Covenant University expels 200 students for not attending Church service | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday 29 December 2012

Covenant University expels 200 students for not attending Church service

Culled from Vanguard
About 200 students may have been expelled by the authorities of Covenant University, Cannanland, Ota, Ogun State, recently for what was described as “disregard of paramount core values.”
Frustrated and angered by the development, some of the affected students who gave account of what happened battled emotions while narrating their situations to Saturday Vanguard recently. They however pleaded with the school authorities to tamper justice with mercy in order to save their future.

Saturday Vanguard investigation revealed that out of the figure, about 126 were expelled for not attending the ‘departure service’, meant to sign off from the school after the end of the Semester and Matriculation of students on November 30.  Five other students were thrown out for smoking while unconfirmed source said additional 60 got the same fate for violating other rules bordering on the University’s core values. A few others were given four weeks suspension for failure to sign the head count that was conducted a couple of weeks earlier.

A letter of expulsion signed by the Registrar, Ntia Ubong, a copy which was made available to Saturday Vanguard stated that the affected students contravened Chapter 1, section 30, page 40 of the 2010-2014 Student Handbook.

We gathered that the massive expulsion was predicated on the anger of the Chancellor, Bishop David Oyedepo who was said to have been infuriated after seeing students loitering around when they were supposed to be at the Chapel for the Departure Service.

He was said to have personally chased students to the Chapel and ordered for a search into all the halls and colleges to fish out those who did not attend the service.

Several attempts to get the school authorities comment on the issue proved abortive.  The Instituion’s Corporate Affairs Head, Mr Igban Emmaunel also refused to comment as calls pulled through to him were unanswered and text messages not replied.

How it happened
A few of the affected students gave account of what happened to Saturday Vanguard at different points.  The similar accounts go thus:  “On November 30, the last day of the semester, preceding our December break, there was also a Matriculation for the 100 level students; in fact some students had their last semester exams on that day, some of them finished around 3:00pm while the matriculation started around 8am. Some students retired to their rooms to relax while some engaged in some other activities jubilating the end of the semester.
“Some also got drinks from the matriculating students. Even as these were going on, some students who finished around 3pm retired to their halls. By 5pm, they announced that we should get prepared for the ‘Departure service’ which was to start by 8pm. Some students were already seeing their parents off while some of us were just trying to relax to get off the stress of the exams.

“Most of us hadn’t gotten through the tiredness of the sleepless nights of the exams; so, some us stayed back in our rooms. The departure service is usually a day before we go home and it is usually presided over by the Chancellor. Before the commencement of the service, they used to lock up the main doors of the halls so as to prevent cases of theft. I was not bothered since there were a lot of us in the hall. Some minutes past 8pm, they switched off the light and all of us in the hall went into our rooms. Because of the darkness and the cold, I slept off immediately.”

He continued: “The persistent knocks on the door woke me up and I realised that they had come to search for people who had not come to service. Before I realised what was going on, I found myself with other students numbering about 30. They took down our names and counted us to make sure that no one was omitted. They said the Chancellor was at the service and we refused to come. I heard them talking about other halls and they asked us to wait. I didn’t take it seriously because I never believed in my widest imagination that we would be expelled. We were later asked to go to our various halls.

“Some of those who went into hiding were lucky as they were not found. Shortly, those who went for the service returned and told us there was poor attendance at the Chapel and how students were diving in through the windows, scampering for seats. In fact, one narrated to us how the Chancellor jumped through the window to vent his anger on some students who had jumped in,” he stated.
Another expelled student also gave similar account of the incident. “I couldn’t go to the service because, I was not feeling well which was as a result of the stress of the exams we had just finished. After a while, I managed to go but I heard that they started driving people back around 7:30pm while the service was to start around 8pm. I was surprised because the rule was that you’ve got to be seated 15minutes to the service. Again, it was never made compulsory, but they tried to get students out of the halls to prevent cases of theft. So, because I was not feeling well, I went back to my room because I needed to rest for a while.

“I thought it was a  joke when they said we are in for expulsion because we failed to come for departure service. I have never done anything contrary to the school laws. I have never faced any panel before  and neither did I have any unpleasant case in my file. I never thought it was real until letters were handed to me the  following morning.”

Giving account of how letters were handed out to them, the visibly troubled student said: “By 6am, they announced the names of  those who were caught in halls and colleges. Usually after the departure service, one can sign out from there and go but because it ended late and no one could travel, students had to wait till the  following  morning. But the hall officer told those of us whose names were written down that if we leave, we should  be considered gone from the university forever. That gave us an insight into what was likely to come as punishment. By 7:45am, we were called once again to go downstairs for our letters. Those who collected theirs before mine were crying and I wondered what the punishment could be until I read the letter stating I was expelled from the university.”

At the Chapel
Another student who found his way to the Chapel also told Saturday Vanguard that while the Chancellor was being driven past, he noticed that students were loitering at about the time they were supposed to be seated at the chapel. He said that this apparently infuriated him and he alighted from his car and chased students to the chapel with knocks. “I saw him, alighted from his car and chased students to the chapel; I quickly found my way to the hall. Not quite long after, I saw students jumping in through the windows. It was a big commotion. Even the chancellor was going after those who jumped into the chapel. Later, he addressed the students saying  he was very disappointed by the behaviour that the students were not seated 15 minutes before the service.”
Another account had it that while the Education Secretary, Prof. Aize Obayan was addressing the students, the students were murmuring, then the  Chancellor immediately took to the microphone and said: “if I hear the voice of any student, the curse of the Lord shall fall upon that one.” The chapel immediately went dead silent.

Our source who was also late to the service stated that the Chancellor later directed that those students who did not come to the service would be purged out saying they did not belong  to the school. Our source stated that at the end of the service, he prayed for the students in the hall.
Another source in the school hinted that at that point, the Vice-chancellor pleaded on behalf of those who were absent but the Chancellor insisted they must be  purged from the school.
Our source told Saturday Vanguard  that  the Vice-Chancellor while addressing  the  students announced that a search would be carried out in all the halls and colleges to find out those who failed to attend the departure service, advising them to wait behind.

Saturday Vanguard investigation revealed that out of the figure, about 126 were  expelled for not attending  the ‘departure service’, five were thrown out for smoking marijuana, twenty-five final year students  and undisclosed number of  lower level students were caught violating rules bothering on the University’s core values.  We also gathered that a few others were given four weeks suspension for failure to sign the head count that was conducted a couple of weeks earlier. Some of  the students opined that  failure to sign the head count was even a greater offence which implied that the student was not in the school at the time of the exercise but yet got a four-week suspension.
The private  university is known for its strict rules and discipline such as not allowing the students to use mobile phones within the school’s premises, while it is mandatory for students to always bring their bible to the chapel.

Parents react
A few parents who volunteered information spoke to  us on condition of anonymity  fearing that their children might be victimised in case  the issue was resolved amicably. One of them  said  with bitterness that it is unacceptable, adding that the expulsion was not commensurate with the offence deemed to have been committed. He urged the school authorities to rescind  its decision adding that the future of  the students is at stake.

“For me, it is not acceptable. These students were  not given fair hearing. Expulsion should not  be a punishment for failure to attend service. We all agree, it is a Christian school but failure to attend church service could be due to a lot of reasons. I gathered that some of the students even finished their exams about 5pm that day. So, those people that finished at that time had barely three hours to prepare for the service. But stampeding them to congregate for service and then expelling those who did not come is a decision taken too far. For me, if there was poor attendance, I think the authorities have a responsibility. They have not been fair in putting the service so close to the examination. Even God will not do that.”

