With Anti-Christ tendencies, can Barack Obama be trusted? Written by Femi Fani-Kayode | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday 4 November 2012

With Anti-Christ tendencies, can Barack Obama be trusted? Written by Femi Fani-Kayode

You guys need to read this. Written by Femi Fani-Kayode, a two time former Minister and Special Adviser under the Olusegun Obasanjo government
Why is it that each time Barack Obama is about to submit himself for a Presidential election and seek a mandate from his people there is a raging, monumental, earth-shattering and record-breaking freak of a storm which kills numerous people in America? It happened a few days before his Presidential election in 2008 and it is has just happened again a few days before his Presidential election in 2012. Again why is it that on the first day of the convention of the opposition Republican party, both in 2008 and again this year, yet another violent and dangerous killer storm hit the towns in which the two conventions were held causing them both to be partially disrupted? What is Obama’s relationship with the elemental forces? What is his relationship with God or some lesser deity? What is his source of power and what is his spiritual foundation?
I'm a huge Barack Obama supporter so I kinda find this article shallow. You read it and tell us what you think...See the full article after the cut...

The American Presidential elections will take place in a few days time and frankly some questions still need to be answered. I wish that Governor Mitt Romney had put one of those questions particularly to President Barack Hussein Obama during their last Presidential debate which was on foreign policy. Permit me to put that question here and it is as follows. Why did the President bow so low before Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah four years ago during his first state visit to the Arab Gulf state and why did he feel the need to almost touch his toes with his forehead when he did so. It is a matter of historical record that no American President in the last 200 years has ever bowed so low before any foreign leader, Prime Minister, Head of State, President or monarch. It appears to me to be rather strange that Obama, on his first trip to the Middle East as President of the most powerful country on the planet, should literally prostrate before an Arab King whose country has an abominable record on human rights, civil liberties, the rights of women and religious minorities and where the system of government is a totalitarian and absolute monarchy. Luckily a picture was taken of that celebrated event and that picture really does tell us something about the American President’s mindset. Yet it does not stop there.

On that same trip four years ago, after leaving Saudi Arabia, Obama toured the greater part of the Middle East and Egypt and in speech after speech he apologised to the Arabs for American policy in the Middle East over the previous 50 years. He did this despite the fact that in most of those countries christians,shia muslims and ethnic minorities have no rights at all and even though they have been killed, persecuted and supressed for many decades. Again he did this even though none of those countries were democracies and even though all of them, except for two, have refused to acknowledge the right of the Jewish State of Israel to even exist.This left a bad taste in the mouth of many at the time and the question that came to my mind was whether the ”Hussein” was coming out of the ”Barak Hussein Obama” more than the ”Barak” itself was. Yet whatever anyone may feel about the issue of his touching his toes with his head and his bowing before the Saudi king, as far as I am concerned, President Obama is not what he appears to be. There is far more to him than meets the eye. A couple more questions will suffice to illustrate this point.

Why is it that each time Barak Obama is about to submit himself for a Presidential election and seek a mandate from his people there is a raging, monuemental, earth-shattering and record-breaking freak of a storm which kills numerous people in America? It happened a few days before his Presidential election in 2008 and it is has just happened again a few days before his Presidential election in 2012. Again why is it that on the first day of the convention of the opposition Republican party, both in 2008 and again this year, yet another violent and dangerous killer storm hit the towns in which the two conventions were held causing them both to be partially disrupted? What is Obama’s relationship with the elemental forces? What is his relationship with God or some lesser deity? What is his source of power and what is his spiritual foundation? There is no doubt that he is a powerful orator and that he delivers brilliant speeches that mesmerises his audience. Yet so did Adolf Hitler and we all know what he was. I ask these questions because President Obama has supported every anti-christian and anti-faith policy that the American permissive state has thrown up and endorsed in recent years. The violation and literal denunciation of these religious core values, in my view, betrays the unfolding of an illicit,dark, sinister and subterranean anti-Christ agenda which must be rejected by all true men and women of faith. They must be renounced by every christian, every jew and every muslim and indeed all those that truly espouse the noble values and virtues of any of the three Abrahamic faiths. They must be rejected by all those that believe in the supremacy and efficacy of a monotheic God whose core values and holistic principles and standards are worthy of emulation and of being respected and cherished. There are many examples of these gross violations of our core religious values but permit me to share just four of them with you here. Firstly, President Obama has endorsed a woman’s right to have an abortion and he has publically denounced ”the right to life” of unborn babies. Secondly, he has endorsed same-sex marriages. Thirdly, he has consistently supported homosexuality and the rights of homosexuals and lesbians. And fourthly, and perhaps the most disturbing of all, he has endorsed the right of same-sex couples to adopt and raise children. Quite apart from these four Obama has also endorsed all manner of social perversions and deviant behaviour in the name of humanism, ”new age” liberalism and the permissive American state. No true believer or person of faith can possibly accept such practices, endorse such values and still stand right before God.

