A 16-year-old boy (name withheld, pictured above) defiled a nine-year-old school girl, who was on her way home from school in company with her friends at Adekile area of Ibadan, Oyo State.
That fateful Friday, Victoria, and two other friends, Mariam and Rukayat, dropped their school bags on their playing field as they played a ‘hide and seek’ game.
The children were enjoying their game until the suspect came like a wolf to attack them. But his approach did not suggest that he contemplated any evil. He took the girls’ bags and left for the mission house, where he lives with his mother and elder brother.
Since he was home alone, he was able to hatch his plan without any hindrance. The girls ran down to the suspect’s house, asking for their bags. The youngster insisted that one of them must come into the room to collect the bags.
But the girls would not play along easily. They insisted that he should bring out their bags so that they could go home. As the plea degenerated into confusion, the boy released two bags. But he still held Victoria’s bag.
The hapless young girl begged and prayed, but his assailant would not let go. She pleaded that her parents would be mad at her if she got home late, but all the pleas fell on the suspect’s deaf ears. At last, she obliged and went into the room with him.
It was already too late before help came her way. The desperate boy had his way as the girl struggled and writhed in pain. She was drenched with blood. As she walked out of the mission house sobbing, a woman walked up to her. She recounted her story to the woman with tears rolling down her cheeks. The woman eventually took her home and broke the sad news to her parents.
Nothing could console the poor girl and her family. They reported the case at the Agugu Police Station and the suspect was arrested. He was later transferred to the State Criminal Investigation Department, Iyaganku, Ibadan, for further interrogation.
The doctor’s report indicated that the victim suffered some lacerations on her private part and her hymen was broken. The report reads, “Patient brought in by her parents. Hymen just broken – newly bleeding. There are areas of abrasions. She appeared dusty and anxious. Sticky substance found around her private part.”
The boy confessed that he lured the girl into the room in order to rape her. He, however, said he could not penetrate the minor and therefore, ejaculated on her waist. He said, “It was the work of the devil; the devil used me.”
Source: The Punch Newspaper
what on earth is going on!..I work in a radio station in the F.C.T n i must confess dt most of us don't talk bout issues kyk dis,it's all bout glam n cam,mostly entertainment...young girls in naija r being traumatised 4 life n there is silence evrywhere...it hurts cz i've got nieces n I wuld die if stuff lyk dis happens to them.The faces of these demons in human form shuld b put in public places,schools,fastfood joints,naija websites.I culd go on n on.I decided to start talking bout it after I heard bout a case lyk dis in Benue State..a case of a 65yr old man who raped a 9yr old in 2002 was released n committed d same offence dis yr.WE NEED TO START MAKING SERIOUS NOISE ABOUT THIS ISSUE.LINDA WELLDONE!
word! i agree with anon
I don't know if anyone's specially dedicated to this issue of sexual abuse, both young females (especially the underpriviledged ones) and older ones.
I hope there is, I suspect there is.
I mean,i can't imagine the trauma this young girl must be going through.
May God give her and her family peace!
Yes..the problem with 9ja is everything has to do with class and background..as long as some big man's daughter hasn't been raped-abused-molested there would be no national outcry..
Yep @anon..u right..it's because most of this girls are underprivileged..but does it make them less human?..are they not fellow Nigerians?..
Though I must admit some of the national dailies do carry the news...but not enough
They should start to name and shame this bastards..
And well done Linda..in your own little way directing attention to this very demeaning act..it has to get out..just like the women that were and still being raped at will in Congo..
I really do hope he gets sent to prison and serve for at least 50 years. This is just sick. People like him need to be isolated from the rest of society.
this is very sad! I dont even know what to say!
And another one. Sigh. Smcheew.
It's like there's something in the water that is making people lose their mind. Why would you want to rape a 9 year old girl? And you're just 16? Kai.....
To me honest... thats what makes me hate that country sometimes.. there are no laws protecting people. Rape is always seen as the devils work... yeah right!
well if anyone comes near any lil child and i happen to know about it, i will poison him with cynaide... laced with enough rat poison. stupid animal.
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