He however commended the Chancellor, Dr. Oyedepo on his vision towards the education of Nigeria children especially when the government institutions are failing, but urging him to tamper justice with mercy.

Another parent who was  afraid of the press noted that he was still studying  the situation and would not want to comment but noted that he was reliably informed that some group of parents made frantic efforts to meet with the Chancellor on the issue but without success. It was not clear the level of the efforts made. He further hinted that some students have not told their parents about their expulsion, still hoping that the issue would be resolved.

He lamented that his child had been having sleepless nights, going through mental torture  unjustifiably. “I agree that discipline must be instilled in the students but it should not be aimed at destroying the life of the students. Expulsion is too great a punishment for non attendance of a departure service, without even a warning especially when the students hitherto, had not been found wanting,” he stated.

What the Student Handbook says
The Covenant University Core values border on Spirituality, Possibility Mentality, Capacity Building, Integrity, Responsibility, Diligence and Sacrifice. On the spirituality aspect, it states:  “The Christian ethos underguard our activities and conducts at all time and every student of Covenant University is expected to exhibit character traits and dispositions of a Jesus-centered heritage. The Jesus – factor centered approach to all issues is non-negotiable and central in the pursuit of our mandate in raising a new generation of leaders and in the realization of  the objectives of our purpose.

To this extent therefore, students will be committed to maintaining a high level of spirituality and shall act in such manner as to facilitate their spiritual growth as well as work out ways to evolve and implement a spiritual development plan. Attendance at Chapel Services is a  compulsory part of students’ spiritual development where a bible and notebook are essential kits for the service. Students are expected to demonstrate a deep reverence for God at all  times.”

The school declines comment
Several attempts were made to get the school authorities comment on the issue. The institution’s Corporate/Public Affairs Officer, Mr Igban Emmanuel Kalu declined comment. At first, several calls were pulled through to him but he refused to pick his calls. When the reporter persisted, he later picked but said he was driving and could not answer any question. But few hours later, other calls pulled to him were unanswered. A text message was sent to his phone and up to the time of writing this report, he did not reply.

I’m not aware —Prof Julius Okojie, NUC Executive Secretary
The Executive Secretary of the National Universities Commission, NUC, Prof Julius Okojie said he has not been briefed on the matter.
Prof Okojie stated this during a telephone conversation Saturday Vanguard had with him a few days ago. “I am not aware of any expulsion by Covenant University; I will ask the school authorities. Right  now, I am not in Abuja, I left Abuja few days ago and until I return to Abuja and find out details about the matter, I cannot comment on it,” he said.

Source: Vanguard


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halleykeys said...

Wtf???...arrant nonsense!!*hiss*

Galore said...

NUC should know what to do.........

Anonymous said...

Its mid-semester exams by the way and not main exams. That could get people confused because main exams will start next year

ele said...

Too long can't read, but God forgives us when we sin, so as I christian school I expect them to correct the students and teach them what's right (there are stubborn students this we all know) but u cam never enforce anything on people please take note

Anonymous said...

Its mid-semester exams by the way and not main exams. That could get people confused because main exams will start next year

Duke Emeka said...

That's why its important to read Terms and Conditions and not just sign any agreement because they can't sue Covenant cos they consented to all these(Rules & Regulations and its penalties). Sorry to those students.

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Since the University rightly stated the importance of the spiritual development for every student its clear who went out of line here but I feel the University should just tamper justice with mercy, time and money put in by the students shouldn't just go down the drain just like that.

ohnyee said...


zaynab maleek said...

Naso all these christian unis dey do o!
Even wen I dey for babcock, they no dey let us rest with their church wahala
Services 6 times a week, with serious attendance taken.

Anonymous said...

My fellow sensible nigerians if u want 2 save urselves from d shackles,lies & imprisonment of religion try & visit d religion section of nairaland & let 'logicboy' save u like he saved me-Atheist4life

lily said...

Na craze dey worry in gud riddance 2 bad rubbish

Stanley Onduru said...

This is obviusly crazy......don't even know wat to say 277DDBCD for shirts...

Anonymous said...

where do u get ur info from.....its totally seriously....its true dat some were expelled but not dat number...and there was a reason behind da reason been mentioned

Jolade A. said...

Freedom of religion is one of the rights guaranteed under the Nigerian Constitution. This is a case that should be brought before the Human Rights Commission. This so called chancellor has to be humbled. The NUC must suspend the university's licence. Then the affected students must file a suit against him immediately. Also, what right has got to be 'knocking students'?

The bible says pride comes before a fall....Oyedepo is finally about to fall.

lily said...

Dt oyedepo n d sKool authority has gone completely insane..........

Anonymous said...

The punishment doesn't equal the crime.

Anonymous said...

Just it beans. #child's play#

esty said...

Pls tamper justice with Merc

esty said...

Pls tamper justice with Merc

Naem ugo said...

A man who takes decisions in anger..... *smh

Niki said...

These students trivialised the university's rules and regulation. Church attendance is a big deal for the university that is why it is one of their core values. If u are part of an academic institution u are bound by its laws no matter how silly or inconsequential it might seem.
The students should seek forgiveness from the authorities and I hope they get pardoned.

Anonymous said...

The NUC shld look into this.

Anonymous said...

This is d most fucked up private uni..bowen nd babcock r way considerate!

Anonymous said...

Oh its Bishop Adeboye. Scammer! -Taz

Anonymous said...

*yawnz** am tired of hearing all this covenant gist. Its not exciting to talk abt anymore...

Anonymous said...

linda what about the gist about iyanya and only iceprince gist we still hear.

Anonymous said...

This I̶̲̥̅̊s serious. I know how disheartening this could be especially to parents of children involved but in my own opinion Covenant University I̶̲̥̅̊s ₪Ö̤̣̇τ̩̩ the only private university. I only believe if U̶̲̥̅̊ can't stick to the rules don't even purchase the form for your ward. I schooled there for four years and a lot happened but its jst for a short while. My advise to students there has always been its for a short while and U̶̲̥̅̊ wld be out in № time. This training sometimes can b questioned but this I̶̲̥̅̊s what U̶̲̥̅̊ get when U̶̲̥̅̊ sign the oath on your matriculation. S̶̲̅Ơ̴̴̴̴͡ U̶̲̥̅̊ either back out or stay there.I pray school authorities pardon the students involved but pls if U̶̲̥̅̊ are a CU student endurance I̶̲̥̅̊s d only advise I can give.

Anonymous said...

umm thats ignorant

Anonymous said...

God will judge every pastor in this country..................this is totally unreasonable!!!! what do they think being a christian is about?

Anonymous said...

Oyedapo has admitted too many students and is looking to reduce the number. He better refund all d school fees. Well, I'm happy for d students bcos they dum hammer! Sue him to court without wasting time..-forcing pple to go to church is a breach of their fundamental human right.

Anonymous said...

3322FB27 pretty me na dem knw

lozzi said...

Loooooooolz....that day was one of the scariest and equally funniest days of my life! I cried for the students that were expelled because their offence didn't warrant an expulsion. They're most probably gonna be called back anyway(hopefully...)

Anonymous said...

Leave all this pastors and priests building universities and destroying peoples lives.Oyedekpo is not the first there are other School owners like him that have even done worse madonna is one of them NUC should really look into this matter.

Unknown said...

Who send una make u go covenant?

Truthurts said...