To put the cake on the icing let me make one more point. Rev. Jene Robinson, a vocal and practising homosexual, whose ordination as a Bishop split the Anglican Church in America into two, was specially selected by Obama to deliver the invocation of the name of God and prayers at the beginning of the inaugral weekend of his inauguration ceremony as President in 2008. What message was Obama trying to send to America and to the world by insisting on this?

Outside of the area of social and religious values President Obama has also failed in the area of foreign and domestic policy. A few examples will suffice. The unprecedented number of drone attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan which has led to record highs in the number of deaths of innocent muslim civilians, women and children in both countries. The alienation of Pakistan and Afghanistan as key allies in the war against terror. The destabilization of north Africa and the opening of the door for Islamist insurgents in the north African Arab Sahel states and the west African sub-region. The display of weakness and procrastination before Iran and its covert agenda to build a nuclear bomb. The display of double standards in the State of Bahrain and the over-pampering of the Arab Gulf states. The sheer mess that has been created in Syria and the indecision and procrastination of the Obama administration who have abandoned the opposition forces in that country even as thousands of innocent people are being slaughtered by Assad’s brutal regime.The insincerity of purpose and sheer coldness being displayed towards Israel and the indifference to her dangerous and existential plight. The disdain and contempt shown to all people of faith, the evangelical movement, the christian far-right and the vision of the old Pilgrim Fathers that founded the great country that is known as the United States of America.

The removal of the words “God” and “Israel” from the Democratic Party Convention. The disastrous handling of the American economy that has acquired a five trillion dollar deficit in the last four years. The rise of Islamic fundamentalism in Mali and Nigeria due to a shortsighted and reckless policy in Libya. The taking of power by the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the rise in power of Al Shabbab in Somalia and East Africa. The inexplicable refusal to declare Boko Haram (the Islamist terror group that is bombing and killing thousands in northern Nigeria) as a terrorist organisation.The gradual turning of America into a quasi- welfarist state where ”big government” reigns and in which the traditional engine room of growth that is known as the American middle class is being systematically weakened and destroyed. The desecration of the traditional family unit and good old fashioned christian values by the adoption of strange and liberal “new age” practices, values and philosophies. The inability to protect the lives of American diplomats living abroad and the lack of firm reprisals after the killing of the American Ambassador and other Americans by terrorists in Libya. The massive foreign debt that America has acquired in the last four years. The huge quantum of cash that America is is now owing China and so on and so forth.

These are just some of Obama’s disastarous legacies and sadly the mistakes he has made in his foreign policy in north Africa particularly impacts on us directly in Nigeria and in Weet Africa. Let me give you just one example of that. Had it not been for the fall-out of the mess in Libya and the brutal way in which Muammar Ghadaffi, the Libyan leader, was murdered in cold blood one year ago, his Taureg friends and allies in north Africa would not have been inspired and driven to take over northern Mali and create a Taliban-style islamic fundamentalist state there and northern Nigeria would not have been flooded with jihadist footsoldiers and all manner of sophisticated arms and bombing devices for usage by Boko Haram.

With Obama all we see and hear are beautiful and inspirational speeches, a good deal of doublespeak, a failed economic policy and a weak, dangerous and thoroughly uninspiring foreign policy. Worst still all we see in Obama’s African policy is unpredictability, chaos, the appeasement of terrorists and utter confusion. Given this I cannot come to any other conclusion than the fact that President Barrack Hussein Obama cannot be trusted with America or indeed the world for the next four years. In my view he is a very mysterious, strange and complex man and sadly he has proved to be a thoroughly disappointing President. Consequently my prayer is that Governor Mitt Romney defeats him in the Presidential election which will hold Tuesday 6th November. If he does not I fear that the much predicted “beginning of the end” of America as a world economic power may have just begun. With China on the rise, Russia waxing strong, Brazil, India and Japan flexing their muscles and the European Union finally beginning to take shape and find her feet, in the next twenty years the world will be a very different place and America may no longer be “prima inter pares” (the first amongst equals). Only Romney can stop that downward trend. I am aware of the fact that, given Obama’s ancestry, this may not be a popular position to take amongst those of us that are people of colour and that are Africans but nevertheless it is still my position. I may be wrong but at least I have provided some food for thought. God bless America.

