Federal Government has concluded arrangements to scrap the National Examination Council. Plans have also been concluded to cancel
the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination being conducted by the
Joint Admission and Matriculation Board for applicants into the nation’s
tertiary institutions.
JAMB will however not be scrapped.
The government’s decisions, which would
be made public soon via a White Paper, are based on the recommendations
of the Stephen Oronsaye-led Presidential Committee on the
Rationalisation and Restructuring of Federal Government Parastatals,
Commissions and Agencies.
A government source said that upon receipt of
the latest report, President Goodluck Jonathan has been meeting with
Vice-President Namadi Sambo and a few top government officials to take
final decisions on it.
It was in one of such meetings held on Tuesday that the final decision was taken.
Under the new arrangement, the source
said in place of UTME, authorities of all tertiary institutions would
now be at liberty to conduct their entrance examinations as they had
been doing for post-UTME.
JAMB will however serve as a clearing house.
“JAMB will now be a clearing house like
Universities and Colleges Admissions Service in the UK. If somebody
gains admission into three universities and holds down space,
immediately such person picks his first choice, JAMB’s system will
automatically free the remaining two slots for other applicants.
“JAMB will no longer conduct
examinations but it will be setting the standard alongside the schools
authorities,” the source said.
UCAS, which was established in 1993, is
the British admission service for students applying to university and
college, including post-16 education as of 2012. UCAS is primarily
funded by students who pay a fee when they apply and a capitation fee
from universities for each student they accept.
On NECO, the source said in arriving at
the decision to scrap the examination body, the committee took into
cognizance its huge facilities across the country.
But it was resolved that the West African Examination Council would absorb NECO’s members of staff and its facilities.
WAEC will also be empowered to conduct
two Senior Secondary School Certificate Examinations per year, one in
January and the other probably in December.
Hitherto, only one November/December SSCE Examination is being conducted.
The May/June Senior Secondary Certificate Examination being organised by the examination body once in a year still stands.
The government source also said
arrangements had been concluded to scrap the Public Complaint
Commission, the National Poverty Eradication Programme and the Institute
of Peace and Conflict Resolution among others.
Source: PUNCH
Good move
Dats gud,...atleast dat will create more oppourtunities for university applicants.
Better, let dem cut all dis unnecessary branches,..hope it works out tho
Na now they wan cancel am...
After jamb kept me at home for 6 years b4 I got admission.
This is really good, it makes sense!
Alrite we don hear, wah of we wey use neco enta skul, is there any hope 4 us?
wow, good news
And more people will lose their jobs. Shame.
Hmm, wise decision
Good news alot of competitions involved also. Please i want to know when it will start.
This is good. At last Nigeria is moving forwaard.
About time. Good move.
They shud hav done it atleast a year ago naa. Gud sha
it doesn't make any difference still.
Some universities will still manipulate results.
NECO.... Haha, i refused to check my result till date.
I know it'd be a disaster.
Still discussed it witha friend 3 days ago and she said she failed woefully.
They set dumb questions but their marking scheme na die.
i hope this works
Is gud if students can make one out of many choices in seeking admission into universities but for WAEC,hope students will not pay d ‘real price‘ in crediting their english language and mathematics becos we‘ve seen it happening in d past dat is,b4 NECO came on board.
Ds is a very good move.it means prospective students can apply to several uni.linda post my comment o if nt u wunt c me on ds blog again
GEJ got it right this time around, National Orientation Agency should be overhauled also, they don't actualy know their functions
It makes sense!
Pls can sm1 really explain more of wht dey said?tnx.no more delays in gettin admin in2 sch?
Does dat mean pple dat av paid 4 Jamb dis year won't b writing it again?
Abeg e remain Nysc! Dey r suffering us for notin actually
waooo, dat wld be great.bt i pray it works out well ooooo
goodnews. linda pls post my comment ohh biko!
None of my business really.
Good idea
Confused set of people they will scrap it today in afew years time they will realise its not working and they will then bring it back again. Person tire for this country and the decsion makers
okay this is kinda good, hope it works but the question is will it affect those writing this year?
am nt goin 2 say anythng.until dy implement it o.dy ar gud in talkin but less active in action.implement nd our pple we knw dat nig iz mvin foward o
Best news I have heard from Aso Rock since Jonathan got there. Long overdue.
That sound you hear is UTME officials & invigilators weeping. No more bribe money
Really cool, but I feel they should create more job opportunities for graduates.