Jumping through windows,knocking students,mr chancellor u better don't give yourself hypertension over other peoples kids. Oyedepo seems impulsive a control freak and brash to me though after slapsgiving now this...CU glorified secondary school!

Anonymous said...

Ɲα̩̩̩̩̥ wa o private skul wit their too much strict rules.

Anonymous said...

Bishop, please forgive them as our Father in Heaven does

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, expulsion is being wicked. Abah!!! Are they saying their kids can not be in dat same situation? And the best purnishment they cud think of is to send them out of school. Though the Bible said a sinner wud not go unpurnished, it also said that. sinners shud repent rather than perish. Hmm...will Jesus do this? Have a re-think...

Anonymous said...

Glorified secondary school SMH *Floerty in motion*

Admin said...

This is not fair at all!

tefe said...

They knew the rules before they got admitted into the institution,so they should stop crying and take their punishments,if u want a normal student life then go to a regular higher institution where those kind of laws don't exist.

Anonymous said...

Practice what you preach...

ernie said...

I dnt care if d skool Ȋ̝̊̅§ owned by d pope himself,religion shld neva b a thng u force dwn some1s throat.....U̶̲̥̅̊я̲̅ relationship wit God isn't a reflection of U̶̲̥̅̊я̲̅ attendance @ sm silly service....rubbish,

Anonymous said...

"temper justice with mercy"

Anonymous said...

Nuc should seriously look into it,its so unfair.that is not worthy to be called a school in the 1st place.and Oyedepo neds to be taught a lesson how can u curse other pple's children.Oyedepo is so mean&heartless

Nekky said...

a law is a law and defaulters ought to be punished but expulsion is too extreme in this case. they should be given some other punishment abeg.

linasparkle said...

Ogaa o! Wat do u expect 4rm a private institution, no freedom @ al, dey control ur life as wel

Anonymous said...

Why are this people behaving lack pagans? Mst them be expelled for not going to church? The NUC & NANS shld look into this.

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Anonymous said...

Thank God i v Graduated from that University. Covenant University SMH!!!

estrella said...

The Jesus – factor centered approach to all issues is non-negotiable and central in the pursuit of our mandate in raising a new generation of leaders and in the realization of the objectives of our purpose....yeah so where was the Jesus factor applied in this case? It's time we stopped bullshitting what Jesus really thought us and stop pretending it is the agenda of God that we are pushing...selah

Anonymous said...

Aswear dis private uni's are full of shit..... U can't force someone 2 be spiritual, they students still portray their regular less spiritual characters outside the skool premises and that doesn't give the skool a gud name which the 'so called' administration is tryin to prove.

Unknown said...

Covenant uni na wa o...if its Babcock Uni ehn,dey will jst demerit u or put u on probabation...Hian

Anonymous said...

CU can never change smh

Anonymous said...

Na wa oo, papa pls temper justice with mercy. Na beg we dey abeg. NUC pls look into d case n do something

Anonymous said...

Why are this people behaving lack pagans? Mst them be expelled for not going to church? The NUC & NANS shld look into this.

Anonymous said...

thats is a church university built by and from the sweat of the poor,first,after these church unis are built they become totally unascessable by these poor builders and now look at what they now do,Fanactizing students,these church is now a business outfit,may God save us all

Anonymous said...

forget abt all diz scammer(pastor) jawe..wot wz he even doin outside durin church service sef...*lng hiss** Na only God go judge all of us according to our deeds...

Anonymous said...

All this rules are uncalled for. Its a university not a Secondary school. NUC look into this!

Anonymous said...

Good talk

Anonymous said...

Wat kind of childish uni is dat are dey stil in nursery schul bcos no secd shul dat can b as childish as dat . Oyedepo or watever get a life joor

omogood said...

omo dis oyedepo no go kill person my advise be say utme form stil dey outside

Hrm paul Ojeih said...

Linda if i comment his members will attack me and say i have blasphemed apart from politics religion is another constitutions that is destroying this country but i must say this wat the chancellor did is wrong it is not compulsory to go to church or attend services religion is a thing of the mind were is the principle of forgiveness we are told if u spank a child with the right hand u forgive dat child and draw that child closer wit the left hand that school is nothing but a glorified high school damn too expensive and he has the guts to expel students Nuc section 45 on students conduct and conformity guideline stipulates states that a studet can be expelled if he is involved in anti campus and school activities viz a vi z cultism prostitution endangerment of lives and properties and general social menace so how does oyedepo explain his own conduct viz a a viz expelling the children 4 not going to service i went to word of faith Christian college in Benin city arch bishop Benson idahosa of blessed memory never did such he was not a tryant or a bully the chancellor of convent(ant) university is a bully and a tyrant any of his members that dont like my statement should gos suck on it or hug a transformer screw them all am really pissed.wat will be the career and the fate of the students that he expelled some are in their 3 rd years barely 1 year to go rubbish its not his fault its the poor educational standard in the country rubbish

omogood said...

omo dis oyedepo no go kill person my advise be say utme form stil dey outside

Anonymous said...

no one has the right to judge . if they follow the rules .they wont have problem simple.

Anonymous said...

Greatest CU still remains the best private university u can ever graduate from *smiles*

Anonymous said...

Dis Ȋ̝̊̅§ bad but not as bad as wat goes on in madonna university!d chancellor who calls himself a priest does worse.if NUC has nt lukd in2 dier matter,dis 1is 2lytl 4dm 2luk in2!

Anonymous said...

Abi o.. Heard it's ice prince she's shagging sef

Anonymous said...

Na wetin eyes find eyes dey see....lool, mk dem doh, go apply for diploma in Unilag. Lwkmd. See the yeye parents self, with their plenty noise and fear, na wah for Nigerians, after paying so much money for fees...I rest my case mk Papa for no beat me join

Anonymous said...

So happy I've graduated.., *whew*

anon said...

Ehm lemme school u a bit, wen u apply to dis skl, u sign a declaration form to stick to d rules and abide by it fr ur tenure der. Nobody can sue d skl cos evn d parents also signed d undertaking. Suing would b a waste of time. Evn dou I condemn d actions, every student knew wat dey wia gettin into. Wat dey shud plead rite now is mercy. D only way out is not to apply in the frst place. I survived 4 yrs in dt skl. Any determined person can do same. I pray God intervens

Anonymous said...

D reason 4 their expulsion is so lame,how can u expel sm1 4 not attending mass,allow God 2 judge d person,human beings have no right 2 judge 4 it is written judge not so dat u may not judge,dats d reason y I hate all this catholic private schs,dem 2 get rules,I knew wat I went 2ru in my secondary sch,it was hell,Madam Linda post my comment oooo

anon said...

Ehm lemme school u a bit, wen u apply to dis skl, u sign a declaration form to stick to d rules and abide by it fr ur tenure der. Nobody can sue d skl cos evn d parents also signed d undertaking. Suing would b a waste of time. Evn dou I condemn d actions, every student knew wat dey wia gettin into. Wat dey shud plead rite now is mercy. D only way out is not to apply in the frst place. I survived 4 yrs in dt skl. Any determined person can do same. I pray God intervens

Anonymous said...

Jolade or whatever ur name is are you a big fooL suspend which licence? R u crazy u just want to cut short someone's life like that. Abeg make sense what about those who are still in school.

Anonymous said...

Madonna uni is worst

Anonymous said...

All of you saying shit should shut up those students know the rules and they know departure service is a serious thing why go against it. Abeg abeg abeg. Even though the punsihment is too much some CU students like to over do.