Femi Fani-Kayode served as a two time Minister and Special Adviser under the Olusegun Obasanjo government


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Anonymous said...

why has this so called OBAMA! have allowed the devil to use him? I m afraid if the Republican candidate fail to defeat him then every one should ready for the end time, because what he has done, isn't different from what the bible tells us. But if he should have the second chance it meant the devil has started the ruling of the world for the speculated time like what we have heard from the bible. But y an African? I pray that God in his slow steps, he is already in his destination Mr Romney will surely defeat that beast of a monster.

Unknown said...

Shallow article from a shallow minded being.

Anonymous said...

why has this so called OBAMA! have allowed the devil to use him? I m afraid if the Republican candidate fail to defeat him then every one should ready for the end time, because what he has done, isn't different from what the bible tells us. But if he should have the second chance it meant the devil has started the ruling of the world for the speculated time like what we have heard from the bible. But y an African? I pray that God in his slow steps, he is already in his destination Mr Romney will surely defeat that beast of a monster.

Anonymous said...

stupid guy, abeg park well. instead of him to look for solution for his country he is putting mouth in america's matter. literate illiterate. better look for how to make naija better and stop analysing america

Anonymous said...

NigeriaNS and religion... in view of religion i will say,remove the plank in your eyes before you remove the spec in your brothers eyes...religion aside i will say there is a word as coincidence, there is also a word such as opinion... lets understand the difference and know that these words didnt just originate out of nothing...

Anonymous said...

Dumbo.why don't u advise gudluck to fix all d fed roads,phcn, water d list is endless b4 u begin talk crap abt obama's america in naija n spare us all dis grammer.

Anonymous said...

Femi Fani Kayode is part of the problem in Nigeria.I waste no time reading his usually TRIBALLY-INCLINED sentiments. All his ideas are always divisive! Too bad such a bigot was once a Minister of Federal Republic of Nig.
Big crap!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I didnt bother to read his article becos I didnt expect any sensible things coming from his mouth...But reading some of the comments I could imagine what the article was about....
Nigerians sha....the stupid man has not finished removing the log in Nigeria...he is searching for the speck in America....WHO CARES WHAT HE THINKS ABOUT OBAMA/AMERICA? who is asking?....

Anonymous said...

So a two-time minister of the FRN does not see anything to write about Nigeria but has loadddddssss of issue about a country that many oceans away?

who made this man minister?...smh

Anonymous said...

Why won't Nigeria adopt Sharia Law? Because Nigeria is not solely an Islamic country.

America is a mutli religion, culture and all what's not county. It is wrong for someone to impose his or her own belief on other people.
Obama believes in free will and choice.
Who are we to make decisions for adults? Even God that made all things beautiful still gave us the free will to make a choice.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Fani-Kayode please concentrate on your country. Charity they say begins @ home. i am more than surprised that you will be talking about obama and America when Nigeria is gradually going down the drain. Please job for Mr. Fani-Kayode!!!

Anonymous said...

Ths guy is just a monumental idiot, little wonder the obasanjo regime saw no good. I dont even believe my eyes dt u cud actually put pen to paper and jst make some stupid, shallow and dumb analysis. Mehn, nd to think its ur type dts ruling nigeria, i so wish i cud decorate ur face wit 2 dirty slaps. ODE NLA!!!

veeon said...

Wth, to be honest, just like other auhors there is claim of OBama being "Anti christ" which i Doubt, however it is essential to do your research. But still this femi wetin after stealing allllllllll the money you are coming here to chat shit, since you are so knowledgeable wh didnt you use that knowledge to improve the sector you worked in/were in chrage of? Olodo ode. Cow. Maga

Unknown said...

Really Femi that's kinda deep but all the same leave the Americans alone, let's face our country.

MY TURN said...

Its Femi Fani Kayode waste of time that's like 20mins of my life i won't get back.

Anonymous said...

