nonsense. Abel make una leave the babe.
Wow, they condemn something as harmless as this but when Islamic terrorists kill innocents they will hide themselves. Me thinks they support terrorism codedly
This people hmmm..fucking hypocrites..hian I never see !
Stupid monsters....I hate this psychos ....... Useless bombers... Their religion is so pretentious... I'll rather be in a beauty pageant than become a suicide bomber or condone underage marriage
See that one named Aboo, using all sort of word all in the name to prove a point..Lmao, sit down please.
Biko parkianu one side ka afu uzo nonsense
'......follow Christians...?' The answer to that question is NO! Muslims DO NOT have to follow Christians in all they do.
What I'd rather Muslims do is rise up against the senseless Terror which men and women of their fate have been metting out against the entire world.
In my opinion, Islam has more important issues to deal with that debating whether or not a Pageant is right in the eyes of its Prophet.
Observant folks will know that the tolerance towards Islam is fast evaporating the world over...Muslims better start now to ask themselves the kind of world they want to bequeath to their future generations.
Make God punish all of una.... Bastards, terrorists....@Abiodun Subair' statement 'Do we really have to follow Christians in everything they do, even when it leads to doom?' U are a fool Abiodun for dis statement of urs and my answer is 'As Christains have refused to follow the Muslim line of terrorism'.... U bastards.....#alinko
What I hv in my is better left unsaid...#walking away
the last speaker needs rehabilitation.. with the Jihad war they fight here and there killing Innocent women and Children... they should all take several seats. Copying Christians??? Dont provoke God to striking you! nuff said
What made Abiodun Subair think that circular beauty contest is organized by Christians? Is miss world a Christian contest? Nigerians need education sha.
All of them should shut up abeg. So they can come out and condemn things abi? Where were they when their brothers were killing innocent people in Kenya? Didn't they feel ashamed? I try to be tolerant but these muslims have pushed me to my limit. Christianity may be corrupt and all but all of that is childs play compared to what these muslims have been doing. If I was a muslim I would have renounced the religion since. How can you even go out in public claiming to be a muslim in the light of all the atrocities been perpetuated by your kind? Bastards!
Humans can really never be satisfied.
Y re dey now putting Christianity into it ... If they dnt want it , dey shuld also protest .... Mtcheeeew
This religion need to get it right.eyes rolling .confused people
see epistle of life ain't got no time for this THIS ONE IS STRONG
Hmmmmm dis muslims are very confuse ple,na dem sabi n for Τ̲̅ђe pesn D̶̲̥̅̊α̲̅τ̲̅ mention xtian n doom shud beta respect hersef cos I don't jst feel like insulting her ryt now...
All these ones now forming Islamic Scholars. Mtchhewww.
When your youths are busy bombing and killing innocent people world wide.. address what needs to be addressed. We don't care about your veils..
Islamic is a religion if violence, End of Discussion
Linda there are so many things i want to tell these Muslim people that i don't wanna filter, if not for this comment moderation i would have gone raw and said it 'the way its doing me', but if i do you'd delete my comment.
I only wish Abraham never gave birth to Ishmael.
Linda there are so many things i want to tell these Muslim people that i don't wanna filter, if not for this comment moderation i would have gone raw and said it 'the way its doing me', but if i do you'd delete my comment.
I only wish Abraham never gave birth to Ishmael.
This Subair guy should be a little bit mature in such comments....it's rude to the Christian faith to associate it with beauty pageants. Most Christian leaders frown to it as well. You go to schools and see what some Muslim girls do...nobody even influences them.it's just wrong to make such a comment. ZODIAC
There headache oh...... Who send dm *yinmu
Linda there are so many things i want to tell these Muslim people that i don't wanna filter, if not for this comment moderation i would have gone raw and said it 'the way its doing me', but if i do you'd delete my comment.
I only wish Abraham never gave birth to Ishmael.
Abiodun subair's comment is jst a piss off!!!! Dude learn hw to tlk about odas!!!!!
The answer to Mr. Subair's poser is NO! Muslims DO NOT have to do what Christians do. What I'd rather Muslims do is expend that much energy and boldness in rising up and confronting the senseless terrorism being meted out globally by fellow adherents. Islam, in my opinion, has more important issues to deal with than debating the validity of a Pageant!
Observant folks will agree that tolerance towards Islam/Muslims is fast fading everywhere in the non-Islamic parts of the world. They are viewed as threats and extra caution is applied when dealing with them.