Unknown said...

Linda na you ohhh, how you take get all these accounts.Sincerely, this was greatly exaggerated, 200???

Unknown said...

So suprising how Linda got all of the's exaggerated ohhh, 200??

MD said...

Rules are Rules. Acceting the admission confirms your agreement to the rules. You should not break it!

Anonymous said...

The service is compulsory because d chancellor always comes. And there was no exam of any sort dat student will be claiming tiredness. Besides when u enter d skool u have to sign some documents dat u ave agreed to d skool rules. Nobody forced u to come to d skool. You had a choice. And am nt saying d expulsion was a good thing cos I feel bad for them also. I pray they call dem back.

Anonymous said...

Gbam! U r on point!

Anonymous said...

Glorified secoundary school.mtchew.

lilian said...

Linda summarize that thing jor
#private schools the best

Anonymous said...

Glorified secoundary school.mtchew.

Anonymous said...

U r on point. I am a fellow CU graduate. Its either you stick to the rules and graduate or you back out. I love my Almameter. Long live Covenant University.

Unknown said...

i think every school have its rules and regulation ,if that is what the school rules says then the Authority is right if not or even yes they should have mercy God also forgive .thanks

Anonymous said...

Na u sabi. A military ground is a place that condones no nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Why did the students apply to the school in the first place, when they didn't want religion to be forced down their throat?

Anonymous said...

Yes o *big smile*

Anonymous said...

As a graduate of covenant university, I can say authoritatively that all the experiences in this school is a reflection of wat is happening in the real world . My advice for all new n returning students is to endure the inconvenience , learn as much as you can n always remember the son of who you are. The last one worked most for me personally because I don't do follow follow, no matter how ridiculous the law sounds( 20 friends can't play for 20 years that's wat the bishop tells us all the time) my reason is that I know my mother is struggling to pay my fees so wat will happen to me if I get expelled. I studied in covenant university for 5 years so my advice is if u just can't cope n endure don't even apply. However I am proud to say im an Eagle n I can't trade my experience in covenant university for nothing, it wasn't easy but it's worth it.

BOKO BY FORCE! said...

Thank you Anon 12:54a for putting it the way it is, they were not expelled because they didn't go to Church but because they break the school rule Period and believe me they know the consequences. na by force to go CU if you can't take the heat then go somewhere else where you can do whatever you like, Simple!
And those of you condemning the chancellors action don't come here in the future to make noise when the next generation turn out to be like Adam Lanza
Yes I said it and if we don't instill discipline now no amount of prayer can change that later :(
Thank Baba Oyedepo for playing your part in Educating our children which the Government failed to do

Anonymous said...

Why did the students apply to the school in the first place, when they didn't want religion to be forced down their throat?

Anonymous said...

Na u sabi. A military ground is a place that condones no nonsense.

Anonymous said...

U r on point. I am a fellow CU graduate. Its either you stick to the rules and graduate or you back out. I love my Almameter. Long live Covenant University.

Anonymous said...

He's nt a God fearing man even our God CU student moni he dey chop.hw he go saw he nr kno wetin happen wen he dey folow dem jumb wil pastor b lieing first,I'm am driving wen ure expelling.God wil judge him.

Anonymous said...

God forgives.....

Anonymous said...

The punishment is way to much...what is it. Agreed, the students broke the school's rule which clearly states that services are compulsory but then I can't see anything about the punishment been expulsion. What I think the students and parents should do is to read the school's handbook well and find out what it says about the punishment for not attending services, if it however states that such students would be expelled then am afraid there is nothing that can be done about it since they signed it for it. I went to a private school as well and was cut times without number for not attending church services and was not expelled..

Professor X said...

You are not an athiest don't decieve yourself. An athiest is free thinking and believes in no supreme power. As it stands, logicboy is your god. You see, your case is even more pathetic than the religion you preach against. Its a little boy who saved you. Its him you worship. You should be ashamed of yourself. You're a weakling. You have no single strength of character if someone from the internet is able to control your mind. Shame on you. Shame.

victor uzowuru said...

Ignorance is the main problem with us in Nigeria. For all those saying they deserve that because they accepted to go to that school, u need to know some few things:
1. The constitution of Nigeria provides for the freedom of religion. ie you are free to practice any religion of your choice or practice none if you want.
2. CU is an institution registered in Nigeria to offer service in nigeria.
3. Every institution in Nigeria is bounded by the constitution of the F.R.N.
4. Any law that is in conflict with the constitution will not be enforceable by the government.

With this I employ those expelled to take the school to court and seek damages if necessary.

Anonymous said...

Na wa oooo,m soo glad m in babcock,they dn't tke such thns lyk ds sooo srzz,smetn mst b wrng wif dt oyedepo ofa man,he's nt alryttt n he shld beta beg God 2 4gyv him if he duzn't wnt 2 face d wrath of God,Stupid Man!!!

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 2:10pm....Convenant is nt a catholic university.
And wer u forced to attend a catholic secondary school?
Mass and Service are entirely different.Pls take note.

Anonymous said...

Bt 4 hw long shall we temper justice with mercy. After all, it is said that shall we continue in sin so that grace may abound, God forbid. As far as I'm concerned,if u know d laws of a land, den do as it says. Abi if u get caught flouting d laws of nigeria , dem go listen to ur excuse. Secondly, dese students like pushin deir luck too much, just too many atrocities dat shdnt be heard of. E sure me say if many of una wey dey talk be d chancellor, una 4 don expel pass dis.

kels said...

@Duke,I can't see any punishment written in the handbook for failure to attend chapel. O yes, its compulsory, but without expulsion stated as the punishment. I say, they should proceed to court if the school insists.kels

Anonymous said...

@Anon.... We all signed declaration forms in all our various school, and am sure the so called declaration form you signed doesn't state that you will be expelled for not attending a church service. So please keep shut if you don't have anything good to say.

Anonymous said...

Firstly, students re d same all over d world, be it religious schl or coventional, so pursuit of academic at tertiary lev is a diferent bal game irespective of core values on which d schl is established. So, covenant athorities has just display religion bigotry, end of story.

Anonymous said...

All u condemning CU are talking without "reason". Attending chapel service is beyond spirituality, it builds punctuality trait and a responsible life to commitments (live ready). I'm a CU student, and a "bad boy" @dat. The school was seeming too confortable for those that were stabbing and disobeying school rules, so there had to be a form of correction (although this is too harsh). Apparently, the students wld be called-back or at most given a year's suspension, cus CU doesn't expel, they only suspend. You can ask around, they always retrieve the (willing) students (based on some "WOFBI" condition). Back to the drift, CU is a great school, and I really get pissed when pple exaggerate the happenings of CU. The students know they're at fault that's why they're not pushing hard on the school. I firstly was raged by the news until I got details. Gross disrespect on the path of the students and bridge of school rules. I pray Davido (Papa) tampers justice with mercy (as he always does). Long live CU

Anonymous said...

Tnk u!!!

kels said...

forcing a child to attend church 6times a week won't save his/her soul. No wonder they graduate from some of these schools only to start exploring things they were deprived of.
Since I can't see Expulsion as the punishment for not attending chapel in that handbook, the affected students have every right to sue the school. Its compulsory to attend, yes, but I see no punishment stated there. Smh

Anonymous said...

Umokoro felix, I think u shld join dem in dat school. Dis ur english get as e b

Anonymous said...