For starters, Femi Kayode is functional illiterate and very debased in character and miopic in thinking. WHo is he trying to impress, I guess he's trying to score a cheap one by impressing some Nigerians on his knowledge of foreign affairs of lack thereof.

All the examples he gave of Barrack are so off the chain that they do not merit responding to. But I will touch off on onen or two: His greeting of the Saudi Monarch during his visit out there; There is nothing wrong in his gesture to the older and revered King of Saudi. It shows his humility. Phillipians 2:5-11 admonishes you to be humble even though you might be equal to the task at hand, and that is one of the characters if not all Nigerian Politicians lack. They get into the position and they are challenging God. That's what Barrack has going for him.

Two, his apologising to the Arabs during his maiden trip Egypt on behalf of America and American. Femi, what I would tell you is that if you know the atrocities white folks have commited on other non-anglosaxon races you woud start to appreciate what he did. I leaved in the United for 30 years and I know the white man and how they can tort on you knowing that you cannot do anything about it. They make you feel like shit even the ones you know that are morons.

That unfounded air of superiority is what Barrack was trying to demystify.

Regarding the drone attacks in Afganistan or Pakistan, that is a matter of National Security if you can follow my point of argument you moronic Femi. Do you know how many American soldiers that have been killed, maimed and tortured by them crazy aorry ass Al Qaida and their sympathizers in the middle east. The only way to avoid puting American men and women in harms way to expand the drone warfare instituted by Bush 2 (GW) not to confuse your idiosity.

As regards the natural phenomena that have happened coincidentally during his two time presidential campaigning or bidding for the presidency, you are so shallow and mentally debased that you do not understand the concept of they call global warming and consequences therefrom. It is the same period that the campaignings are being done and it is not Barrack's fault that the cold winds from Canada got entangled with the hot storm already forming from the ATlantic. This is the simplest terms I can explain this to you OBJ boy for you to understand.

So to make such a policy statement about his AntiChrist composition is really very troubling. You mentioned his failed ecenomic policy, am not sure what your discipline is but the bad ecoomic condition that Barrack inherited is unprecedented in the History of America and the only worse period that that condition is the Great Depression. And America would have ended in the situation as teh Great Depression if not for Barrack's geniuse and his enguinity. Look at what happened in Europe, Asia and other places and all you can do is to appreciate Barrack's smartness.

You need to commend this smart, God sent geniuse called Barrack. But for this guy, the world in general would have been in deep shit.

He has turned things around, theh foundation is set for the economy to start getting better, therefore, he deserves to win another mandate and complete the job and duly get commended for the job welll done.

Femi, I dont know you from Adam but you are so inconsequencial and a so stupid in your though process that I have come to the conclusion that whatever you were during OBJ's regime was not by merit as it is most of the time in Nigeria but not in all cases. GO DIE.

Anonymous said...

Buh people wait o.... this femi fani kayode is soo fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Anonymous said...

Fani- Kayode, I hereby award you a BSC in Ignorance, Masters in Superstition and PHD in Incompetence which you amply exhibited as a two time minister.
Ignorance, Superstition and Incompetence are the only qualification that you and many of your cohorts in the Nigerian corridors of power possess that is why you have ran our country aground while your pocket smells of stolen wealth. from you analyses your only quarrel with Obama is that he is rational and human in his approach. you would have preferred him to start at least two wars plus the the other two in Iraq and Afghanistan which are presently being fund by borrowed money. I see you never mentioned the name of Osama Bin Ladin, you did not even have the courtesy of analyzing the difference between the policy of Bush and that of Mitt Romney which plunged the world into the worst economic crisis in recent history

Anonymous said...

Life is Spiritual...

Seperating the message from the messenger is now Rocket Science!

In 2008, the Al'Queda, the Vatican, the society of skulls & bones, the free masons, the illuminati, and many other Christian groups supported this man Baracka Hussein Obama!

I feel the writing is on the wall anyway.

Anonymous said...

Obama is an Ass!

Anonymous said...

please make sure you take your medication next time before writing, we can perdone u for now, u are out of touch with realities

Truth Teller said...

You can all air your views without being so insulting weather or not you believe him. Why are Nigerians usually so bitter???

Anonymous said...

charcoal calling kettle black, this man has no right whatsoever to comment or write such rubbish, which day him begin go church na

P.E said...