The sooner Muslims ask themselves what kind of world they want to bequeath to their future generations at this rate, the better it will be for them and the long-term sustainability of their religion.
I just hope they won't stone her to death because it seems she have committed an unforgivable offence
Sorry,bt we cant follow Чuя footsteps...all U̶̲̥̅̊ ppl knw how to do is shed blood & cause pain to d world @ large. U̶̲̥̅̊ shud b hapi dia is smtin like dis to tk Чuя islamic & evil minds away frm bombing innocent christain. Beauty peagent is shameful,bt Чuя brodas killn ppl in d name of Чuя religion isn't? Fuckin bigots....
"Anyone that behaves like 'them' is one of them" Who are the 'them'? Bunch of hypocrites! They are trying so hard to act like the 'them' and still would insult the 'them' kmt
I respect Prof. Akintola a lot. But this his comment on this shameless act of beauty contest by the so-called organisers of Islamic beauty contest is clearly unacceptable in islam. He can still retract his statement as soon as possible. Our hijaab and niqab are not for show; they are meant to cover our women. Their voice (no matter how sweet it may sound) is not meant to be for competition.
at Abiodun Subair, your comment is uncalled for, why mention Christians? who will emulate your religion....when all you pple do is kill kill kill..........
Abiodun Subair said
"It is not what you contest for, simply because others are doing it. Do we really have to follow Christians in everything they do, even when it leads to doom? This is un-Islamic. We are described as the best ummah, so we are meant to be imitated, not imitating or copying people ignorantly."
So anyone who is not a Muslim is a christian? The miss world event is solely a christian event abi? you guys cant just see beyond your noses when its religion. Learn to be open minded and stop being anti-christian. The miss world event is not a religious event and not all who participate are Christians.
As I've always said, this in hijabs are WORST than those in short skirts!
Hypocrite of the highest order...killing is ok by d so called Islam but beauty pageant is a sin....I just can't comprehend d ignorance of dis pple...back ward and wicked equals islam....
Bla Bla Bla....who cares!!!!
Trash talker.
Not being tribalistic o, but some Muslims can be very foolish in laying down their thoughts into words. Instead of make dem join heads together and beg their boko brothers, na dis lucky girl dem dey beef. Mschhwwwt
no comment.....
you are to be imitated in what????? violence? fighting? discriminating?
be peaceful and merciful then maybe just maybe you will be imitated...
so sad seeing women saying celebration of beauty is foolishness..smh..
this comment is directed to the commentator: Abiodun Subair . The beauty pagent idea isnt a Christain initiative. it is a secular one. Do you have to bash christains for everything that you dont believe in? you better attend to your insecurity before it leads you to your 'doom'. so much for your religion of peace and tolerance. SMH.
Bunch of idiots...when do u pple wnt to move forward?one of the idiots actually said the beauty is for the husband?as the husband is ur own manhood for only one wife?no bt u wnt the woman to submit her whole life to you...bt u can't do the same instead you have 2,3 or 4 wives...what is the sense in that...nd you women when are you gng to open ur eyes nd see what ur life is...u are being CHEATED.if any one of u muslim is bold enough nd willing to knw the truth I challenge you to read this book"WHO IS THIS ALLAH" by G.J.O MOSHAY...look for it
Local people
The comments from Abiodun Subair shows how ignorant he is.. Is it only christians that organise other beauty patents done all over the world?
All this fowls will not talk about how the animals amongst them are killing innocent lifes
Take a close look at how many fucks I give... NEXTTTTTTTT!!!!
Haha a muslim woman beauty paegant
Make them cover up from head to toe while chanting islamic verses, it still won't stop people from being promiscuous if they so choose. It is what is in your heart that should be of utmost importance, not outward appearance. This religion is all about works and being judgmental. How anyone can follow it blindly without questioning is beyond me
I raise an objection to the view of Abiodun Subair. It must be understood that the Miss World beauty Pageant is not organised by any christain body or organisation so why should he say ''do we really have to follow the christains in everything they do even when it leads to doom''...no offence meant but this is a very wrong and foolish statement and I'm too certain that if a christain made such an insensitive statement about islam there would be fighting and killing somewhere now. Both muslims and christains contest in the miss world pageant and if not for the fact that this year's edition was to hold in that country they would not have come up with his idea of muslim version of the contest. Mr Abiodun please be more sensitive next time and gather your details correctly
'We are meant to be imitated,not imitating or copying.' Ok. That's fine. But how come some muslims have started holding some sort of service on sundays???