I sooo agree wit u. Thr ws sm gist goin arnd bout a babe who gave head 2 a guy n d pic went viral. She ws expelled 4rm school( think babcock but nt sure). But IMO dats understandable. But 2 expel kids 4 nt attendin church? Dats just rong.

Anonymous said...

For your info, the punishment for nt going for a chapel service according to the handbook is a letter of warning. So oga or madam, we read before we signed!

Anonymous said...

Aunty zainabu you can lie oooo...6 times in a week ke abeg na just 4 times ooo

Anonymous said...

And who told u guys dat d school fees is more dan a million naira? just see how u guys are spreading rumors around without even confirming. the students dat were caught stayed back on purpose because we were asked to come to chapel by 6:45pm, and departure service started by 8.

Anonymous said...

What a foolish school + society!!!

Anonymous said...

its better people just leave on their own than defaulting and getting expelled then they would start blabbing nonsense

Anonymous said...

well, d thing is most of d students in there do not really know d rules b4 dey get into d skool, bcz most tyms is either a parent forced dem in or sometin.
Generally their rules are not proper for undergraduates - dey are just too strict n make life unbearable 4 students while in skool.i just bliv e should reconsider dem cz money is nt easy 2 get, so all d fees dey v bin payin since dey got in,is a waste not 2 judge a man of God but e has no right to place a wrath on anibodi - which is always threatening dem with

Anonymous said...

Ignorance and religion is the bane of all Nigeria's woes and will be our downfall.

Coded Guy said...

Look , the agreement is that the students are to be issued a warning letter. Page 128 of the students handbook, it is online for downloads .

Anonymous said...

It is only islam that force people to serve allah o.these student pay thru their nose to ettend you institution.if you wan expel the for not attending service pay the all them hard cash.even the chancellor no fit pay that outrageous fee.linda post am sharply o.

Kinkster said...

Nah wah oh! A parent would read those rules stated and still spend millions to send their kids to these glorified secondary schools?

Goes against everything a university setting is about IMO, including fundamental human rights of choice

Anonymous said...

Well said fellow Eagle....Long live Covenant University.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what university you attended. That is even if you attended one. Your English is so much of a headache...those students are way better than you in all aspects.

Queen Bee said...

There was nothing my folks didn't try to get mi into dis covenant but mehn but I too did everytn to Refuse!so na wetin person for don see?mayb I for be dropout now be dat!
Just for not attending service?expulsion!
if person want to go for party nko?Dat one for be sentence to death by hanging!
my bishop Oyedepo should calm down!he as a person,not as aMOG now),seem to be very impatient and temparamental!he shouldn't be quick to lay curse for God's sake,are they demons?.... done before'' I touch the anointed one'

Anonymous said...

The law is clear on this, any law that is inconsistent with the constitution is void to the extent of the incosistency. The school rules and regulations cannot supercede the provision of the grundnorm. Moreover, the school rules merely states what an offence is, it does not specify the punishment. The students were not given fair hearing before being expelled. No fair-minded judge would affirm the action of the "Almighty Chancellor."

Anonymous said...

Rules are rules. Read the small prints.

the fashion engineer said...

I got expelled n guess wat I was actually sick...dey sed I ddnt have proof so..I shud go!! So don't judge..its not everyone dat willingly broke the rule
Beside we need ur prayers not u bashing anyone ..A kings heart is in the hands of the Lord and only Him can turn it!
And I still don't regret attending CU watever the case may be
The Fashion Engineer

Anonymous said...

His actions contravene Chapter 4 of the Nigerian constitution, Section 38(1) which states that no one should be compelled in any educational institution, to attend or take part in any religious gathering that he doesn't believe In. And bcos the constitution is d highest law of the land, everyother law, agreement or undertaking inconsistent with it, is void(section 1:3). So irrespective of what any one signed before entering d sch, they have a right of action here. Oyedapo should know that he isn't running a military regime there & that he is no dictator. Make d guy cool down jor!

Anonymous said...

I'm a direct product of dat school so one thing I knw for sure is wisdom is key no matter wot ure doin be smart about it cos every diff staff has dier own diff rules. Also if dey knew he was going to be around y cldnt dey jst go to d service pple hav gotten diff sanctions for shit more flimsy dan dis. Obedience is beta dn sacrificem

Anonymous said...

it s well!!

Senera said...

Well said.... Money, time, energy are nt things to ignore. Jesus forgives so they should also forgive. That's christainity

Anonymous said...

Dis is seriously not making sense.. How can students in a university tho private be expelled for not attending church sevice? Dis I arrant nonsense. God help us

Dokky said...

I'm so shocked at how people are insulting Bishop Oyedepo. Some babcock student went as far as calling him a "stupid man". I fear for naija kids , they are becoming like the african american kids i deal with daily.No respect for someone older than you! One sane man trying to introduce discipline that a lot of parents are not giving their kids in Nigeria. The punishment might be stiff but i applaud the principles this university stands for. If you can't stand the heat then, get out of the kitchen...

Anonymous said...

Dis is wat we see in madonna university too,they expel pple without consideration.I tink all dis church universities are heartless and wicked.are u expelling 2 become armed robbers and prostitues eh,its not fair.Nuc shuld look into dis matter well.

Anonymous said...

Wow... Wouldn't hav said it better... Logicboy!@*? Wat a vry lost confused soul *smh* @prof X - u r vry on point. @12:21 u need psychological help... Concerned

Anonymous said...

I and my wife graduated from this prestigious University and it as impacted a lot in us not just spiritually but also in develpoment of our skills and character to face Life. We endured the 4yrs and it's worth it.My candid advice is Students should endure because life gives more incovenience, which you will naturally endure to. The students should just seek for forgiveness and hope they get pardoned. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

I am a proud product of covenant university and one thing is clear, my school does not joke with rules and regulations. also, before any student is admitted, they are given the handbook and expected to sign. so this is a case of simple rule breaking- if you commit the crime, prepare to do the time. i can categorically state that the students who chose to do the right thing were equally stressed out, but they knew the rules and kept them. i regard my school for striving for excellence and i wouldn't have it any other way. the sensible thing to do would be to 'appeal' to the authorities and not to 'challenge' them. you knew the right thing but chose the wrong, so please don't act like you were in the right. Wishing you the best- Cynthia (proud covenant university graduate). by the way, this is a one sided story, so let's not judge the authorities too quickly.b

Anonymous said...

You are just ignorant! "built by the poor" mtcheeeew! Go to winners' chapel, and count how many poor people u see there! And how much would "the poor" donate to build a mega structure like "CU"...i'm not a fan of d skool or the bishop but I beg people to reason, get facts before u vommit rubbish! Let ur statements be soo solid that it shows wisdom! Stop talking like a fool!

chywe said...

All these glorified secondary schools sef...wen they signed the contract, did they not know what they were getting into? And all those parents that are all afraid to speak becos they fear for wetin? Na waoh. Na dem no. Make dey pray NUC helps dem out in this otherwise their school fees don enter correct voicemail.

Anonymous said...

Buhahahahahaha Professor X oooooooooooo...... Choi!!! Dis girl u get mouth gaan o. Very brilliant too.

Anonymous said...

Firstly let me say that the chancellor can't be bothered. He's said it ova again that all these dailys can go ahead and write what they feel like. Every student signed the matriculation covenant agreement 2obey the rules n core values and spirituality comes first. It wasn't easy 4a whole lot back then but you soon adjust n realise that is 4 or 5 yrs anyway or 6 if u get suspended

True fact said...