Obama is fulfilling scripture, I've always said that read the book of Revelation and see for yourself, all what is happening today is written, this man may not have even gotten this insight from his normal sensory perception, it could have been divinely inspired. And I agree with him in us trying to understand certain things rather than following the crowd*inmyownwords*.

Anonymous said...

idiot this is storm season. olodo this are the kind of people advising our head of states, no wonder naija is the way it is

Anonymous said...

Seriously? Geez too many stupid people in this world

Anonymous said...

This man just displayed his ignorance to the world, storms happen every year. How come he didn't blame it on the person actually in power, he blames it on the person running.. freaking moron. If storms were to happen because of evil men, Nigeria should be buried under water by now

Anonymous said...

Please what was revealed to you? You know you're not the only one that lives in America that visits this blog right? So that exclusive info you have because you live in the US I'll really love to hear

Anonymous said...

This is not an insult? Blaming all the evil of the world on one man is not an insult?

Anonymous said...

Providing health care to millions of people is anti-christ? Creating programs to help families get out of the depression is anti-christ? Ppl just tend to pick their sins and judge people

Jay O said...

Femi Fani-Kayode, 1st of all, you no get blue pali, and if you had spent this much time doing your job as minister, maybe the Nigerian aviation industry wont be in shambles. Infact we should blame you for all the plane crashes!

Anonymous said...

The guy said loads of crap,but he also made some good poinst.and he comes across as an 'i too know kinda guy'.just ur typical samartass idiot hybrid

Anonymous said...

Femi! Seriously???? Do we need Obama to label Boko Haram a terrorist group? like he gives a ratass! what's more pathetic is the fact you speak of his anti-christ tendencies and yet there are no references to any religious books you spotted the pattern like i'm supposed to know what the hell you are yapping about. You know what Femi? write an extensive article like this one again but this time, write about Nigeria. You can also answer a few questions like why do we still spend more on generators and why the f**k does PHCN still exist?

In future.... it's West Africa baby! and most certainly not Weet Africa.

Anonymous said...

Wow I can't believe some of des responses r der any Christians in dis world anymore who understand the times. As much as I loved obama I was even his loudest supporter among my peers and no matter who fani kayode is nd wat he has done God Cld speak thru anybody even an ass!pple ders truth in his words Obama lost me wen he gave in to d whole gay (LGBTQ) rights especially deir rite to adopt. Nd u r wrong if you say America's choice today does not affect Nigeria d world is nw a global community with America as d 'head' somewhat deir decision affects d whole world. Wat I find ridiculous is fani's allusion to d storm dat ravaged America last week dat is shallow but wit everytin else he is on to something. Say wat you like but America was founded on biblical principles even d baddest of obamas predecessors dint dare touch dat nw hes taking out God's name from stuff dats very suspect and really he has made a hot mess of things..esp America's economy and dat affects Nigeria I don't know bat Romney he's a Mormon I don't knw wat dat wld imply.its pretty much btw a rock and a hard place if you ask me...God help us all

Osbalt said...

Nigerians are known to have shallow minds but I thank God mine is not as shallow as the rest. Been reading some comments about this article, I actually saw wise comments but i know some naija mates will always have some elements of illiteracy attached to their skull. All of you fools that claim to be obama fan, how can a normal human being legalize same sex marriage?, abortion?, homosexuality? And funniest part is you all know he did all this things but because your stupidity has really grown into a tumor in your skull, y'll can't think straight anymore. I aint any fan of anybody and I aint gat time to be supporting somebody that doesn't even know I exist. Naija peeps that posted some nice comments, I thank God for your life. But the shallow minded freaks that doesn't believe FKK? I pity una.. Me no be FKK fan and I don't even give a damn about him. All I know is, What you can see and still can't believe it? M surprised. I hail everyone sha.. Obama sha like to dey sweet talk una, giving stupid excuses for gay marriages and shits... I tire for una wey no get eye to see... Abi una no dey hear news? *smh* make we be fan of ourselves and of Naija, not fan of USA (wey yu no sabi dia root) or Obama (wey no be your mama born am) mtcheeeeeeeew

Anonymous said...

What a bufoon of a former minister !
Why does the fool think Obama needs to declare Boko Haram a terrorist group before Nigeria can deal with them? Its not Obama's problem if Migeria cant control her internal extremists! Its a shame that he is not sure if he is a christian evangelist or a moral crusader as h seems to oppose evrything under the sun. Pls. wake up, America is not a Christian State, it is Secular !