Abiodun Subair is a very funny man, which ones be Christians are doing again!!! Abeg some help me explain to him that Miss World or which ever is not a only for Christian but all religion. Lindi, Am watching my comment ooo!
Hmmn Nigerians and there ideas
What do they mean by copy the Christians... Maybe this was how the beauty peagent we have come to know started.
Hmmn u can neva please muslims. Just pack all of them 2 an isolated island,let them kill themselves jare - signed mimi from miami
Make them they fight themselves foooolsss
Abiodun you should think before u speak , when I last checked their wasn't a Christian beauty pageant . U guys should learn to appreciate instead of condemn the one that said its meant for the husband to see , I am sorry but these women are not naked and that's what your husband is meant to see so please keep quiet and stop using your own personal views in the name of religion to oppress women .
I have never seen such strong reactions from Muslims about an issue...especially with the recent terror attacks and the loss of lives. Just goes to show priorities
Lmaooo muslims eeehnn.. Damn!! Where did dey originate from? Ishmeal wasn't dis short-sighted!
Whatever! Whatever!!!!!
Seriously? The future of your kids is at stake? It wasn't at stake when your old age-mates started marrying 13yr old girls, but it's at stake because of this? Give me a break, you unbelievable hypocrites!
Dis stupid fanatics just dey disgrace us,as I Muslim i dnt see anytin wrong wit d pageant,u Muslim peeps wey carry religion for head like una WILL,make una grow up abeg
Linda, i stated my view on this issue but you did post it because it doesn't align with your heart as majority were in support. If you like eat this one.
I don't understand the essence of the pageant to the deen especially their intention. Islam is a religion of clear and distinct rules. Pageant and whatever competition is never part of Islam even Quranic competition. These are not the clear way to strengthen your faith. If you eat this one. It is your Blog.
Miss world is still d best
Muslims should be immitated in doing what? Blowing up and killing innocent people for no just cause???? Please go have several seats. You and stupid prophet mohammed that tells you to go committ these attrocities. These muslims are just hypocrites. The biggest fornicators and adulterers out there. Aint nobody got time for your mess. mchewwwww
Muslims are quick make holier than thou comments on irrelevant issues. Atleast 300 people have been killed by devout muslims in the past two weeks but there's no reaction from the muslim community.
My dear thank u oh,dat was d same thing I was thinking,christians are not d ones organizing miss world,those girls came 4rm different parts of d world nd som of dem are not christian.
i hope muslims will stop wearing wedding gowns and cutting cakes during their wedding so as not to copy Christians. It is in order not to copy Christians that radicalism is high amongst muslims.
God save them.
Wow....when bombings are going on, non of these so called scholars utter a word but now that women are on display, their tongues are wagging uncontrollably. Shior!
al shababb killed innocent people, no muslim talked abt it. and these ones are ranting abt beauty pageant. shame on Muslims!!!
LMAO!!!this is pure nonsense
Muslims are bipolar sha
Wonderful.Muslims in Nigeria want to teach those who brought islam to them how it should be done.fake people......
Thunder fire u 4 mentionin christains in ur bloody issue is it our fault dah ur women ar tired of ur continous discrimination#bloodyterrorist#
Brainwashed fuck heads! Stupid islam...
What u do under the Hijab is worse than human xpectations. Pretence has eating deep into your system. If you truely believe in your lslam you should know that condemnation is a sin itself.
Nigerian muslims ar rwily daft nt lyk d rest different sha are they more islamic than d arabs?
Oloshious fellow.... So u can marry 50 of dem and still play ard? Huh? Selfish and senseless mofo practising d religion of cowards and d scumbags.... Weyrey!!!!
Well said..... muslims will wreak hell on everything except terrorism. Where were all these people when boko haram was and is still busy killing innocent lives? Islam can take several seats cus we can see right through them
whoever condemns this muslim pageant is doing so as a result of ignorance. I am a muslim and proud to be one, the issue is that those against the development are those that prefer the dastardly act of boko aram and shelter under religion to perpetrate evil. If they know the true meaning of pagent(an event where young women beauty, personal qualities and skills are judged) they would not say it is unislamic, but rather promote and propagate it. They misinterprete the word of Prophet which says'whoever copies any 'bad' group is part of themm'. It is true. They use phone instead of trekking long distance to meet their friends, they travel around the world including mecca by aeroplane, instead of riding horse to mecca, they copy them through these, but neither go against them in their shallow and conservative ways of reasoning, what they know is to mislead and deprive young children to socialise. WE SHOULD BE VIGILANT OF THESE PEOPLE AS THEY ARE THOSE BEHIND BOKO ARAM. Finally, islam is peace, peace is islam
im not surprised they are all against it. islam is a religion that suppresses women. all because in those days women needed men to survive. its a very backward religion and i dont seem to understand why they think they are better than any other religion or why they think that people are always against them. no one really cares. u guys should be more concerned on showing love and spreading peace and unity around not on destroying others and looking for ways to show u are better. its actually petty and disgusting.
i have no hate for muslims its the religion i disagree with.