Children go do bad tnz, they go run go twist the story give dia parents. Now na the bishop do rong, forgetting that they signed that contract to abide by all rules and regulations. All these Convenant kids! parents should learn to train and teach their kids acts of obedience. They should not leave the skul to do all the training for them. The others kids wey go service, they get two heads? No be de same skul all of dem dey? Charity they say begins at home!! Make de go take new utme (or watever they call it now) and start afresh.

Anonymous said...

You people shuld be careful of how u insult a man of God.touch not my annointed and do my prophet no harm. It is God dat put him in dat position so let God be d judge and don't let ur mouth put u in trouble. Insult d skool and not d bishop. It is well with ur souls. Amen.

Anonymous said...

Thank u my fellow eagle. Me I spent 5years chasing jamb n jamb chasing me, ffwn post jamb. Wen I got in2 CU I just didn't want problems 4masef. To me if I had gotten expelled what would I have done? So I just had 2obey even if some rules were unnecessary.

lily said...

D punishment is too high 4 d offence. They ar stil youth is in d blood. Big daddy av issue of temper.

Anonymous said...

Firstly let me say that the chancellor can't be bothered. He's said it ova again that all these dailys can go ahead and write what they feel like. Every student signed the matriculation covenant agreement 2obey the rules n core values and spirituality comes first. It wasn't easy 4a whole lot back then but you soon adjust n realise that is 4 or 5 yrs anyway or 6 if u get suspended

Anonymous said...

Did they state the punishment for failure to attend their service or is it an open thing?

Unknown said...

Anyhow, enough about all this Private schools, also known as independent schools or nonstate schools. ... I want students to feel they have equal treatment, both from other students in federal schools.

Anonymous said...

Hello! Apparently, it is even against sections 6.1 and 6.2 of the criteria for establishing an institution of higher learning in Nigeria...."shall be open to all Nigerians irrespective of religious persuasion" means, I can be an atheist or change denomination(catholic/muslim) and remain a student." *Floetry in Motion*

Anonymous said...

You guys should calm down.
I'm a CU student. I chose to come to CU because I thought I wouldn't cope in a public school considering the cultism, blackmail, and stuff..and tbh, I thought CU drama was overrated..
Firstly, on that departure service night, people weren't loittering upstairs of chapel and around chapel..there was no space to sit inside the chapel, that was why we stood out and we were watching through the window..bishop didn't ask why before he. Started slapping people.. That day was matriculation day and if you're in a university, you should know how matriculation day usually is..very rowdy and some people had tests that day..its normal to have felt tired.. Apart from that, we really don't do anything special during departure service..its not like a proper church service..they just read out the people suspended, expelled I guess that was why people who were tired decided to rest.. They once expelled a girl in final year who's grandma had been struggling to pay her school fees by frying akara for a minor reason, also expelled a 500 lvl boy who ended up committing suicide!! NUC should please read this reply and do something pleaseeee..we are really going through a lot.. I can't even type one tenth of it..

Anonymous said...

Bcos u didn't attend service, u get expelled.. Gimme a break puleaseeee! Better suspension than expel... But then "bcos na church" and "touch not my annoited" people will do anything or context such rules...BTW is not same CU dat expelled some student bcos they attened some crazy party during holiday? Same sch that carried out HIV/pregnacy test on student....FYI what they did is against nigeria constition(from sect 6.1) *Ada nnewi*

Anonymous said...

who fucking cares! its a univeristy and they are all adults! how can the school suspend and expel students because they didnt attend a stupid service. nigerian schools are too weird. they focus on stupid issues.

ernie said...

Dude,fact Ȋ̝̊̅§,CU offers a great educational system compared to d craps we hv as federal institutions,bt dt aside,u Ǧ☺ to skool to grow academically,develop U̶̲̥̅̊я̲̅ intellect,nt spirituali,dts nt compulsory...I'll say it again,u dnt force religion,God ddnt force adam did he?....besides,ask urself,wot hpns wen a muslim attends such a skool???truth Ȋ̝̊̅§ d system wnt b as harsh on him as it wld b on d xtians... α̲̅πϑ finally,nigeria offers freedom of religion,wch goes to say thr shld b a clear distinction btwn state n religion...dts d P in nigeria,we gv more preference to religious laws thn state laws,wch Ȋ̝̊̅§ wrng since d constitution allows fr freedom of religion,dts y u c a senator marrying a 14yrs old n claiming his religion permits it evn tho d constitution sees dt an child molestation....since we r allowd to practice woteva form of worship we like,kp U̶̲̥̅̊я̲̅ fuckin religion to urself,if u religion says u cn burn dwn a church, α̲̅πϑ gt 72virgins,screw dt sh*t cz state laws deem such murder.....havin said dt,CU stdnts shld hv to ryt to state weda or nt de choose to b religious...."hey,I wna attend CU bt screw chrch,it aint fr ♍ε̲̣̣̣̥."....such a persn shldnt b persecuted...its his choice,.....bottom line,if de rili did expel ' r idiats......(Cumbersome,cnt blve I typd dis plnty sh*t)

Anonymous said...

Mr Paul, shut ur crabated mouth abeg! The school has rules, if u can't follow den don't even bother applying!!! Just imagine if all other universities in Nigeria adopt such displinary measures, trust me, naija will b a better place. Student will graduate. And beat their chest and say, I truly graduated with good honours and character! Don't u dare call Oyedepo a tyrant b4 ur generation is placed on a curse! Dunzor

Anonymous said...

Ermm Blogger anon, read NiGeria constitution on estAbliashing educational institution(frm sect 6.1) again, if these student sue, they will win... That's why I like American lawyers seeking to get famous, they will be on case *Ada Nnewi*

Anonymous said...

I don't see the big deal here. A rule was broken and the punishment was applied. Shikena! Some rules are more stringent than others but a rule is a rule. Asking for mercy is their only option because they signed the agreement along with their parents.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, it is even against sections 6.1 and 6.2 of the criteria for establishing an institution of higher learning in Nigeria...."shall be open to all Nigerians irrespective of religious persuasion" means, I can be an atheist or change denomination(catholic/muslim) and remain a student." *Floetry in Motion*

Anonymous said...

Bcos na ur church or u dey follow "touch not my annoited" u see what can be altered or change or even stop you no go talk or complain about it...May you be content with being maltreated forever... Don't ever complain! Ever!!! ever!! ever! *Sumbody pikin*

Anonymous said...

Sweetheart it's "temper justice with mercy", not tamper.

Methinks a suspension would have been appropriate though.

Anonymous said...

In govt uni when caught with expo u are liable to expulsion...but then how many have u heard expelled(not saying there aren't such case ) but linency and less stringent rules is what matters.. FYI Expelling on religious ground is againt human rights and constitution..NUC need to start reviewing some school rules *Ada Nnewi*

Anonymous said...

Lesson of the day: when you see an institution that is excessive about religion to the point of almost being irrational so as to practically forget the teachings of mercy and humility in the bible, you run! Covenant.... NEVER!

Anonymous said...

I like dt,I thought I was about 2 read best University,but 10k God I just read best private university...I 4 fear and pls next time put best private nigeria.chikena

Anonymous said...

Everybody has d 9ht 2 dere own choice of words,why u no comment ur own make u move dere4 na u go 1st SHUT UP UR SMELLING MOUTH.

Anonymous said...

God bless you for the comment..God forgives us when we err he gives us another chance,If he expels us when we sin, I wonder how many people will be left on earth.

Ace DJ Bentley said...

I saw that no1 replied you and indeed you need a reply...

