"It was in Chicago last year summer when he told me his very close friend was throwing a party for Essence Magazine. Because he's a fashion buff, he took me shopping for clothes a day before the party. I noticed he was very excited that day as he was selecting lots of beautiful outfits and I teased him about the event being so important to him. He told me he wanted me to be the most beautiful lady at the party.
The next day which was supposed to be his friend's party, he said we should go to a restaurant to eat first before going the party.
He took me to this very classy restaurant, the best in Chicago; and I thought 'wow', this is really different. It wasn't that we don't hang out in fine restaurants, but this restaurant was different, the finest we've ever been."
They ordered a meal and Dakore decided to take desert also, but instead, the waiter came along with another trolley and she turned to him to say they didn't order those. She later realized that was the cue for Olumide's magic moment.
"Then the light dimmed and he went on his knees. At that moment, the waiter opened the cover of his trolley and inside it was a beautiful red box. Then Olumide said, 'You know, we've been dating for a while...'
At this point, Dakore couldn't really hear the rest of his words because her head began to reel with overwhelming emotion. "Then he opened the box and all I did was cry' Dakore remembers "This time everybody in the restaurant gathered round, and Olumide's focus was on me, still waiting for my response. Then the YES just popped out of my mouth. The ring is the best money can buy and it is very beautiful. After the restaurant, I was so excited to go for the party. But when we got there, I found it was also a surprise party with a beautiful cake from all our friends."
Culled from Genevieve Magazine.
I really hope he ends up marrying this girl o. She has just completely spoiled her market over the years. She's no longer Dakore Egbuson, she's now Dakore, the actress that's dating Harry Akande's son. Everyone knows why their union has taken so long to formalize, and this cover will only add fuel to an already burning hot fire... o ga o! I no fit shout
Nice one. Congrats!
i like dakore but why did she have to say "essence magazine" (yes we kno olumide has connections)..she shud have been more discrete with answering some of her questions but i do think the wedding will happen now. everything is set.
awwww! dats so beautiful! lovely proposal. u are damn lucky, girl.
awwwww, makes me all gooey inside. Being in love is the best feeling :D!
We are tired of the engagement stories and tales jarey. When is the wedding? Abi, the guy don change his mind?
Finally! Good luck to them and i hope Lu keeps his zippers up!!
Romantic lol,happy for her and thank God she found someone that ain't white.
Nigerians like to pose ooo. Are you sure it was the best restaurant in LA? Abi na Burger King. Why you no tell us the name make we google am. And which kind restaurant will dim the light for you to propose? What of the other "higher" profile stars eating there? Posers!!!!
Somebody has been watching too many romantic movies or reading too much romantic novels. I think that is a page off one M&B I read a couple of years ago. I know you want it to be romantic but... GET REAL!!!!!!!!!!
As i'm reading these hateful comments all i have to say is that there's a lot of cynicism and hate being directed towards this woman. I almost sense there is some jealousy. Why can't people just be happy for her! Don't beef ladies your turn will come!
Congrats Dakore!!!!
Why are people such haters....Get a life and be happy for her jare
Congrats to Dakore and Olumide..I actually met them once in LA shopping and they seemed really into each other, quite humble too especially Dakore. I wish them both the very best.
Pardon my ignorance o people...... but who are they? Don't mean to be rude, but really i don't know these people, never even heard there names before! Please someone hint me abeg.....thanks!!!!
When will my own sweep me off my feet oooo? I want frog-kissing off my diet.
I like Dakore a lot but I cringe whenever I read these interviews. I wish her the best and I wish she could have waited until after the wedding to give the interview.
I hear all is set for the wedding this december but I feel like the less she talks, the more respect she goes into this marriage with.
I'm not a fan of crying over proposals - it's almost too much like a cry of relief. Why don't the men cry too? Yet women cry like oh my God oh my God.
In her case, I guess she cried in relief. The guy has put her on "is coming" for too long jare. It's like the Akande family feel like they're doing her a favor and she was finally grateful for their generosity.
All the best Dakore. Pop those babies as fast as you can. Twins if you can LOL. Love your man but don't wrap up your life in him.
congratulations to the duo.
@anon 6.23, sorry darl. but no one will give you any hint, you probably dont know Angelina jolie too.
I beg call me hater..bring it on..what's all this fairy tale ish..haba we like to show off too much must be some sort of inadequacy innate in some of us...bet she's expecting a hollywood style wedding..can imagine her throwing a right strop..if she doesn't get her way..she needs to chill..get married..enuff women out there with lifetime engagements..and this is where we get our priorities wrong too much emphasis on the engagement and wedding ceremonies..not on what really matters the RELATIONSHIP!!..
Dakore I’m sure does not care what we think and how we feel. I personally don’t care if the marriage happens or not as she’s the one in it and not me. I couldn’t help wondering though what she is bringing to the table. She hasn’t been working to make her own money busy spending the dad’s money because what exactly does the son do? I couldn’t help but wonder that this is all a financial gain for her. Yes nothing is wrong if you want to be financially comfortable but while you’re at it build something for yourself because if you fail and fall, this fall will be mighty hard.