Wait a minute. What Pageant is the Christian Pageant that Muslims are copying?
These illiterate Muslims must think that anything that is not of Islam must be of Christianity?
Pageants are not of christian origin please. Because we don't raise hell and get all violent about indecency does not mean we support it.
Given the current image of Islam globally, I think Muslim leaders need to focus their energies on fighting terrorism so that their brothers can stop killing innocent people. Rubbish confused bunch.
Muslim is a tribe? Wow, who knew that?
Even though d pageant is neva part of d norms of Islam bt dis world is gradually changing n I think d best way 2 change is 2 follow d positive part of it..dis lady contested n won yl covered up n also is well versed in quranic recitation shld be praised n nt condemned bcos even those dat didn't contest n r muslims don't wear d hijab n niqab..@abiodun wen u start making comparison btw religion u r only trying 2 create religious war...
@Bonario, =))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º=)) ♍ε̲̣̣̣̥ reciting my divine mercy chaplet. Its their pot of soup.
i just have to comment... the ignorance is so much, it's shocking.... i've pulled out all my hair reading all d comments and even d comments of d supposed "islamic scholars", 1st of all, I see nothing wrong in d pageant, the women have done nothing wrong! besides, it gives d young woman d opportunity to go to Mecca!, so those "scholars" can take a few seats.... oh and the ppl going on and saying muslims should renounce their religions b'cos they wouldn't want to be associated to "their kind"... really??? who died and made u judge???? like all d evil in d world is caused by only muslims shey?? there are 2 kinds of ppl in d world... good and evil, it's left to you to choose which u want to be... regardless of your gaddem religion!.... "their kind", still can't get over it... kmt, religion has really made ppl crazy
1000 likes,nice one Mich
Waoh! Waoh!! Waoh!!!..I have lmao here..its amazing how pple like abiodun who call demselves scholars ignorantly address d miss world beauty pageant a christian tin in dis 21st century where even a dons knows its an open affair 4 whoever cares,,,,pls do ur findings well b4 showing off ur ignorance..and try to work on ur antagonistic manners,,scholar
Prince jobless thank u for being considerate enough to remove ur previous profile pic,its not remaining that stupid prince charming
Abeg help me ask him o! Must they always relate to the christians!! See beef of religion again!!! May God forgive them, and its not christians that organizes pagents!! They need to get their facts b4 they open their smelling mouths!!!! Abeg!!! Boko pple
All of u sayin rubish abt muslim go and die,am a muslim and am proud of my religion say anytin u lyk na u sabi...islam is the only way take it or leave it
Confuse people, u people ave 2 define wat u want muslim, linda if u like post it ooooooo
Who is she,that comes forth as d morning rising. Fair as the moon,bright as d sun,terrible as an army set in battle array!
If their doctrine says so, then why not? However, they should not bring Christians into this and start uttering complete NONSENSE. Since when did beauty contests become a Christian thing? That Abiodun Subair is a complete ignoramus.
dos condemnin it r MUMU.1 of d criteria d prophet(SAW) ask us 2 luk 4 whn marrying a woman is beauty.do dey 4get ds?so dey shd all burry dere useless heads in shame.
d boko haram issue is dere.dey didnt c anytin wrong wit dt.
Tank God av knwn islam b4 i knw muslims.
i want 2 go n watch man u vs liverpool.hope we go win 2day? Linda pls watch d match oooo.
For all this rubbish they are saying, mark my words: she will convent to Christianity very soon!
Lmfao .......... Ishmael haf caused wahala oh *good bible student*wink
Those long hijabs are worse than the shortest mini-skirts. Go check it out. They do worst tins.Go to schools, Northern Universities. Kai, in fact u go fear them.