Atleast they ain't like your so called islam that would cut off pples arms and legs as a means of judgment or rather throw bombs around...

Look at the map and tell me about 1 country that is islamic or permitted a trace of islam that's not into some sort of quagmire as an offshoot of the religion.

In essence, b4 you spill check urslf!

Anonymous said...

Take this K and calm ur nerves

Anonymous said...

Gbagaun of Life WTF is lemme school u a bit my dear its Let me scold u a bit. Thank me later :)

Anonymous said...

Linda trust me..madona is worse u cnt even get a sick leave even if ur dieing..

ernie said...

Dude,seriously!CU prepd u fr real life???if u endured in CU,thn wuh u xpect graduates frm federal institution to say,de survived.....look,I aint dissin U̶̲̥̅̊я̲̅ skool or anythng,bt u cnt say u endured in a skool whr u arnt allowed to leave skool premises witout a 'permit" fones r disallowed,u gt expelled fr nt attending service l☺l...attend a federal skool whr u cn do all dese sh*ts n lots more,bt yt,stil b able to make d ryt decisions,like read n ignore parties,thn u cn say u wen u gt outta skool, α̲̅πϑ u r faced wit real life diffclties,u cn prioritize...say...I wnt Ǧ☺ clubbn 2nyt cz I hv to wake up early 2mao...tyns like offence,wot u attended ws jst an advanced secondary skool....wot dffrnciates kids frm adults Ȋ̝̊̅§ d fact adults make decisions on dis own,kids on d other hand r told wot to do....wit dt analogy,am sure u cn decipher if U̶̲̥̅̊я̲̅ skool actuali bred kids or adults.....azin,seriously,Ihvnt attended church in like 3yrs. α̲̅πϑ thr Ȋ̝̊̅§ no VC on d face of dis earth dt cn xpel ♍ε̲̣̣̣̥. Lol

ernie said...

A wise man 1ce said "an unjust law Ȋ̝̊̅§ no law at all"..dts y laws r continually bein revised n..jst cz u own smtyn,dsnt necesarili mean u cn jst state woteva law u will....nw,personali,I thnk religion Ȋ̝̊̅§ crap(I said religion,nt God,cz I knw sm dumbfucks here cnt tel d dfrnce)...if a pastor/skool cn xpel stdnts over smtyn as trivial as missing a service sm idiot deemed important,yt stil denounce d killing of xtians by sm muslim holligans wen irrespective of gravity, in raw fact,it all boils dwn to u forcing U̶̲̥̅̊я̲̅ beliefs/religion dwn peoples throat....wen jesus ws on earth,he preached,thn allowed peeps make dia decisions as to whom to worship,u ddnt c him sayin "am nt gonn heal u cz u aint worshipn my pops"....nahhhhh,as a pastor,u preach,do U̶̲̥̅̊я̲̅ part,thn allow 'em make dia decision,....#shikenah...ifu gonna xpel 'em,thn u myt as well strt takin attendance at evry sunday service n wen u eventuali realise mr n mrs obi hv missed service fr 3weeks in a row,stp dem frm attendin U̶̲̥̅̊я̲̅ chrch cz I sincerely c no dffrnce btwn dt n dis xpulsion.....

ernie said...

Dude,seriously!CU prepd u fr real life???if u endured in CU,thn wuh u xpect graduates frm federal institution to say,de survived.....look,I aint dissin U̶̲̥̅̊я̲̅ skool or anythng,bt u cnt say u endured in a skool whr u arnt allowed to leave skool premises witout a 'permit" fones r disallowed,u gt expelled fr nt attending service l☺l...attend a federal skool whr u cn do all dese sh*ts n lots more,bt yt,stil b able to make d ryt decisions,like read n ignore parties,thn u cn say u wen u gt outta skool, α̲̅πϑ u r faced wit real life diffclties,u cn prioritize...say...I wnt Ǧ☺ clubbn 2nyt cz I hv to wake up early 2mao...tyns like offence,wot u attended ws jst an advanced secondary skool....wot dffrnciates kids frm adults Ȋ̝̊̅§ d fact adults make decisions on dis own,kids on d other hand r told wot to do....wit dt analogy,am sure u cn decipher if U̶̲̥̅̊я̲̅ skool actuali bred kids or adults.....azin,seriously,Ihvnt attended church in like 3yrs. α̲̅πϑ thr Ȋ̝̊̅§ no VC on d face of dis earth dt cn xpel ♍ε̲̣̣̣̥. Lol

Anonymous said...

Just pray dat d wrath of d Lord won't be upon u nd ur household hw could u say such!
Am a cu student nd m proud 2 b m in ma final year 2 b precise! Deir wz no mid semester dat day cos d matriculation ceremony wz also conducted dat day! D departure service wz 2 start by 9pm buh it actually started late I got 2 d chapel by 9:30pm nd d entrance doors were still opened!
Students dat r fully aware of deir purpose in cu will neva stab departure nd arival service 4 ny reason when we were fully aware dat d chancellor would b deir datz really ridiculous! I hope somfin will b done tho cos I really feel sowy 4 d parents of dose who were expelled buh criously y would u eva stab shiloh brk departure service!
Cu iz very easy only if u make it easy 4 ur self m in ma final year nd av been cool since! Itz just 4 a while nd obviously nt 4 eva!
2 dose who r soo ignorant of d truth nd made d truth 2 be sooo far frm them! Cu will neva take actions if deir r no reasons behind them! D hand book is available on d sklz website u can download if u really nid 2 enlighthen ur self b4 jumping into unneccessary conclusion! Frm tolani

****Mufasa said said...

My thoughts exactly, Mr atheist, as far as I'm concerned, u only want to be recognized but unfortunately, u have made no logical or sensible reasoning to why u are an atheist neither has any of ur comments come in as worth pondering about. Most atheist will never come out making noise about their religion or lack of it. It is observed by mere conversing with them.

Ignorant of u to say someone saved u, u really want the attention of someone tellin u about Christ and salvation? Sorry u will not get it coz u are a non factor to reckon with.

Pls get the hell out of here and I mean that both ways!

****Mufasa Said.

Ada di ora said...

I will post what I said on bellanaija

Please! Brigham Young University in Utah, in the US is a Mormon university and students there are not supposed to fornicate and can get expelled if they find out too!! No be only Naija! When you go to a school, you play by the rules, if you dont like it, go to another school whose rules you find acceptable!

The rules are there for a reason! When I was in undergrad in the states, smoking weed was illegal in my dorm, if you got caught, you could get in trouble, suspension, and some students still did. Those who got caught, had to deal with the consequences. I’ve no idea why grown youths/young adults and their parents are shouting! This is the problem with Nigeria! There are rules for a reason, if you dont like it, then go elsewhere!!

Are they the 1st students that have to take finals! They know the drill, its all excuses.

In addition, in the US, certain schools (historically Black) universities, do not let men/women in each other’s dorm rooms after a certain time. I didnt go to one of those schools, and it’d have been silly for me to go there, and get in trouble for that, and cry wolf! Those rules are there, and once a person decides to go to any school, you accept the rules that have been established, regardless of the rules at OTHER SCHOOLS!!!
What use would suspension have done? How do we know some of the students havent done this before in the past? Where does one draw the line! Its this mentality that holds the society back! Step up and be adults! Face the consequences when you take actions in life! Thats how the world works!