Well dis a good move,,NECO is not acepted in most of dis companies again sef and its not acepted outside Nigeria so its beta dey srap it now
Good move.it has 2 b now.
Una D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ craze,after Jamb kept ♍e at home FO̶̷̩̥̊͡Я over 7yrs b4 gained admission.Mtcheeeeeeew
Wow! Great! A very brave move
The question is-How long will it last? Nigerian is always Government go Government come..Is obvious that when this Government leaves another body will be set up as well by another Government. The Neco thin was set up by His boss or formal boss now He is dropping it lol Na wah oh..With all this crime everywhere, Guess you have other things for all this guy you are taking out of JOB mr.president?
Interesting decision but have they put contingency plan in place for students that have passed the exam and used it to secure admission into tertiary institutions or those hoping to use it? This government acts before they think.
Oh pls! D fact dat u don't lik NYSC dsnt mean it shld b scrapped! If u aint interested,pick up an exemption letter. A lot of undergraduates look foward to it. It cld b strenuous bt d scheme hz gud objectives. To me,thr is nothing wrong if servin ur father land for a year. I pray Nigeria becomes a better nation.
Now a lot of payment would made 2 gain admission.Nah wa o
nice move
OMO SEE AS MEN WANT TAKE JOBLESS....oooh Boy>>>>I am cork sure dey cannot absorb every staff of d closed agencies and parastatals>>>>
Did you read the part where thay said waec will absord the workers nd facilities?!bet u didn't.nice one jare,dt neco is just a waste of time and reading.they always fail students!
what i dont understand is what about those who possess NECO and would still want to further their education, does this scrapping of NECO means that they would be denied admission?
So what happens to ppl who use NECO certificate now?
Smbdy pls answer me tnks
please are they refundig people who bought jamb form.
Scrap that useless, high risk for disease, and no value adding year of "service" called NYSC also!
So we wey na NECO result we dey Use work ? As dem seize my WAECE , wud it stil b usefull ? Jus askin oh
Very nice,8 yrs home all cos of jamb no be beans ooo
Dahs a berra move!.
What about NYSC .... To me its not relevant .
Yes pls want happens to us that enetered skol with neco, hope the certificate would still be useful dou
this will have been better, cos despite a child pass His/Her Jamb Still have no Admission
I honestly don't think this is a good
move by the FG. Scrapping UTME
would only empower the tertiary
institutions. Now Unilag can sell their
application forms for 150k while
Olabisi Onabanjo University application forms would go for 10k.
FUT Minna would be free and
Nassarawa state university wld hold
annual "pick one, get one free"
Implement it then!
GOOD DEVELOPMENT ....Also NYSC should be looked into cos there is no need for it."STILL WATCHING FROM MY OCEAN
what den happen to those of us who has used neco for our ND, and hope to use it for HND again for admission? this question and lots ore are begging for answers ooooo, linda, pls research and inform us oooo. thanks
In that same spirit, scrap NYSC too. God bless you as you comply.
DD. JAMB,UTME rbish wey pple wey write diff N pple wey go get addimision diff abi. God pls help our oga @ d top
Loolz I feel u
What's going to happen to those that used Neco in entering and finishing school, will there be any problem for them.........Cweamy
Wow! Datz Gud, but wen will dey start it cuz I dnt want my younger ones 2 go tru wot I went tru.
You goat didn't you read the part that says Waec will absorb all Neco staff?
This is decades late, but better late than never! UCAS works well and I hope they can replicate it.
They will now start bidding for the contract to computerise this new system (or at least tweak the old system to accept the new one.)
Government must ensure that members of staff of the 2 institutions are not unduly disadvantaged as we saw in NITEL and PHCN. Surely many parastatals with overlapping functions will have to go because they were not genuinely established and they constitute a drain on government dwindling financial resources.
its a laudable move. Am wondering why they av to wait till now. Anyways better late dan neva. Nysc should be next.
Wat of NSCDC???
I extol this action, its about that time, NECO has become a burden filled with mediocrity over the years. Nice one on merging old NECO staff into WAEC. UTME scrapping is on point too. Nice move Nigeria.
what about the money we paid for JAMB exam this year. are they returning it ?
Pls what will happen to us using NECO
Abeg o...hope it wunt affect we who used it to get into school o,cus I can't start writting any other exam @my age
Is it going to affect dis yr's jamb?
good news for nigerian and thier economy
You really didn't have to insult him/her to prove your point. Smh
NYSC next.