Who is she that cometh out of the morning rising, fair as the moon,bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in battle area
Pls leave Christians out of it. Am yet to see a beauty pageant organised by Christian Association of Nigerian. who says contestant of other beauty pageants are not Muslims, Buddhist or idol worshipers? why do Muslims hate Christians this much? Why do Muslims feel intimidated by Christians? Why can't Muslims leave Christians alone? We're seeing a beauty pageant organized by Muslims and someone is saying they imitating Christians when history has never had beauty pageant organized by Any Christian body. For me if it turns out that Christianity is wrong and no such thing as heaven or hell, i still will have no regrets and will still be a CHRISTIAN in d next world if there is anything like a next world. for me Christianity is d best way to live and a most precious way to die. Christianity is love, forgiveness, Fear of God and respect for one another. What a beautiful life! Christianity is beautiful, it's no religion but a way of life so beautiful.
Muslim n their trouble agn' abeg mk una nor bomb innocent pipo bco of dis pageant bco una mata dey sabi wear several pants. Oloshi pipo
Eh heh! And in your last post about the winner some guy was saying by God's grace they will hold it in Lagos next. We don't want OOOO before some of these extremists bring their violent nonsense to the south. If they want to hold it in Nigeria let them hold it in the north. It's now that they all have mouth to talk. They won't talk about the mad people who kill in the name of their religion. The silence on that is telling. That is all.
Let dem park well jor.mtcheww
Let dem park well jor.mtcheww
=))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º=)) as in eeh. ♍ε̲̣̣̣̥ wish so too
You win a beauty reagent all covered up...Right?
Look at the girl's face sef.
Tells me the subject matter of the so-called beauty contest was not the beauty of the girls on parade, but rather the beauty of the dowdy clothes and veils covering them up...
M sorry to burst ur bubbles but Islam preaches peace,wateva BH or Al shabbab claim to b doin isn't part of d religion...ISLAM is against terrorism in wateva form !!!. So wen next u re gonna criticize,do it based on d personality involved nd nt d religion d person claims to profess.Learn abt Islam before commenting abt it...thank you
Stupid religion!
Terrorism is islamic way of life while beauty pageant is not.
Dear Aisha Ajibola Olabiyi,
Congratulations for winning the pageant which was not just about beauty but also knowledge.
You have made yourself,your family,friends and indeed our nation proud.
The pageant was organized in Indonesia which is the country with the highest population of muslims in the world and for winning you would be going to Saudi Arabia which is the home of Islam so please pay no attention to haters because they can not be more holy than people in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia.
May God be with you always!
Very daft comment and u r fighting for it to be published Ttttssssswww. U are obviously a Muslim
Dear Aisha Ajibola Olabiyi,
Congratulations for winning the pageant which was not just about beauty but also knowledge.
You have made yourself,your family,friends and indeed our nation proud.
The pageant was organized in Indonesia which is the country with the highest population of muslims in the world and for winning you would be going to Saudi Arabia which is the home of Islam so please pay no attention to haters because they can not be more holy than people in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia.
May God be with you always!
Mixed reaction on harmless pageant, no reaction on their fellow faithfuls'' wanton killing of children, women, and the helpless in the name of allah. *smh*
Stale gist Linda
Hahahaha u r hilarious whey na way of life...u know these Muslims r in the dark ages still. ....
Men this abiodun of a guy should go and brush his teeth jo ! Copying christians and leading to doom : open ur eyes man it's better to copy pageantry than to copy ur terrorism and head to evident doom. Better wash ya eye well. Ignorant literate hypocrites
How myopic n shallow minded can u b? Terrorists r nt Muslims, dey r animals hiding under d umbrella of Islam
Dont forget Abraham is also ibraheem
so the olawale aroles
abiodun subair were alive over the weekend and couldnt open their stinking rotten mouth to condemn what was going on In Nairobi? ur religion is pure wicked and evil
pls take several seats wt ur shameful analysis, so they r talking beauty pageant now u ppl jumped out but t was difficult for u to condemn boko harams and other useless and senseless killings ba?
if i were to be a muslim i wld have denounced ur religion long time ago
Learn abt islam mitcheeeeew nonsense! Dey shudnt av done d muslimah pagent@al it shud v bin terrorist pagent.... Islam s d biggest mistake eva even d devil s afraid sef.am sori it s frm mah heart. #JESUS LOVES U#.
muslims are just to much abeg!!
I can see dat its only jobless xtians dat reads Linda's blog. Am so sorry for u guys. U all can run ur mouth as u like. Islam is still d best. Åusu billahi mina shaytan ragim.
@Anonymous 7:50pm, yeah right! "Islam is preaches peace" my foot. Tell dat to d dogs. But ur quran commands u to kill infidels with d promise of seven virgins. Its such a pity dat the dead does not communicate with d living. If not, u would hv been warned by d dead Islamic radicals who hv been misled to perpetrate suicide missions in d past dat what awaits the rests of the living aspiring suicide bombers and those dat kill innocent pple all over d world is nothing but eternal damnation.