Anonymous said...

all this mugus here posting comments without facts! go and ask a CU student what really went down, all of you with your big mouths about freedom of religion, you lose all dat right when you sign papers that agree wit the school that you will adhere to thier rules!, this people lied wedont have exams till next yr so which exam? and lazy students you wont read when you shuld till its a day to ur test its no ones fault but yours, this students know they have it gud in CU! good light, water and food one of the cheapest private schools with such good facilities and standards! ungrateful pple giving this haters sumtin to talk about. if you dont likethe Bishop go and lick electric pole cos he is better than you and where you cant ever be with that hater attitude, he knows what God showed him abt the school and we must get it right! so haters keep hating buh CU is great and i hope they call those expelled back buh you can only ask for mercy so stop trying to find useless rihts cos they have none!

Anonymous said...

Stupid u!!!,r u still nt in a private school,make any mistake now n c how u'l b thrown out,u r oll lyks.*Bishop Oyedepo shld av a rethink n reverse his decisions,Mercy did it 4 him;he should av mercy aswell...ALl dis private schl'dnt make Growing minds unastnd d true rigours of dis lyf,dey end up with a particular spirit 1c in dia.God help dem dou.*Amen*

Unknown said...

He who is without sin should cast the first stone...Jesus did not force his disciples to attend Mass/service neither did he cause people when they murmured...All these Pastors sef...the man just likes controversies.

Unknown said...

All you people talking about read rules and shit, please spare everyone that nonsense. How many products have you bought, or sites on the net you've joined after reading the policies/terms?

Let's talk reasonably, please.

What's wrong is wrong. You don't have to expel a student to instill discipline. That means you can disown your child for merely disobeying you. It shows weakness on the part of the disciplinarian. Youths will always be who/what they are.

I went to a private school, too. Madonna, to be precise. But the truth is that no matter the discipline they claim to have instilled into me, till the world ends, I totally refuse to have gotten any from them.

What I learnt from there is bitterness and wickedness and frustration and hard-heartedness and its likes. Many of us turned out that way, anyway. Forget the education aspect. When you train a faultless child in the manner of a hardened criminal, how do you expect him/her to turn out?

Don't be surprise if the world gets another group of Hitler in the future.

Anonymous said...

I am not saying the students are right, I just want to know if it is written in the hand book or declaration form that the punishment for not attending church services would be expulsion. So since u are a proud student of the school who read the so called handbook den enlighten me on what is in it

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:54 u don expose ur foolishness today, kai! Over sabi. Ever heard that is better to keep quiet and let people think u r wise than to open ur mouth and show that u are foolish. Google is ur friend. Let me scold u ko let me scald u ni.

Anonymous said...

Any student caught in the Hall of Residence during any General Assembly shall be issued a letter of warning and may be expelled if the act becomes habitual.
Any student caught in the Hall of residence during any General Assembly particularly Chapel Services, Sunday Services and Variety Night, shall be suspended for One semester at the first instance and may be suspended for One (1) academic session or expelled from the University if the act becomes habitual by being caught twice for this same offence.

Unknown said...

I guess Oyedepo children are perfect, none of them has ever broken law b4. *smh*
This will also pass a message to all the parents that likes to force thr children to a particular Uni(church Universities mostly). Rules are made by human nd can only be broken by human. He shld have mercy on them.

anon said...

Anon 3:29 if u r sensible u wil knw dat d one u signed in ur skl wil def b diff in CU, and FYI it states dt u subject ursef to d full extent of d law as d skl deems fit, if u cnt sign den pls go nobody is beggin u. So u pls shutup if u dnt hv anytin reasonable to say and for u Mr. English, u didn't offend me so I can't scold u ehn, am informing u so am educatin u anum pama! Watch and learn mgbeke!

Anonymous said...

Lol ve always said it going to all this so called private uni is a waste of time nd its school for the ignorant..I went to ibadan uni and I hold a top job with citi bank in london am just 30 doesn't really matter what uni u go...

Anonymous said...

I agree wit u oo,wisdom is key.may Papa forgives dem,nd call dem back.

Anonymous said...

Is Covenant University managed by the incompetent or the incapable?

What values are you instilling in the students when the University’s Chancellor is a judge in his own cause?

It is very sad indeed that students accused of whatever infraction of the University’s rules were not given an opportunity to explain and account for their actions. Is this what Christian fundamentalists really do?

P.S. It’s a real shame that several alleged Covenant University graduates who have commented on this blog are unable to write correct sentences in English!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pls everyone should keep their opinions to themselves. I went through the school without being expelled or getting into any major trouble so why can't others do likewise? If you know the kind of environment you are in, align your behaviour with the rules and regulations and take consolation in the fact that you won't be there forever. When you get out there is all the freedom in the world for you.

Regina said...

I agree with you @Duke, I think his not referring to just the penalty of the crime but the Senate or schools Board and chairman can take up any disciplinary action on any student as they deem fit. Like my sch Madonna university, same thing applies.

Anonymous said...

The school has its rules & regulations. It's ethos is crucial. Simply obey or leave. The Chancellor has every right to assert discipline in the manner in which he did.

Justsayin said...

Anonymous 9.54 (aka I too sabi) ,u need to chill cos na u no dey in sync with popular culture.let me school you means let me liberate you from the shackles of ignorance just like i am doing to you now.When you are free you should openly thank me.You are actually more illiterate than your ego allows you to appreciate and I didn't write the post you were correcting.

Anonymous said...

His directions are from God so I am pretty certain he won't respond to the pleas until he has heard from our Heavenly Father. Haters hold your peace & watch your tongue please o! No Everyman you open your mouth to abuse. Remember: "touch not my anointed & do my prophets no harm". Remain blessed as you think twice before you pour out your venom on a true man of God.

Anonymous said...

It's like some pple dont know the meaning and gravity of 'EXPULSION'

Anonymous said...

It's like some pple dont know the meaning and gravity of 'EXPULSION'

Anonymous said...

It's like some pple dont know the meaning and gravity of 'EXPULSION'

Anonymous said...

U r dumb! Make goggle ur Bestie! Analyse and be sure b4 u "correct" olodo!

Anonymous said...

I'm reading through all ur comments and i'm ashamed of some of you! Human beings are difficult to control!! And frm what I've seen here, Nigeria is in trouble! I would advise the affected students to plead for mercy and show remorse and not LIE and give excuses for their wrong! This thing has got nothing to do with religion or pastorial status! This is lawlessness and penalty for it! I studied in a well known private university in London and this is nothing compared to the rules in my school! 1. When the Chacellor or whoever is on d podium is talking, u STFU! 2.U dont loiter when you should be @ a function! 3. How dare u get caught smoking hemp in d hostels of campus?? And many more! The students are beginning to sound like they're challenging the school and that's bad!

Anonymous said...

Naa too much money now nothn to do with d money lol.....

Anonymous said...

My dear anon 7:21pm,the uni is opened to all religion,but however,u must obey their rules and regulations once u agreed to school there and u signed the stated rules and regulations of the school.. This ur point can torougly be argued out in d court of law and I don't think d outcome will favour the student.. My advise is for them to look for a way to beg the schOol authority to pArdon them

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:54pm,na wa for u o.. The Anon doesn't wanna scold,she wanna school the person.. What abt that? Duh!

Flavour said...

this is the first time am posting on this blog.... the only reason am doing so is bcos am a final yr student of covenant uni... thankGod i went for the service tho but the thing is on your matric day, u sign an oath that says you would do and obey all the rules else the school should punish you as stated in the handbook.. they will still call them bak sha but they will waste like 2 years of their lives... its a good school tho...

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