Plz scrap ICPC
Nice that neco is a waste of time, even the post ume in the university. Omo if u pass weac and ur marks for jamb enter uni jare.
They should publish the so called paper for us to see and implement the law @ list for a start.
Good move!!!!!!!!! but hope it wont affect dose of us using NECO already, cos i dont see ma self writing any exam
Will dey maintain it? There is a problem of poor maintainance culture and besides will d past Neco results still be Valid?
Yes they are...give me your acc details.
Hope it won't affect those that used it to get into school?Can't write WAEC again o...my mates are in their second year.
NYSC is next.
Linda pls research 4 moi...is dat change gonna take effect frm dis year or nxt?? Are dey refunding the reg money or wat?? Abeg which level oo...post ma comment n provide an ansa to all ma questions pls
we dat spent all our energy writn jamb nko
no body will scrap nysc..it's still relevant..if u don't like go jam train..or u go for exemption cert..so stop making noise...nysc has come to stay..honestly am enjoyin my service year..if u don't want you better jump inside ocean and die..who cares..
Abeg o! Una too funny! Neco is a waste of intellectual resources inputed by the nigerian youths to advance into the tertiary institutions. They should scrap it joor! Time don reach, no more bribe money!
Nice to meet u too, i didn't even bother checking. This is good, NECO na complete waste of time.Is a pity some pple ll loose deir jobs cos all dese stories of absorbin every staff never work...trust me i ve seen it happen.
u guyz aw just 2 funny with ur commentz. just z naija wr anytn happenz
Nice move if implemented God bless the OGa on top
jamb is d body that regulates and orginises university admisions. While UTME is the examination JAMB organises, for candidate seeking admission into the country's tetiary institution. paul joe.
See ds Olodo dem, how won't yu pple fail when yu don't study nd workhard?? Nah una type de go inside exam hall to copy, Pls i blasted mine,3 A's,3 B'S nd 2 c's so i dunno the neco yu people wrote (˘̯˘ )...lady A
About to finish this so called NYSC in june. I'm using Neco o hope it'll still be relevant. Me I can't write Waec again biko (˘̯˘)ʃ
when people comment on this forum,I kind of luk @ their level of intellectuality b4 responding,though no pun intended. .....as per the proposed scrapping of NECO,we shd nt forget that WAEC as it is overburdened &a such there is need for another exam body to complement it.2ndly,The monopoly that WAEC enjoy is too much &a such breaking such monopoly is needed to promote a healthy competition in the educational sector.Some .West African countries have pulled out of WAEC. Let me state here that the final bulk lies with the National Assembly especially the commitee members who will discuss this matters bcox most of this agencies were duly established by law.I see a lot of lobbying & politicking coming into play & I can bet any1 here that @ the end of the day,NECO will stay.As for Nigeria,is this move worth it ,my take is yes & No.yes bcox we need to reduce cost in governace &duplication of duties.No bcox1) increase in overbloated labour mkt &by extetion another looming disaster,2)@ the end of the day,such monies usually end up @the pockets of the few who govern I & u.wht happened to SURE P money(ies), story story story!
Does your CV Stand Out?
about time, i'm pleased its gone.
U see, we re all commending d moves without considering d multiplier effect on d society n our next generation in future. In dis nation, monopoly is a curse. Remember when it was only WAEC we had, d type of rubbish some of us suffered in d name of standard. Same goes to ur Universities if given monopoly of power to operate. Mark my words.
My dear, I bet you wouldn't be saying that if you weren't posted to a relatively comfortable place to serve. For some people, NYSC is just a year of suffering.....
Coooooooool! Tahhhhhhhhhh biko pls naw they should remove jamb hian!
Mehn dis is a gwd move..buh M̶̲̥̅γ̲̣̣̥ question is will it take effect 4rm dis year or next year?
Haa!unemployment rate will be exponentially and adiabatically increase without any retrogression.
Wot wil happen 2 those wit Neco certificate
daz gud!
These our policy makers will never stop to make me sick. What sort of lame policy are they coming up with this time?
Its not all about merging & scraping. What about incompetent men in govt establishmenrs? They shld be thrown into trash cans. Like 'my oga @ d top'
Dats very very very very gud
Why complaining abt neco if anyone did nt pass his or her neco exams such person is a dullard very simple.for d oda issues may God help us
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