Abiodun Subdirectory (last comment) you are a bastard and a foolish pig. And all your Muslim brothers and illiterate-scholars are all foolish and stupid. Why should you mention 'Christians' in your Islamic absurdity.
Well I will not be surprised, the next thing I expect to hear is that there was an explosion in the next muslima-rubbish-constest. I hope it happens soon, I enjoy it when i see these hypocrites kill themselves. Mtcweeee
Imagine the so called scholars reactions. Always feeling intimidated by christians. By d way, who told them dat d peagent is organised by religious pple? Well, since D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣ see it dat way, it high time its made known to them dat copy copy every mordern things D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣ do now. Their copy copy no start today.These muslims A̶̲̥̅̊я̲̣̥ε̲̣̣̣̥ a bunch of pain in d butt. I HATE ISLAM with passion.
Ask Abiodun Subair. Pathetic foolish idiot
What did Abiodun Subair just said, pls live Christians out of ur discussions. Who said beauty pageant is a Christian thing Christianity believe that all human beings are beautifully created by God n that is why we value life right from conception. Beauty is of d heart not on d body. The fact that Christians don't go about condemning pple n destroying innocent life dose not make it there thing. Ve u ever heard of Catholic beauty pageant.
But Christians didn't organise any beauty pegent na....why r muslims alwys hating for nothng...and that aside...am still surprised she's a Nigeraian and even from unilag...am proud of my country aand school...we alawys win all dis beauty thngs sha...we get talent gan oo...LMaoOOOO.
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeh, okoko a wola ajamgbadi..............................muslim = gullibility
Hahaha i can't stop laughing aunty linda! Imagine some 1 callin miss world pageant a christian thing! I thought yoruba muslims r more educated than the hausa's,but to my surprised they're all dsame.......Eeeyaa bunch of ingorant no wonder they keep sleepin wt diff women all in d name of marriage, i wonder if they were better than ADAM dt slept wt only EVE!
I agree!!!
Christianity is a way of life, that is worth to emulate. Get that into ur scull!
Muslims have brought so much terror to the world. What ignorance to say that its Christians that organize pageants. May thunder fire that your mouth! Anuofia! Infact its Amadioha that will break those teeth of yours. Stupid ignorance...
My dear I have been seeing ur comments... U are doomed 4 life if u think there's no God nor Jesus
U better repent & believe in d word of God
Chances are God & Jesus Christ do exist 100%
B careful wot u post, dis is a public page people are passing through difficulties, don't influence people with Ur negative attitude
U too can be saved
Abiodun Subair is so dumb.......No beauty pageant is organized by christians..Get ur facts right,olodo.
B'cos naija geh don win dis mumu illitrates don dey disturb people again mcteeew
Nonsense pple. They will nvr be against thins dat ar wrong. Bunch of terrorist. Mtcheeeeeew!
Errrmm.... I hope u remember dis wen ur whole family is bombed and u re amputated by BH and alshebab or watever!! Brainwashed mofo! Kmt
Boko haram alert!! Am sure u r one of dem and if u aint boko will get to u first ijn.
Lwkmd at the sarcasm
I wish 4 u double of what u wish for others.
So it hurts wen they conclude that its xtians dat do it, yet wen 1 muslim is involved in smtin bad, u don't care, 1 muslim means all muslims. U keep condeming islam when its the pple dat r bad nd nt all of them at that. Islam doesent condone anytin bad bt we r all human and we sin, some r just out to tanish others images. Hw sure are we that they r all muslims. Jst coz I say I am a muslim or coz I no hw to speak arabic doesn't mean I must b a muslim. We muslims r nt all bad u no. Nd nt all followers are perfect though I no we caused all this critics bt nt everyting is us jst like not all the organisers of beauty pargent r xtians. Pls reason b4 condeming other ppls religion.
na dem dey kpoko girls pass under hijab abeg face front.
Na dem dey kponko Girls pass abeg face front.
you all are ignorant of it, it's not OK.
Na dem dey kponko Girls pass under Hijab, abeg face front.
Na dem dey kponko Girls pass under Hijab abeg face front.
Well said
Noting like dat.Na dem spoil pas oh!
Ina laha gafuru roheem May almighty ALLAH forgives u all cos I believe u al dnt knw Wat u r saying
Proudly Muslim
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