Anonymous said...

wow, this is how shallow this man (Fani Kayode)mind is.....i find it funny he was a minister in nigeria. If he reason like that then he's exposure and civility must be so low. I dont think i can converse with his kind of mind because he might rub on stupidity on me.

Anonymous said...

This article should be given the treatment it desrves- Its simply shallow nonsense!

Anonymous said...

I don't know much about weather, but I 'm thinking that since its usually the same period of the year that this election thing takes place its only a norm for the same thing that happened by that time to repeat itself. especially for a country like us that has a long record of natural disasters. And i don't think you should take the Nigerian Mentality of always blaming every mishap on the leaders to the US.#ustsaying# I really think we are in the beginning of the end of time. Everyone should be more concerned about getting their ways straight for the second coming of the son of man. Repent, Haven and hell is real.



mhonill said...

Brethen, let's be wise. I won't say more than that.
And by the way, nice article.

Anonymous said...

As i read this i can only advice everyone to be careful and be more watchful cos the days are very evil.This man Femi has only spoken his piece who knows He may just be another Noah.THINK!

Anonymous said...

u should not av even acknowledged him by posting his jobless rants. now we av to comment on this attention seeking egomaniac. oh boy.....Nigerians i hail una

Unknown said...

Sorry to sound rude. Who is this fool talking of anti Christ ...
Why are we Christians so hypocritical.Always the first and the last to pass judgment ....that man is an Anti Christ ,he is a sinner, murder.......What are you? Why do we see the bad in others rather than ourselves.Even when we are full of shit

Anonymous said...

It is a shame that Nigerians like FFK who are ignorant are allowed to speak in public. For those who do not know. Hurricane Katrina is still the worst flood in American history and Obama was not president. There is something called hurricane season!!!! And it occurs around the same time every year. This has nothing to do with who is in power and what their religious beliefs are.There is a separation of church and state in the United States. Regardless of your christian or muslim beliefs, you cannot impose laws based on them. You have to be open minded and do what is best for the masses and not any particular individual or group. So things like abortion are not entirely under his control and do not necessarily reflect his personal beliefs. Let us remember that congress and the senate have to vote on these bills before they are approved. Nigerians in Nigeria should mind Nigerian affairs and worry about the lack of electricity and jobs int he country. Stop pointing fingers at Obama or Romney or whoever for being anti-christ. some of you have had abortions, gone to babalawo's, stolen, defrauded and done all manner of evils so I guess you are also the anti-christ then. Let us separate morals and emotions from leadership and governance of a nation

krystalkameleon said...

This guy is clearly confused. How can you be condemning Barack as Muslim and then condemn him at the same time for drone strikes in muslim countries? Can he be muslim and be anti his own people? Ridiculous

DamocheDxb said...

With all due respect sir, this is nothing but a bunch of Malarkey. Copying and pasting from Obama critic website doesnt make you look smart.

Anonymous said...

Coming from someone very irrelevant, why waste space on this??? Rather listen to Tonto's songs than read this rubbish...

Anonymous said...

Abia state governor, Chief TA Orji has congratulated the American president Barrack Obama over his re-election.

The governor in a statement by his chief press secretary, Ugochukwu Emezue said that Obama's re-election is a manifestation of the confidence Americans repose in him.
According to the governor, president Barrack Obama who has an African background, in his first term did his best in-spite of the challenges he encountered.Now that he has started his second term, the governor urged all Americans to give him maximum support so that he can achieve much in those areas he could not make serious break-through during his first tenure.

Chief Theodore Orji enjoined the American president to continue to support the president of Nigeria, president Jonathan whom he is having solid relationship with.
The Abia state helmsman maintained that Nigeria being the giant of Africa, needs the support of America to continue to play its leading and unifying role in Africa.

Chief Orji who also commended Mitt Romney for conceding defeat to Obama urged America to continue to play its leading and unifying role in Africa.
He said there is a lot of lessons to learn from such development especially for the third world countries where politicians hardly accept defeat.
Chief Orji applauded the electoral body for conducting free and fair polls, prayed God to grant Obama and his cabinet the wisdom and knowledge to lead the nation which is regarded as a world power.

Anonymous said...

May the Lord help us all. Only God knows what is true and what is false. My prayer is that God will uphold America and Nigeria. Calling each others name will not resolve issues.

Anonymous said...

you are a stupid blogger

Anonymous said...


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