The only reason she posed with her shoes up is because she wants us to see that she’s wearing Louboutin. They have been engaged for some time and in the same breath he only proposed last summer. I don’t blame his family to have their doubts as a mother I will too because everything you’re saying and doing shows you’re living off him. Do you own thing both educationally and independently. Saying things like “The ring is the best money can buy”….again…money. Girl pray because the way you are going, this marriage….
wetin we no go read for this blog? kai!!! is there a day Linda would post smthg that pple wont run their mouths?????? all these negative comments r not necessary and most times aid in killing good things before they even begin. even if u feel bad that certain situations were nt in ur favour, kindly shut ur mouth and move over to the next story. m sure Nicole Chukwueke hasnt gotten over the bad comments posted abt her.
She has waited for so long so she deserves a fairytale proposal! Dakore Akande, I claim it for you in Jesus' name.
...and so what if she shows us she's wearing Lubbies on her feet? Because u cant get one does not mean others shouldnt wear thiers with pride.
Hmn! i just taya for a lot of naija's oh! attitude and a lot of inferriority complex.Abeg leave the girl make she enjoy her life.
...and so what if she shows us she's wearing Lubbies on her feet? Because u cant get one does not mean others shouldnt wear thiers with pride.
Hmn! i just taya for a lot of naija's oh! attitude and a lot of inferriority complex.Abeg leave the girl make she enjoy her life.
Annonymous 8:59pm LMao...you are one el cheapo razz chickito to think Christian Louboutins are a biggie. I am not dating Olu Akande nor is my dad Olu Akande yet i own 4 pairs of Louboutins (amongst other shoes) and i paid for them. they all dont even add up to $5000my point being you dont have to be a millionare to rock Louboutin...any hardworking chic can,
Pple need to remember that not every shoe with a red sole is a louboutin. (I'm not saying hers isn't though)
Dakore is a beautiful woman,I wish her the best in her marriage. That being said,since I don't want to say what's on my mind with regards to the interview,lemme just say- yayyyyyyyy,first to comment! *picksrace*
Dakore is one of the most beautiful nollywood actresses. She is more beautiful than genny and very classy too. Wishes her the best.
Dakore is one of the most beautiful nollywood actresses. She is more beautiful than genny and very classy too. Wishes her the best.
I usually don't comment on this blog but I couldn't help myself on this one.
I totally hate it when people say a woman is marrying a man for his money. This man is an adult and a rope wasn't thrown around his neck to drag him to stay with her. Whether we like it or not, the relationship is symbiotic. He proposed to her and not her to him so there's clearly something she's putting on the table that he wants to stay his table forever. Or did she skip the part where she put a gun to his head to propose? I thought so too.
Also, what is wrong with leveraging on your father's wealth? Whether we like it or not, some people are born with greatness thrust upon them while some of us have to earn it from scratch. Truth be told it's always easier when you have that little push with your family name to give you an easier start and then with hard work and diligence you make as much money if not more money than your father.
On the interview, I think she should have kept mute on the details but then again, they've been dating for so long and she is elated that he finally proposed. So if it makes her happy please let's all be happy for her too.
There, I said it. Phew!!
Congratulations girl!!!I am so happy for you
Narcissism..Napoleonic Complex..has been known to be a form of inadequacy..quite inherent in 9ja celebs and US money miss road Hip Hop artists...remember some of the garish homes in MTV Cribs..almost all repossesed!!..Fur coats and Bling!!....
People might say bad belle ..don't think so tho..just sounds tacky..a tad juvenile..obviously trying to outdo or impress her Nollywood pals who probs have been bitchin.g behind her back..notice she has been ostracized from that lot lately..
TIS NICE TO HAVE SOMEONE YOU LOVE AND LOVE YOU (AND I CAN TESTIFY) - SO STOP HATING ON DAKORE and saying she is marrying for money. nonsense talk.
If you dont have anyting nice to say to Dakore or wish her well - then shut up
people are really amusing. just imagine the hypocritical anonymous commenter @ December 22, 2010 4:02 AM announcing to us how many pairs of louboutins she owns just to try and prove a point. SMH at u girl.
Linda, i dont think you are being fair by not giving the complete interview. Dakore and Olumide are already married. They had a quiet wedding ceremony. Please keep people well informed next time and dont leave important parts of the story out.
Linda, i dont think you are being fair by not giving the complete interview. Dakore and Olumide are already married. They had a quiet wedding ceremony. Please keep people well informed next time and dont leave important parts of the story out.
I am very happy for her... she deserves it!!!
E don reach 3yrs way we don dey hear this gist abeg make una do marry so that pipo go get peace
He's a keeper. It takes a special man to put that much thought into a proposal. Wishing them the best!
We have been hearing about this for far too long please both of you get this done quickly and let us move on to the next couple haba!!!!
ha! at last!..congratulation ooo.
na wa oh..isnt it IL??this one that im seeing LA by some pple is baffling me oh....haters,biko nu,free the babe! it don finally happen.
It's all good.
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